Task 1 - Personal Glossary

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Ecological Approach: This approach helps practitioner and scientist to define functional

relationship that emerges from the continuous interactions of the individual athlete, significant
others, task and responsibility, society, and higher-level organization or governance.

Microsystem: roles and interpersonal relationships that the individual experiences in his locals of
residence and activity. In example: Roles as a child of the family, as a young athlete, as a student.

Mesosystem: The interactions between two or more contexts, in which the individual has an active
role. For example, interaction between home and a sport or social program, home and community
services, relationships parents/educators, parents/ coaches, family/community, etc.

Exosystem: refers to contexts in which the subject isn’t directly involved but the events in this
system affect it or are affected by what happens in other contexts.
Macrosystem: refers to concerns the sociocultural values and beliefs where all systems are set in.

Dynamic system theory of Motor Learning: outlines three constraints (i.e. individual, task, and
environment) that influence the emergence of behavior.

Structure model of an athlete:

-Conditioning structure.
-Coordination structure.
-Socio-Affective structure.
-Emotional-Volitional structure.
-Creative-Expressive structure.
-Cognitive Structure

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