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Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

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Modeling and measuring urban sustainability in multi-criteria based

systems — A challenging issue
Fazia Ali-Toudert ∗ , Limei Ji
TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chair for Energy Efficient Buildings EEB, Wilhelm-Dilthey-Str. 1, 44227 Dortmund,

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper addresses how urban sustainability is modeled and the ways criteria-based systems deal with
Received 15 August 2016 its measurability for an effective and reliable assessment. Twelve sustainability models are reviewed and a
Accepted 28 September 2016 subset is briefly presented. More importantly, this research work investigates five national rating systems
of sustainable urban development compared with the newly developed CAMSUD system. The comparison
Keywords: focuses on the systems’ structure, categorization, technical content and measurability. The main findings
Sustainability model
about the selected national rating systems thoroughly discussed in the paper are: (i) They all have a tree-
Indicator quantification
like structure, (ii) their conceptualization and categorization follow three or four sustainability pillars
Criteria interaction
models, sustainability topics or spatial scale; (iii) they use either planning-oriented or performance-
Rating system oriented weighting approaches; (iv) the criteria are defined as sustainability goals, action measures or
CAMSUD assignments to be fulfilled; (v) the sustainability items can hardly be juxtaposed since they are differently
handled, (vi) overlapping criteria might occur, (vii) similar criteria can be categorized under different
categories and this affects the emphasis put on these categories, (viii) all criteria are independently rated
with no consideration of mutual interrelationships. In an attempt to solve some of these weaknesses, the
newly developed CAMSUD system is introduced as alternative and relies on the following: (i) the system
structure is considered as a network, (ii) the conceptualization and categorization is based on spatial
scaling as well as on sustainability topics and pillars, (iii) many criteria are directly planning-relevant
(23 of 40), (iv) the criteria are defined as sustainability goals rather than action measures and (v) the
quantification of criteria is planned as to account for mutual interactions.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the theoretical modeling as well as the practical measurability of

urban sustainability are still unsolved. It points out the deficiencies,
The concept of sustainability is differently perceived depending discusses the matter in detail and seeks to find ways in addressing
on the view perspective given by the background discipline of the the problem. The paper includes: (1) a report on the theoretical
observer. Disciplines with a focus on social issues (e.g. Fücks, 2013; discourse prevailing in the literature on the comprehension of sus-
Rückert-John, 2013; Lorenz, 2014), on technology (e.g. Cerone et al., tainability with an effort to highlight the most operational concepts,
2014), on energy (e.g. El Bassam et al., 2013; Sayigh 2014) or on and (2) a transverse analysis and discussion of the measurability of
policy (e.g. Brannstrom and Vadjunec, 2013), just to name a few of urban sustainability criteria of selected rating systems as well as in a
them, address the theme by highlighting different contents. new assessment system developed by the authors (see Ali-Toudert
Indeed, the sustainability goals at urban scale are newly et al., 2016).
addressed, in comparison to the building scale for which relatively
mature rating systems developed over decades exist. First sus-
1.1. Models of sustainability
tainability rating systems for urban areas are available but their
endorsement is still underway. This study reports on an analysis of
Many attempts, aimed at wholly comprehending the concept of
some of them and reveals that methodological aspects related to
sustainability, have yielded various theoretical models. Fig. 1 gives
a schematic summary of some recurrent models from the litera-
ture. It refers to: [1] Spindler (2011); [2] Costanza and Wainger
∗ Corresponding author. (1991), Neumayer (1999); [3] Kleine (2009), Spindler (2011); [4]
E-mail address: (F. Ali-Toudert). Bott and Grassl (2013); [5] Munasinghe (1993); [6] Augenbroe and
1470-160X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
598 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

Fig. 1. Review of some existing sustainability models from the literature.

Pearce (2010); [7] Spindler, 2011; [8] Stoke (2008), Thwink, (2016); Gillette (2007), Higgins (2015) and [12] Curwell et al., 2007. Fig.
[9] Spangenberg (1997), Valentin and Spangenberg (2000), Lozano 1 shows at first glance some consensus but, when looked at in
(2008); [10] NZMCH (2006); [11] Hawkes (2001), Duxbury and detail, also exhibits clear differences. Basically, sustainable devel-
F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611 599

