112國中英語新綱會考制霸 學用

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一、1200 單字 字首分類 ·······································1

1200 單字 主題分類 ·······································15
二、一字多義總整理 ···············································30
三、易混淆單字比一比 ············································34
四、 單字演練卷六回 ··············································37
一字多義演練卷一回 ········································49
五、 片語動詞總整理 ··············································51
片語動詞演練卷一回 ········································54
六、重點文法觀念統整 ············································56
七、易混淆文法比一比 ············································63
八、主題式文法練習卷十四回 ···································66
九、閱讀題組十五篇 ···············································94

1200單字 字首分類

字首 A
一(個) 一些 一些 許多 能夠…的
a (an) a few a little a lot able
關於 在…上方 在國外 在…對面 扮演
about above abroad across act
動作 男演員 女演員 實際上 害怕的
action actor actress actually afraid
在…之後 下午 再一次 年齡 以前
after afternoon again age ago
同意 在前方 空氣 飛機 機場
agree ahead air airplane (plane) airport
全部的 允許 幾乎 沿著 已經
all allow almost along already
也 總是 上午 美國 美國人;美國的
also always a.m. America American
和 角;邊角 生氣的 動物 另一個的
and angle angry animal another
回答 螞蟻 任何的 任何人 任何事物
answer ant any anyone (anybody) anything
公寓 出現 蘋果 四月 地區
apartment appear apple April area
手臂;武裝 在…四周 到達 美術 像;如同…那樣
arm around arrive art as
問 在 攻擊 八月 伯(叔)母
ask at attack August aunt
秋天 遠離
autumn (fall) away

字首 B
嬰兒 在…後面 壞的 羽毛球 袋子
baby back bad badminton bag
烘烤 麵包店 陽台 香蕉 樂團
bake bakery balcony banana band
堤;岸;銀行 棒球 籃子 籃球 蝙蝠
bank baseball basket basketball bat

洗澡 浴室 海灘 豆
be (is; am; are;
bath bathroom beach bean
was; were; been)

熊 美麗的 因為 變成 床
bear beautiful because become bed

臥室 蜜蜂 牛肉 在 之前
… 開始
bedroom bee beef before begin

在 後面
… 相信 鈴 屬於 在 下方

behind believe bell belong below

皮帶 長椅 在 旁邊
… 在 之間
… 腳踏車
belt bench beside between bicycle (bike)

