FH Clay Magic Rough Draft

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Clay Magic [Vitruvia]

Vitruvia is the architect of animals, having sculpted all animals from clay. Upon request
from Sylvian, she created the masterpiece of humans. The designs of the architect are complex,
yet all components are necessary. Clay magic cannot be applied to creatures that do not
originate from earth, nor can they be applied to artificial life forms.
There are two ways to raise affinity with Vitruvia, though both are showing strong
dedication to her arts. The first is sculpting statues and idols in her name. The other is extensive
study of anatomy. As a result, her followers consist largely of muddy-handed artists, curious
morticians, and doctors of medicine.

First Ring
Knead the Dead
Kneads the flesh of corpses into purple clay that never hardens. Corpses may be in any
stage of decay as long as they still have soft tissue. (50) pounds of flesh produces (10) pounds
of clay, and the other 40 pounds dissolve into steam and fine ash. For reference, a 180 pound
human has approximately 150 pounds of usable flesh, including their organs. Bones cannot be
Kneading flesh takes (5) minutes (not counting the time required to get the flesh off the
bones, and (10) pounds of flesh is considered “one pot”. All uses of purple clay are measured in
increments of pots.
Note that only creatures designed by Vitruvia may be kneaded in such a way. Creatures
originating from other worlds, and artificial creatures produce only ash.
Marriages produce “pale clay”. Pale clay functions the same as purple clay, but is
always rejected by creatures that are not marriages. The body of a marriage can accept purple
or pale clay.

Knead the Living

Requires: Knead the Dead
Applies purple clay to a living creature. There are multiple applications of this ability. If
the patient’s body rejects the clay, they take (2) damage, and the new flesh becomes dead
tissue which must be removed before infection sets in.
Facial reconstruction: 1 Pot of clay can be used to re-shape the facial structure of a
human. Hair, eye, and skin colour cannot be changed by this sculpting. This can also be used to
create an entirely new face for someone, in the event that their face is removed. Knowledge of
sculpting is not required to produce a convincing likeness, as Vitruvia’s hand will guide the
Wound closure: 1 Pot of clay can be used to pave over open wounds, healing (2) body
and removing bleeding. This can only be performed if the patient is bleeding.
Sculpt fat: In desperate times, 1 Pot of clay can be used to create fat deposits on a
creature that is suffering penalties from hunger. These fat deposits do not alleviate hunger
penalties, but prevent them from getting worse for a time.

Sacrifice organs to create an opposite reaction. Organs expire 3 days after extraction
and cannot be used for this spell. When extracting an organ, make a coin flip to determine if it is
successfully extracted, or if the organ and surrounding area are ruined and unusable. Corpses
that have been deceased for 1 day are too decayed for their organs to be useful.
Law of Equivalent Exchange: Sacrifice an organ to create an opposite reaction. The
organ sacrificed determines how the patient recovers.

Organ Effect

Brain (Head) Mends bruising and warping, causing concussions to heal.

Eye (Head) Cures blindness or loss of vision in 1 eye, if blindness is NOT

caused by absence of eyes.

Parathyroid Glands (Head) Floods the body with calcium, healing bone fractures.

Heart (Chest) Seals bleeding, including internal and anal bleeding. Restarts the
heart in the event of cardiac arrest.

Stomach (Chest) Flushes the digestive tract with acid, killing parasites at the small
price of gastrointestinal discomfort.

Lung (Chest) Clears the airway in the event of choking, and stops inflammation
in the event of asthma or harmful gas.

Thymus (Chest) Causes the immune system to instantly adapt to and eradicate

Liver (Abdomen) Purges poison & strong poison, removes drunkness.

Kidney (Abdomen) Neutralizes strong acids/bases, purges poison (but not strong

Spleen (Abdomen) Floods the body with fresh blood, healing (2) body.

Copied from the document from reference, not part of my concept

Sculpt Magic

1st Circle

Meat Kneading
Knead the meat of a corpse, no matter the state of decay, the meat will soon turn into a purple
clay ideal and ready to be sculpted.
1 Limb = 1 Sculpting Clay
1 Torso = 2 Sculpting Clay

Medicinal/Law of body exchange

sacrifice fresh organs to heal hp/status ailments (clarifying fresh for balance reasons)
Eye: Cure blindness
Liver: Heals poison
Kidney: Heals toxic
Heart: Heals bleed
Parathyroid Glands: Cures broken bones
Thymus: Heals infection
Casting time: instant
Mental Exhaustion: X

2nd Circle

Knead the face

You learnt the knowledge and logic of Vitruvia for shaping face. Now, with clay, you can make
yourself a new face.

Body Architecture
You learnt the knowledge and logic of Vitruvia for shaping the body. Now, with clay, you can
knead it to make body parts.
Look at clay sculpting at page X

Internal body architecture

You learnt the knowledge and logic of Vitruvia of the inner parts of the body. Now, with clay, you
can knead it to make organs.
Look at clay sculpting at page X

Yan sacrifice fresh muscles/ligaments/bones/organs in exchange for temporary increases to
Mental Exhaustion: X
3rd Circle

Sacrifice the fresh innards from a dead corpse in exchange for visions of the future.
Gives you 1d3 dices you can replace in future roles with.
Mental Exhaustion: X
Sanity: -X

Body Architecture+
You learnt the knowledge and logic of Vitruvia for shaping the body. Now, with the new clay
limbs, you can use them to replace missing ones.
The one receiving the operation needs to do a coin toss, if failed, the clay limb will be rejected
by the body, causing pain until the limb is removed.
Mental Exhaustion:

Magna-Medicinal / The greater law of exchange

The ultimate knowledge of Vitruvia over the human body. No one knows if she is the one who
gave humanity a soul, but she knew about it, and made our bodies in mind of being capable of
having a possibility of reconnection with it, all possible by her law of exchange.
Sacrifice a limb to reattach the soul of a recently deceased body, the revived one must do a coin
toss, if failed, the revived starts to attack with irrationality. Using two limbs adds a lucky coin.
Mental exhaustion: X
One character can be revived this way only once.

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