opment is represented as a 3-pole or 3-pillar model (see [1]–[6] in the city system (Wu, 2008). “Policy and management” were
in Fig. 1), either explicitly or tacitly bringing together the envi- sometimes understood as a macro dimension of sustainability (e.g.
ronment, economy and society dimensions. However, there are Drakakis-Smith, 1995). From the aspect of organizational process
different views on the relationship exhibited between these three of urban development, the DPSIR analysis (DPSIR: driving, force,
topics in question. In Model [1] ecology, economy and social mat- pressure, state, impact, response) was developed by the Organisa-
ters are considered relatively independent to each other. The basis tion for Economic Cooperation and Development (Dizdaroglu and
for sustainability in this model is the consideration of the sub- Yigitcanlar, 2014). With this model, the solutions for sustainabil-
themes as stand-alone with little or no interactions whatsoever ity issues are addressed with the help of identification of problems
between the elements. This viewpoint is widely disputed because following a DPSIR-procedure. Another opinion about urban sus-
of the lack of consideration of interdependences between the ele- tainability is enhancing the city’s resilience which reduces the
ments (see Spindler, 2011). Indeed, the value of the whole model is vulnerability to natural and human hazards (Collier et al., 2013).
more than the summation of individual elements. Model [2] high- One further concept is the criteria-based approach which has the
lights a hierarchical difference where economy is embedded in advantage of being operational as it focuses on the factual expres-
social activities, both of which are enclosed in the environmen- sion of sustainability ”on-site” (see e.g. Mori and Christodoulou,
tal element. The hierarchy transits from economy set at the lower 2012; Hiremath et al., 2013; Sharifi and Murayama, 2013; Reith
end to the all-encompassing environment (Costanza and Wainger, and Orova, 2015). Systems relying on this approach are the object
1991; Neumayer, 1999). The most widespread scheme represents of the investigation hereafter.
the elements in an interacting circuit diagram as shown in model
[3]. Here, the elements are considered to interact with each other
2. National rating systems
and the relationship between them leads to shared sustainability
goals expressed by viability, bearableness and equity (see Kleine,
The basis of this research is an extensive literature review and
2009; Spindler, 2011). Although similar in form to [3], model [4]
extensive comparison of five well-known national rating systems
is primarily different by considering efficiency, sufficiency and
for sustainable urban development. (CASBEE UD, LEED ND, BREEAM
consistency as performance goals in lieu of the aforementioned
COM, DGNB NSQ and Green Star COM). The systems were chosen
dimensions in [3]; meanwhile the 3 basic dimensions of ecology,
for their representiveness, maturity and wide use, even interna-
society and economy remain tacit. Model [5] also focuses on and
tionally. The comparison analysis addresses the system intention,
depicts interactions between the three main topics of sustainability
applicability, concept, technical content, measurability and certi-
(Munasinghe, 1993). Model [6] argues a shift from an old paradigm,
fication procedure (see Fig. 2 “analytical part”). The convergent
based on a balanced consideration of time, cost and quality to a
and divergent features of the investigated rating systems are also
new paradigm focusing on human satisfaction, reduced consump-
expounded. Based on the findings, a new theoretical multi-criteria
tion and minimal environmental impact. More models introduce
system for urban sustainability named CAMSUD is developed as
other dimensions as additional pillars, mostly 4-pole models as
a planning-oriented decision-support instrument (Fig. 2 “design |
shown in Fig. 1 ([7]–[12]). Typically, culture and governance are
implementation”) and is extensively described in Ali-Toudert et al.
the additional dimensions disputed as affecting sustainability in
(2016). Some key features of CAMSUD e.g. the definition of criteria
some manner. When culture is added, it is seen as an extended
interactions, the link with the planning legislation and the database
understanding of the human dimension represented so far by the
of action measures are highlighted there.
society. This is the case in model [7], [10] and [11]. Governance, in
Moreover, some findings from the present analysis e.g. the
the other hand, adds the managerial and decision making compo-
construction of system categories, formulation of criteria, consider-
nent as well as introducing policy and institutional responsibility
ation of criteria interactions etc. are heuristically used for the design
as a factor required in successfully implementing sustainability as
of the CAMSUD system. The highlights of CAMSUD are hence pre-
in model [8], [9] and [12]. Worthy of note is the diversity of terms
sented as outcome in Section 3. CAMSUD will be further constructed
used throughout the literature in depicting the concept of sustain-
as a computational tool at a later stage in order to cope with the
ability. Whereas some can be considered as interchangeable such as
intrinsic complexity of the matter as discussed in this paper.
environment and ecology, or society and community, others show
In this research, the current versions of the five selected national
slight deviations in meaning and thus emerge as “neighbor terms”
rating systems for urban sustainability are studied:
used to highlight specific facets of one subject such as well-being
or justice within the social dimension.
- CASBEE for Urban Development version 2014 (CASBEE UD),
1.2. Urban sustainability models - LEED for Neighborhood Development version v4 2014 (LEED ND),
- BREEAM for Communities version 2012 (BREEAM COM),
The city is a system which strongly interacts with its surround- - DGNB – New Urban Districts version 2012 (DGNB NSQ),
ing environment; hence implementing urban sustainability would - Green Star – Communities version 0.2 2015 (Green Star COM).
involve minimizing the burden on ecosystems while improving the
quality of life (Alberti, 1996). Urban sustainability is a challenge 2.1. System structure and categorization
given the complexity and diversity of this task, which additionally
to ecology involves the combination of economic and socio-cultural 2.1.1. System structure
considerations in enhancing environmental quality, economic effi- The five investigated systems are characterized by a tree-like
ciency and human well-being via the proposed action measures. structure as shown in Fig. 3: the main levels (e.g. categories) are
This complexity arises from the high concentration of human divided into sub levels (e.g. the criteria). Correspondingly, the sub
activities of diverse origin, alongside their operation and mutual levels have clear membership to the main levels.
interactions which have to be considered. The spatial delimitation There are totally 6 levels found in the five rating systems. Level
of the urban area and the rest field provides the ecological load or 2 and Level 5 are of crucial importance in all rating systems, hence
footprint in material consumption as an approach for urban sus- devoted extra attention in our analysis in this article. The reason is
tainability modeling (e.g. Rees, 1992; Wackernagel et al., 1999; that level 2 lays bare the rudiments and conceptualization process
Moran et al., 2008). Another view focuses on the self-organizing of urban sustainability as applied in each rating system and level 5
complexity of the city with people acting as “system engineers” addresses the scope and completeness of criteria in handling urban
600 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

