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In the Philippines, the modernization and phase-out of PUVs had been a

contentious topic. Because of the Department of Transportation’s sudden implementation

of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program in July 2017, worries were

expressed by the drivers, operators, and commuters. Many people were affected as they

considered how it would influence them, for better or worse. The government suggested

switching out the outdated jeepneys for a more contemporary model of the same kind of

transportation. To further provide convenience as a service to the commuters, new

facilities including air conditioning, cashless payment transactions, and adjustments to its

overall build and appearance were added. This initiative attempts to enhance the existing

state of transportation in the Philippines while also adjusting to technological

improvements. Not only will modernizing the transportation industry make it simpler for

the general public to travel, but it will also assist to reduce traffic. 

The Jeepney, the most common type of public transportation in the Philippines, is

a truck the size of a minibus that has been modified to have a driver's cabin at the front

and two long parallel benches at the back. Jeepneys are driven by private owners as a

cheap way for large numbers of people to commute, although not being operated as

public transportation by the governments. Jeepneys were initially constructed from

vehicles that American troops had left behind during World War II; however, modern

jeepneys have smaller original designs due to manufacturers' efforts to adapt design and

utilities to fit regulating norms and regulations for transportation. (TATA MOTORS,


Jeepneys are backyard-built cars with frames that are frequently 50 to 70 years old and

engines that are more than 15 years old, and they may hold 12-32 passengers. Jeepneys

are cultural icons of resourcefulness that were originally reused from the army Jeeps

abandoned after World War II. (Insight Guides, n.d.)

As of today, there are five categories of jeepneys according to Tata Motors Ph.

First we have the first generation jeepneys which are the vehicles that have been modified

from an old jeep, truck, or pickup using the same older engines and fitted with seats and

other necessities so that it can be used for public transportation. We also have the second

generation jeepneys, these are constructed from used pickup trucks and jeeps but have

rebuilt engines installed for improved performance and dependability. Modern amenities

like air conditioning, updated seating, and central locking for safety are included in this

generation of jeepney. Next we have the third generation jeepneys which are known for

their totally new engines which offer better amenities in terms of engines that comply

with the government standards. The fourth classification of jeepneys are the modern

jeepneys. These jeepneys are the same with the third generation jeepneys but with more

compliance to the additional government norms and standards in terms of safety and

technology. Some of these have the feature of cashless transaction, Wi-Fi, and GPS.

Lastly, the e-jeepneys or the electronic jeepneys. Due to the high cost of electricity, these

electronic jeepneys have not yet gained the full acceptance from the masses although they

promote a healthy environment, and play a role in solving greenhouse gas emissions and

rising diesel prices in the Philippines. (Meiners, 2016)


In terms of public transport, the jeepney is unique to the Philippines. It is proudly

a Filipino invention. Considering its past, it has also evolved into a representation of the

resilient, inventive, and upbeat Filipino character. In other words, it is a Filipino pride

and played a crucial role in making these jeepneys a cultural symbol of the Philippines.

The said well-known automaker produced jeepneys that were exported abroad and

showcased as a Philippine symbol in travel fairs in places like New York and London.

Movements were also being taken out at home in the Philippines to promote the jeepney

as a Filipino emblem. Today, jeepneys are shown not just on the country's streets but also

on the shelves of gift shops in miniature. (Escalona, 2017)

Over the past decades and as the day progresses, there have been a lot of debates

and discussions about replacing these old jeepneys with far more effective public

transportation. Jeepneys still exist although we saw jeepney production decline in the

early 2000s. This cultural icon has endured nearly 70 years of national adversity, progress

and change, proving its perseverance as the King of the Road through the most difficult

trials. (Escalona, 2017)

These jeepneys are now ancient and out of date. According to several studies,

these corroded and outdated jeepneys are one of the main reasons for accidents and

congested roads. Compared to other PUVs, commuters often turn to these jeepneys as a

more affordable alternative means of transportation. According to the LTFRB website,

“The Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) is the government’s

response to address both the aggravating transport related problems and the future

transportation demand of the country. On 19 June 2017, the Department of

Transportation (DOTr) issued Department Order No. 2017-011, otherwise known as the

Omnibus Guidelines on the Planning and Identification of Public Road Transportation

Services and Franchise Issuance or the Omnibus Franchising Guidelines (OFG), which

launched the PUVMP. The program aims to fundamentally transform the public transport

system in the country making both commuting and public transportation operations more

dignified, humane, and on par with global standards. The program also aims to give a

comfortable life for all Filipinos through providing a safer, more efficient, reliable,

convenient, affordable, climate-friendly, and environmentally sustainable transportation

system in the country.” (Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board, n.d.)