大的 鳥 生日 咬 黑色(的)
big bird birthday bite black

黑板 空白的;空格 毯子 瞎的 街區
blackboard blank blanket blind block

吹 藍色(的) 船 身體 煮沸
blow blue boat body boil

書 書店 感到厭煩 無聊的 出生
book bookstore bored boring born

借入 老板 兩者都 瓶子 底部
borrow boss both bottle bottom

敬禮 碗 盒子 男孩 勇敢的
bow bowl box boy brave

麵包 打破 早餐 橋 明亮的
bread break breakfast bridge bright

帶來 兄弟 棕色(的) 刷 小蟲
bring brother brown brush bug

建造 小圓麵包 著火;燙傷;燃燒 公車 生意
build bun burn bus business

商人 忙碌的 但是 奶油 蝴蝶
businessman busy but butter butterfly

鈕扣 買 藉著
button buy by

字首 C
蛋糕 打電話 照相機 露營 能夠
cake call camera camp can

蠟燭 糖果 (無邊)帽 車子 卡片
candle candy cap car card

關心 仔細的 攜帶 情形 城堡
care careful carry case castle

貓 趕上 慶祝 手機 (一)分錢
cat catch celebrate cellphone cent

中心 公分 椅子 粉筆 機會
center centimeter chair chalk chance

交換;零錢 便宜的 欺騙 檢查 歡呼
change cheap cheat check cheer

乳酪 (小)雞;雞肉 小孩 中國 中國人;中文
cheese chicken child China Chinese

巧克力 選擇;抉擇 選擇;挑選 筷子 聖誕節

chocolate choice choose chopsticks Christmas

教堂 圓圈 城市 拍手 班級
church circle city clap class

同學 教室 打掃 清楚的 店員
classmate classroom clean clear clerk

爬 時鐘 關上 衣服 雲
climb clock close clothes cloud

多雲的 社團 大衣 咖啡 寒冷的
cloudy club coat coffee cold

收集 顏色 梳子 來 舒適的
collect color comb come comfortable

連環漫畫 共同的 電腦 方便的 煮飯

comic common computer convenient cook

餅乾 涼爽的 抄寫;複製 角落 正確的

cookie cool copy corner correct

價值 沙發 能;可以 計算 國家;鄉村
cost couch could count country

課程 堂表兄弟姊妹 覆蓋;封面;掩護 母牛 瘋狂的

course cousin cover cow crazy

越過 哭 茶杯 切 可愛的
cross cry cup cut cute

字首 D
跳舞 危險的 黑暗的 日期;約會 女兒
dance dangerous dark date daughter

日子 死的 處理;對付;交易 親愛的 死亡
day dead deal dear death

十二月 決定 深的 解釋;給 下定義 … 美味的

December decide deep define delicious

牙醫 百貨公司 書桌 字典 死掉
dentist department store desk dictionary die

不同的 困難的 挖掘 飯廳 晚餐
different difficult dig dining room dinner

骯髒的 盤子;菜餚 做 醫生 狗
dirty dish do (does; did; done) doctor (Dr.) dog

洋娃娃 元 門 點 向下
doll dollar door dot down

下載 (一)打 畫 抽屜 (做)夢
download dozen draw drawer dream

洋裝 喝 駕駛 駕駛人 掉落
dress drink drive driver drop

鼓 乾的 鴨 在 期間

drum dry duck during

字首 E
每一(的) 耳朵 早的 地球 地震
each ear early earth earthquake

東方 復活節 容易的 吃 蛋
east Easter easy eat egg

八 十八 八十 也不 小學
eight eighteen eighty either elementary school

大象 十一 其他的 電子郵件 結束
elephant eleven else e-mail end

工程師 英語 喜愛 足夠的 進入
engineer English enjoy enough enter

信封 橡皮擦 錯誤 前夕 甚至
envelope eraser error eve even

傍晚 曾經 每一個(的) 每一個人 每件事

evening ever every everything
例子 極好的 除了 之外 … 感到興奮的 令人興奮的
example excellent except excited exciting

原諒;藉口 運動 期待 昂貴的 經驗
excuse exercise expect expensive experience

解釋 眼睛
explain eye

字首 F
臉;面對 事實 工廠 失敗 秋天
face fact factory fail fall

家庭 有名的 電風扇;狂熱愛好者 遠的 農田
family famous fan far farm

農夫 快的 胖的 父親 最喜愛的
farmer fast fat father (dad; daddy) favorite

二月 餵 覺得 節慶 發燒
February feed feel festival fever

少數的 十五 五十 打架 把 歸檔;檔案

few fifteen fifty fight file

裝滿 最後 找到 很好的 手指
fill finally find fine finger

完成 火焰;開火 第一(的) 魚 漁夫
finish fire first fish fisherman
五 修理 地板 花朵 飛
five fix floor flower fly
遵循;跟隨 食物 愚弄;傻子 腳 為了
follow food fool foot for
外國的 外國人 忘記 叉子 四十
foreign foreigner forget fork forty
四 十四 狐狸 空閒的;免費 新鮮的
four fourteen fox free fresh
星期五 朋友 友善的 炸薯條 青蛙
Friday friend friendly fries (French fries) frog
從 前面 水果 油炸 滿的
from front fruit fry full
樂趣 好笑的 未來
fun funny future

字首 G
比賽;遊戲 垃圾 花園 瓦斯 大門
game garbage garden gas gate
得到 鬼 巨大的;巨人 禮物 女孩
get ghost giant gift girl
給予 高興的 玻璃;玻璃杯 眼鏡 手套
give glad glass glasses glove
膠水 去 山羊 上帝 好的
glue go goat god good
再見 祖父
鵝 成績;年級 公克
good-bye grandfather
goose grade gram
(goodbye; bye) (grandpa)
葡萄 草 灰色的 很棒的
grape grass gray great
綠色(的) 地面 團體 成長;種植 芭樂
green ground group grow guava
猜想 吉他 傢伙 體育館
guess guitar guy gym

