415125-Land Law Population

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A special thanks to my wife for all the love, support, and kindness I never deserved.
Thanks to my son and daughter for encouraging me to create worlds to adventure in.
Thanks to Mike for letting us stomp around his homebrew world and ruin so many things.

This product was created under license. Sword Chronicle, The Chronicle System, and their logos, and the Chronicle System Guild and
its logo are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement
for Chronicle System Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Seth Williams and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Chronicle System Guild.
Whether by right, might, or decree, a noble’s word is the law maintain her position, whereas a lord of a smaller, more loyal
of their land – the authority which dictates justice and guides population can enjoy the benefits of this relationship and rest
morality for those within their borders. The weight of this word easier knowing that his House is provided for and position secure.
is represented in the Chronicle System by the resources Land, Law’s benefits do not stop there – this work also introduces
Law, and Population. Whereas other House resources largely Taxation and Conscription, two new House Actions that allow a
measure how the house interacts with the world beyond the House to draw Wealth and soldiers from its Communities.
domain, Land, Law, and Population regard how a domain Additionally, excess Law can also be invested into Decrees –
interacts with itself. The rules that follow are intended to breathe commands from the House to direct their subjects’ daily lives as
new life into these three House resources, as well as slightly the ruler sees fit.
modify the game’s scope. Pointedly, the modifications that follow
should ensure that a Home House has several domains to explore Complications
(and place Wealth investments in), more population centers to An additional (and, of course, optional) component to this
interact with, and a more defined setting in which to tell the story work comes in the form of Complications. Complications are
of their homes. The intent is to enrich the Home House’s domain elements of narrative friction that the players can elect to accept
and is likely to see the most use in a Chronicle that keeps the while they create the Home House to add to their starting
Player Characters close to home. That said, Narrators may find resources in exchange for some trouble or conflict the Narrator
the content useful to enhance the setting of other domains may utilize to complicate (hence the name) the Player Characters’
beyond the Home House’s borders. lives. Complications are largely similar to features and other
investments in that they are attached to a domain, but each one
On House Fortunes…
rewards a certain amount of resources rather than exacting a cost
The rules in this work are intended to change the way that and imposes some penalty rather than a benefit.
Population and Power influence House Fortunes, reducing the
amplitude of their independent weight and instead making them What to Expect
dependent on each other. Population no longer applies a direct This book is divided into five sections: Land, Law, Population,
benefit or penalty to the House Fortunes test, but instead confers Complications, and Investments & Qualities. The first three
a modifier calculated based on the relationship between Law and sections are dedicated to explaining the nuances of the
Population. If the House’s Population is higher than its Law, the modification to each of the three Resources for which they are
House receives a -1 Penalty to House Fortunes (as the liege lacks named. Complications are given their own section and explained
the resources to properly control their subjects). Just as with in detail, while new Investments for the House resources are
Degrees of Success on any test, for every 5 points of difference, included in the final section, along with a few Qualities for
an additional -1 Penalty is applied. This calculation represents characters to better take advantage of the new mechanics
the control a house can exert over its population, and it works in introduced herein.
reverse as well: If the House’s Law resource outpaces the While several features of this work are dependent on each
Population resource, the House receives a +1 Bonus on House other, it should be noted that it is not expected to be taken
Fortunes; and for every 5 points of difference, this bonus increases wholesale if parts of it do not align with the stories your group
by an additional +1. Thus, a lady who commands a large wishes to tell. Take this work, make it your own, and enjoy the
population of commonfolk but exercises little authority over them narratives your group creates!
has less control over their destiny and must work harder to