Fig. 2. Methodological structure of this study including a comparative analysis and the development of CAMSUD.

sustainability as well as highlights significant details on their con- terion” or “credit”. Level 6, which deals with the measurability i.e.
cretion. The levels are differently named but relative consensus is the quantification of the degree of fulfillment of a criterion, is less
observable for level 2 as “category” or “topic” and for level 5 as “cri- consensual (i.e. scoring criterion, assessment requirement, mea-
F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611 601

Fig. 3. The tree-like structure of the investigated systems including their successive levels.

surable indicator, action measure). The designations of each level (smart location & linkage SLL), urban design (neighborhood pat-
and an example for each are given in Fig. 3 to show the variety of tern & design NPD) and green buildings including infrastructure
a system concept given by its structure and also the definition of (green infrastructure & buildings GIB). The category “innovation &
each level. design process IN” promotes creative design, while “regional pri-
CASBEE UD exhibits the highest level of disparity in compari- ority credit RP” is formulated for accessing geographically specific
son with other systems. Level 1 is only available in CASBEE UD and environmental issues, in the USA (v2009) and worldwide (v4, 2014)
consists of two groups “quality” and “load”, which assess internal (USGBC, 2014).
quality and external environmental impact, respectively. While the The master planning process employed in BREEAM COM is dis-
“quality” items are further segmented into different levels, “load” tinctive in comparison to other systems in that all categories are
item stops at level 2. Moreover, the chosen designations in CASBEE divided and executed in a chronological sequence as follows: step
UD are also quite different from the other systems. For example, the 1: establishing the principle of development; step 2: determining
“categories” or “topics” in level 2 are named “major items” whereas the layout of the development and step 3: designing the details. This
“criteria” or “credits” on level 5 are named “minor items”. The out- accounts for why BREEAM COM recommends an early registration
come in Fig. 3, expressed in points or level per criterion, is explained of the projects in quest of certification.
in Section 2.3.2. DGNB NSQ defines its categories with the term “quality”. The
three common pillars of sustainability (ecology, society, economy)
2.1.2. System categorization are taken on as three main categories (ecological quality, economic
The juxtaposition of the categories of these systems is hardly quality, socio-cultural and functional quality). The “technical qual-
possible due to the different logic governing the classification of ity” and “process quality” are two further categories, with distinct
the various items. In lieu thereof, the logic in categorizing the sus- operating terms valid through the whole system (DGNB, 2012).
tainability issues in each of the five rating systems is schematized DGNB NSQ is the only system highlighting “technical quality” in
in Fig. 4 and discussed hereafter. a separate category, an implicit dimension in other systems. The
As aforementioned, CASBEE UD is the only system with the first process quality deals with management and governance issues.
level. At level 1, a ratio of “environmental quality” and “environ- Besides the three pillars of sustainability interpreted as “envi-
mental load” is built based on the sum of scoring on level 2. The ratio ronment”, “economic prosperity” and “liveability” categories,
is named BEE – “built environment efficiency”. For the “environ- Green Star COM defines 3 further categories designated as “design”;
mental quality”, CASBEE UD takes the three common sustainability “governance” and “innovation”. The first five categories are strongly
pillars as its three major items (= categories). The environmen- oriented to the five principles “(1) enhancing liveability, (2) creating
tal impact of the three sectors (traffic, building and green) are set opportunities for economic prosperity, (3) fostering environmental
as three major items and grouped into the “environmental load”. responsibility, (4) embracing design excellence and (5) demon-
Thereby, this concept puts more in the foreground the “load” on strating visionary leadership and strong governance”, which were
the environment than the other systems. discussed at the beginning of the system’s development during
LEED ND deviates from the structure usually based on the a consultation process with more than 180 organizations (GBCA,
three sustainability pillars. It rather adopts another viewpoint, 2010). The last category “innovation” is set to award innovative
with the first three categories being planning-oriented and catego- solutions (GBCA, 2015).
rized according to the spatial area of influence: total urban context
602 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

