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Nandannagar, Agartala
2023- 24


Name - Athukiri Debbarma

Class - XI
Sec - A
Subject - Physics

Project done under the guidance of Physics teacher Dr. Bapi Dey

Submitted to
Dr. Bapi Dey


This is to certify that Athukiri Debbarma of class XI(A) has complete his work file
under my supervision, he has taken proper care and shown atmost sincerity in the
completion of this project. I certify that, this project is upto my expectations and as
per the guidelines issued by C.b.S.E
Dr. Bapi Dey

Dr. Bapi Dey Fr. Sabastian Palaty

Teacher signature Principal signature


 Certificate
 Acknowledgement
 Introduction
 Example
 Major families
 Types
 Uses
 Characteristics
 Working
 Application
 Jaquet-Droz Automata
 Advantage & disadvantage
 Scope of automata
 Mechanism
 History

 Conclusion
 Bibliography


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr. Bapi Dey
Who gave me this golden opportunity to do this wonderful project, and also I want
to thank my parents who helped me in doing a lot of research and I cam to know
about so many things, I am really thankfull to them.


The word automata comes from the Greek word ‘automatic’which means “self-
acting,self-moving”.An automaton is an abstract self-propolled computing device
which follows a predetermined sequence of operating atomatically.
Plural automatons or automata o-ta-ma-ta-ma-ta : a specially :Robot:a machine or
control mechanism designed to follow automatically a predetermined sequence of
operations or respond to encoded instruction.It is the computer science and
mathematical. It is the study of abstract machines and the computation problems
that can be solved using these machines.The abstuct machine is called the
automata. The main motivation behind developing the automata theory was to
develop methods to describe and analyse the dynamic behavior of discrete system.
Autotama is the kind of machines which takes some string as input and this input
goes through a finite number of states and may enter in the states. This automaton
consists of states and transition. The state is represented by circles and the
transition is represented by arrows.

Examples of Automata

Some examples of automaton where its used :

Automatic photo printing machine, artificial card punching machine, toys, robots,
human detection, and recognization machine, etc are some of the real time
examples of automata.

Major Families of Automata

Automata can be classified based on the number of states they have and the type
of inputs they can accept. Some common types of automata include finite and have
a finite numbers of states.
There are four major families of automaton:

 Finite-state machine
 Pushdown automata

 Linear – bounded automata
 Turing machine

Types of Automata

 Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)

 Non-Aeterministic Finite Automata (NFA or NDFA)


The Finite state machines that accept or reject strings of characters by parsing
them through a sequence that is uniquely determined by each string. The term
“Determined” refers to the facts that each string, and thus each state sequence in


It is easy to construct a NFA when compared to DFA for a given regular language.
The Finite Automata are called NFA when there exists many paths for specific input
from the current state to the next state. Each NFA can be translated into DFA that
but every NPA is Non DFA.


Recognize the pattern by using regular expressions use of the mealy and moore
machines for designing the combination and sequential circuits. Helpful in text
editors used for spell checkers. Through automata, computer scientist are able to
understand how machines compute functions and solve problems and more
importantly, what it means for a functions to be denied as computable or for a
question to be described as decidable. It is an abstract model of digital computers
with descrete inputs and outputs. Every automata include a mechamism for

reading inputs. It is considered that inputs is a string over a given alphabet. Written
on an input file that the automata can read. The input file is divided into
Smaller parts known as cells.


 Inputs-It is a finite set of output symbols or sequence of symbols

 Outputs-It is a finite set output symbols {y1,y2,y3…….yn} where id the
number of outputs.
 States-It is a finite set, denote by Q whose definite depends on the type of

 Working of Automata

In general, automatons are designed to arouse interest through their visual appeal
and then to inspire surprise and awe through the apparent magic of their seemingly
spontaneous movement. The majority of automatons are direct representation of
creatures and plants of kinetic aspects of natural phenomena.

Applications of Automata

Recognize the pattern by using regular expressions. Use of the mealy and moore
machine for designing the combination and sequential circus. Helpful in text editor.
Used for spell checkers.
The applications of the different automata in Toc are explained below:-

 Finite Automata (FA)

The applications of Finite Automata are as follows –

 Design of the lexical analysis of a compiler.
 Recognize the pattern by using regular expressions.
 Use of the Mealy and Moore Machines for designing the combination and
sequential circuits.
 Helpful in text editors.
 Used for spell checkers.

 Push Down Automata (PDA)

The applications of Pushdown automata are as follows –

 Used in the Syntax Analysis phase.

 Implementation of stack applications.
 Used in evaluations of the arithmetic expressions.
 Used for solving the Tower of Hanoi Problem.

 Linear Bounded Automata (LBA)

The applications of linear bounded automata are as follows –

 Used in the generic programming implementation.