Finally, Houses may invest Law more than the amount used to
control Communities into Law Holdings called Decrees,
described below. These Decrees are used to provide benefits to
The most concrete of the three resources discussed in this work Houses that have extensive control over their populations,
is, obviously, Land. As explained in Chapter 5: Houses & Lands permitting them to impose their will upon their subjects. They
of the Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook, Land is used to purchase are yet another way high Law Households can benefit from their
Domains, which are themselves divided into two parts: Terrain sway over their populace.
and Features. Previously, Features included Communities –
however, in the modified rules presented here, Communities have
been reconfigured as a Population investment (explained in the While it’s rare to find a Lord or Lady that does not issue official
Population section later in this work), providing more resources proclamations to their subjects, many Houses have difficulty
to be spent on Features for Terrain. That leaves more Land to be enforcing these words as law. For Houses that command
invested in the interesting geographic locales where your exceptional loyalty (or fear) from their subjects, they may issue
characters make their homes. Land is otherwise unchanged, but Decrees that carry more weight with their populace and thus are
players should take this opportunity to examine the Features that more likely to be obeyed.
can be added to Terrain aside from the normal features in the As with Wealth investments, Houses with excess Law may
Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook. invest it into commandments called Decrees. These Decrees
Complications are (usually) attached to a specific Terrain or modify the Home House’s territory, changing the people that call
Feature, enhancing their role in the story and providing it home or granting them some boon. These modifiers remain in
characters with potentially exciting places to explore and unique effect so long as a House has enough Law to cover the cost of the
problems to solve. Examples include Faeries Groves or Haunted Decree beyond what Population it has invested into
locales. These places can be exceedingly dangerous! By electing Communities. Should a House ever lose so much Law that its
to take a Complication rather than a normal Feature, players attribute falls below the sum of its invested Population and issued
should realize that they are presenting the Narrator with an Decrees, the House must select Decrees that it ceases to enforce
opportunity to impede character goals and introduce conflict until the balance is covered once more. The House loses any
beyond the initial scope of the Chronicle. However, benefits offered by the disregarded Decree, and ongoing character
Complications provide extra resources for the players to use to effects (such as the conveying of a Benefit) cease to function. If a
build their ideal Home House. They are explained in detail later noble house cannot control its subjects, they have little hope of
in this work in the section of the same name. their word carrying much weight.
As with other investments, the time requirement for Decrees
apply to newly issued Decrees rather than those purchased during
House Creation, but they also apply when a House prepares to
Previously, Law was not an investable and served only as a re-engage a Decree after its suspension following a drop in Law.
modifier to House Fortunes independent of all other Resources. At the Narrator’s discretion, the resources used to fund Decrees
The rules herein seek to breathe life into Law and ensure that it may be withdrawn at an appropriate time.
carries the weight deserved by a resource as important as one that
denotes control over one’s territory.
REQUIREMENT: Influence 30+
With these rules, Law modifies House Fortunes as a function
of its difference with Population: If Law is less than Population, INVESTMENT: 10 Law TIME: 2d6+6 Months
the smallfolk are rowdy and difficult to please. The greater the When Arranged Marriages are instituted, members of families that
difference, the greater the penalty: A Law resource 5 points lower hold some level of status within the House’s territory are strategically
than a House’s Population imposes a -2 Penalty. 10 points lower married to one another to cement the House’s influence over their
results in a -3, and so on as with Degrees of Success (explained in subjects. This melds families together, presumably bringing families
the Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook, Chapter 1: Game Rules ). loyal to the house in control of the resources of families that may not
The reverse is also true – a House with Law higher than its otherwise be so respectful of the House’s mandate.
Population gains a bonus to House Fortunes tests. There is no So long as this Decree remains active, Status 3+ characters who are
married or engaged receive the Connections benefit for the local
limit on the amount of bonus or penalty that can be accumulated
region, representing in-laws and extended family that they may call
in this way, save for those imposed by the range of attributes on for favors when appropriate. Narrators should note that marriage
possible in the system. between powerful families is taken very seriously, and characters who
Law has additional responsibilities as well: if ever a House’s treat their spouses or betrothed poorly may quickly find themselves
Law rating drops below the total amount of their Population with a new Nemesis. The spouse does not follow the player character
invested into Community holdings, Corruption starts to take blindly but should be present in the narrative with a relationship that
hold in the land. If it seeps further, Corruption can grow into require some level of maintenance. The exact details of the marriage
Rebellion. These features are further detailed in the Population should be decided upon by the Narrator and Player together.
House Benefit: Law losses due to House Fortunes are mitigated
section of this work, but for now, it is simply important that you
by 1. The House may exchange Law for Influence at a 1:1 ratio (2:1
understand that Law should exceed Population whenever if rushed) when it takes the Manage Resources action.


INVESTMENT: 5 Law TIME: 1d6+3 Months
The House empowers influential artisans and wealthy merchants
within their borders to make some decisions on the House’s behalf,
ceding some of their power in exchange for heavy taxes from
empowered parties. For many Communities, this is a boon – after all,
a neighbor often understands the troubles that plague a community
far better than a distant lord. However, some burghers use this power
to their advantage, seeking only to increase their fortunes and
personal influence.
While Burgher Councils is in effect, Status 3 characters gain +1B
on tests made to utilize the Trade or Wealthy benefit (if they possess
them) and on all tests utilizing the Bargain specialty.
House Benefit: The House may exchange Influence for Wealth at a
1:1 ratio (2:1 if rushed) when it takes the Manage Resources action.

