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Gender issues are very broad. Everyone living in this world has their own story about gender
issues, specifically in terms of "equality, equity, and justice."
We still experience or observe such gender issues in this day and age. Even though we have
democracy and independence, we still feel reluctance to do such things because society and the people
regard such responsibility or work as belonging to a specific gender.  For example, a female applicant
might be interested in working for an IT firm. She would only have a lower chance of getting the job
because the company believed men were far more knowledgeable or experts in this field. But, if we
look carefully and without bias, we can see that everyone has the opportunity and skills for such a job.
Everyone knows how to learn such things and skills; it may take time or even days, but practice
makes perfect. Because experience is the best teacher, why judge someone based on their gender? If
everyone can learn such things in practice?
I have many realizations right after listening to the webinar. This is a very detailed, timely issue
that must be addressed and noticed by everyone. The most important thing that I have realized is
about being morally awake about gender issues. The will to act on or address such an issue, the
knowledge gained from the topic that is very relevant and useful in terms of sharing it with everyone
in our community so that they will be aware of it and "open their eyes" to such an issue that is
observed in our community.
To address gender issues, we must be gender sensitive, responsive, and listeners to everyone we
meet. We must be aware of our boundaries and respect everyone, regardless of gender. We should be
open-minded and not limit our thoughts to what we believe to be best for us, because we never know
if what we believe to be best for us is actually the worst thing for someone else. We should listen
before we speak and think before we act, we must be sensitive about one’s race, beliefs, culture,
traditions, languages, attitudes, etc. Open up understanding and consideration of actors and factors
that shape gender dynamics, discrimination, its root causes and manifestations. In such a way, we
would have effective communication or interaction with others without reluctance because of gender.
As what stated in the webinar, “A development for all…. A life where one is able to do and to be.

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