字首 H
習慣 頭髮 一半 萬聖節 火腿
habit hair half Halloween ham
手 英俊的 懸掛 發生
hand handsome hang happen

快樂的 困難的;硬的 努力工作的 帽子 討厭
happy hard hard-working hat hate

有 他 頭 頭痛 健康
he (him; his;
have (has; had) head headache health
健康的 聽 心 熱度;加熱 重的
healthy hear heart heat heavy

高度 哈囉 幫忙 有幫助的 母雞
height hello help helpful hen

這裡 嘿 嗨 隱藏 高的
here hey hi hide high

健行 小山 歷史 打擊 嗜好
hike hill history hit hobby

拿著 假日 家 功課 誠實的
hold holiday home homework honest

蜂蜜 希望 馬 醫院 熱的
honey hope horse hospital hot

熱狗 旅社 小時 房屋 家庭主婦
hot dog hotel hour house housewife

如何 然而 百 飢餓的 打獵
how however hundred hungry hunt

趕忙 受傷;疼痛 丈夫
hurry hurt husband

字首 I
我 冰 冰淇淋 主意 如果
I (me; my; mine;
ice ice cream idea if

重要的 在 裡面 … 英吋 昆蟲 在 內部 …

important in inch insect inside

使 感興趣
… 感興趣的 有趣的 網路 採訪;面試
interest interested interesting Internet (Net) interview

到 之內
… 邀請 島嶼 它 項目
into invite island it (it; itself) item

字首 J
夾克 一月 牛仔褲 工作 慢跑
jacket January jeans job jog

加入 開玩笑;笑話 歡欣 果汁 七月
join joke joy juice July

跳躍 六月 國中 只是;剛才
jump June junior high school just

字首 K
保持 鑰匙 踢 小孩 殺
keep key kick kid kill

公斤 種類 國王 吻 廚房
kilogram kind king kiss kitchen

風箏 膝蓋 刀子 敲 知道
kite knee knife knock know


字首 L
湖 燈 土地 語言 大的
lake lamp land language large

最後的 晚的 稍後 笑 律師
last late later laugh lawyer

懶惰的 引導 領導者 學習 最少
lazy lead leader learn least

離開 左邊 腿 檸檬 借出
leave left leg lemon lend

較少的 課 讓 信 水平的;水平線
less lesson let letter level

圖書館 說謊 生活 燈光;輕的 喜歡
library lie life light like

行;線條 獅子 嘴唇 把 列入名單;名單
… 聽
line lion lip list listen

小的 住;活著;實況 客廳 寂寞的 長的
little live living room lonely long

看 遺失 大聲的 喜愛 可愛的
look lose loud love lovely

低的 幸運的 午餐
low lucky lunch

字首 M
機器 瘋狂的 神奇的;魔術 信件 郵差
machine mad magic mail mailman (mail carrier)
最主要的 製作 男人 許多的 地圖
main make man many map

三月 做記號 簽字筆 市場 已婚的

March mark marker market married

面具 數學 事情 可能 五月
mask math (mathematics) matter may (might) May

也許 一餐 意指 肉 藥
maybe meal mean meat medicine

中等的 遇見 會議 會員 菜單;選單
medium meet meeting member menu

捷運 中間的 英里;哩 牛奶 百萬
metro middle mile milk million

介意;頭腦 分鐘 小姐 想念 錯誤
mind minute Miss miss mistake

現代化的 片刻 星期一 錢 猴子
modern moment Monday money monkey

月份 月亮 拖地 更多的 早上
month moon mop more morning

大部分的 母親 機車 山 老鼠
most motorcycle mountain mouse
(mom; mommy)