Fig. 4. Structuring of the main categories within the investigated rating systems.

Hence, an apparent missing category in a system does not nec- 2.2. System technical content—criteria list
essarily imply that the significant issues of sustainability are not
accessed; the problem is the disparity in the structuring as well as Level 5 in Fig. 3 is the level of criteria for sustainability assess-
in the formal terms employed by the different systems in describing ment. A criterion can be defined as a rule or standard of judgment,
sustainability requirements. For more insight on the extensiveness therefore acting as a means of evaluation and subsequently aiding
of a system, it is more useful to consider level 5 dedicated to the in the decision process. A criterion operates like an index and is
single criteria as explained in the next section. measurable by a combination of several indicators acting as level 6
. in Fig. 3. This is worthy of note because the concepts ”criterion” and
F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611 603

Table 1
Comparison of the compliance criteria between the five selected rating systems.
604 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

Table 1 (Continued)

”indicator” are often mixed-up in the literature creating thereby a 2.2.1. Principles of criteria formulation
certain confusion. At level 5, the thoroughness and extensiveness of The investigated rating systems use extensively diversified
the rating systems are comparable and this is discussed hereafter. terms for describing the criteria, which amplifies the perception of
F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611 605

Fig. 5. Weighting of the rating systems according to the categories set for the analysis.

Fig. 6. Weighting scale of the individual criteria in 4 of the investigated rating systems (in percentage %).

the complexity of the subject.Whereas some criteria formulations to be attained” and the “action domain”. An example from LEED
are quite self-explanatory, others are ambiguous without reference ND: In “SLL credit: brownfield remediation”, the “remediation” is
to the detailed description. Moreover, the denominations of the cri- the target and “brownfield” is the action domain. If with the defini-
teria within each system are unequally detailed with some of them tion of the action domain, the target is assumed to be clear enough,
kept minimal like “view” or “history and culture” and others at e.g. “GIB credit: solar orientation” in LEED ND, the target could be
full length like “possibility to make (energy) demand/supply sys- omitted. In some cases, however, this can be unclear at first and
tem smart” in CASEBEE UD. This is observable across the systems hides different meanings, e.g. “LE 02 – land use” in BREEAM COM,
making them inhomogeneous in form and content. where only the action domain is known (land use planning) but the
As Ali-Toudert et al. (2016) already mentioned, the designation target not easily understood as being about the investigation and
of criteria generally combines two main aspects: goals i.e.“target remediation of land contamination. In comparison with the same
606 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

Table 2
Levels of final score in the investigated rating systems.


0–0.5: poor C 40–49: certified <30%: unclassified

0.5–1.0: fairy poor B- 50–59: silver ≥30%: pass
1.0–1.5: good B+ 60–79: gold ≥45%: good
1.5–3.0: very good A >80: platinum ≥55%: very good
>3.0 & “quality” ≥50%: ≥70%: excellent
excellent S ≥85%: outstanding


