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Script (cái này m khỏi bỏ vào nha, phần ttrinh của t í)

There's no denying, paper has become an essential part of our lives. We use it for
writing, wrapping, and other things that we do every day. But, the question is, 'how far
do we know and understand paper?'

Before paper was invented, people around the world used many different materials as
writing surfaces. kinds of materials used: clay tablets, tree bark, or materials such as
papyrus and parchment. In ancient Europe, people wrote on animal skins; while in
ancient China, bones, tortoise shells, and bamboo strips were all used for writing.

The word paper is derived from the name of the reedy plant papyrus, which grows
abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt.

History: Paper-making, one of the Four Great Inventions of

China(papermaking/gunpow…/compass/printer), was invented in the Western Han
Dynasty (202 BC - 9 AD) and improved in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 -220 AD).

In particular, 2000 years ago, Chinese invented paper making, 1900 years ago the
paper-making technique improved by Cai Lun (also known as Cai Hou Paper) brought
a revolution in writing

History development

-Papermaking can be traced to about AD 105, when Cai Lun, an official attached to the
Imperial court of China, created a sheet of paper using mulberry and other bast fibres
along with fishnets, old rags, and hemp waste.

-Later on, paper from chinese was spread to the West through the Chinese silk road.
Thousands of years of culture and civilisation were recorded on paper n passed to
different parts of the world

-Uses of paper included as packaging for delicate items such as medicine & as wrapping
paper, especially for parcels of tea. Besides its use for writing and books, paper was
used to produce topographical and military maps from the Han dynasty onwards.

-Decorative paper of Japan: such as origami

-Paper currency first developed in Tang dynasty China during the 7th century.

Cái lên ppt nè:

Slide 1: Để đề mục

Slide 2: Clay tablets, tree bark, or materials such as papyrus and parchment.( cái này m kím
hình ảnh để lên nhe, khỏi để chữ)
Slide 3: History: Paper-making, one of the Four Great Inventions of China

was invented in the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC - 9 AD) and improved in the Eastern Han
Dynasty (25 -220 AD).

In particular, 2000 years ago, Chinese invented paper making, 1900 years ago the paper-
making technique improved by Cai Lun (also known as Cai Hou Paper) brought a revolution
in writing

Slide 4: Historical development

Papermaking can be traced to about AD 105, when Cai Lun, an official attached to the
Imperial court of China, created a sheet of paper using mulberry and other bast fibres along
with fishnets, old rags, and hemp waste.

M chèn hình này giúp t nhe

Slide 5:How was it made?

chèn vid trên hơ

Slide 6:

Slide 7: Uses of Paper

In the past

-Packaging for delicate items such as medicine & as wrapping paper, especially for parcels of

-Writing and books.

-Produce topographical and military maps from the Han dynasty onwards.

- Decorative paper of Japan

-Paper money

m kiếm hình liên quan chèn giúp t nha, còn nếu k kím thấy hú t t gửi cho=))))

Slide 8:

Modern time:
Paper is a versatile material with many applications, including printing, wrapping, decoration,
writing, washing, filtering paper, wallpaper, book paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue,
currency, etc

(m kiếm vài hình chèn lên giúp t nhe, vài cái thui)

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