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Geological hazards of the existing Manila Bay reclamation project.

1. The Unsustainable Truth about Lan Reclamation: The Worsening Impacts of Manila Bay

Author: Don Johnson Lontoc


Abstract: Manila Bay, a coastal megacity in the Philippines, is facing alarming

socio-environmental consequences due to its massive reclamation project over the last
40 years. The project aims to extend the land resource in the city, providing increased
business opportunities, local jobs, and government revenues. However, these projects
have faced opposition from various civic, religious, and environmental groups, who claim
they are not considering the environment. Protesters argue that these projects prioritize
revenue over social and environmental protection, and that the public sector is less
influential in land development than the private sector. The reclamation projects are also
contributing to the rise of water levels on the bay, causing flooding and storm surges,
which negatively affect residents' lives and local economic activities. A civic group
representative argues that these projects will not serve the best interests of the people
and are detrimental to the environment, especially those living along the coast.

2. Geologist warns of hazards of living in reclaimed areas

Author: Jane Bautista


Abstract: The article dicusses the opinions of an expert in geology and environmental
science on those who planning to purchase reclaimed land, including on any of the
multibillion-peso reclamation projects in Manila Bay, to be wary of the dangers that might
come with their investment, such as land subsidence, storm surges, and tsunamis.

3. Manila Bay: The Environmental Impact of Land Reclamation

Author: Denise Ramos


Abstract: This article discusses the contradictory shifts between the reclamation and
rehabilitation of Manila Bay.

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