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ABM 2 – C

WEEK 1: The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy

“Philosophy is involved in decision-making because it is fundamentally concerned

with issues of existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality. Even if we're not consciously
aware of it, these deeper considerations frequently come up when we're making

Brief Questioning –
Q. What is Philosophy?
- Philosophy is derived from the Greek words philo (love) and sophia
(wisdom). Literally, the word philosophy means "the love of/for
- the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of
fundamental truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the
world, a study of principles of conduct.

QS. What are examples of applying philosophy in our daily lives?

- Examining ethical principles can help us navigate difficult moral dilemmas and
make choices that align with our values. (Is this right or wrong?)
- Mindfulness and Zen Buddhism are two Eastern ideologies that educate us to
be more present in our daily lives. By practicing mindfulness, we can lower
our stress levels, sharpen our attention, and improve our general wellbeing.
(Forgiveness, should I forgive)


 1. Everyone has their own Philosophy, their own “Philosophy of Life”; their
own general belief
o Each belief works for their own as it leads them to peace and success.
o Their own views, ideas, principles or beliefs held either by individuals
or groups of individuals.
o Can be religious, scientific, historical or psychological.

 2. Filipino: ‘Pilosopo’ for Philosopher

o The one who engages in such reasoning is for the purpose of covering
up the truth, annoying someone and engaging in unwelcome
o This does not contribute however to the conversation.

 3. Philosophy as an “Academic Subject”

o Philosophy being learned in a “course” or a “subject” with the goal or
intention of becoming a priest, teacher or lawyer.


Q. What is perception?
- the act of perceiving or the ability to perceive; mental grasp of objects,
qualities, etc. by means of the senses; awareness; comprehension. (NOTE: to
perceive means to hear, see and feel)

We perceive things differently from other people. Sometimes we share a

common point of view where we perceive things the same way as other
people, this also applies philosophically.

Perception in Philosophy
- Philosophically speaking, perceiving things differently from others is a natural
result of the complexity of philosophical issues and the individual differences
in cognitive functions, life experiences, and belief systems.

Example of Factors that affect this are:

o Subjective Experiences
 Each person's unique life experiences, emotions, and
background influence their philosophical perspective.
Philosophical concepts are vulnerable to multiple interpretations
due to their subjectivity.
o Education and Exposure
 Our educational background can greatly affect our philosophical
perspective, with influence to various philosophical ideas.
o Cultural and Social influences
 How people approach philosophical issues is influenced by
cultural conventions, religious convictions, and societal ideals.
Different philosophies and priorities are influenced by different
cultural origins.

Looks at all the aspect of the given problem or situation

Holistic Perspective Partial Point of View

- All aspects of the given - Looks only at a limited number
problem or situation. of aspects of the given problem
- All aspects are tied in together or situation.
to form a general overview of - Conclusions are made based
the problem or situation. on considering some, but not
all, sides of the problems or
A teacher listened first to both stories Example:
of her two arguing students before A teacher scolded student A after
making any conclusion about the student B accused him of stealing her
issue. pencil. However, the teacher only
listened to the story of Student B, and
not student A before deciding to scold
the student.
Holism comes from the Greek word "holos" which literally means all, entire,
totality. Holism is a school of thought that maintains the interdependence of factors
to another agencies of causalities. Holistic perspective is a kind of system that aims
to determine and explain the whole or totality of a given system by examining the
behaviors and activities of certain component parts while in philosophy, a point of
view is defined as a way or a method how one sees or perceives the reality or a

A partial point of view is a perspective that looks at reality based on a single or

partial component of a system whereas the holistic perspective tries to
broaden the understanding of reality by taking considerations of other possible
causal agents or factors be it biological, theological or any other factors that may
contribute in understanding a certain phenomenon. Holism is widely used in
research as one of the many research methods. Often, holism is used in
anthropology wherein an anthropologist can begin to see interrelationship or
correlation of different components of a culture.

Let us view with Holistic perspective and allow ourselves to open our eyes and our
senses, applying philosophy in every activity or thing that we do, by instinct or by

Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level:
Section: ____________________________________________ Date:
Direction: Identify the perspective that is described. Write (HP) if it is holistic
and (PPV) if it is from a partial point of view. Explain why you considered it holistic?
partial point of view? Write your answer in a sheet of white, yellow pad paper or
bond. Send it back to teacher through pick up points in your area.
_____1.Farmers have problems in eradicating beetles but before coming up with a
they consider the different impacts on the environment and will not cause disaster.
_____2.Anna is a member of a religious group, she claims that only their religion is
the true words of God.
_____3. Juan condemns an artist that went viral for giving his/her opinion about the
down of a TV network.
____4.Jessica spread a gossip about a person being infected of Covid-19 without
assessing the reliability of the source of information.
_____5.Instead of judging every single person went viral on line, Sophy chooses to
her judgment until she get all the facts regarding what made those people act in that
_____6.Wynneth act as a mediator of her two friends having an argument rather
than taking
one side.
_____7. President Duterte with the help of Inter-Agency-Task-Force on
March !2
announced that there would be an Enhanced Community Quarantine in NCR and
later on in
the whole Luzon to control the outrageous number of people infected with the
_____8. In this time of pandemic, people follow each protocol and guidelines on how
avoid getting infected of the virus because of this every single person think of
as one important factor in suppressing the virus.
_____9. Every organ is vital for survival and well-being.
_____10. Right after watching a TV show, a child concluded that everything she had
watched is corre

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