嘴巴 移動 電影 先生 太太
mouth move movie Mr. Mrs

女士 許多(不可數) 泥巴 博物館 音樂
Ms. much mud museum music


字首 N
釘子 名字 國家的 自然 在 附近

nail name national nature near

脖子 需要 鄰居 從不 新的
neck need neighbor never new

消息;新聞 報紙 下一個 好的 晚上
news newspaper next nice night

九 十九 九十 沒有;不是 沒有人
nine nineteen ninety no nobody

噪音 麵條 中午 北方 鼻子
noise noodle noon north nose

不;不是 筆記 筆記本;筆電 沒東西;沒事 注意到

not note notebook nothing notice

十一月 現在 號碼 護士 喧鬧的
November now number nurse noisy

字首 O
點鐘 十月 …的 離開;除掉 辦公室
o’clock October of off office

官員 時常 油 可以 老的
officer often oil OK old

在…上面 一次 一 只有 打開;開放
on once one only open

或 柳橙 點餐;指令;順序 其他的 在外
or orange order other out

在…外部 結束 自己的
outside over own

字首 P
(把…)打包;包 包裹 頁 繪畫 一雙
pack package page paint pair

長褲 木瓜 紙 父(母)親 停放(車輛);公園
pants papaya paper parent(s) park

部分 派對 通過 經過 黏貼;漿糊
part party pass past paste

付錢 體育 桃子 梨子 筆
(physical education) peach pear pen

鉛筆 人們;人民 或許 人 寵物
pencil people perhaps person pet

相片 鋼琴 撿拾 野餐 圖片;照片
photo piano pick picnic picture

派 片 豬 大頭針 粉紅色(的)
pie piece pig pin pink

管 披薩 地方 計畫 行星
pipe pizza place plan planet

植物 盤子 玩 球員;玩家 操場
plant plate play player playground

請 愉快;使高興 下午 口袋 指著;得分
please pleasure p.m. pocket point

警察 有禮貌的 池塘 游泳池 貧困的;可憐的

police polite pond pool poor

流行的 爆米花 受歡迎的 豬肉 可能的

pop popcorn popular pork possible

郵局 明信片 罐;壺;鍋子 磅 動力;權力

post office postcard pot pound power

練習 祈禱 準備 禮物 漂亮的;非常
practice pray prepare present pretty

價格 獎品;獎金 大概;很可能 (須解決的)問題 節目

price prize probably problem program

驕傲的 公立的;公眾的 拉 南瓜 小狗
proud public pull pumpkin puppy

紫色的 推 放
purple push put

字首 Q
15 1/4 皇后 問題;疑問 迅速的 安靜的
quarter queen question quick quiet

相當 小考
quite quiz

字首 R
兔子 賽跑 收音機 下雨 彩虹
rabbit race radio rain rainbow

下雨的 舉起;養育 (大)老鼠;鼠輩 到;伸出 讀

rainy raise rat reach read

準備好的 真的 真地 理由 紅色(的)
ready real really reason red

冰箱 相對的;親戚 記得 重複 報導;報告
relative remember repeat report

記者 休息 餐館 洗手間 米飯
reporter rest restaurant restroom rice

有錢的 騎 右邊 戒指 升起
rich ride right ring rise

河 道路 機器人 中華民國 岩石
river road robot R.O.C. / ROC rock

滾 房間 使生根;根 繩子 玫瑰
roll room root rope rose

圓形的 划(船) 規則 尺 跑
round row rule ruler run

字首 S
悲傷的 安全的 航行 沙拉 出售
sad safe sail salad sale

推銷員 鹽 相同的 三明治 星期六

salesman salt same sandwich Saturday

節省;挽救 說 害怕的 學校 科學
save say scared school science

小型機車 螢幕 海 季節 座位
scooter screen sea season seat

第二(的) 秘書 看 種子 蹺蹺板
second secretary see seed seesaw

很少 賣 寄 高中 句子
seldom sell send senior high school sentence

九月 嚴重的 服務 套;組 七
September serious service set seven

十七 七十 幾個的 搖動 形狀
seventeen seventy several shake shape

分享 尖銳的 她 綿羊 照耀
share sharp sheep shine
(her; hers; herself)