REQUIREMENT: Militia Training Grounds IRON GRIP
INVESTMENT: 10 Law TIME: 2d6+3 Months
Common folk of the realm are expected to participate in seasonal
INVESTMENT: 15 Law TIME: 2d6 Months
training so that they may aid in the defense of their communities.
Commoners from these communities (even Player Characters) are The House maintains a cold, hard grip on its populace. Unlike
often expected to report home at least once per year to participate in other decrees, this decree does not become inactive when Law falls
this training – often in the autumn once the harvest is complete. below its required levels.
Characters who fail to do so lose the benefit conferred below and may While Law exceeds invested Population, House-affiliated
be declared an outlaw if the noble that oversees the village considers characters receive the effects of the Authority benefit while
their absence criminal. participating in intrigues within the Home House’s domain. If
Status 1 and 2 characters from the region gain 1 rank in Stamina available Law falls below invested Population, House-affiliated
or Spears, having spent many hours training at the thrusting and characters instead receive the effects of the Menacing Drawback
parrying techniques for this common weapon. If another weapon is under the same circumstances as above.
more prevalent and suitable for cultural reasons, it may be substituted House Benefit: It is much easier for a House with an Iron Grip to
for Spears instead (with Narrator permission). ensure that its orders are followed. Decrees that cost 10 or more Law
Status 3 characters gain +1B in Tactics or Coordination, as they have their costs reduced by 5.
are typically trained as officers in such militias. They may be thought Additionally, when the House’s available Law dips below its invested
of as Commanders or Militia Sergeants, but in larger settlements, Population, it ignores the effects of Corruption (described in the
they might be expected to have a more clerical or logistical role. Population section later in this work). However, Rebellion (also
House Benefit: When the House raises Peasant Levies, either described later) becomes much more of a threat: Whenever the House
normally or through Conscription (see Population below), their makes Status tests as per the rules for Rebellion, the difficulties of said
Levies begin with +20XP. Their Veterancy is otherwise unaffected. tests are increased by 3.


REQUIREMENT: State Religion REQUIREMENT: Burgher Councils
INVESTMENT: 10 Law TIME: 2d6+6 Months INVESTMENT: 20 Law TIME: 3d6 Months
The House’s rule has been declared divinely inspired by an agent The House has made a habit of securing its subjects’ loyalty with
of the local religion – a declaration that is no small matter to a gifts of Land. These tracts of land can be quite lucrative, sometimes
commoner hoping for a pleasant afterlife following a dreary mortal even to the point of being an enticing target for the family’s own
existence. Among the many benefits of such a declaration are that the schemes and plans. Many a noble has seethed over the success
House can receive a tithe from its people, and its subjects are less experienced by a family granted their rewards by a previous Lord or
likely to balk at such a demand. Lady of their house. Regardless, should the House ever experience
Corruption or Rebellion, it is the Landed Gentry who are most
Additionally, subordinates of the House who believe in the
susceptible to treachery.
Family’s divine favor gain +1B Courage while in their presence. This
bonus does not apply to Family members themselves, however – they Player Characters of appropriate Status may acquire the Landed
are either a source of inspiration or may benefit from it, but not both. without obtaining the Sponsor benefit, but the House is generated as
House Benefit: Whenever the House performs the Collect Taxes a Vassal House of the Home House, and Resources are generated
House Action, they may exchange 1 additional Law for 1 Wealth. with 4d6 instead of 5d6 as per the rules for Vassal Houses in Chapter
5: Houses & Lands of the. This special Vassal House may not acquire


