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A Lesson Plan in English 10

Binaliuan National High School

Schools Division of Iloilo

Learning Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types
serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups
and nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special
speeches for occasion, pronouns and structures of modification.

Performance Standard
The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal
and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.

National Learning Competencies

EN10G-IIIc-31: Use pronouns appropriately
EN10OL-IIIa-3.8: Use the correct stage stance and behavior when giving a roast and a toast
and when paying tribute to someone in a eulogy
EN10OL-IIIe-3.9: Use the correct and appropriate language when giving a toast or a tribute to
someone and when delivering welcome and closing remarks

Contextualized Learning Competencies

EN10G-IIIc-31: Use personal pronouns appropriately
EN10OL-IIIa-3.8: Use the correct stage stance and behavior when giving a roast speech
EN10OL-IIIe-3.9: Use the correct and appropriate language to show respect when giving a
roast speech

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1. Display confidence in delivering a roast speech employing the breathing
technique learned
2. Use personal pronouns and their antecedents in a roast speech
3. Rate classmates’ performance using Criteria Checklist on Public Speaking
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic – Roast Speech/Personal Pronouns
b. Lesson 3 – Working with Nature’s Limits
c. Materials – Mindful Breathing Video, Public Speaking Checklist and Presentation
d. Value Focus – Respect/Manage Anxiety and Fear
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Motivation (5 mins)
What is your greatest fear? Fear of heights, spider,
death, Public Speaking
Do you know that there is a way to manage anxieties or fears like etc.
public speaking? Today, I am going to teach you a breathing exercise
that will help you feel comfortable and at ease when you are in a
situation that you feel anxious and afraid.

Please sit on your comfort. I will play a video. All you have to do is
listen and follow the voice over’s instruction. Ready? Yes

(Play the 3 mins Mindful Breathing Video)

After the video, ask them the following questions:
1. How do you feel?
2. Do you feel better now?
3. Do you think this exercise is helpful?
When you can’t sleep.
4. On what other circumstances or situation do you think this
When you can’t control
exercise could be helpful to you?
your emotion. When you
are about to confess to
your crush.
Every time you are in a situation like you think you are afraid or
anxious, try this exercise and you will feel relax and comfortable.

Today, you are going to present all the roast speeches you have

Before that, I will be distributing a checklist that you need to fill out
while listening to your classmates’ speech.

(Distribute the checklist. One learner has to rate 2 speakers.)

Speaker’s Name: ______________________

1. The speaker established eye
2. The speaker used polite
3. The speaker is able to catch
audience’ attention.
4. The speaker varies the voice
pitch and phase during the
5. The speaker uses body
language appropriately.
6. The speaker has a clear
delivery of the speech.

Rater’s Name:
Remember, you are going to rate their speeches by checking the
appropriate column if you observe or do not observe the following
public speaking technique. Yes Ma’am.

So, please listen attentively and rate each speaker religiously.

Before I announce the first speaker, please be reminded of these

house rules.

1. Our classroom is a respectful, safe environment for learning.

Do not let your reactions and behaviors get in the way of others
while we are doing this activity.
2. Follow the one mouth rule.
3. Show appreciation by giving an applause if necessary.
As I have given you last time, I am showing you again the rubrics that
I will be using in rating your performance today.

So, good luck everyone! (Speakers will deliver their

prepared speeches in
Presentation of Outputs (50 mins) front.)
(Should be done in random)

Congratulations to all of our speakers today! It is very important that in
order to overcome stage fright and enhance your speaking ability, you
should follow the list of techniques given to you. As I keep on saying,
practice makes you better.

IV. Evaluation
(The checklist will serve as evaluation)
To those who are done with the rating please pass this in front.
V. Agreement
To those who were not able to present today, please practice and we will continue
with the presentation tomorrow.

Prepared by:




Principal I
(Roast Speech)

1-Poor 2-Good 3-Very Good

Use Personal Used some Used some Used personal
Pronoun and Their personal pronouns personal pronouns pronouns properly
Antecedents but the but with with respect to
antecedents were inconsistencies in their antecedents
confusing antecedents
Use of Polite Did not use polite Used few polite Used polite
Expressions expressions expressions expressions
Overall Impact of Not convincing Fair Very effective
the Speech

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