Note Taking Technique

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To make effective notes, follow these steps:

1. Be Organized: Create a dedicated notebook or digital document for each subject

or topic.
2. Use Headings: Divide your notes into sections with clear headings for better
3. Simplify Content: Summarize key points and concepts in your own words. Avoid
copying verbatim.
4. Use Bullet Points: Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down
information into manageable chunks.
5. Highlight Keywords: Use highlighting or bold text for important terms and
6. Visual Aids: Include diagrams, graphs, or charts to visually represent complex
7. Abbreviate: Develop a system of abbreviations or shorthand to quickly jot down
8. Active Listening: During lectures or readings, focus on understanding concepts
rather than transcribing everything.
9. Review and Edit: Regularly review and edit your notes to ensure clarity and
10. Personal Touch: Add your insights, questions, and connections to make your
notes more valuable.

Remember, the goal is to capture the main ideas and key details to help you understand
and review the material later effectively

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