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Progress in Human Geography

2016, Vol. 40(5) 629–648
The geographies of urban density: ª The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permission:

Topology, politics and the city

DOI: 10.1177/0309132515608694

Colin McFarlane
Durham University, UK

As the world increasingly urbanizes, the imaginaries, conceptions and politics of urban density will become
increasingly urgent for research, policy, practice and activism. Density is a keyword in the history of how the
city has been conceived and understood, and is firmly back on the global urban agenda. However, we lack
sustained studies of how the geographies of density have been defined, lived, and contested. This paper
develops a topological approach to urban density, considers key ways in which density has been politicized,
and examines an emerging research area that understands the life and politics of density as ‘intensive

density, intensive heterogeneity, topography, topology, urban theory

I Introduction back at the heart of global urban agendas.

Whether the ‘density fetishism’ of planners and
The problem of the city has historically been a
developers creating new elite and gentrified
problem of density. Yet we lack systematic
enclaves (Cohen, 2014), or efforts to foster den-
studies of the past, present, and future geogra-
sity in the interests of lower-carbon urbanisms
phies of urban density. Density tends to be
or affordable housing (Cohen and Gutman,
understood as apolitical, topographical, and
2007; Stein, 2014), or in calls to build density
linked to city centres or residential locations.
to promote and agglomerate post-recession
This paper offers a different argument: that we
job creation (Florida, 2014), or international
need a new spatial and political understanding
organizations concerned with how low-density
of density. Density, I will argue, needs to be
sprawl increasingly exceeds the governmental
understood as key not just to particular urban
boundaries of municipalities (UN Habitat,
issues, but to urbanism in general. I will argue
2013), density is continually positioned against
that a new research agenda around density as
an allegedly less environmentally smart and
topological and constituted through intensive
heterogeneities is an important step in addres-
sing this.
Density has long been cast as a solution not
Corresponding author:
just to urban problems – slums, suburbs, social Colin McFarlane, Durham University, South Road,
mix, economic development, environmental Durham DH13LE, UK.
sustainability – but to urbanism per se, and is Email:
630 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

economically unproductive sprawl (Smit and (1937), for example, saw transport as a central
Pieterse, 2014: 156–7). means to set limits on density, i.e. as a kind of
Instinctively, for most urbanists, density is threshold impacting on a whole set of other
one of the concepts reached for when asked that urban concerns: too many people and activities
ever-elusive question: what makes a city? The in one place would congest the roads, reduce
first cities – in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the economic opportunities, and overbear social
Indus Valley – were identified as such in large institutions, and so what was needed was a
part because of their relative density as com- ‘polynucleated city’ that is well-planned,
pared to villages. As the pioneering work of bounded, and connected. This, anticipating the
archaeologists like V. Gordon Childe (1950) city-region, he imagined as a shift from ‘mas-
demonstrated, density has always been a rela- sing’ to a form of ‘regional articulation’, a con-
tive calculation, and always more than a narrow cept that some planners would recognize as
quantity. Childe argued that density has a vital tentpole density (Tonkiss, 2014: 42). And the
role in enabling new kinds of social composition networked nature of density is buffeted further
and function, including cultural roles or prac- still by the politics and economic imperatives
tices, combinations of crafts, systems of prop- of the day, and experienced and perceived in
erty and taxation, and associated systems of different ways by different people.
recording and monitoring. From our urban As we shall see, density has come a long way:
beginnings, density has never been simply num- now less vilified, in the West at least, and more a
ber, and never neutral, but defined and con- target for economic innovation, ecological sus-
nected to a shifting set of social, economic, tainability, and social vitality (Tonkiss, 2014).
political, and ecological relations. Given that The political, economic, and cultural under-
the concept is so freighted, so networked, it is standing of density has been nothing short of
not surprising to find that the history of urban- transformed. If 19th-century industrialization
ism is in significant part a history of a mael- required dense agglomerations of workers
strom of politicized densities: overcrowding, housed in cities, the geographies of density were
illness, pollution, congestion as the familiar radically recast in the 20th century. Densities
villains of the piece; planning, regulation, infra- that were once gained, celebrated, then derided
structure, services, housing, decongestion or shrunk in some parts of the urban world have
incentives, and public space so often cast as the oftentimes been irretrievably lost in economic
remedies. transformations, the rise of neoliberal states,
Density is a political problem. It cannot be and the emergence of new urban forms such
conceived or acted upon in and of itself, because as the city region – think for instance of the
it is always a relation to other issues, spaces, deindustrialized car economy of Detroit, or the
and actors: to focus on demographics or once thriving mill economies of Manchester or
employment quickly requires reckoning with Bombay. New patterns of settlement emerged
infrastructure, services, and housing, while driven by flexible accumulation and post-
prioritizing attention on the merits of dense Fordist labour geographies, the rise of ideologies
multiculture quickly pulls in questions of hous- of suburban planning and living, out-of-town
ing markets. For some urban thinkers, of course, economies of different sorts, and transformations
one or more issues are especially important for in transport technology (especially the growth in
understanding or addressing problems linked car ownership). And this is a global geographical
to density, but even then these key issues are story: the sociospatial densities of western indus-
thought as relational questions closely con- trialization did not disappear, but instead moved
nected to other concerns. Lewis Mumford elsewhere.
McFarlane 631