50% ≤ x < 65% & 10–19 points: 1 star:

y ≥ 35%: bronze minimum practice
65% ≤ x < 80% & 20–29 points: 2 star:
y ≥ 50%: silver average practice
x ≥ 80% & y ≥ 65%: gold 30–44 points: 3 star:
x: final score; good practice
y: minimum fulfillment 45–59 points: 4 star:
of each category best practice
60–74 points: 5 star:
Australian excellence
≥75 points: 6 star:
world leadership

term in DGNB NSQ “ENV 2.1: land use”, land use has another focus, two highlighted scenarios, where the emphasis is placed on within
i.e. brownfield re-use and reduction of unsealed space consump- the systems for the same criterion is different, the argument pred-
tion. Likewise, the same criterion in CASBEE UD “ land use” icates on the fact that the economic aspect of the energy issues in
focusses on land use efficiency via vertical extension and handling CASBEE UD is more stressed than the ecological impact, while the
soil contamination. opposite is valid in the case of DGNB NSQ. Which criterion falls into
The advantage of defining the criteria as a target within a spe- which category is a key issue since this influences the scoring of the
cific action domain is to enhance the operability of the criteria. The individual categories and calls for deliberation.
“action domain” might be too constricted thereby restraining possi- In order to make the criteria of the various 5 systems juxta-
ble innovation in planning and design thereby putting the squeeze posable, eight self-defined dimensions of urban sustainability are
on flexibility. For example “ building top greening” in CASBEE used as framework of comparison (and later adopted as CAMSUD
UD is less a target than a concretion measure or design strategy. categories) and shown in Fig. 5 and Table 1
As aforementioned, the assessment criteria are principally Fig. 5 shows the weighting percentages and reveals important
defined as “targets” but indeed some criteria are defined as plan- differences. The categories (2) and (5) for land use and resources,
ning measures or assignments to be fulfilled. The possible mix of respectively, are most consensual, whereas the other categories
targets and measures is one of the manifest difficulties when for- have larger variances, e.g. LEED ND seems to highlight the infras-
mulating a criteria list. For some of the criteria, a check list of tructure and undervalues economy and management, whereas
relevant assignments is provided. The criteria fulfillment is deter- DGNB NSQ privileges economic related topics to society related
mined by counting the number of assignments in that list, if they ones.
are undertaken during the urban project development or not. For
example, for the assessment issue RE 07 – Transport carbon emis- 2.2.3. Weighting and thoroughness of criteria
sions in BREEAM COM, if “a feasibility study/desk-based assessment The basis for scoring the criteria in a rating system is sub-
is undertaken using the information from the transport assessment ject to some weighting according to certain assumed importance.
or transport statement to establish appropriate alternative trans- The concept behind the various weighting perceptions has been
port options for the development” is defined as one criterion to often deliberated as this governs the final result of the scoring,
allocate credits (BRE Global, 2012) . It sets no matrix for evalu- consequently influencing the delivered certificate. Haapio (2012)
ating the design, so the quality of the activity or measure is not contends with the risk posed by the various yardstick upon which
directly assessed. In this case, the rating systems serve as a guide criteria are examined, in that some criteria attracts more atten-
to ensure that various targets of design are achieved by referring tion while other criteria with the same relevance are unwittingly
to relevant specialist fields, rather than as a holistic medium for neglected. The number of criteria in the five systems vary from 30
quality assessment of the design. (CASBEE UD) to 56 (LEED ND). The several voids left unfilled, like in
Furthermore, the target may be too complex when influenced by CASBEE UD, point out the relative imprecision of a system in com-
or applied to several action domains. The enlarged scope becomes parison to another in describing an issue. The Weights of the eight
inappropriate for the evaluation under one single criterion. An topics are allocated differently. The first three topics ([1] site loca-
example is “Liv-3: healthy and active living” in Green Star COM. tion | site ecology, [2] land use | urban fabric | building arrangements
and [3] infrastructure | transport) are mainly planning oriented, and
2.2.2. Classification of criteria into categories the rest are rather performance oriented. In this sense, LEED ND is
As previously mentioned, CASBEE UD, DGNB NSQ and Green Star the most planning-oriented system of the five.
COM all adopt the three pillars of sustainability as the basis for The thoroughness, simplification and emphasis employed in
category formulation and these pillars intersect at shared themes, each system are also visible in Table 1. Some aspects are in cer-
hence, comparable criteria may be grouped into different cate- tain systems handled in detail while in other systems relatively
gories. For example, in CASBEE UD, the criterion “efficiency of simplified, e.g. the criteria for the topic “site location | site ecology”
energy system” is a subcategory of “economy”, but in DGNB NSQ in LEED ND gain much more detail and importance than in other
the criterion “primary energy demand and ratio of renewable pri- systems. The blanks in Table 1 state for non-available criteria in the
mary energy” is assigned to the category “ecological quality”. In this corresponding systems. But this does not necessarily mean that the
F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611 607

relevant issues are not taken into consideration, in fact they might Table 3
Properties of CAMSUD in comparison with the five investigated national rating
have been incidentally or passively considered within other criteria
due to the interwoven nature of many of them.

