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Sl Proverb Explanation

1 Two wrongs don,t If someone one has done something

make a right bad,taking revenge will only make things

2 The pen is mightier Writing is more effective than violence.

than the sword.
3 When in Rome Do as Act the way the people around you are
the Romans do . acting.

4 No man is an Island. No individual can thrive when isolated

from others.
5 Fortune favours the A successful persons is often one who is
bold. willing to take risk .

6 People who live in Do not criticize others if you have the

glass houses should same faults.
not throw stones.
7 A pictures is worth a A image conveys more meaning and
thousands words. essence than a description.
8 There is no place like The most comfortable place in the world is
home . oue home.
9 God helps those who Do your hard work to achieve your goals
help themselves. rather than waiting for good things to
10 Cleanliness is next to Be clean is as important being pure and
godliness . good.
11 Action speak louder What you do is more important and shows
than words. your intentions and feelings more clearly
than what you say.
12 If it ain,t broke, don’t If you will try to improve something which
fix it. already works well ,you might end up
creating new problems.
13 Practise makes perfect If you want to be perfect at a skill,you
have to do lot of practice for it.
14 Too many cooks spoil When too many people are involved in
the broth. the same thing ,the final result will not be
15 ,easy go. When you get something quickly ,you lose
it quickly

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