It is vital to see these shifts in density not as issues discussed to illustrate these arguments
objective facts that roll out onto urban spaces, are necessarily wide-ranging, and include the
but as political values assigned through the slum, the suburb, modernist skyscrapers, social
machinations of ideological vision, geographies mixture, urban activism, experiences of density
of (dis)investment, and the near-pervasive dom- ‘on the move’, and recent preoccupations with
inance of the politics of growth and (sometimes ‘new urbanism’ and ‘smart urbanism’.
managed) decline (Logan and Molotch, 1987).
Economists have often argued for, and govern-
ments have often sought to foster, densities of II Topological density
innovation by agglomerating particular eco- Topological thinking is becoming increasingly
nomic sectors and connections between them influential across the social sciences and huma-
(e.g. see Glaeser et al., 2012; Jacobs, 1970). The nities. A key concern in this work, across the
urban growth machine has acted to manage den- different routes through which topology has
sities by redistributing jobs through flexible gathered influence – mathematics, physics,
accumulation in ways that effectively ‘shuffle’ biology, sociology, and so on – has been with
urban densities regionally and globally; people how relations change while the terms remain the
are required to move around in search of work same, e.g. there may be continual change in
and previously well-performing areas are left relations despite the ‘elements’ remaining con-
to shrink and struggle. stant (Lury et al., 2012; Phillips, 2013; Martin
As a result, and despite the tendency to con- and Secor, 2014). Topology, argue Lury et al.
flate density with centrality, density has no nec- (2012: 8), ‘is the setting up of spaces of different
essary pre-given geography, and processes of kinds of order and continuity in such a way as to
densification, decongestion, and low-density enable deformation or change, what Massumi
planning turn out to be far more mobile than (2002) calls the continuity of transformation’.
we often assume. Just as density can be part of We might think here of the density of a city mar-
an economic programme, it can also become ket or busy train or bus terminal or activist occu-
at particular moments a political target, for pation, where the form of order that is put in
example in the history of slum clearance pro- place is there precisely to allow for change in
grammes that take place in the name of ‘public relations (over a day or week or season).
health’ or the military targeting of civilian den- In geography, topological thinking takes
sities as part of ‘anti-terrorist’ campaigns from many forms: an actor-network theory influence
Baghdad and Kabul to Gaza and Karachi that focuses on how a process or object takes on
(Graham, 2012; Davis, 2006; Weizman, 2007). multiple spatial forms (e.g. as Martin and Secor
It is for these and other reasons that density (2014) show, as topographical, networked,
emerges not just as a topographical, linear, or fluid, or even as ‘fire’, ‘gel’, or ‘smoke’ – Law
numerical problem, but as a topological prob- and Mol, 2001; Moreira, 2004; Sheller, 2004); a
lem connecting multiple concerns and spaces related Deleuzian-inspired set of debates around
in ways that have consequences for other assemblage, where the focus is on how often
spaces, some planned and some unplanned. I contradictory and changing relations hold
will outline a research trajectory focused on together and fall apart (e.g. Anderson and
density as a political and lived set of intensive McFarlane, 2011; Braun, 2006; McFarlane,
heterogeneities. This research agenda offers the 2011); research on the multiple geographies of
possibility of new imaginaries, conceptions, and power (e.g. Allen, 2003); debates on the spatial-
practices of more socially just densities, of bet- ities of the camp (e.g. Martin and Secor, 2014;
ter ways of living together translocally. The Secor, 2013); and work on volume, spheres, and
632 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

related debates on verticality (e.g. Sloterdijk, A topological approach entails two points of
2009, 2011; Elden, 2013; Harker, 2012; Hewitt departure for understanding density. First, it
and Graham, 2012). focuses on the relations that make and unmake
The question of volume opens up a provoca- density, including how density: (a) holds
tive spatial imaginary for thinking density not together despite changing relations over time,
just as taking place on the surface, but through (b) is reformed in light of political, economic,
vertical arrangements of people and things in cultural, and ecological change, and (c) falls
housing blocks, hotels, leisure complexes of dif- apart. Density here emerges not just as a proble-
ferent sorts and, further still, densities both of matic of numbers of people and the necessary
the air in the form of increasing air traffic, resources to service them on a map (the topogra-
drones, surveillance, or warfare, and of the phical focus), but as an assemblage of ideology,
underground world of mining, tunnels trans- political economic restructuring and (dis)in-
porting people or materials, power, cables, and vestment, plans and regulations, cultural poli-
other infrastructures that amass and bypass tics of spatial valorization, everyday lives, and
through complex spatialities to the overground the built environment. These work together to
(Adey, 2010; Bridge, 2009; Elden, 2013; determine who gets to live where and why in
Graham & McFarlane, 2015; Gregory, 2011; ways that are often closely linked to patterns
Sloterdijk, 2009). The term ‘volumetric’ is use- of accumulation, planning fads, the operations
ful because it encompasses the topographical of real estate markets, and relations of class,
and the topological – as Stuart Elden (2013: race, and gender.
49) notes, the combination of the words ‘vol- Second, a topological approach focuses on
ume’ and ‘metric’ provides both ‘the dimen- the multiple spatialities of density: topographi-
sionality implied by ‘‘volume’’ and the cal (numbers, distribution, movements, and
calculability implied by ‘‘metric’’‘. connections across Euclidean surface space),
Indeed, a key issue that remains unresolved relational (in four ways – translocal, human and
in debates on topology, and Martin and Secor non-human, pulling different issues into its
(2014) identify this inside geography as well orbit, and connection between physical and
as outside of the discipline, is the relation digital densities), volumetric (from vertical
between topology and topography. The use of multi-storey densities to dense underground
topology too often entails a ‘dichotomization networks), experiential (a non-singularity of
of topographical versus topological space, urban textures; Rao, 2015), and perceptual
wherein topography becomes an analog for fix- (multiple angles of vision which exceed and can
ity [or being] and topology for flow [or becom- reshape absolute space).
ing]’ (2014: 422). Given that topology itself is A topological approach to urban density
given as much to fixity and hierarchy and insists on density as a problem of urbanism per
separation as it is to movement and flow, this se, and especially of urban politics and space-
dichotomy is misleading. The topological and time, and opens out multiple spatial forms,
the topographical are not two distinct realms experiences, and perceptions of density. By tak-
or processes acting on one another, but ‘two ing a topological approach to density, the focus
inseparable states of being’ always immanent is less on density as a ratio and more on how
to one another (Martin and Secor, 2014: 433). density is differently produced, experienced,
A topological approach to density expands the perceived, negotiated, and contested as people
notion of density beyond metrics of territorial live in and move through the city. In the next
distance and appropriate resources, but it cannot section, I examine some of the key ways in
be opposed to topographical readings. which the topographies of urban density have
McFarlane 633