2.2.4. Overlapping of criteria

Due to the complexity and the interdisciplinary nature of the
sustainability issues, the criteria in the systems are not stand-alone.
They always have inevitable interrelationships with each other.
This makes the scoring more difficult. In BREEAM COM, for example,
some overlapping could result from the chronological nature of the
rating system’s process. Indeed, BREEAM COM is the only system
which classifies the criteria into distinctive chronological order of
assessment. In step 1, it is more targeted towards conceptualization
and the criteria in step 3 are more construction-oriented. In other
words, some criteria involved in the latter stage are designated to
depict the detailed implementation of the initially derived solu-
tions from the former steps. Therefore, overlapping is imminent in
the criteria across the steps. As a demonstration, the criteria “rain-
water harvesting” in step 3 is part of the implementation of the
criterion “water strategy” in step 1.
Criteria overlapping can also occur as a result of different
spatial scales of observance employed as well as the variegated
nature of the topics involved. For example, “tree-lined and shaded
streetscapes” and “heat island reduction” are two criteria in LEED
ND which illustrate the possible redundancy due to different spa-
tial scales. “Urban design” and “efficient use of area” are two criteria
in DGNB NSQ within “socio-cultural and functional quality” and
“economic quality”, respectively highlighting the ease with which
redundancy could occur within a system. The overlapping is not
necessarily conceived as a disadvantage in this paper as this is
inherent to the complexity and multi-faceted character of urban
sustainability. However, ways of managing possible double scoring
must be provided. In this paper, criteria overlapping are one form
of criteria interactions (see also Ali-Toudert et al., 2016).

2.2.5. Mandatory requirements, optional criteria and bonus

The criteria list in the current rating systems generally consist
of a few mandatory criteria, prevalent optional criteria and excep-
tional bonus criteria that could be possibly fulfilled. The optional
criteria generally offer a certain degree of flexibility from low to
best compliance. LEED ND is the only system with prerequisite
criteria. The prerequisite credit in LEED ND usually has the same
name as its equivalent optional credit and mostly the same con-
tent as well, only the limit values are more constraining in the
latter case. BREEAM COM, DGNB NSQ and Green Star COM also have
such threshold requirements but implemented differently from
LEED ND. These are embedded into the main criteria and act as
the “minimum limit value” to attain. If this mandatory minimum
is not fulfilled, the rating cannot be achieved. The approach with
which bonus criteria is graded was not intended for measuring the
degree of fulfillment, but rather in encouraging additional achieve-
ments as well as acknowledging extra effort put in place in ensuring
better sustainability beyond the level governed by prevailing legal
standards and norms.

2.3. System measurability

are expressed in form of a cluster of parameters. For parameters
2.3.1. Measurability of criteria and indicators excluded from this aforementioned classification,
The criteria on level 5 are assessable by employing the indica- they are subjected to rules for allocating points with a degree of
tors on level 6 (Fig. 3). An indicator is a benchmark, a metric or a flexibility governed by the prevailing conditions. These include
statistic that indicates the state or condition of something, here the 1) calculation: if an indicator or parameter is quantifiable, then
measure of a criterion. The indicators on level 6 are measurable, for attainable values, equivalent points are awarded, (2) check-
either quantitatively by setting clear-cut target compliance values list for qualitative issues: for each achieved activity in the list,
or qualitatively e.g. by proposing possible concretion measures. In certain points are awarded and (3) determination of accessibil-
DGNB NSQ, some indicators are readily measurable, while others ity: maximum number of attainable points are given for rating the
608 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

SIT: site locaon | site ecology

SIT [4] URB [15] INF [4] URB: land use |urban fabric | building arrangements
INF: infrastructure | transport
CLM: urban climate | climate change
CLM [4] RES: resources [energy, water, materials]
SOC: society | culture
ECN: economy
MNG: management | quality of service
RES [5] [ ]: number of criteria in the corresponding category

SOC [2] | ECN [2] | MNG [4]

Fig. 7. Structure of the main categories of the CAMSUD system.

