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I. 1.

Under the law, Statute is an act of the Legislature as an organized body, expressed in the
form, passed according to the procedure and constitute it as part of the law of the land.
2. According to Caltex v. Palomar, Construction is an art or process in expounding the meaning
and intention of the authors of the law, where that intention is rendered doubtful by reason of
ambiguity in its language, or of the fact in a given case does not explicit provided for in the law.
3. Jurisprudence states that Verba Legis is when the statutes is clear, plain and free from
ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning and applied without attempted interpretation.
4. Jurisprudence states that Ratio Legis is interpretation according to the spirit of the statute.
Where the language of a statute is fairly susceptible of two or more constructions, that
constructions should be adopted and it will tend to give effect.
5. Under the law, Stare Decisis is a ruling of a Supreme Court as to the construction of a law
should be followed in subsequent case involving similar questions.
1. Title- indicates the legislature’s intention to extent or restrict the scope of the statute.
2. Preamble- part of the statute written immediately after its title, which states the purpose
or reason behind the law.
3. Punctuation marks- such as comma, semi-column, and a period are grammatical marks.
4. Capitalization of Letters- aid of low degree in the construction of statute.
5. Headnotes or Epigraphs- they are prefixed to sections or chapters of a statute for ready
reference and classification.
6. Lingual text- a statute is promulgated in English and Spanish, the English will govern but
in case of ambiguity, Spanish will explain the English text.
III. 1. NO, Congress CANNOT legally dispense with the publication of the statute.
Jurisprudence ruled that the requirement of publication is indispensable to give effect of
the law, unless the law itself has otherwise provided.

Here, if the Congress legally dispense the publication it will violate the due process.

Thus, Congress cannot legally dispense with the publication of the statute.
2. Republic Act No. 15199 take effect after 15 days following the completion of
publication in the Official Gazette.

Because under Article 2 of the Civil Code, Laws shall take effect after 15 days
following the completion of publication in the Official Gazette or in the newspaper
of general circulation, unless otherwise provided.

Here, the said law shall take effect immediately upon enactment by Congress
considered that the said law shall take effect after 15 days following the
completion of publication in the Official Gazette.
IV. Under the law, the procedure necessary to have the Barangay ordinance enacted
legally when the Sangguniang Barangay proposed an ordinance, that ordinance is
subject to review by the sangguniang bayan or sangguniang panglungsod to whether
it is consistent with the law. The sangguniang bayan or sangguniang panglungsod
shall take action on the ordinance within thirty days from submission. If does not take
action within the said period, the ordinance shall be presumed consistent with the
law and deemed approved. If the ordinance is inconsistent with the law, it shall return
the same to Sangguniang Barangay concerned for adjustments and amendments,
then it shall be invalid.

V. Under the law, the procedure necessary to have the Municipal ordinance enacted legally
when the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of sangguniang bayan present there
being a quorum. The ordinance submitted to the municipal mayor within 10 days from
receipt thereof, shall return it either with his approval or veto, if he does not return, the
ordinance shall be deemed approved. If he return, the two-thirds vote of all become
members, override the veto of the mayor, it which case it shall become effective for all legal
purpose. Then the ordinance submitted to sangguniang panlalawigan for review and within
thirty days invalidate it in whole or parts of the proposed ordinance, and its action shall be
final. If not take action, it shall be deemed valid.
VI. YES, the mentioned enactments are required to be published.
Under the law, all executive and administrative orders, proclamations, memorandum circular
must be published in the Official Gazette, except such have no general applicability.
In the case at bar, the laws that was enacted have the general applicability which is relate
directly to one individual or some of the people only, and not to the public as whole are
required to be published and it must be apprise to the people.
Therefore, executive order, memorandum circular, and general instruction are required to be

XV. Philippine Legal System is the set of laws of a country and the ways in which they are
interpreted and enforced. The components are first the Philippine Constitution which a body
of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other
organization is acknowledged to be governed. Statues which enacted either by the Senate
or House of Representative. Presidential Enactments that enacted by the president in his
executive order. Administrative rules and regulations that those issued by an administrative
and executive officer as authorized by law as pursuant to a delegated rule making power
from the legislature. Ordinances that enacted by the local government units pursuant to a
delegated rule making power from the legislature. Rules of courts which is authorizes to
promulgate rules to govern the conduct of procedures before all other courts. And lastly, the
Treaties that are those agreements ratified by the Philippines to form part of the legal

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