been topologically defined historically in urban produced a careful description and analysis of
debates, and here there is a key role for the slum the geographies of density. Density, hidden
and the suburb and the responses to them. from view from the middle and upper class to
an extent that Engels had not seen anywhere
else, was varied across poor neighbourhoods
III Bad densities? Urban slumming, according to hierarchies of poverty. The density
suburbanization and new urbanism of mid-19th-century urbanism was a profoundly
Density substitutes for a wide variety of terms, oppressive ‘world of atoms’ (1844: 69), a ‘fierce
many of which carry distinct spatial and whirlpool’ (p. 70), where the only reciprocity
political connotations: crowded, congested, was that of the exploitation by the ruling classes
centralized, concentration, agglomeration, over- to whom the labour of the workers was so indel-
populated, thickly populated, clustering, ghetto, ibly tied and regulated: density here was ordered
and so on. Friedrich Engels (2009 [1844]: 59) through ‘reciprocal plundering under the pro-
described London as a ‘colossal centralization’, tection of the law’ (p. 69). The result was a tur-
a great ‘heaping together’ of people, power, and moil of poverty and an almost complete absence
trade. As Engels’ account of Manchester so of meaningful sociality.
vividly illustrated, the history of urban thought, Health was central to Engels’ descriptions of
politics, and planning is a litany of revelatory the dense warren of neighbourhoods in indus-
descriptions and proclamations of ‘good’ and trial Manchester, and sanitation loomed large.
‘bad’ densities. In some accounts, density itself He described how what little public space
is portrayed as the problem or the solution, existed was beset with stagnant pools of human
while in others the focus of analysis is on the waste, spilling from toilets without doors, and
conditions that produce a given geography of he continually referred to densities not just of
density. As Tonkiss (2014: 38–9) puts it, while people and housing, but of ‘refuse and filth’
some have argued historically that ‘density is which continually appear in ‘heaps’, ‘piles’,
bad for poor people’, others have argued, and ‘thick masses’, and ‘streams’ throughout the
more convincingly, that ‘it is poverty that is bad ‘narrow, filthy nooks and alleys’, constituting
for poor people, and ‘‘bad’’ densities tend to fol- no more than ‘cattle-sheds for human beings’
low from that’. Whichever view is taken, a key (Engels, 1844: 90). This was density as a ‘labyr-
site through which the problem of urban density inth’ of dwellings and waste, densities that
has been historically understood is that of the made it impossible for people to remain clean
‘slum’. and live healthily, breathe clean air, or enjoy
Engels’ (1844) description of Manchester has anything of the urban atmosphere the city’s aris-
had an enduring impact on urban thinking. In tocracy had carved out for itself. Density
the mid-19th-century city – and not just in the emerges here as the expression and experience
West – density was linked to crowds, epidemics, of inequality in extremis, a relentless, active
illness, and disease, and was almost exclusively force set in train by capitalism that defines and
seen as a problem. The concern was not, of curtails everyday life.
course, unfounded. Kingsley Davis (1965) Engels here echoed contemporaneous
noted that life expectancy in 1841 was 36 in accounts of an ever-deepening density of pov-
London and 26 in Liverpool, but 41 on average erty that spread both in number and in extension
for England. But unlike alarmist moralist – as Patrick Joyce (2003: 154) has put it: a ‘mas-
accounts of the great mass of Victorian slums sive outgrowth of the city into unfinished streets
(Joyce, 2003), Engels did not see an undifferen- and houses, new districts without seeming
tiated mass of human density but instead rhyme or reasons. Manchester was to them
634 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

irrational, inhuman, brutish, the ‘‘shock city’’ of concern with ‘nature’ as an antidote to bad den-
the age’. But this was not simply a topographi- sities has had a long history, as Matthew Gandy
cal expansion. The density of the slum was a (2003: 111) has argued: ‘Nature-based designs
topological problem, and in two senses. First, have been a defining element in virtually all
it was a radically relational problem that conceptions of the urban ideal from the garden
enfolded key processes into one another: for cities of Ebenezer Howard and Patrick Geddes
Engels, and in the work of others including pop- to La ville radieuse of Le Corbusier and The
ular writers like Charles Dickens, the question Disappearing City of Frank Lloyd Wright’.
of public health, sanitation, public space, equal- The equation of bad densities with slum
ity, and the very nature of capitalism itself was neighbourhoods and public health has
intimately tied to density. And second, it was a remained, as has – to a lesser extent – the moral
problem of volumetric space: of toxic air, gath- question, but its geographical locus has
ering cesspools, and absent sewers and water switched from the Global North to the rapidly
pipes. urbanizing Global South. A sense of burgeoning
The century closed with Ebenezer Howard’s slums has led to scholastic and public accounts
(2009 [1898]) profoundly influential Garden of cities as, in Seabrook’s (1996: 5) words,
Cities of Tomorrow, a relational vision of the uncontainable and inadequate: ‘The terms in
‘town-country’ where decongestion gave way which the cities are discussed – urban ‘‘explo-
to bounded, lower density green-belted cities. sion’’, ‘‘catastrophe’’ – tend to assimilate them
Howard’s thinking has been and remains pivotal to natural disasters; they are problems crying
to the history of urban planning, and not just in out first for relief, and then for solutions’, echo-
Britain (Parsons and Schuyler, 2002). But den- ing 19th-century attitudes to the growth of large
sity here was constituted as a quite distinct kind European cities (see, for example, Argaman
of problem from the political economic analysis (2014) on recent debates on density in Cairo).
offered by Engels: for Howard and like-minded For Mike Davis (2006), the problem is not den-
thinkers like Patrick Geddes, the problem of the sity per se, but the pervasive and intensifying
city was not so much capitalism but overcrowd- connections between rapid urbanization, the
ing, and the way forward was for ‘town and concentration of rural land in the hands of pow-
country’ to be ‘married’ (1898: 317). At the erful companies and landlords, and neoliberal
same time – and as was so often the case policies. Slums are cast here as ‘warehouses’ for
throughout the 19th century – de-densification the lumpen proletariat: this is Engels writ large.
was here linked not just to health improvements For Tom Angotti (2006: 961), Davis is hyper-
but to moral improvements (there are traces of bolic – Mexico City is a ‘giant amoeba’, Lagos
this in Engels’ account too). In these accounts is an exploding ‘supernova’ – evoking cities that
it was as if density – especially in over- threaten to devour the planet.
crowded urban spaces with often insufficient And yet Davis’s book was and remains
(or only recently provided) sanitation – was important: it helped place the experience and
metabolized, and that metabolization corrupted politics of slums as often profoundly challen-
the very morals of urban poor neighbourhoods. ging dense spaces at the heart of the urban stud-
Howard, and many others, campaigned for a dif- ies agenda, and analytically positioned slums in
ferent metabolization, one in which green space relation to shifting global political economies
and clean air would bring health and moral and cultural politics. Angotti is right, however,
improvement. The problematic of density was to worry about what analytical space Davis
thus remade topologically as a question of leaves for the many ways in which residents and
nature, morality, and the urban ideal. This activists are forging new and better urbanisms,
McFarlane 635

