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Foreign Words :-

1.Ultra vires
(a) Beyond the power (b) Within the power
(c) According to law (d) None of the above
2. Bona fide
(a) In good faith (b) In bad faith
(c) In good behaviour (d) In bad behaviour
3. Innuendo
(a) Enquiry (b) Indirect reference
(c) Innovation (d) Inorganic
4. Quid pro quo
(a) Evidence (b) Favourable opinion
(c) Revenge (d) Something in return
5. De facto
(a) Actual (b) Factual
(c) Initial (d) Beginning
6. Pro rata
(a) At the rate of (b) At quoted rate
(c) In proportion (d) Beyond all proportion
7. Sine die
(a) Without setting a fixed day
(b) By voice vote
(c) Applying mathematical concepts to solve a difficult
(d) Signing legal documents before death
8. Ab initio
(a) From the very beginning (b) High initiative
(c) Thing done later (d) Without initiative
9. Intra vires
(a) Within the powers (b) outside the powers
(c) Within the scope of the fundamental rights
(d) Regular
10. Vice versa
(a) In verse (b) versatile verse
(c) In consonance with (d) The other way round
11. Status quo
(a) Legally valid (b) Present condition
(c) Social position (d) Side remarks
12. Prima facie
(a) The most important (b) That which comes first
(c) At first view (d) The face that is young
13. Ipso facto
(a) In place of (b) By reason of that fact
(c) By the same source (d) By the way
14. Ex gratia
(a) Very grateful (b) Payment made out of generosity
(c) Extraordinary (d) Before retirement
15. Ad Valorem
(a) According to quality (b) According to value
(c) According to nature (d) According to time
16. Status quo
(a) The state in which things are
(b) The past state of affair
(c) To maintain past state of affair
(d) To maintain future state of affair
17. Ad interim
(a) In the meantime (b) In the pastime
(c) In between (d) In action
18. Quasi
(a) As if it were (b) Null
(c) Void (d) Quashed
19. Volte face
(a) To not face (b) To face about
(c) To remain absent (d) To remain present
20. Ex post facto
(a) By a subsequent act (b) By virtue of an office
(c) In itself (d) Not complete
1. Beyond the powers
2. In good faith
3. Indirect reference
4. Something in return
5. Actual
6. In proportion
7. Without setting a fixed day
8. From the very beginning
9. Within the powers
10. The other way round
11. Present condition
12. At first view
13. By reason of that fact
14. Payment made out of generosity
15. According to value
16. The state in which things are
17. In the meantime
18. As if it were
19. To face about
20. By a subsequent act

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