(1) analysis items (2) main findings (3) CAMSUD design

system structure:
structure tree-like structure

according to three and four pillars models

categories according to sustainability topics

concepon :
spatial scale + sustainability topics + pillars model
planning-oriented: SIT + URB + INF = 23 from 40 criteria
according to spaal scale

weighting: planning-oriented or performance-oriented

formulation: "target" or "action domain" or "target" + criteria formulation:

"action domain" or "measures / acvies" "targe o be aained" + "action domain"

thoroughness: sometimes assessment criteria indirectly

considered measures and solutions:
collected in a database, supporting quantification of
similar criteria differently categorized in different systems

criteria overlapping definion and quantification ofcriteria interactions

point allocaon: criteria are scored as stand-alone issues

Fig. 8. The CAMSUD design principles against the main findings of the analysis of five existing rating systems.

accessibility to certain infrastructures and services. For example, 2.3.2. Weighting and scoring by point allocation
maximum time distance and/or maximum straight line distance to The method with which points are allocated has a decisive effect
some designated locations are set and the percentage of buildings on the rating result. The methods include: (1) weight assignments
situated within this maximum distance operate as a multiplier fac- for different criteria, (2) degree of fulfillment of each criterion and
tor. In this rule, the points finally awarded are the product of the (3) levels of final score. Fig. 6 illustrates graphically the weighting
maximum possible points and that multiplier factor (DGNB, 2012). scale and logic behind the scoring in each system (except green
These rules are similarly applicable in the other four systems. star).
BREEAM COM warns from setting planning and design targets CASBEE UD implements an equal level of importance through-
using individual issues and credit levels (level 5 in Fig. 3), as these out the criteria list in assigning scores, thereby implying that this
would limit design flexibility and have an impact on the project system places the three dimensions of sustainability on same level
costs (BRE Global, 2012). In order to encourage the innovative solu- of significance; the adjoining subtopics are also on same scale of
tions, DGNB NSQ has announced in its handbook that only target influence within each dimension, as well as the criteria within each
values are defined but the measures are given a degree of flexibility subcategory. This simply connotes that the weight of each criterion
(DGNB, 2012). In fact, the target values are regulated by two rules (minor item in CASBEE UD) is a cumulation of the number of minor
(1) and (3) aforementioned. It is worth mentioning that measures items underlying the small and middle items, hence the small items
are occasionally listed in lieu of qualitative targets. In general terms, with the most criteria (22 of 30) get the weight of 2.8%, while the
all the systems discussed utilize both the fulfillment of compliance remaining 8 criteria are allocated different weights between 1.9%
targets and the number of implemented measures provided by the and 11.1%. DGNB NSQ and Green Star COM treat each criterion dif-
rating systems in the assessment of urban sustainability with the ferently with each criterion been handled with varying levels of
exception of Green Star COM (no information available on level 6). importance. In the case of DGNB NSQ, the weight assigned for each
main topic is fixed. The first four main topics are allocated 22.5%
F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611 609