and not just in spite of these dense urban opening discussion from Engels. In 2013, resi-
contexts but partly because of the social connec- dents in the informal settlement of Barcelona
tions that close densities facilitate at community in Cape Town began protesting inadequate
level. sanitation services (in terms of both the number
Across the urban world the responses to slum and nature of provisions). In what became the
density vary considerably, from supportive ‘poo protests’, residents took old apartheid-era
interventions of ‘consolidation’ evident in many style buckets (which they were expected to use
South American cities to the nefarious demoli- as toilets and which at the time were not being
tion of slums so frequently carried out across maintained by the city council due to a salary
parts of South Asia and Africa especially dispute with maintenance workers), and emp-
(Dutta, 2012; Neuwirth, 2006; Saunders, 2011; tied them across public spaces in the city,
Sassen, 2014). Residents manage density by including the international airport, the steps of
building in largely incremental ways, enhancing the state legislature, and on main roads in and
precarious housing and infrastructure over time out of the city. Here, the excess density of
and learning how to negotiate multiple urban human waste was transformed from a topogra-
sites, actors, and networks in often highly vola- phical problem of too few services for numbers
tile urban assemblages both within and beyond of people into a topological problem of urban
the neighbourhood (e.g. Amin, 2014; Bayat, critique. The political economy of the city –
2010; De Boek, 2012; Fabricius, 2008; McFar- investing in elite (and hyper-sanitary) spaces
lane et al., 2014; McFarlane, 2011; Neuwirth, like the airport over under-serviced neighbour-
2006; Pieterse, 2008; Satterthwaite and Mitlin, hoods and further deepening what is a highly
2014; Simone, 2009, 2014). This is not to argue racialized geography ‘post’-apartheid urban
that there needs to be an uncritical shift from a density – was called into question not so much
view of slum densities of despair to densities through political debate or electoral choices but
of entrepreneurial celebration or potential – through the realm of the senses, especially
such a move is surely at work, for example, in smell and visuality. Here, the insanitary slum
state welfare removal or calls for marketization densities bemoaned by Engels and Davis are
and privatization of slum services, infrastruc- turned in and against a particular imaginary of
ture and housing as a justification for creating the city, and the topographical problem of slum
‘self-reliant’ communities, and this too can density is brought into a topological realm that
entrench hardship (De Soto, 2001; Gilbert, combines political economy, affect, shock, and
2012; Roy, 2011; McFarlane, 2012). Instead, the senses.
what these accounts present are stories of the The topological politics of slum density,
positive possibilities that densities can help then, does not just connect density to a range
engender socially, physically, economically, of different issues but in fact redefines the
and politically. These accounts centralize an issues at stake and thereby the political field
alternative topology of the topographies of slum of density over time and space. Given that one
density by showing how creative energy, strug- in three urban residents now live in some form
gle, hope, and their associated socialities and of informal settlement – from being squeezed
political forms reimagine both the space of the into slivers of space in cities like Mumbai
slum and the possibility of the slum as an agent or Manila, to lower-density neighbourhoods
of local and global change, for example through found in cities like Kampala or São Paulo – the
translocal organization (McFarlane, 2011). topological politics of slums is only going to
By way of example, let’s return to the ques- become a more urgent field for research, pol-
tion of density and human waste raised in the icy, and practice.
636 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

1 Suburbanization and new urbanism development characterized by industrial com-

If the garden city shaped planning for density in plexes, shopping malls, campuses, and mixed
the UK, in the US the response to inner-city den- housing, spread along highways – constituted
sities was much more about suburbanization. less a new kind of suburbia and more a new kind
The ‘suburban ideal’ in the US is a particular of city. The growing dominance and variation in
ideological topology of low-density urbanism, the suburban form, including edge cities, tech-
catalysed by the car and a utopian vision of noburbs, and peripheral slums, has led some to
American individualism: a plot of land, private argue that the suburb – or ‘post-suburb’, given
property, the family, and car-oriented living. the multiplicity in forms we are currently wit-
Frank Lloyd Wright (1935) was an influential nessing – is now the dominant form of the urban
voice here: the suburban form could rescue age (Ekers et al., 2012; Phelps and Wu, 2011).
America from crowded, decaying cities through Other imaginaries with quite different urban
more civilized suburban units (e.g. his model of ecological plans have taken on a global appeal,
Broadacre City). But while suburbanization has sometimes in relation to suburban locations and
become synonymous with American cities, in at other times to central areas. For Le Corbusier
practice, cities in the US exhibit highly variable (1929), for example, density was to be managed
‘density gradients’, from the steep gradients of both vertically in skyscrapers surrounded by
New York and San Francisco, which have very large public spaces, and horizontally through a
high central and relatively low fringe densities, hierarchy of rapidly moving road traffic. The
to the dense sprawl of LA and the low density of mantra here was to both de-congest city centres
Houston (Tonkiss, 2014). Los Angeles is, of of traffic and augment the density of urban
course, infamously a city of density and sprawl. space. Density was a problematic of verticaliza-
There are density spikes – barrios ‘barricaded in tion, distance reduction, and speed of travel:
poverty’ and appearing as dense ‘wedges’ in ‘Density gives us our necessary shortening of
urban space, as Ed Soja (1989: 242) wrote – distances and ensures rapid inter-communica-
and areas where densities appear as ‘mounds’ tion’ (cited in LeGates and Stout, 2007: 327).
and ‘tented webs’, sometimes of poverty and Corbusier’s urbanism may appear topographic
other times of higher-end land, housing, and in that it measured space (vertically, across sur-
job densities. The suburban geographical pic- faces) and time (speed between points on a
ture, in short, is a variegated one, as Roger map), but this topography was also topological
Keil (2011), Richard Harris (2010) and others in that it expressed an integrative ideal of mod-
(e.g. Ekers et al., 2012; Peck, 2011; Phelps ernist living that understood the problem of den-
and Wu, 2011) have argued in work charting sity as one of volume as much as surface.
and explaining differentiated processes of A cursory glance over the skylines of cities as
an ever-increasing and multi-faceted global different as Singapore, Istanbul, Shanghai, São
suburbanization. Paulo, and Mumbai reveals that the appeal of
As patterns of suburbanization morphed over the dense (and often suburban) high-rise tower
time and space, and new kinds of urbanism is far from restricted to the spectacular urban
emerged, the topological interpretations of sub- worlding projects of developments like Dubai’s
urban topography began to shift. For example, Burj Khalifa (Roy and Ong, 2011). The high-
Robert Fishman, in Bourgeois Utopias: The rise is alive and well (e.g. see director Katerina
Rise and Fall of Suburbia (1987), argued that Cizek’s excellent work here: http://highri-
the growth not of the suburb but of the ‘techno-; Keil, 2014). That said, these models
burb’, especially in the USA – a mixed of managing density have, of course, been in
some global regions rejected as sterile, grey, and
McFarlane 637