 Construction of syntactic parse trees.

 Turing machine

Turing machine first described by Alan Turing in Turing 1936-37, are simple
abstruct computational devices invented to help investigate the extent and
limitations of what can be computed. Turing’s automatic machine are the termed
then in 1936, were specifically deviced for the computing of real numbers. They
were first named ‘turing machine’.

Jaquet-Droz Automata

Pierre Jaquet-Droz (1721–1790) was a watchmaker of the late eighteenth century.

He was born on 28 July 1721 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, in the Principality of Neuchâtel,
which was then part of the Kingdom of Prussia. He lived in Paris, London,
and Geneva, where he designed and built animated dolls known as automata to
help his firm sell watches and mechanical caged songbirds.
The Jaquet-Droz automata, among all the numerous
automata build by the jaquet-Drozfamily, refer
to three doll automata build between1768 and
1774 by Pierre Jaquet-Droz, his son Henri-louis,
and Jean-Frederic Leschot: theMusician, the
dtaughtsman, the writer. The dolls are Still
functional, and can be seen at the Musee d’Art
Et d’Histoire of Neuchatel, in Switzerland. They are
Considere to be among the remote ancestors of
Modern computers. The automata were designed and built by Pierre jaquet-Droz
and Jea-Frederic Leschott as advertisement and entertainment toys designed to
improve the sales of watches among the nibility of Europe in the 18 th century. They
were carried around, and lost at several points. The history and Archeology society
of Neuchatel eventually bought them in 1906 for 75,000 gold francs, and gave them
to the museum.
Constructed between 1768 and 1774 by Pierre Jaquet-Droz, his son Henri-Louis
(1752-1791), and Jean-Frédéric Leschot (1746-1824), the automata include The
Writer (made of 6000 pieces), The Musician (2500 pieces), and The
Draughtsman (2000 pieces)
His astonishing mechanisms fascinated the kings and emperors
of Europe, China, India and Japan.
Some consider these devices to be the oldest examples of the computer. The
Writer, a mechanical boy who writes with a quill pen upon paper with real ink, has
an input device to set tabs, defining individual letters written by the boy, that form

a programmable memory. It has 40 cams that represent the read-only program.
The work of Pierre Jaquet-Droz predates that of Charles Babbage by decades.[2]
The automata of Jaquet-Droz are considered to be some of the finest examples of
human mechanical problem solving. Three particularly complex and still functional
dolls, now known as the Jaquet-Droz automata, are housed at the Musée d'Art
et d'Histoire (art and history museum) in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

The Draughtsman

The Draughtsman is modeled as a young child, and is capable to do drawings of

four different images: a portrait of Louis XV,a royal couple, a dog, and a scene of
cupid driving a chariod pulled by a butterfly.
The draughtsman works by using a system of cams that code the movements of the
head in two dimensions, plus one to lift the pencil. The automaton also move son
his chair, and he periodically blows on the pencil to remove dust.

The musician

The musician is modeled as a female organ

player. The music is not recorded or played
by a musical box: the doll plays a genuine,

custom-built instrument by pressing the keys with her fingers. Movements of her
chest show her “breathing” and she follows her fingers with her head and eyes. The
automaton is also makes some of the movements that a real player would do, such
as balancing the torso.

The writer

The writer is the most complex of the three automata. Using a system similar to the
one used for the draughtsman for each letter, he is able to write any custom text
up to the 40 letters long. The text is rarely changed; one of the latest instances was
in honour of president Francois Mitterand when he toured the city. The text is
coded on a wheel where characters are selected one by one. He uses a goose
feather to write, which he inks from time to time, including a shake of the wrist to
prevent ink from spilling. His eyes follow the text being written and his head moves
when he takes some ink. The writer is 70 cm (2 ft 4 in) tall.

Henri Maillardet

Henri Maillardet (born Jean Henri Nicholas Maillardet,

1745-1830), was a Swiss mechanisms. He spent a
period of time in the shops of Pierre Jaquet-Droz, who
was in the business of producing watches, clocks
and automata.

In 1805 Henri Maillardet built a spring activated automaton that draws pictures
and writes verses in both French and English. The motions of the hand are
produced by a series of cams located on shafts in the base of the automaton,
which produces the necessary movement to complete seven sketches and the
next. It is believed that this automaton has the largest cam-based memory of any
automaton of the era.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Automata

 Advantages

 Automation has increased industrial productivity and has led to faster

production of goods.
 It has Improved the quality and consistency of products. Products have
become better and free from any manufacturing defects.
 It has reduced operational cycle times and improved accuracy and
consistency in operations requiring monotonous and hard physical labor.
 Automated robotics have replaced humans in dangerous such as nuclear
plants, corrosive environment, and hazardous materials handing.
 It has reduced human labor in monotonous jobs and freed up labor that can
work in supervising and maintenance position for automated systems.