Vassals of their own but does not require investment from the Home a House’s Law dictates just how many Communities it can
House so long as the House remains headed by Player Character. control (as well as how many it can’t).
House Benefit: The House may exchange Land for Law or Influence
at a 1:1 ratio (2:1 if rushed) when it takes the Manage Resources COMMUNITIES
action. The benefits of communities are as detailed in the Sword
Chronicle Core Rulebook in both Chapter 5: Houses & Lands
MIGRATION INCENTIVES and Chapter 10: Warfare . With this work, a few additional
REQUIREMENT: Land 20+ components of functionality have been added.
INVESTMENT: 5 Law TIME: 1d6 Months To start, some Communities now provide support for
investments beyond that of normal domains. Large Towns and
An empire requires subjects to rule, and some nobles find
Small Cities provide the infrastructure to support an additional
themselves far too impatient to wait for populations to grow by the
normal means. Instead, they offer incentives of land and coin to Holding beyond the two offered by the Domain itself (for a total
wanderers and free peoples to come and settle their lands and raise a of three). Large Cities can support up to two extra Holdings,
family. bringing the total supported by the Domain they are in to four.
Characters of Status 2 and 3 who take advantage of this offer gain Some Communities also allow for Houses to use Manage
+1D to their Status test to determine Starting Possessions. Resources to convert Law to Wealth: if a House has a Small City
House Benefit: The House may exchange Land for Population at a or a Large City, they may exchange Law for Wealth at a 2:1 ratio,
1:1 ratio (2:1 if rushed) when it takes the Manage Resources action. but the cost rises to 3:1 when rushed.
REQUIREMENT: Temple Large Town 3 N/A
INVESTMENT: 10 Law TIME: 1d6+3 Months Small City 3 2:1 (3:1)
When a religion receives acknowledgment or sponsorship from a Large City 4 2:1 (3:1)
noble house, its influence and reach permeate through every aspect of
society. Its teachings become society’s morals, and its tenets become NEW HOUSE ACTION: COLLECT TAXES
the ethics of everyday commonfolk. This affords the clergy some level In addition to using Manage Resources to obtain Wealth, a
of power, but all but the most established of religions know that their new House Action allows a House to focus its efforts on
power relies heavily on the happiness of their sponsoring House. squeezing Wealth from their subjects more efficiently. As a
Any character who keeps the tenets of this faith and sets aside 5% House Action, a noble family can send forth their official tax
of their earnings as a tithe for the church gain +1B Dedication. collectors to squeeze coin from the populace under their care.
House Benefit: When the House takes the Collect Taxes (see the First, the House begins by sacrificing a single point of Law for
Population section) action, Law Expenditures after the first are
each community that they wish to tax. This represents the
reduced by 1.
organization of resources and the unrest that naturally
accompanies such actions. Next, the House Steward makes a
Status (Stewardship) test for every community larger than a
Hamlet. The result is compared to Taxation difficulty for each
People are a vital part of a region’s culture and identity, and Community the House elected to tax. These difficulties may be
their communities can make for a compelling source of found in the Community descriptions that follow. Success
entertainment and adventure. While not every House oversees a indicates that a Wealth is collected from the Community. Large
bustling metropolis, most can at least boast of a castle town or a Towns and larger communities may produce additional Wealth
small port worth protecting. After all, castles promise safety, and depending on the degrees of success achieved by this test. The
many people consider the costs of living in the shadow of a noble maximum amount of additional wealth that may be collected is
family worth the benefits of having a castle to hide in when detailed in the Community descriptions below.
trouble comes. After the acquired wealth is calculated, the House may
Under these rules, a House’s Population resource is used to consider expending extra Law to squeeze additional Wealth out
purchase Community Features instead of its Land resource. The of the Community depending on its size, just as if the House had
benefits provided by Communities are still as detailed in the elected to use a Manage Resources action. The limits on how
Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook, but a few minor additions have much Law can be exchanged in this way vary depending on the
been presented here. However, the relationship between a size of the Community, as well as how much Wealth is gathered
House’s Law and Population is important: if a House’s Law for each Law expended. These limits are explained in the
resource ever falls below the amount of Population that they have Community descriptions as well.
invested into their Communities some of its Communities will Once the process is complete, the House tallies the Wealth
stop providing the benefits associated with their loyalty until a earned and Law expended, adjusting their Resources
firm hand is applied and they are brought back into the fold. appropriately. Technically, the Wealth will arrive (and discontent
Should a House’s Law resource dip low enough, Communities will rise) over the course of the month of the House Turn, but
may even muster troops to assert their independence. Regardless, typically the House can make assurances of payment to artisans


and merchants so that they need not necessarily wait for this coin Stewardship test is Formidable (12) . If the Steward scores an
to arrive. additional degree of success, an additional Wealth is produced –
This action may be taken multiple times per year, but each but no more than 2 Wealth may be produced in this way. Pass or
successive action within that year incurs a cumulative -1D penalty fail, the House may exchange 1 additional Law for an additional
on the Status (Stewardship) test. Houses who tax their subjects Wealth (Bringing the potential final tally to 2 Law for 3 Wealth).
too strenuously may quickly find their subjects growing resentful Small Cities contain enough established individuals to
(or even treacherous), and local economies need time to recover guarantee the flow of income for their Liege Lord. The
from aggressive collection activities. Stewardship test for the Collect Taxes action is Challenging (9) ,
Community Descriptions additional degrees of may grant up to 2 additional Wealth (for a
total of 3). Additionally, the House can exchange up to 2 Law for
Hamlets are poor communities that typically host few (if any) Wealth on a 1:1 basis.
people with enough resources to provide any meaningful coin for
their Lord’s coffers. Whenever the House performs the Collect Large Cities typically host powerful economies, and the ruler
Taxes House Action, no Stewardship test need be made – no of such domains can count on them to bolster their coffers with
amount of accounting will produce any Wealth from the village. some regularity. Whenever a House performs Collect Taxes, the
However, the House may elect to reduce Law by 1 to obtain a Stewardship test is Routine (6), and up to 3 additional degrees of
single Wealth. This reduction is in addition to the initial success may be converted to Wealth (for a total of 4). The House
expenditure, essentially allowing the House to exchange 2 Law can easily squeeze more out of the merchants and burghers,
for a single wealth. exchanging up to 2 Law for Wealth at a 1:2 ratio, and up to 2
additional Law for Wealth at a 1:1 ratio. While this can quickly
Unlike other Communities, Hamlets may only be Taxed once produce a vast sum of coin, some among the populace are sure to
per year – they simply do not have the economy to provide be displeased by the ruthless exchequer and his greedy master.
resources to the House’s coffers more often than that.
Small Towns are like Hamlets in that they are not overly HOUSE ACTION: COLLECT TAXES
wealthy, but they typically have enough items of value in them to COMMUNITY DIFFICULTY DOS LAW: WEALTH
offer at least a single Wealth for the House when properly Hamlet - - 1:1 for 1
squeezed. The difficulty of the Stewardship test for the Collect Small Town 15 1 1:1 for 1
Taxes action is Hard (15) . No more than a single Wealth may be Large Town 12 2 1:1 for 1
earned with this test, but regardless of success the House may
Small City 9 3 1:1 for 2
exchange 1 additional Law for 1 additional Wealth (bringing the
total expenditure of Law up to 2 Law and potentially gaining 2 Large City 6 4 1:2 for 2, 1:1 for 2
Wealth for the trouble).
Large Towns , thankfully, hold enough coins and goods that
they can provide a steady flow of taxes into the House’s coffers In times of war, communities can also rouse their inhabitants
with the right application of persuasive force. Whenever the to defend their town or join their lord on the field of battle. While
House performs the Collect Taxes action, the difficulty of the these Peasant Levies are not very effective combatants, they can