The PUVMP is more than just a program for updating vehicles. It is a thorough

system reform that will fundamentally alter the public transportation sector. It includes a

regulatory reform and establishes new rules for the grant of franchises for public

transportation services that operate on roads. Since local government units are more

knowledgeable about the topography and passenger demand within their own territorial

jurisdictions, it transferred the task of route planning to them. To open PUV franchises in

their jurisdiction, LGUs must first submit their own Local Public Transport Plan

(LPTRP), as required by the program. (Mariano, 2021)

The modern PUV is built to be environmentally friendly, secure, safe, and

convenient for our passengers who have disabilities (PWDs). The PUVMP promotes

cooperatives and businesses as well as industry consolidation, which is the strategic

joining of smaller participants in the transport sector to form a consortium. Additionally,

the PUVMP establishes a Vehicle Useful Life Program, which includes regulations and

initiatives that address various phases of the vehicle's useful life. Land Transportation

Franchising and Regulatory Board, n.d.)


           Public transportation has the potential to play a key role in a more environmentally

friendly transportation system, but it currently does not meet the necessary requirements.

In the Philippines, jeepneys dominate the outmoded, frequently small-scale road-based

public transportation infrastructure, which is extremely fragmented. The primary

objective of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) is to create a

structured, high-quality public transportation system that encourages continuing fleet

renewal, a shift to vehicles with greater capacity, increased operational effectiveness, and

better service levels. (Mariano, 2021)

The executive branch of the government has designated the DOTR as its primary

policy, planning, programming, coordinating, implementing, and administrative body

with regard to transportation-related matters. The LTFRB, on the other hand, is a DOTr-

affiliated organization that was established to administer, enforce, and monitor adherence

to the laws, policies, and regulations governing the provision of public land transportation

services. (Department of Transportation, 2020)

The Senate Bill passed regarding the Public Ulitity Program in the Philippines are

Senate Bill No. 2414 authored by Miguel Zubiri, is an act institutionalizing the Public

Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) and for other purposes and Senate Bill

No. 861 is an act providing for just and humane Public Utility Vehicle (PUV)

Modernization Program, with a transitory assistance and services rendered to PUV

drivers, operators, and stakeholders, appropriating funds therefor, and other purposes.

             Gubat, officially known as the Municipality of Gubat—is a second-class

municipality. On the island of Luzon, the municipal center of Gubat is located roughly at

12° 55' North and 124° 7' East. According to the distance, Sorsogon City, Sorsogon,

Legazpi, Albay, Tabaco, Ligao, Masbate City, Masbate, and Iriga, Camarines Sur are the

cities nearest to Gubat. The municipalities that are closest to the area are Barcelona,

Sorsogon, Casiguran, Prieto Diaz, Juban, Bulusan, and Irosin, Sorsogon.(Philatlas, n.d)

          In the province of Sorsogon, the municipality of Gubat was first to be consolidated

in the Bicol Region by the LTFRB as part of the PUV modernization program. The first

88 Euro 4 updated jeepneys were purchased by Gubat Transport Cooperative (GTC),

which inaugurated them on August 16, 2020. On August 18, 2022, they began formally

running the route and offered a free trip to the general public the day it was officially

used by the masses.

The Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) is a comprehensive

reform system that will fundamentally alter the public land transportation sector. Its goal

is to modernize public utility vehicles. And it is via GSAC's partnership with Easyway

Transport Service and Multipurpose Cooperative, both of which have offices at 6-A San

Roque St. Brgy, that this is made possible. Holy Spirit, Quezon City in Metro Manila,

and Gubat Transport Cooperative (GTC), which is situated in this area's Gubat town.