lacking a sense of the human scale – their topo- For Duany, new urbanism articulates a new
logical experiences usually falling short of their logic of density. He argues that in the US den-
topographical promises. There is a rich tradition sity is, for most urban authorities, narrowly
of urban thinking that argues that such vertical linked to economic calculations, and especially
skyscraper urbanism – and, for that matter, hor- to the car and to parking: ‘Density is parking,
izontal forms of sprawling suburbanism – can parking is density, parking is profits, parking
undermine or even destroy the potential of the is power: everything is controlled by parking’
social value of urban density in mixed, vibrant, (cited in Fainstein and Campbell, 2002: 370) –
publicly-oriented neighbourhoods and centres. and certainly parking constitutes a very large
This tradition extends from Mumford (1937) proportion of non-tax income for cities from
and Wirth (1938) through Jacobs (1961) and Chicago to San Francisco and beyond. For
Sennett (1970), notwithstanding the reserva- Duany, this economic and ideological commit-
tions Wirth had about the ‘quality’ of social ment needs to be replaced by improved public
encounters that he saw as transitory, blasé, and transport where the option of not having a car
‘elementary’ (and see, for different interpreta- becomes a practical one for most people – den-
tions of the socialities, politics, economies, and sity can then be potentially ‘unlimited’. He
democratic potential of urban encounters, believes that new urbanism is both a critique
Amin, 2012; Putnam, 1995; Valentine, 2014; of one ideological topology of density (car and
Thrift, 2005; Alexiou, 2006; Caldeira, 2000; parking models of sprawl) and an instalment
Zukin, 2010). In these debates, the topological of an alternative ideological topology based on
politics of urban density rests on often heated public transport, higher density, and social mix-
debates about urban tolerance, difference, and ture (Kelbaugh, 2002).
safety, as well as on the possibilities of urban New urbanism is certainly having material
community, gentrification, and isolation. impacts. For example, Denver – ‘in recognition
It is against this backdrop that we have seen of the significant economic, social and environ-
the rise of ‘new urbanism’. Connected in par- mental costs of sprawl’ – has developed a suite
ticular to the work of Andres Duany and Eliza- of transit-oriented new urbanist programmes
beth Plater-Zyberk (1993), new urbanism is a which focus on higher-density and mixed-use
reaction to both modernist high-rise urbanism urban centres (Goetz, 2013). Embodied most
and surburbanization, and seeks to pick up on famously in Seaside, Florida, new urbanism is
the tradition of mixed urban social densities. characterized by a neo-Romantic architectural
Often linked to ‘smart growth’ thinking, which form that mimics small-town America and sub-
focuses on building broad city-based coalitions urbia but which simultaneously densifies it and
to address neglected city centres as well as seeks to integrate multiple uses, social interac-
other parts of the urban landscape (Gibbs et al., tions, and design forms. It has proven to have
2013; Flint, 2006), it seeks out a sense of holism a global appeal, appearing in places as different
and completeness: local, well-connected, inte- as the new town of Lavasa, which has been con-
grated, and mixed neighbourhoods that bring troversially constructed near Mumbai, and in
services together and reduce the need for cars – Tornagrain, near Inverness. In relation to the lat-
neighbourhoods which are walkable, and replete ter, Gordon MacLeod (2013) has shown how
with design spaces that are architecturally sooth- smart growth coalitions and new urbanist prin-
ing and homely. Density returns as a social value ciples have been combined in ways that can
derived from a mixture of people, income types, depoliticize urban and regional development.
housing, work, shops, civic buildings, and parks Gibbs et al. (2013) argue that what is presented
in pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods. as a coming together of economic, social, and
638 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

environmental concerns to develop integrated away from equating density with central or resi-
urban areas oftentimes emerges as aggressively dential spaces alone towards a more open
market-led and socially-elite urbanisms. In agenda around where and when density is mate-
these accounts, new urbanism is no remedy to rialized, why it is materialized, how it is spatia-
low (or high) topographical densities, but is lized and experienced, what it might lead to, and
instead the latest instalment of an urban growth how it is contested.
coalition to generate yet more gentrification Topologically, intensive heterogeneities are
whilst depoliticizing civic participation. constituted in part through topographical condi-
Whether we have in mind slums, suburbs, tions, but as non-linear combinations of often
modernist skyscrapers, or new urbanism, den- different processes and things, given unity even
sity is never just a set of topographical calcula- while seemingly in contradiction and consti-
tions of people to urban form (housing, tuted by multiple space-times. These topologies
infrastructure, and services). Instead, density are immanent and push our spatial imaginaries
topographies are always already interpreted as to consider new forms of relational connection
particular kinds of problems requiring particular between people, things, and processes (Secor,
kinds of solutions, and these interpretations 2013). Tonkiss (2014: 49) describes some of the
have spatial imaginations and are often deeply research challenges here:
ideological and contested. Recognizing this
means acknowledging that there is no such thing If we want to think about this concept [density] in
as optimal or ideal levels of urban density (cf. a more textured and more spatially complicated
Kono et al., 2012) but instead only more or less way, then this requires an understanding of densi-
socially just and environmentally sustainable ties that includes mobility as well as dwelling;
forms of urban density. In this context, one non-economic uses as well as patterns of employ-
important emerging research agenda is focusing ment; spaces we pass through in less purposeful
on density as a lived and variegated world of ways, as well as points A to B on the daily journey
to work. These densities – or rather intensities – of
‘intensive heterogeneities’.
city life are harder to map. They don’t show up on
demographic or employment census data. But
IV Intensive heterogeneity these many transitory or incidental ways of mak-
ing space in the city have much to do with the
Recent research has focused on the topologies pleasures and the pains of urban life.
of density to make sense of how urban life is
made and unmade for ‘urban majorities’ Tonkiss (2014) draws on Amos Rapoport’s
(Simone, 2014), especially but not exclusively (1975) notion of ‘affective density’, which
in cities in the Global South. This research com- Rapoport viewed as rising with higher densities,
bines work on dense urban slums and other and which we might broaden to consider how
neighbourhoods, markets, activism, and chang- density changes as people move between the
ing socialities – including work on digital tech- home, the neighbourhood, work, social sites,
nologies in sociality – and is focused on the and across day and night when densities typi-
devices and sociomaterial infrastructures cally expand and contract in accordance with
through which densities are produced, negoti- the multiple urban rhythms that compose cities.
ated, lived, and contested. In particular this Density, Jacobs and Appleyard (1987: 114)
work examines, and has opened out a new argue, is lived not just as a mass of people and
research area on, the life of urban density in con- things, but through a range of less visible values,
texts of ‘intensive heterogeneity’ (Simone, such as the ‘sights, sounds, feels and smells
2014). Important here is the empirical shift of the city, its materials and textures, floor
McFarlane 639