greatly reduce losses to a Lord’s professional troops and increase Corruption and Rebellion
allied units' effectiveness on the battlefield. The rules and As a House’s control over its populace decreases, problems
statistics for units of Peasant Levies are given in Chapter 5: arise. Most realms have individuals willing to ignore their liege’s
Houses & Lands of the Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook. laws or decrees, but it becomes rampant when a House’s Law
A House with a Small Town or larger community may use a resource ceases to cover the House’s Population investments. So
House Action to conscript Green Peasant Levies at an exchange long as Law remains below whatever Population has been
of 1 Law per levy. No population cost need be paid for this unit invested into Communities, the Stewardship tests made to
so long as it is returned to the Community at the end of the Collect Taxes are increased in difficulty by one step. This penalty
month that the House Action was used. Levies destroyed as the further increases by an additional step (i.e., increased by 3) for
result of a battle should immediately reduce the House’s every 5 points of difference between the House’s Law and
Population resource by 2 in keeping with the normal Population Population (as with Degrees of Success). While there is an
cost of Peasant Levies. The Conscription House Action cannot interesting opportunity for the characters to conduct an
reduce a House’s Law resource below its invested Population- if investigation to locate the missing coin, it presents a real problem
a Lord lacks the resources to control their population, they can’t if dissension grows in the territory and the populace slips into
compel their service in this way. Rebellion.
Units in Communities When Law reaches half the total invested Population, there is
As per Chapter 10: Warfare of the Sword Chronicle Core a risk that Communities will revolt. Each time the House rolls
Rulebook, Communities (except Hamlets) provide a Defense House Fortunes, the Steward must also make a Stewardship test
bonus to units that occupy them. Generally, a Community can for each Community in the House’s territory. The difficulty is the
support as many units as it offers as a Cover bonus to defense. same as if taxes were being collected, but no Wealth is generated.
Thus, a Large Town can support 2 Units, while a Large City can Rather, success indicates that the town remains loyal to the
provide Cover to 5. House, but a failure indicates that the Population rises up to resist
the rule of the House.
Communities that become rebellious raise a Peasant Levy for
every 10 Population invested into the Community as per the
Conscription action. For each degree of failure beyond the first
on the Stewardship test, an additional Levy is raised from
outlying communities or outlaws. At the Narrator’s discretion,
the Community may use any unrecovered wealth lost to
Corruption to purchase Mercenaries as well (Adding 2 Wealth to
the cost for the Power requirement). Typically, such armies are
led by a Status 3 or higher Secondary NC, but the narrative may
justify a Primary NC if the story has developed in that direction.
It is unlikely that a House will have much trouble putting down
a Rebellion if it happens in isolation, but quite a bit of damage
can be done to a House’s Reputation from the resulting war.
More troubling, however, is the likelihood that the House’s
enemies may take advantage of the situation to support the rebels
or strike at the House directly.


occurs after House Creation, it awards no additional resources but
immediately begins to contribute its negative effects to the
Complications are a way for players to voluntarily accept some
narrative friction so that they may gain access to more resources BANDIT CAMP
during House Creation. While Complications can be acquired
after play begins, they only seldomly contribute to House REQUIREMENT: None
resources when obtained that way – rather, it is typically the result BONUS RESOURCES: 3 Population, 3 Wealth
of some hostile project or magical working (or even a dramatically The commonfolk are sometimes difficult to control, and many flee
failed friendly task). They are mechanical manifestations of into the wild places of a territory to avoid its master. Occasionally,
narrative devices that players can take on to help shape the story these outlaws find themselves beholden to a new leader who organizes
that their group will tell, or to impose a tangible cost on the them to make raids on the House’s holdings.
House should things not go in their favor. Complications should Complication: Losses to Power or Wealth due to House Fortunes
not be a way for players to usurp the Narrator’s role, but merely are increased by 1, and the difficulty of the Collect Taxes action is
allow them to provide the Narrator with a source of conflict of increased by one step.
their choosing.
Most Complications exacerbate negative outcomes from BLACK MARKET
House Fortunes rolls. Some also apply special effects to REQUIREMENT: Large Town or larger Community
characters, units, or holdings in their vicinity. Others simply
BONUS RESOURCES: 2 Influence, 2 Wealth
apply a penalty to House Fortunes. In this final case, the penalty
is rolled separately and applied to the result of the House The House’s territory plays host to several disreputable merchants
that are willing to subvert their liege’s decrees to make easy coin.
Fortunes test after the House Fortunes test is made and is not a
Complication: Whenever the House tests House Fortunes, the
reduction in dice applied to the die pool of whoever makes the
illegal markets amplify any loss of Law by 1 and reduce gains to
Stewardship test. Wealth by 1.
When a Complication is selected, it is noted on the House Special: Any character in the territory attempting to locate illicit
Sheet as a Feature of the Terrain to which it is attached. If the goods or services has the difficulty of the Streetwise test to complete
Complication is added during House Creation, it awards the such tasks reduced by one step.
House resources as noted in the Complication description. If it