Gubat was the first in the province to use upgraded jeepneys with Euro 4 engines in the

entire Bicol Region. (GSAC, 2021)

Gubat Saint Anthony Cooperative has designed loans for Transport Cooperatives

during the past year for their Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs) Modernization Program,

which aims to replace the conventional jeepneys that have long served Bicol's routes. One

of these is the Gubat Transport Cooperative (GTC), which oversees PUVs produced in

Russia that are white, air-conditioned minibusses that can hold up to 30 passengers

during regular hours. Currently, these vehicles travel 20-km. limited capacity on the route

from Gubat to Sorsogon. (Totanes, 2020)

Considering customer satisfaction for achieving success in the business is

one of the most important aspects to consider. Today, this is one of the basic

requirements to ensure service quality and models of excellence. It not only boosts

consumer trust, but also the performance of the service. Studies like the current one show

that customer satisfaction increases client retention.

The researchers believe that transportation is vital to our society's proper

functioning, providing mobility of people, goods and services. In order to sustain a higher

quality and standard of life, communities need access to vital services that will ensure the

upkeep of physical and mental health, employment opportunities, social and leisure

activities (McCallum,2020). The researchers want to pursue this study to gain better

understanding on the PUVMP implementation and its implications for the people and the

country, as well as to shed light on the program's issues and concerns. The study's results

and recommendations will be applied not just to address issues but also to possibly

enhance the program's operation at Gubat, Sorsogon in order to deliver a far higher level

of service to everyone.

Statement of the Problem 

 The study sought to analyze the PUV Modernization Program in Gubat,

Sorsogon. Specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the status of the implementation of the Public Utility Vehicle

Modernization Program in Gubat, Sorsogon?


2. What is the level of satisfaction of the respondents in terms of:

a) Safety and comfort

b) Reliability of travel time

c) Disciplined and competent drivers

d) Fare regulation

e) Spacious jeepney

3. What are the problems encountered by the commuters in the utilization of

modernized jeepneys?

4. What measures may be recommended to address the problems encountered by the

commuters in the utilization of the modernized jeepney in Gubat, Sorsogon?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the study focused on the Public Utility Modernization Program on

jeepneys in Gubat, Sorsogon, the level of satisfaction with the said program in terms of

safety and comfort, reliability of travel time, disciplined and competent drivers, fare

regulation, and spacious jeepneys, as well as the problems encountered by commuters

and the possible recommendations addressing the problems in the utilization of the

modernized jeepney in Gubat, Sorsogon. The study is delimited to 400 respondents which

composed of the commuters, drivers, and the operator of the said program.

Significance of the Study


  This study aimed to know the Level of Satisfaction of Gubat, Sorsogon to the

PUV Jeepney Modernization. Moreover, the researchers believe that this study are

beneficial to the following:

Commuters. The commuters will benefit from this because it addresses concerns

about our current transportation system. The administration will use the issues and

concerns mentioned as a springboard for revamping the Philippines transportation


Drivers. This study will also be beneficial to the jeepney drivers as this study will

provide recommendations to improve the quality of service of the modernized jeepney.

Residents of Gubat, Sorsogon. The study's respondents consist of the residents

of Gubat, Sorsogon regardless of their occupation or financial situation, it is made up of

commuters and drivers. They will benefit from this study since it examines the

satisfaction and conclusions of the Gubat residents regarding the government's PUV

modernization program and what can be done to enhance the program's level of service


Local Government Unit of Gubat. The findings of this study will help the LGU

to address the concerns that are essential for accomplishing integrated transportation

planning for the locality of Gubat, Sorsogon.

Researchers. The study will provide further understanding to the researchers of

the issues in the current transport system and how the PUV modernization program will

improve the system.


Political Science Department. The data and information found in this study

would benefit the department as it focuses on the current socioeconomic of the

Philippines in the transport system.

Future Researchers. It will be advantageous to future researchers who have the

same scope of the study considering that the PUV Modernization Program is still a heated

debate. This paper will serve as a guide and a foundation for them to complete the study.

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