each, whereas the process quality is assigned 10%. The weights difference compared against the five national rating systems. This
are further allocated onto the criteria level unequally but typically section focuses then on the process and principles for the develop-
influenced by their level of significance named “significance factor”. ment of the CAMSUD concept, technical content and measurability
Each criterion gets a weight from 0.9% to 6.8%. Weight allocation relevant issues.
in BREEAM COM is typically regulated by the “impact of each cate-
gory against each of the three aspects of sustainability” (BRE Global, 3.1. CAMSUD concept: structure and categories
2012). The weight of each criterion is estimated by the same princi-
ple. As a result, the criteria in BREEAM COM are weighted between In a bid to ensure clarity in the system’s structure, CAMSUD spec-
0.9% and 8.9%. In LEED ND, the weight of each criterion corresponds ifies only 3 hierarchical levels, which are (1) category (main topic),
to its number of credit directly, e.g. a criterion with 1 credit has (2) criterion (specific goal) and (3) indicator (measurable key met-
the weight of 1% since the total equals 110 credits. LEED ND is ric). This is comparable to most of the investigated rating systems
the only system with a possible credit score of 0 corresponding but the novel idea behind is a network structure. This means that all
to prerequisites (Fig. 6). indicators are interconnected for the definition and quantification
Each criterion has a scale of fulfillment. For CASBEE UD, the of their interactions in view of the final assessment of the criteria
scale has five levels. For DGNB NSQ, it is 0–100 points, where 0 (see Ali-Toudert et al., 2016). The advantage of a network struc-
point corresponds to level 1 in CASBEE UD being the lowest value ture instead of a tree-like structure will be explained together with
or minimum requirement. Fifty points in DGNB NSQ and level 3 the way of identification and definition of criteria interactions in
in CASBEE UD correspond to the norm and it refers to the current CAMSUD system (see Section 3.2).
state of technology or standard according to local mandatory reg- The system’s structure of CAMSUD is shown in Fig. 7. The
ulation. One hundred points in DGNB NSQ and level 5 in CASBEE thematic categories refer to Ali-Toudert (2008) and are in good
UD are the highest attainable target values corresponding to best agreement with the analyzed rating systems (see Section 2.1) as
practice (DGNB, 2012; IBEC, 2014). For LEED ND and BREEAM COM, well as with the literature review to urban sustainability. CAMSUD
the scale of fulfillment is not static as in DGNB NSQ and CASBEE highlights the 3 spatial dimensions of planning and design as sys-
UD and a criterion could have one to ten and one to eleven credits, tem’s core: site location | site ecology (SIT), land use | urban fabric
respectively. | building arrangements (URB) and infrastructure | transport (INF).
BREEAM COM and DGNB NSQ utilize the scale 0–100 (%) in com- Then, about the impact on the environment, CAMSUD focuses on
puting the final score. LEED ND and Green Star COM count up to urban climate and climate change related issues (CLM) and natu-
110% because they offer extra bonus points to a maximum of 10%. ral resource efficient use (RES) throughout the 3 planning poles.
The range of classification for final aggregates are listed in Table 2. Ultimately, economic, social and governance matters are handled
The final scores resulting from the different systems are not easily transversally across the system in explicit categories (SOC, ECN and
comparable due to the disparity in the different levels of strictness MNG).
prevailing in the criteria assessment, although all use similar scale Because the CAMSUD system is still under development, the
(from 0 to 100 or 110) for result presentation. weighting of the categories has not yet been determined. The
CASBEE UD is the only system that sets no minimum require- weighting of CAMSUD categories and criteria shown in Table 1 and
ment to a certificate in its appraisal of the neighborhood. More Fig. 5 are given at the moment solely according to the number of
than just acting as a certification system, it is characterized by criteria. With this rough weighting, the three categories SIT, URB
much more flexibility by taking into account all possible quality and INF have a sum of 57.5%, which corresponds to the original
levels of urban districts. The overall scoring result of CASBEE UD is concept of making CAMSUD a planning-oriented system.
depicted by a generated quotient BEE “quality/load” at a scale with
five possible levels (see Fig. 4). 3.2. Technical content and measurability of CAMSUD system
As previously mentioned in Section 2.2.4, the intrinsic com-
plexity of urban sustainability leads to the difficulty of defining The investigated national rating systems structure the content
“stand-alone” criteria i.e. without any form of interference between of the criteria differently, sometimes with disputable consistency,
them. However, the scoring procedure employed in the five systems and this posed a challenge in conducting the analysis as reported in
only evaluates the criteria by measuring the degree of fulfillment Section 2.2.1. To solve this issue, CAMSUD strives to follow clear sys-
of the specified target values without special consideration for the tematics in the definition of its criteria. CAMSUD criteria are given
resulting interaction with other subtle targets. Whether the con- in Table 1 and the principles guiding their designation are further
cretion measures of a criterion indirectly decrease the fulfillment discussed herein. The criteria are concisely named and emphati-
of another criterion is currently not addressed by the systems. How- cally denoted as “goals” in form of a “target to be attained” for a
ever, the interactions between these criteria cannot be neglected specific “action domain”. For example, in criterion [15] “housing
because considering possible interactions subsequently improves typology” is the action domain and “diverse” is the target to be
the prediction of lateral changes which must be coordinated by the reached. This aims to simplify every criterion giving it an explicit
planners in a compromise solution. meaning and clear-cut boundaries with respect to other criteria.
In some cases, where the target to be attained or the action to be
taken is obvious, it has been omitted. A typical case is criterion [10]
3. CAMSUD system where the target of ensuring outdoor spaces and recreational qual-
ity are considered as tacitly understood. Other scenarios where the
The name CAMSUD stands for Comprehensive Assessment designated goals are related, these are grouped in one criterion, e.g.
Method for Sustainable Urban Development. It was initiated by in the criteria [14] building layout | building typology, [20] urban
Ali-Toudert (2008) and then progressively developed at the chair network | accessibility or [33] social diversity | equity, etc. In cri-
for energy efficient buildings EEB at the TU Dortmund University terion [12], expressing safety and security, the goal to be reached
(Fährmann, 2012; Czempik, 2013; Ali-Toudert et al., 2016). The first suffices because the action domain applies to the whole project.
published version, named CAMSUD 1.0, is described in Ali-Toudert Furthermore, it was ensured that criteria which express tangi-
et al. (2016). ble action measures are avoided in order not to confine the user’s
Table 3 recalls from Ali-Toudert et al. (2016) dominant prop- innovative skills. Recommendations about the best practices are
erties of CAMSUD, alongside brief description on similarity or rather foreseen to be collected in an external database to act as sup-
610 F. Ali-Toudert, L. Ji / Ecological Indicators 73 (2017) 597–611

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