surfaces, facades, style, signs, lights, seating, in which intensive heterogeneity is, first,
trees, sun, and shade’. And of course these differently produced through uneven urban
affective dimensions of intensive heterogeneity development; second, spatialized, experienced,
shift over time, as Tonkiss (2014: 47–8) argues: managed, and contested in a variety of urban
settings, from marketplaces to informal settle-
Day and night-time densities can vary consider- ments, infrastructure production to informal
ably for different urban areas – the City of Lon- street trading and densities of digital data, and
don, the square mile that marks the capital’s activist squatting to social movements; and,
finance centre, has one of the thickest economic third, how those densities surface and dissipate
densities in the world given its office-hour pro-
as people and objects travel through space and
ductivity, but fewer than 10,000 residents (a third
of whom, unsurprisingly, walk to work) and time in the city across a day, season, year, and
therefore one of the lowest population densities so on.
in the wider city and easily the lowest near the A useful example of a topological approach
centre. to intensive heterogeneity is Vyjayanthi Rao’s
(2015) study of mobility in Mumbai, in which
Of course, this is just one site, and if we look she deploys density
across London we see other rhythms of density
that are equally strongly patterned by an uneven not as a given attribute of urban space, a passive
development that regulates density not just of calculus that arises as a function of numbers and
their normative environmental needs but as active
people, things, and atmosphere but of class,
spatio-temporal configurations that make visible
race, gender, and other social vectors. In other
styles of structural coupling, between human and
words, the regulation of density through shifting non-human actors, and cultural-conceptual his-
growth coalitions and patterns of (de)industria- tories with the dispositions of non-human actants.
lization and gentrification means that intensive
heterogeneities are sometimes policed – at cer- For Rao, this approach to density reveals how
tain times and in certain places – as intensive the intensive and heterogeneous coexistence of
homogeneities, with either explicit forms of people and things in small areas enables forms
exclusion through, for instance, dense gated of experience and decision-making that emerge
apartment blocks, or implicit exclusions from multiple causes and relations, and engen-
through prohibitive costs of housing, shops, ders speculations about how circumstances
cafes, and the like.1 might be altered in the future. Writing about
A focus on intensity and heterogeneity mat- Mumbai, she shows how density-in-motion, for
ters to the project of theorizing urban density, example on the city’s infamous and frequently
because if the world is now urban, that urbanism over-crowded rail network, can switch between
– to borrow from AbdouMaliq Simone (2014) – an experience of cooperation as people adjust to
is not just a trajectory of expansion but a multi- make room for others to one of conflict as peo-
plicity of dense interactions that enable or dis- ple seek to set limits or exclude: the point is that
able, enhance, alienate, exploit or inspire multiple expressions of density, of a seemingly
different forms of urban life (see, for example, ‘amorphous mass’, can and do occur each day
Bayat, 2010; Kitchen and Dodge, 2011; Crang across the city as people move through it. Here,
and Graham, 2007; Thrift, 2014; Luque-Ayala ‘adjusting’ is what holds relations of difference
and Marvin, 2014; McFarlane, 2011; McFarlane topologically and topographically together.
et al., 2014; Pieterse, 2008; Rao, 2015; Simone, This differential experience of density – or ‘tex-
2013, 2014; Silver, 2014; Vasudevan, 2015a, tures of density’, as she puts it – is mediated by
2015b). This disparate work examines the ways relations of class, caste, religion, gender,
640 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

ethnicity, and other social vectors that squeeze between marginality, density, and heterogene-
the majority into sometimes oppressive experi- ity. For example, accessing basic services in
ences of transport while allowing elites to escape Mumbai’s informal settlements is a deeply var-
in air-conditioned cars, usually with drivers who iegated affair. In Khotwadi, a well-established
negotiate the city’s notorious traffic jams. neighbourhood of mixed incomes in west Mum-
In a similar way, Simone examines ‘bundles’ bai known for its textiles and deep-seated links
of relations between people, ways of thinking to the dominant political party – the ethno-
and doing, and different networks and actors chauvinist, regionalist, and pro-Hindu party, the
in the city (Simone, 2009: 157; 2014). These Shiv Sena – party political patronage is key for
bundles or interactions are made of shifting and accessing and maintaining services, unless you
multiple preferences, trade-offs, speculations happen to be a migrant, in which case your
about the present and the future, tensions, and access to this loose solidarity is less assured, and
collaborations of different sorts. Through thick perhaps violently so. The party maintains local
ethnographic description, Simone asks: what toilet blocks and deals with sanitation-related
are the social and material platforms – forms problems, such as drainage or water shortages,
of intersection that negotiate possibilities – which in return ensures loyalty at elections
through which density is negotiated? How do while entrenching the party’s control over local
different people withdraw from it or use it over activities. In other words, party political patron-
time? What devices – ways of knowing, doing, age is the main route through which the intensi-
and being in the city – appear when the more ties of urban density around scarce resources are
conventional devices dissipate, and how are negotiated, and in a way that has a particular
new devices developed? Simone experiments relation to the heterogeneity that it holds
with conceptual vocabularies for understanding together: of solidarity amongst ‘locals’ set
the heterogeneous nature of urbanism in against disqualified ‘outsiders’. Here, intensive
motion, focusing in on forms of ‘endurance’, heterogeneity is politically delimited around the
‘speculation’, ‘improvisation’, ‘intensity’, ‘resi- ethnoreligious spatial imprinting of density.
lience’, ‘incrementalism’, and ‘infrastructural However, if we switch context to Rafinagar,
collaboration’ that people put to work. Govern- a so-called ‘non-notified’ or illegal informal
ance and citizenship, of course, matter, but neighbourhood in east Mumbai largely cut
oftentimes ‘securing the possibility of being adrift from the Shiv Sena, we find that this
able to make urban life in ways that keep open patronage system is displaced by a different
a wide range of aspirations and potentials is form of organization: here, it is self-managed
located in the density of heterogeneous public infrastructures and services that are more
transactions that life in heterogeneous districts’ important for negotiating the intensities of infra-
offers, from rumours on commodities, threats structural shortage. It’s not that all services and
and opportunities, to new ways to make a little infrastructures in Rafinagar are provided
extra money or develop networks, and so on through self-management, or that those self-
(Simone and Fauzan, 2012). To illustrate this, management strategies happen in the absence
we might turn again to where we started this his- of state and civil society actors, but that this is
tory of density: with the slum. the technique through which most people here
will expect to negotiate intensive heterogene-
ities (Desai et al., 2015). Processes such as
1 Socio-volumetric technologies self-management – which we might call, adapt-
Informal settlements represent a particular kind ing from Edgar Pieterse (2008), ‘social technol-
of urban marginality that dramatizes the relation ogies’ aimed at organizing urban life on the
McFarlane 641