Special: When a House takes this Complication, the Narrator should
BOG generate a Vassal House according to the rules in the Sword
REQUIREMENT: Wetlands Chronicle Core Rulebook. This House occupies the Barren Terrain
required for this complication (as well as additional Domains not
BONUS RESOURCES: 1 / 3 / 5 Population, 2 Land owned by the House according to their Land resource).
Bogs are Wetlands marked by decaying biological matter – the
perfect site for diseases to fester and the insects that carry them to CULT
thrive. Unwary travelers who venture into a strange bog
unprepared are likely to not find their way out again, and even REQUIREMENT: Influence 30-
if they do, they can carry ailments that quickly spread to others. BONUS RESOURCES: 3 Law, 1 Wealth
What’s more, these places are often a refuge for trolls, hags, and
A particularly fanatical congregation is active in the House’s
other creatures shunned by civilized folk. Such creatures are as
territory, and their teachings state that the House is unfit to rule.
likely to hunt those that enter the bog as they are to strike out
They do not hold much sway over the people, but they are a vocal
against those who simply live in its proximity.
minority that works hard to extend its teachings to other realms,
Complication: This complication may be selected in Tiers:
hurting the House’s reputation.
Tier 1: Population losses due to House Fortunes are increased by 1. Complication: Influence gains due to House Fortunes are reduced by
Tier 2: Population losses due to House Fortunes are increased by 1d3, 1, and Influence losses due to House Fortunes are increased by 1.
and gains are reduced by 1.
Tier 3: Population losses due to House Fortunes are increased by 1d6, FAERIE GROVE
and gains are reduced by 2.
Faerie groves are inhabited by denizens of the sylvan realms –
REQUIREMENT: Hills or Mountains
satyrs, dryads, brownies, and other such creatures. In such places, the
BONUS RESOURCES: 3 Defense (Hills) barriers between this dimension and that one grows thin, and
or 5 Defense (Mountains) creatures sometimes pass through by either accident or machination.
The strange beings of the sylvan realms do not often intentionally
A system of caves can be a place for suspenseful exploration and
harm those that cross their paths, but their alien ways often lead to
exciting outings, but these natural wonders can play host to a wealth
conflict between unfamiliar species.
of mortal dangers as well. Cave Systems provide excellent refuge for
Complication: Due to the nature of the threats that could inhabit a
groups of bandits, tribes of goblins, or worse. In fact, their mere
Faerie Grove, any Law or Population resources loss due to House
presence in a region seems to attract such things.
Fortunes increase by 1. Additionally, House Fortunes tests made in
Complication: Losses to Law and Power due to House Fortunes are territories that host a Faerie Grove take add 1d6-4 to their result.
increased by 1.
Special: Whenever a House Fortunes roll results in a Curse, Decline, HAG’S COVEN
or Disaster, roll 1d6 – On a 1, an enemy force takes up residence in
the mountains (be it scouts from an invading kingdom or denizens of REQUIREMENT: Law 30-
the dark below). How powerful that enemy is and what the enemy
does after taking up residence (raiding, banding together with other
troublemakers, hiding, etc.) is up to the Narrator. A small, organized group of hostile spellcasters inhabits the land-
it could be Hags, Warlocks, or other malevolent magic-users that
Caves attached to Hills can house as many units as a Hall according
have secretly taken up residence within the House’s territory. This
to Fortifications in Chapter 10: Warfare of the Sword Chronicle
group will work against the House with their magics, likely hoping to
Core Rulebook. Caves attached to Mountains are considered as Small
eventually topple them through usurpation or infiltration.
Castle for this purpose. While these units are obviously well protected
in this environment, attacking with siege or marksmanship weapons Complication: The House receives a -1D6 penalty to House
directly from the cave system itself is unlikely to be possible (unlike Fortunes tests so long as this Complication remains active. This is in
with a typical Fortification). Moreover, unless properly prepared with addition to the other trouble that such groups could cause – the
provisions, they are poor places from which to hold out a siege. Narrator is encouraged to look closely at the art of Malediction in the
Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook, Chapter 6: Sorcery.
REQUIREMENT: Barren Terrain
BONUS RESOURCES: 5 Land (6 with Ruin)
A neighboring noble or bandit-king has claimed a stretch of land
that is owned by the Home House, backing their claim with the clout Haunted Terrain are places that warp the senses and muddle the
of some other power in the area. The reassertion of the Home House’s mind, visiting strange horrors on those unfortunate enough to find
sovereignty is a matter that must be handled both politically as well themselves lost or trapped within their confines.
as militarily, lest the offender’s chosen sovereign take offense and the Complication: Haunted Terrain increases losses of Law and Wealth
Home House finds themselves facing a greater foe. due to House Fortunes by 1. Additionally, House Fortunes tests are
Complication: Influence gains due to House Fortunes are decreased reduced by 2.
by 1. Land losses are increased by 1. Special: When this complication is taken, select one of your
Domains. Units within a Haunted Domain increase their Discipline


