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eC ULM ee iy ‘TERAKREDITASIBAIK SEKAL!" af ll The ap devloman lence and teehclgy party nthe aes a Iwacomnurcato, has rade he ward bores. Taster felraaten| ‘xcusscoves visit cannowbecopltedlnsecnds nod thatene 2 pata stay inthe intemiona career, 4 masa a § Reuse) Enyisicamas. J) treet tr tne good mastery of Engle hesinspedbe Gradua ot 5 Univeatyof san along (UNESMAYtotake paste alssotinprovgthe ‘aly of Englsh teaching in Indntla by sting up a Masts Progam a Engi Eeuesdn pect degned fc Eng tachi prlessonal. The Directrate Ganeral of Higher Education with 1s Utter Number ‘3 7/DIKT/200thas arte eval ppovalts UNSMAto cin te pope "Noes, th rogranfar ses boon acrid by he Naonal Accradiaten | Boarder high Eduateelnsiiionswabscoe"E". EE Bulg the Image and so nt of ty program of Magitrn Engle lange teaching ELT which ashe perspective and potstenle rogues gadus vic haveabliytosaet and dean Siocy,achnaeny, ‘snd As (PTE) NEL ad eile snd ecules hoa Alusenah Wel Cie JamshUASWAIA)pincesate es Se ned CHES 1. Condetng ICT anes protrsona m Engich ad guage aah ae zucaon fringing th student irtllacal capaci i od to develop Engl angunge teaching andthe stafer wey of Ue wit ASWALK piles. Wer cepa Tee) Srraecreerent reat ttt) 2 INGBAIK SEKALI” 2. Doing theoretical an aolid researches in English language tnachina for ‘OnE the cae of veloping tre rotesal eaters who a ble to an, eee oraa I wee ervconcte conti sce ean oriage Decrees eet a? Bis et A ea oe Rad pcan esti) econ ereniy Pine biinnets teaching ‘3. Dain soach based community sonst spread good practices ot ‘noity English rguaeteachinginveeslavlsafedcaton. 4, Expanding natal and ntmatealcooperaton wih ler verses _2ndbettons or inreasngprotessiocabe In ELT te bud up nape and 4 a © OBJECTIVE: 1. Mastering the theories of English Language Teaching, especially the bres, noms, and throes aswell as maha af recarch fll he qualification forthe pursuance of further study to theDoctoral degree, 2. Belg als to develop thoughts and stds on vas phenomena Ia English Languge Techn, capable of conducting rexsorch ona wider ‘scope, in the sense of being able to relate English Language teaching reeerchvithoterdiiples, 5. Being abla to dviap the feld of Engh Language Teaching tough teaching and resech activites, by cooperating wh ether ecucaton ination awllaslocalandoanalgovermen.fers. Inne with the objectives ofthe study programashes been explained above, the substance ofthe teaching larning active is taorad to creating graduates whoare proessionalandcampetentteachersof English, © GRADUATE COMPETENCE ‘The graduates ofthe Master's Degree program in English anguegeTesching, LUNSMAarexpectodtohive thefallovingabietandatls ‘1 AblotoUse Engtishacurately and aecotably whichinraltycanbousedin any angugereated aces, wich cover aly communication nent and witten fos nfomal andinoeal conten These slisand abies cover theeresofscince,proesionaland socio 2. Abeta manage and zppy varus paacgns fins andanovaons inthe els ol anguage, bth Ungustes and apped Unguts nthe students Inattwens indevopingtheaciesot 2 desgnngend developing EnglshCuricdam ‘devopng th Entsheacting documents assnplansandsylatus) veloping Engsheachingmateals A plamingandtnplmening Engl tochng evabatngtheprocessand results of English angLgettching. 3. Abo conduct professionali ELT esearch ith varus desigsto solve and prs develop Engl an leaching ad lamin problems le Pye sence NEW STUDENTS ‘LGraduates om the Bachelor degree (3 fom stun of Tear Tang and Eoucaen OXF), STGP Uortes, ortho Engh Depa, English Ler, o Engh Department. 2 Passth eae test fo new stent pola conuciedby gobte ‘Pregremof Univer of lm Malang. TST) ‘SEMESTER GENAP 4 OKTOBER 2023-9 JANUAR! 2024 Dc auind 1. Foto copy art ears lember, bap pedatar args Negara ang (SNA was menjertatan foto copy tin dar kemertetionPenaian, Keoucayan, Reet dn eobe! Republic Indonesia sa ala, surat ateangenjminan ‘baja hcup dan ya pendian da oranetws irtanespejain dana ema 2Fot Copy za dan trai i bog pendatar progam Masizerberlesalea| (2 Leman. 23Fota Copy Jizan dan traci Si dan 2 bog erdafarproram Dolor beregls| (1 ebsr. ttn: 1 Senua Dalaman persaraten glo ort ‘pe. le lca 50 Fs Hau tramp fe pa) an dokumen had copys sera se ‘etugs en catsrn pads sat dat ular {ag Yang data one dat ar Ursa). 2. Sema shuren persaratan hard wopy hts GQlerahianlngsune ke petugsspendaaran ace sat mena (Bagh yang dia ears Unlsmal Penaaran Prog $2 &52 bis dakaan ‘emp neal sng sing sesrs one ddaang be famgus dart Past Universtastuen Malang LNT Haryono 188 Malang Tep (0841) 551552 ada Publ 0730-16.30 We Eine PROGRAM DOKTOR NO | PROGRAM STUDI | PENDAFTARAN | WERREGAISTASI F 1) Penden elem 730.0% 700000 3.000.005 utara PROGRAM MAGISTER NO | PROGRAM STUDI | PENOAFTARAN | __HERREGRISTAST 1 | Paneidtanagamaisien | s00c00 600.000 2 | vkamketarea am 300000 Cod 3m aku 300000 600.000 = | and. aaa aare 300000 eon 5 | Pera: anamindoness [| s00000 e000 [rs admit 300000 00a 2 | Paternalan 300.000 one 500.000 30 | keno 300000 00000 ‘000.00

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