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Southeast Asia

By: Mandy, Nicole, Louis and Kenzo

Birth of Southeast Asia
In a region known for its diverse landscapes and cultures, the roots of civilization took
hold thousands of years ago. This tale unravels the earliest steps taken by humanity in this
dynamic corner of the world, as communities laid the foundation for organized societies,
cultural achievements, and the intricate tapestry of Southeast Asian history. Join us as we
delve into the fascinating origins of Southeast Asia's civilizations, where fertile river
valleys and ancient settlements set the stage for a legacy that continues to influence the
region to this day.
Birth Of Southeast Asia
The study of the The first is mainland Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Southeast Asia, began in different
begin from c. 200 which has several parts of the region
BCE onwards. great rivers. as early as c. 6000
Southeast Asia is The second distinct
not made up of 1 area is island At that time, people
large piece of land. Southeast Asia, lived in small
Instead, it consists which consists of villages near the
of 2 distinctive thousand of islands sea. They lived by
areas. separated by seas catching fish, and
hunting animals.
Development Rice
Over the centuries, the first few The people of Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia villages were might have been among the first
transformed into cities. This led to in the world to grow rice. Since
the rise of Maritime Kingdoms or rice is a source of food, rice
kingdoms near the sea. Rice and farmers made profit by selling
trade were the main factors that their rice.
led to the rise of the kingdom.
By 200 BCE, the people of Southeast Asia were
skilled in building boats. With these boats, the people
could travel across huge oceanic distances for the
sake of trading.
The coastal villages in Southeast Asia developed
rapidly as maritime trade or sea trade between
India and China increased after 200 BCE.
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