by 3, making them more difficult to control in combat. When a
Haunted Terrain contains another feature (such as a Ruin, Cave, or
Village), the effect is even more pronounced – Units directly
connected to the feature (such as when occupying a Ruin during

The House’s territory is full of bloodthirsty creatures that regularly
attack and otherwise torment the locals. These are not mere brownies
or wolves- no, something darker plagues this land, and there are too
many of them to easily route out with force alone. The result is a
populace that is both well-armed and vigilant. However, much of the
resources that would be used for other purposes are instead consumed
in dealing with this constant threat.
Complication: Power gains due to House Fortunes are decreased by
1. Population losses due to House Fortunes, the losses are increased
by 1.

Unstable Geology marks a Domain as being uniquely prone to
certain natural disasters. Mountains may experience small tremors or
be riddled with lava vents, plains may be pocked by geysers, wetlands
may produce foul gasses, or whatever else is appropriate to the
narrative’s setting. While the instability is dormant (or at least
markedly less pronounced) most of the time, it may prove to be an
interesting sight to take in. Once disaster strikes, however, it is
terrible to behold.
Complication: Defense gains from House Fortunes are reduced by
1. Losses to Land due to House Fortunes are doubled.

REQUIREMENT: Barren Terrain
BONUS RESOURCES: 2 Influence, 2 Wealth
A powerful mage has taken up residence on some unattended or
under-developed tract of land that the House has left largely
neglected, magically constructing a Tower, and occupying it with a
Veteran Garrison of magical soldiers. The mage pays the Home
House little heed, but are not necessarily hostile, desiring mostly to
be left alone to pursue their studies. Unfortunately, their works and
rituals are sometimes problematic for the House.
Complication: The Wizard’s Tower applies 6-2d6 to House
Fortunes tests. Additionally, Population losses due to House
Fortunes are increased by 1.


similarly defended, but it takes 1d6+12 months to complete their
Small Cities and Large Cities are ringed by expansive battlements
complete with fortified gatehouses. Often such walls are even wide
enough to be fitted with siege weapons. Such fortifications cost 5
BORDER GUARDS Defense and 2 Power, and a Small City can be so fortified in 3d6+12
REQUIREMENT: Scouts Months, while a Large City requires 4d6+12 Months.

INVESTMENT: 4 Wealth, 1 Power TIME: 2d6 Months

Specially trained units of scouts patrol the territory, watching for CITY WALLS
hostile armies and giving the House’s armies ample time to prepare COMMUNITY COST TIME
in the case of an invasion.
Hamlet 1 Defense, 1 Power 1d6+1 Months
Benefit: Whenever the Home House is acting as the defender in
Small Town 3 Defense, 1 Power 1d6+6 Months
Warfare while within their own borders, their Scouts may act as
engineers for the purpose of building Temporary Fortifications before Large Town 3 Defense, 1 Power 1d6+12 Months
a battle. See Temporary Fortifications in Chapter 10: Warfare of the Small City 5 Defense, 2 Power 3d6+12 Months
Sword Chronicle Core Rulebook for more details. Large City 5 Defense, 2 Power 4d6+12 Months

Benefit: A community enhanced with this investment increases the
REQUIREMENT: Any Community Defense of all units garrisoned within by 2. Note that this bonus only
INVESTMENT: Varies TIME: Varies applies against attackers outside the walls – not enemy units that have
breached the walls and are fighting street-to-street.
Whether a simple stockade or a grand wall, enhancing a
Community with a City Wall can greatly improve the chances of units
garrisoned within to withstand assault. CITY GUARD
For Hamlets , City Walls cost 1 Defense and 1 Power, and take REQUIREMENT: Small City or Larger Community
1d6+1 Months to build. Most such defenses amount to little more
than a simple wooden stockade or palisade. INVESTMENT: 8 Wealth, 2 Power TIME: 2d6 +3 Months
A Small Town ’s City Walls cost 3 Defense and 1 Power, taking All communities of the appropriate size within the House’s
1d6+6 Months to build. Such fortifications are typically wooden walls territory are considered to have organized their own city guards to
between stone towers that allow defenders to rain missiles down on ensure that the city’s operations run smoothly per the wishes of their
assailants. Reinforced gates are common as well, but gatehouses are liege lord. These guardsmen are not only capable in the defense of the
hardly ever seen in a Community of this size. Large Towns are city, but they also serve as protectors on its streets.