 Disadvantages

 Disadvantages of automation occur due to the failure of automated

systems, which can lead to security threats and vulnerability from cyber-
attack is, leading to system breakdown.
 The system multiplies errors of not stopped.
 Automation incurs high development and maintenance costs.
 It is also expensive to incorporate robotics and automation systems in
existing frameworks.
 Automation can potentially displace workers from jobs.

 Automated systems lack full autonomous control and fail to take
complex logical decision outside their programming.

Scope for Automation

 The general scope of automata is in the field of repetitive, monotonous

tasks. Automation also finds a scope in hazardous environments and
working conditions such as mining, fire safety system, and hazardous
industrial production processes such as automobile assembly plants
where robotics has replaced humans. Industrial Automation has
speeded production processes, increase production capacity, and
reduced production times.
 Robotics based on automation programming can perform extremely
delicate tasks such as circuit board assembly, precision tooling, and
automatic welding, which require negligible errors in production. AI-
based automation has also found application has also found application
has also found applications in Aeronautics and the space industry, such
as autonomous vehicles and satellites which can make independent
decisions through complex computer algorithms and solve difficult
situational problems. They have build-in logical decision-making
 Automation also can transform the battlefield through remote sensing,
autonomous vehicles, autonomous drones, and robots designed to put
the soldier out of harm’s way. Automated retail operations such as the
smart assistant use of robots in stores.
 Automated video surveillance system, such as visual surveillance
systems, such as visual surveillance and monitoring (VSAM) programs,
help in traffic control; highways are also becoming automated using
control systems. Autonomous vehicles such as driverless cars and trucks
can also ease traffic congestion and improve road safety. Business
processes can also be automated using robotic process automation.

Home Automation involves building a smart home with autonomous appliances
and security system operating on a smart energy grid. Laboratory medical
applications automate production process and use automated control systems

Why do we need Automata?

Automata have improved efficiency by

making low-skill and repeatable
processes easier and more efficient
while improving productivity, quality,
and turnaround time and reducing
costs. Automation finds extensive usage
in practically every facet of industrial
manufacturing and assembly processes,
from manufacturing and automotive
assembly lines to food and agriculture

Automation finds applications in all

these industries by reducing human
involvement and creating a
standardized process. Automation cuts
down production lines errors that result
from human involvement.
Cognitive automation is a part of based cognitive computing that aims to
automate clerical work, which consists of structuring unstructured data,
document synthesis, natural language search, manual verification,
system-generated email communications, and contract management .
Automata can work as discrete on and off control systems, often used in
household appliances like thermostats which work on feedback control
mechanisms for more complex industrial applications.

Computer-aided technologies are the basis of organizational are the creating
complex logical system mathematic.
Cax systems include computer-Aided Design and computer-aided
manufacturing software, which improves design and manufacturing
processes. Information technology is used with industrial robotics and
processes to create control systems in which Programmable Logic
controllers and PICs are synchronized with computers and receive inputs
from physical sensors.

Special microprocessors and programs have enabled computers to analyze

and process data through a network of instruments, controllers, and sensors
to perform individual actions or complex control systems based on multiple
inputs using mathematical calculations.

Such automation can create real-time graphics, analyze reports using data,
and perform complex mathematical and logical calculations to undertake
different tasks related to various industrial and domestic applications.
Programs such as AI-based applications and control systems perform
complex taska based on inputs from a networked system of computers and

What are the basics of automatons?

Automatons are abstract models of machines that perform the computations on

an input by moving through a series of states or configurations. At each state of the
computation, a transition function determines the next configuration on the basis
of a finite portion of the present configuration.

What are the mechanisms used in automata?

I'd say that 95 percent of all automata use five basic mechanical principles to create
motion, and only in rare examples is something utilized that doesn't fit these
categories. The categories are as follows: wheels, pulleys, gears, cams, and

An automaton generally refers to a moving, mechanical device, usually constructed

to look like a human or animal figure. Automatons are built to give the illusion of
acting as if by their own power, despite comprising only of mechanical systems.
Cam toys (aka automata) use hand-powered mechanisms to create cyclical motions
that animate a scene. Students design and create cam toy machines with moving
objects/characters that symbolize abstract concepts and represent dynamic

Creating physical objects can be an engaging and useful way for students to process
their learning. Some physical models are directly representative of the academic
content, such as a depiction of a sound wave, or a model of a cell. Abstract
concepts, like a balance of power, ecological interactions, or societal changes, are
also well-suited to modeling. Students practice higher order thinking skills when
creating metaphors and symbols for abstract concepts. Coming up with imagery for
social, scientific, or other academic concepts pushes the student to research the
topic and develop a deeper understanding of it. The addition of motion, as in the
Cam Toy activity, can make the project even more engaging and lead to creative,
entertaining products.
Cams are rotating shapes that push on / rub against mechanical elements to create
other motions. One rotating shaft can power many cams, and each can create a
different motion in its associated mechanical element. Students decide which of
these motions is best for the specific concepts they want to represent.

