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Anil and Sonali were working in the same office, The age of the Anil was 25 and age of the
Sonaliwas 23. Both of them share common ideas and developed mutual feelings for each
him she
othe. On one day Anil proposed to Sonalifor marriage and since Sonali also admired
asked Anil to speak to her parents regarding the same. On 20th Feb 2015 Anil approached
her parents with the marriage proposal as asked by Sonali , However Sonali's parents
rejected his offer and also strongly admonished Sonaliand threatened that they would die if
she continues the relationship. On the force of the parents, she quit the job and joined
another. Therefore, she started avoiding Anil and asked him not to follow any more.
However out of love and affection Anil tried contacting Sonali believing that all her actions
were under undue influence of her parents. That as a responsible man Anil again tried to
convince Sonali's parents for their marriage but her parents strongly revoked his proposal
and asked him to leave. That enraged with the feeling of dejection, when Anil went to
Shanker for seeking advice, Shanker insisted Anil that he should find Sonalialone and take
her to the temple for marrying her, Andalso Shanker also told Anilthat incase Sonali
resisted the offer due to parental pressure Shanker would threaten her with a bottle of acid.
Anil, who was initially reluctant agreed to the plan on the condition that no harm willbe
caused to Sonali and the bottle of acid will only be used as a tool to convince her for
compliance to their wishes.

That on 25th October 2015 as per the plan Anil and Shanker were waiting for Sonali near a
bus stop in acar. Finding Sonaliin the opposite lane they approached Sonali to accompany
them to the temple so that they can get married. On Sonali's refusal, Shanker carrying the
bottle of acid threatened Sonali. That when chaos was created, Shanker accidently spilled
acid on Sonali. Charges were framed against the accused and the Session Court convicted
Anil and Shanker under Section 326A and sentenced him to 10 years of rigorous
imprisonment. He was also asked to pay compensation to Sonali to the sum of Rs. 200000/
to be paid immediately. He was also awarded rigorous imprisonment for 2 years under
section 354D, IPC, 1860. Both the sentences were to run concurrently. That since Anil and
Shanker were aggrieved by the decision of the District Court, they filed an appeal to the
High Court. That the High Court acquitted Anil and Shanker and since the state was
aggrieved by the Decision of the High Court, it filed an appeal to the Supreme Court

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