The Feasibility of Eco Wave Power As An Renewable Energy Resource

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The feasibility of eco wave power as an renewable energy


Climate change has been a major issue in the past decade according to NOAA global
temperatures have rose about 1.98 ֠F(1.1̊C) from 1901 to 2020 but climate change refers more
than rise of temperature. Change in weather patterns like droughts and floods, rise of sea levels
and much more. In the past decade we’ve been using Fossil Fuel’s as our main source of energy.
According to Donald J. Wuebbles, Computer-based models of the complex processes affecting
the carbon cycle have implicated the burning of fossil fuels as a major factor in the past increase
in concentrations of carbon dioxide. These models also suggest that, without major policy or
technology changes, future concentrations of CO 2 will continue to increase largely as a result of
fossil fuel burning. Fossil fuel burning has led our global temperatures increasing in the past
years. Eco wave power is a cost effective, low maintenance that produce clean, renewable
electricity from ocean waves. Eco wave uses floaters that can be attached to near ocean man
made structures such as docks. This set up makes the floaters accessible and simplifies the
installation process and maintenance. Eco wave power fills the void with a different approach
than solar and wind energy. Eco wave floaters draw energy from incoming ocean waves by
which converts the rising and falling motion of the ocean waves to electrical energy.

The goal of this study is to develop an eco friendly energy resource hence eco wave a cost
effective, low maintenance that produce clean and renewable electricity from ocean waves and
become a possiblity to replace fossil fuel reserves that is the major cause for global warming and
climate change,this study will answer these following questions.

1. How effective is the eco wave power to produce electricity?

2. Is there a difference between the solar, wind power to the experimental eco wave in terms
of cost, effectiveness, maintenance and availability.

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