Benefit: Law gains due to House Fortunes are increased by 1.
Special: Newly Conscripted Peasant Levies receive upgrades to their
Marksmanship damage and Fighting damage free of cost. City Guard REQUIREMENT: Small Town or Larger Community
Narrator Characters in the affected Communities should receive INVESTMENT: 4 Wealth, 1 Power TIME: 1d6+3 Months
suitable upgrades to their equipment as well.
Towns and larger Communities in the House’s territory have
organized their citizens into Watches that patrol their streets and
MILITIA TRAINING GROUNDS protect the Community in times of trouble.
REQUIREMENT: Small Town or Larger Community Benefit: Law losses due to House Fortunes are decreased by 2.
Special: Newly Conscripted Peasant Levies receive the Armor
INVESTMENT: 4 Wealth, 1 Power TIME: 2d6 Months
upgrade free of cost. Appropriate Narrator Characters in the affected
A large, empty field or parade ground has been converted into Communities should receive suitable upgrades as well- typically in the
training grounds for the local militia. The commonfolk train here form of higher quality armor.
infrequently, but it occurs frequently enough to make a difference in
the case that they are called upon to defend their Community.
Benefit: Power gains due to House Fortunes are increased by 1.
Special: Peasant Levies acquired via the Conscription House Action
have their training level increased by one step.


INVESTMENT: 15 Wealth TIME: 3d6 Months
The House has formed an office whose primary purpose is the
collection of taxes and the management of its wealth. Once properly
staffed, this office greatly enhances the ability of the House to draw
on the wealth of its Communities.
Benefit: Wealth gains due to House Fortunes are increased by 1.
Special: When taking the Collect Taxes House Action, the House’s
Steward gains +1D to their Status test. If the House has Road
Wardens, they gain an additional +1B as well.

INVESTMENT: 5 Wealth TIME: 1d6+6 Months
A cottage industry has emerged to take advantage of the presence
of a Bog in the domain. Peat Farmers will take their carts into the
wetlands and return with heaping loads of long-burning logs that are
useful for warmth and a variety of other purposes.
Benefit: Population loss due to House Fortunes is reduced by 1.

INVESTMENT: 10 Wealth TIME: 2d6 Months
The House obtains the service of a talented Steward to aid them in
the management of their holdings, handle the day-to-day accounting,
and advise the House’s Head on matters of import.
Benefit: Wealth Losses due to House Fortunes are decreased by 1.
Special: The House gains a loyal Narrator Character to act as Steward
as per the rules for Secondary Characters in the Sword Chronicle
Core Rulebook, Chapter 11: The Narrator . The character’s most
important ability is likely Status or Knowledge, but ultimately this is
up to the Players and Narrator to define.
At the players’ option, the Steward may conduct House Fortunes rolls
for the Home House. They may also serve as a source of information
for the House.



The Benefits and Drawbacks below are intended to take You have absconded from your official duties in a levy, and
advantage of the new rules presented in this work. Be sure to your liege has branded you an outlaw. A bounty equal to your
check with your Narrator before taking these qualities to ensure Status in gold pieces has been placed upon your head- no small
that the rules they intend to take advantage of are in use for your sum, and many may try to collect. Even if they do not, you take
Chronicle. -1D to Status tests if your background is known.

Requires Will 3 (Dedication 2B), Sponsor
You are an official member of an organized religion, likely
holding some office or pursuing some assignment on behalf of
your head of faith. You receive a bonus to Status tests equal to
your Sponsor’s Status rank, which should be created as a
Primary or Secondary character, per the Narrator’s discretion
(if the character doesn’t warrant such attention, their Status is
considered a 4). When attached to Crusader units that share
your faith, you may issue orders as though they were Personal
Guard, but only to Crusader units that share your faith.
Additionally, your Dedication dice are considered Test dice
so long as you adhere to the tenets of your faith.

Requires Persuasion (Bargain 1B)
You hold a seat on the Burgher Council for the settlement
in which you live or hail from and possess extensive experience
in negotiation and compromise. You may substitute your
Bargain rank for Breeding during Intrigues. When you use the
Bargain technique, you may keep your Bargain or Bluff
specialty dice as test dice.
Furthermore, when you test Cunning for Trade, you may
use your Bargain specialty on the attempt.


Requires 3 Status or less, Reputation 1B
Your exploits are legendary among the common people, who
consider you a great hero and can recognize you with ease. You
add your Reputation rank to Influence against Intrigue
opponents of your Status or lower.
Additionally, when you attach to a Peasant Levy during
Warfare, you may issue Orders to that unit (and only that unit)
as if they were a Personal Guard.


Requires Status 3 or less, Warfare 3 (Tactics 1B)
You are well-versed in training with the commonfolk on the
practice of defending their homes. When acting as a sub-
commander during Warfare, you may issue multiple orders to
Peasant Levies as if you were a Commander – provided you
only issue commands to Peasant Levies that Warfare turn.


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