margins – shape the rhythm of everyday densi- ‘practical correlates’ of the urban world (Thrift,
ties in different ways in this neighbourhood. 2014: 285). One key task here is to better under-
They are also volumetric technologies: they stand the technologies that enable, delimit, or
exist not just above and below ground as toilets contest urban life in contexts of intensive het-
and pits, but at angles, as pipes spaghetti around erogeneity. As research in this emerging area
and below surfaces to maximize flow and pres- has shown, the empirical terrain here is a very
sure while allowing access for maintenance, and wide one: I focus in the rest of this section on
all of these materials are delivered through activism and digital urbanism as two important
social and political labour that is ongoing and areas of current debate on cities.
often unpredictable (on angles and volume see
Elden, 2013).
These socio-volumetric technologies take the 2 Activist densities: Occupation
shape of local vernaculars that seek to hold rela- Urban density is, for example, a central feature
tions together in ways that politically balance of political protest and campaigns. Most obvi-
heterogeneity and homogeneity. They are dis- ously, people massing in city squares are key
tinct in form even between the two neighbour- elements here, as we saw in the ‘Arab Spring’,
hoods in Mumbai, but they also resonate with Occupy or Indagnacio movements of 2011, or
ways of shaping everyday life that we see in in the protests over democracy in Hong Kong
accounts from Dhaka to São Paulo and Jakarta in 2014, or in the movement for Scottish inde-
to Manila, cities often characterized by the pendence in the same year, or the protests
challenge of learning in the context of intensive against the World Cup in Brazil in 2013–14.
heterogeneity. They may also register as increas- Of course, it would be wrong to argue that it was
ingly important parts of life on the margins in the densities themselves that initiated these pro-
western cities – for instance in the improvised tests and campaigns. But these densities are not
economies and housing left in the wake of only shaped in part by the manipulation of den-
austerity urbanism, or in the long histories sity by capital and politics, they also possess a
of experimental urban squatting witnessed in political force in and of themselves as they stage
Amsterdam, Berlin, or Copenhagen (Vasudevan, a determined show of power, give rise to new
2015a, 2015b), or in the calculations that increas- ways of being together in which working with
ingly constitute the everyday lives of British fam- heterogeneity of people and views is a necessary
ilies dependent on food banks – or indeed ways of part of the process, and work through forms of
organizing more wealthy neighbourhoods in deliberative democracy.
Mumbai and elsewhere, as Lisa Bjorkman’s These densities – part transitory moments of
(forthcoming) work on Mumbai has suggested. political emotion, part festivals of experimenta-
Urban density is partly organized through tion with new ways of thinking about or living
socio-volumetric technologies like patronage the political – were enlivened or given new
and self-management that emerge from the mul- meanings through their entanglements with
tiplicity of dense interactions to enable or dis- online densities, especially via Twitter and
able, enhance or alienate, exploit or inspire Facebook (e.g. Merrifield, 2012). Andy Merri-
different forms of urban life. An approach to field (2012: 279) argues that the stakes for pro-
density as a topology of intensive heterogene- tests such as Occupy are not the city per se, but a
ities entails not predetermined definitions of ‘contemporary planetary urban society’ that
density or elaborations of optimum densities, both enables these forms of protest through
but instead seeks to conceptualize and research online and offline connections, and that orien-
density as it is lived and contested through the tates itself to the world by foregrounding a
642 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

larger density of ‘the 99%’, as ‘citizens in front sectors like energy or in relation to the city as
of the whole wide world’. This commitment to a whole, from Glasgow, Bristol, and Amster-
the 99% is what helped hold movements like dam to Boulder, Rio, Delhi, and Cape Town
Occupy topologically together, for a while at (e.g. Datta, 2015; Luque-Ayala and Marvin,
least, despite often changing and contradictory 2014; Marvin et al., 2013).
political positions within the movement. Under- It is not, however, simply the seductive pow-
standing intensive heterogeneity here, then, ers of IBM, Cisco, Siemens, and others that are
offers clues to better ways of living densely at work here. Residents and activists too
together, where density is not just here in topo- increasingly topologically negotiate or bypass
graphical spaces but t(h)ere in topological the density of urbanism through the prolifera-
encounters. tion of new densities of digitalized data. In the
The politics of the urban encounter debated in increasingly pervasive digitalization of the city,
urban studies from Wirth and Mumford to Jacobs residents, via smart phones and near ubiquitous
and Sennett is not just topographically there in the computing, are able to sift and sort through den-
landscape, but is instead topologically made sities of data on seemingly every realm of urban
through combining physical proximate densities life, from job opportunities, housing markets,
and spatially translocal e-densities. Indeed, this and travel timetables to reviews of nearby cafes
combination of digital and non-digital realms is or the latest information on film showings (and
increasingly vital to the experience, negotiation, see Wilson (2014) on ‘continuous connectiv-
and contestation of urban density. A powerful tra- ity’). Residents and activists are also able to
jectory here is the promise of ‘smart urbanism’, share and update that information for social,
particularly as it is seductively marketed to urban economic, environmental, or political purposes,
authorities globally through the sleek visualiza- from Occupy or the Egyptian revolution to acti-
tions of global corporations. vist groups operating in real time like Power
Cuts India ( that monitor
upcoming power outages or Map Kibera
3 Connective densities: In real time ( that produce digital
Central control rooms, such as IBM’s Rio con- community maps of Nairobi’s largest informal
trol room (Luque-Ayala and Marvin, 2014), are settlement. This sentient urbanism and codifica-
imagined as constantly monitoring the distribu- tion of urban space does not simply overlay one
ted city, thereby remaking it as a manageable form of urban density – topographical densities
totality through real-time data. Densities of peo- on urban land – with an electronic density of
ple, traffic, goods, even weather – such as in information: instead, these topographies and
flash-flooding, in Rio’s case – are managed here topologies increasingly co-produce one another
(so the claims go) through a new urban info- as devices through which intensive heterogene-
matics, increasingly premised on algorithms ities are managed, got around, celebrated, made
that articulate and represent large data sets and visible, brought together despite often stark dif-
which are inter-related through integrated gov- ferences in content or form, and in different
ernance based on new ways of seeing urban ways rendered amenable for discussion and
space. This is a promise of seeing and managing action in real-time (Kitchen and Dodge, 2011;
the intensive heterogeneities of urban life Crang and Graham, 2007; Thrift, 2014).
through data, and it has proven immensely suc- With the increasing texturing of cities with
cessful as municipalities and governments digital technologies, density is located through
across the world declare significant smart urban a new volumetric capacity. Lury et al.’s (2012: 5)
initiatives, whether in relation to particular argument about the changing nature of culture
McFarlane 643

