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Gender and Society as a Social Reality


1. What are your thoughts about how gender is portrayed in your community?
- Base on my observation in my community through physical environment and
through social media, gender is portrayed equally but not totally equal.
Different gender identities are being accepted by the community, and at
same time being neglected in some cases. For instance, in social media, we
can see a woman sharing her good life having a stable job and a healthy
family and community wherein she is free from discrimination and violence.
But these doesn’t reflect to all woman in my community. In reality, there are
hundreds or even thousand of people in different gender identities are being
discriminated, neglected, abused and violated most commonly experienced
by females and persons that are part of LGBTQ.
2. How can you describe your discovery of your sexuality, your sense of being
male or female?
- The process of discovering my sexuality is neither confusing nor challenging.
At the age of perhaps five or seven, I can already sense that I am male since I
was given a male name, had the body shape of a male, and enjoyed stuff for a
male. Moreover, I can totally confirm to myself that I am a male, in addition to
being attracted to a female or having feelings for a female.
3. How does you, being a female or male influence your family’s and peer’s
expectations from you?
- Our family does not expect a lot from us, and our gender does not influence
their expectation. But in general, either female or male are expected to be
strong and independent. On the other hand, being a male in my peers have
influenced their expectation. My peer’s expected me as a male to carried out
things more independently, for instance in handling family problems and

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