In this project, students design the cams and moving objects in Tinkercad for
fabrication on a 3D printer or laser cutter. Backgrounds or other static objects can
be designed in Tinkercad and fabricated in a variety of ways for a more elaborate
Cam Toy machine.

The Automata Mechanism design

This design shows the differences in term lengths

and includes a non-traditional cam shape - a
triangle. In one rotation of the camshaft, the
triangle cam will move the House up-down three
times while the eccentric circular cam will move
the Senate up-down once. The student may
express that one rotation of the camshaft
Example projects for Earth Science:
Hurricanes. One factor in the creation of a hurricane is warm air rising off the
ocean. This is shown with up/down motion. The spinning storm is shown with
rotary motion.

In general, automatons are designed to arouse interest through their visual

appeal and then to inspire surprise and awe through the apparent magic of their
seemingly spontaneous movement. The majority of automatons are
direct representations of creatures and plants or of kinetic aspects of natural
phenomena. Imitations of such natural phenomena as the moving water of streams
and waterfalls, for instance, can be simulated with twisted rods of glass. A
mechanical device can be used to make a flower open its petals to imitate
blooming or to make a figure walk. Some purely capricious automatons consist of

complete scenes in which caricature personages perform in a humorous manner.
Not all automatons, however, are mimetic. Some offer only visual fascination, such
as spinning roundels set with gems to make flashing patterns of colour and light.
Automatons can be classified into two groups: those that are ancillary to a
functional article and those that in themselves are fanciful objects, solely for
decoration and pleasure. Clocks and watches, which lend themselves to displays of
motion, are the most common type of functional object with automatons. Through
the ages, most automatons have been objects of fancy that are purely decorative in
concept and function. The most complicated are the androids: figures
in human form that can be made to walk about, play music, write, or draw. They
are mostly of fairly large size and intended for public display. At the other end of
the scale are exquisitely finished pocket-sized objects such as trick pistols that were
the specialty of the Rochat brothers, Ami-Napoléon and Louis, both of whom were
among the finest 19th-century designers and craftsmen of automatons.

History of Automata

The theory of abstract automata was developed in the mid-20th century in

connection with finite automata. Automata theory was initially considered a branch
of mathematical systems theory, studying the behavior of discrete-parameter
systems. Early work in automata theory differed from previous work on systems by
using abstract algebra to describe information systems rather than differential
calculus to describe material systems. The theory of the finite-state transducer was
developed under different names by different research communities. The earlier
concept of Turing machine was also included in the discipline along with new forms
of infinite-state automata, such as pushdown automata.
1956 saw the publication of Automata Studies, which collected work by scientists
including Claude Shannon, W. Ross Ashby, John von Neumann, Marvin
Minsky, Edward F. Moore, and Stephen Cole Kleene. With the publication of this
volume, "automata theory emerged as a relatively autonomous discipline".

 The book included Kleene's description of the set of regular events, or regular
languages, and a relatively stable measure of complexity in Turing machine
programs by Shannon. In the same year, Noam Chomsky described the Chomsky
hierarchy, a correspondence between automata and formal grammars, and Ross
Ashby published An Introduction to Cybernetics, an accessible textbook explaining
automata and information using basic set theory.
The study of linear bounded automata led to the Myhill–Nerode theorem, which
gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a formal language to be regular, and
an exact count of the number of states in a minimal machine for the language.
The pumping lemma for regular languages, also useful in regularity proofs, was
proven in this period by Michael O. Rabin and Dana Scott, along with the
computational equivalence of deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata.
In the 1960s, a body of algebraic results known as "structure theory" or "algebraic
decomposition theory" emerged, which dealt with the realization of sequential
machines from smaller machines by interconnection.[10] While any finite
automaton can be simulated using a universal gate set, this requires that the
simulating circuit contain loops of arbitrary complexity. Structure theory deals with
the "loop-free" realizability of machines. The theory of computational
complexity also took shape in the 1960s. By the end of the decade, automata
theory came to be seen as "the pure mathematics of computer science".


It was a wonderful and learning experience for me while working on this project.
This project taught me many things about automation, how does this automata
help us and for making robots, computers, toys, and also the most important things
which is made by using automation is the watch who tells time, which help us for
our every day work to go on time.
Through automata, computer scientists are able to understand how machines
compute functions and solve problems and more importantly, what it means for a
function to be defined as computable or for a question to be described as




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