in the West is useful here. They argue that cul- maps in economic calculations (e.g. EPA,
ture is increasingly topological: based on a new 2014), to a whole variety of online real-time
kind of ordering, linked less to movement data sources tracking different dimensions of
across fixed times and spaces and more to a dif- urban social life such as health geographics in
ferent sort of movement, one based on practices aquarium diagrams (e.g. Guagliardo, 2004), the
of modelling, networking, mapping, sorting, proliferation of experiments mapping urban
naming, listing, comparing, and calculating that perception, such as MIT’s Place Pulse which
establish movement as change and continuity maps perception of safety, amongst other things
(see Phillips (2013) for a critique). Here, the (, to the production
‘expanded role of indices, the formation of of new e-social densities discussing preferences
meta-models and the proliferation of networks such as Foursquare (,
in practices of auto-spatialization’ of existing and groups analysing the resulting data from
and potential connections – from financial deri- sites like Foursquare and Facebook to produce
vatives or government databases of behaviour psycho-geographies of different cities, such as
to algorithmic tools in Facebook or Google and We are here now (
the ‘internet of things’ – are especially important The integrated real-time city is the new mantra
(Phillips, 2013: 7; Amoore, 2013). A key ques- for managing density and a dominant (if highly
tion then becomes: ‘how are capacities for variegated) means through which density is
change being rendered legible, how are they today understood, problematized, and
being mobilized, and with what effects?’ (Lury contested.
et al., 2012: 9). Researching urban density as a set of lived
Here, intensive heterogeneities are increas- and contested intensive heterogeneities opens
ingly rendered visual, sifted through data and a new research world. What are the social
represented in all sorts of ways (maps, charts, technologies through which intensive heteroge-
rhythms, intensities, numbers, comments, etc.). neities of people, things, information, and
As Nigel Thrift (2014: 3) has argued: space-times are interpreted? How do those inter-
pretations vary across different contexts and
the prevalence of data makes it much easier to groups? What are limit points of ‘heterogeneity’
compile lists of objects and to map them, to pro- and how does homogeneity bite back? How are
duce encyclopaedic renditions of things and to
these relations contested? In what ways might
account and curate them, to map out space as a
they be understood and actioned in more socially
polytheistic pantheon of urban life, understood
as a great ‘meanwhile’ (in the sense of ‘mean- just and environmentally sustainable ways,
while this was happening, and this and this mindful of densities that are not just here but
and . . . ’). that stretch through translocal relations? How
are intensive heterogeneities made and politi-
Urban planners, policy-makers, practitioners, cized in different contexts, from markets, slums,
corporations, residents, and activists are and forms of mobility to political movements
increasingly inundated by and producing visua- and saturations of e-data – and how are these
lizations of a mobile urban world, often in real co-constituted or pulled apart?
time, from representations of global information
on urban migration and energy infrastructure
distribution, to global images of air pollution V Conclusion
mapped on to densities produced by organiza- Density is less a particular urban issue and more
tions like NASA (2014) to build inventories for a problematic of urbanism per se. It is a pro-
air policies, to the increasing use of urban heat foundly networked concept: it links and it
644 Progress in Human Geography 40(5)

morphs, and the ways in which that process off and online. Neither is this simply a question
occurs in different places is a product of domi- of densities of people, but of resources, data,
nant ideologies, uneven development, power and ideas. Capital, for instance, has its own geo-
relations, and fashions in urban planning, archi- graphical densities, for example shifting
tecture, and design thinking, forms of contesta- through space at often tremendous rates in
tion, and different experiences and perceptions. financial markets and creating huge imbalances
Density is at once a topographical problem of of wealth and debt across the urban world,
number and measurement and a problem of mediated in turn by densities of corporate struc-
topological politics and space. If key sociospa- tures, algorithmic patterning, and formal and
tial categories have been the foci of this politics informal networks (Mackenzie, 2008).
– slum, suburb, skyscraper, city centre, the There is a lack of research examining the
socially mixed city – new techniques and devel- experience of different urban densities. How
opments such as those around new urbanism, do residents or activists or practitioners or
digital urbanism, and activist occupation have policy-makers – differentiated by class, gender,
both shifted how these are understood and race, ethnicity, cast, age, etc. – perceive, experi-
forced new questions about the future of density ence, live, intervene in, withdraw from, and
in and between cities. And yet, the political con- contest intensive heterogeneities? How does
ceptions and uses of density have often been in that vary both over time – days or seasons, for
the background of urban analysis. instance – and within and across cities? There
We need a new topological spatial and tem- are a set of methodological challenges here too.
poral imagination of density and its politics. A How, for example, might we research the malle-
topological imagination focuses on the rela- able, plastic nature of density both as a political
tions that make and unmake density over time, tool and as a geographical imaginary and form?
and on the multiple spatialities of density that Discursive analysis of urban policy only takes
are vital to that process (topographical, rela- us so far here, as do interviews with policy-
tional, volumetric, experiential, perceptual, makers or planners. There is a challenge in
etc.). An important research trajectory here is tracking through the different implicit and
the emergence of a new field examining urban explicit ways in which density is mobilized as
density as topologies of intensive heterogene- a political tool through urban growth coalitions,
ity. Its demands go beyond research to present the media, cultural expectations of what density
a vital challenge for the urban political Left: to can and cannot do, and the ways in which spati-
better understand and support the social tech- ality is enrolled in these processes. Understand-
nologies through which urbanites produce, ing the experiences, perceptions and practices
manage, alter, and contest densities, and to of density, and its politics, further demands
force new imaginaries and practices of living more ethnographic engagement with the life of
together. densities in the urban world, a methodological
Density here has no pre-given geography. challenge that is pushed further still by the
It does not belong to the city centre or to the growing role of digital data in the ways different
residential but might be found anywhere, from groups manage densities and reshape or contest
busy streets and markets to trains stations and urbanism.
airports to congested factories and universities,
to the ebb and flow of densities in motion across Acknowledgements
different surfaces as well as beneath and above I am grateful to Simon Marvin, Jonathan Silver,
them, or through forms of volumetric design or Roger Keil, and Pauline McGuirk for useful com-
translocal exchange, and through entanglements ments on an earlier version, and for discussion with
McFarlane 645

Steve Graham following a seminar I gave on urban Braun B (2006) Environmental issues: Global natures in
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Soja E (1989) Postmodern Geographies: The Reasser- Colin McFarlane is an urban geographer at Durham
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2015). author of Learning the City: Knowledge and Trans-
Thrift N (2005) But malice afterthought: Cities and the nat- local Assemblage (2011, Wiley-Blackwell) and co-
ural history of hatred. Transactions of the Institute of editor of several books on urban infrastructure, space
British Geographers 30: 133–150. and politics.

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