船 襯衫 鞋子 商店;購物 店主
ship shirt shoe(s) shop shopkeeper

短的 短褲 應該 肩膀 喊叫
short shorts should shoulder shout

顯示;表演 淋浴 害羞的 生病的 旁邊;邊;面

show shower shy sick side

人行道 視力 簽字;標誌 簡單的 自從

sidewalk sight sign simple since

唱歌 歌手 先生 姊妹 坐
sing singer sir sister sit

六 十六 六十 尺寸 裙子
six sixteen sixty size skirt

天空 睡覺 滑梯;滑動 苗條的 慢的
sky sleep slide slim slow

小的 聰明的 聞起來 微笑 煙霧;抽菸

small smart smell smile smoke

點心 蛇 下雪 下雪的 如此地
snack snake snow snowy so

足球 襪子 沙發 軍人 一些
soccer socks sofa soldier some

某人 某事 有時候 某處 兒子
something sometimes somewhere son
歌曲 不久;即將 疼痛的 抱歉(的);悲傷的 聲音;聽起來
song soon sore sorry sound

湯 南方 空間 說 特別的
soup south space speak special

拼字 花(錢;時間) 蜘蛛 湯匙 運動
spell spend spider spoon sport

春天 正方形的 樓梯 郵票 站立
spring square stairs stamp stand

星星 開始 車站;站;局 停留 牛排
star start station stay steak

仍然 胃 停 商店;儲存 故事
still stomach stop store story

直的 奇怪的 陌生人 草莓 街道
straight strange stranger strawberry street

線 強壯的 學生 研讀;學習 笨的
string strong student study stupid

科目 成功的 糖 夏天 太陽
subject successful sugar summer sun

星期日 晴朗的 超級市場 確定的 衝浪

Sunday sunny supermarket sure surf

使…驚訝 感到驚訝的 毛衣 甜的 游泳
surprise surprised sweater sweet swim


字首 T
桌子 尾巴 臺灣 拿 說話
table tail Taiwan take talk

高的 錄音帶 品嚐 計程車 茶
tall tape taste taxi tea

教導 教師 團隊 青少年 電話
teach teacher team teenager telephone (phone)

電視 告訴 寺廟 十 網球
television (TV) tell temple ten tennis

可怕的 考試;測試 比… 謝謝 那個
terrible test than thank that

這;那 戲院 那時 那裡 這些
the theater then there these

他們 厚的 瘦的 事情 想;思考
they (them; their;
thick thin thing think
theirs; themselves)

第三(的) 口渴的 十三 三十 這個
third thirsty thirteen thirty this

喉嚨 丟 那些 雖然 千
throat throw those though (although) thousand

三 穿過 星期四 票券 整潔的
three through Thursday ticket tidy

老虎 領帶;捆;繫 時間 小費 疲倦的
tiger tie time tip tired

到 土司;烘烤 今天 腳趾 一起
to toast today toe together

番茄 明天 今晚 也;太… 工具
tomato tomorrow tonight too tool

牙齒 頂端 話題 總計 碰觸
tooth top topic total touch

毛巾 城鎮 玩具 交通 火車
towel town toy traffic train

垃圾 請客;對待 樹 惡作劇 (短程)旅行

trash treat tree trick trip

麻煩 卡車 真實的 嘗試 T恤
trouble truck true try T-shirt

星期二 轉動;轉彎 烏龜 十二 二十
Tuesday turn turtle twelve twenty

兩次 二 打字 颱風
twice two type typhoon

字首 U
醜的 雨傘 伯(叔)父 在…之下 了解
ugly umbrella uncle under understand

不快樂的 制服 直到 向上 上傳
unhappy uniform until up upload

美國 使用 有用的 通常
U.S.A. / USA use useful usually

字首 V
假期 蔬菜 非常 錄影帶 小提琴
vacation vegetable very video violin

參觀 訪客 聲音
visit visitor voice

字首 W
等待 男服務生 女服務生 醒來 走路
wait waiter waitress wake walk

牆壁 皮夾 想要 溫暖的 清洗
wall wallet want warm wash

看 水 西瓜 波浪 道路;方法
watch water watermelon wave way

我們 弱的 穿 天氣 星期三
we (us; our; ours;
weak wear weather Wednesday

星期 週末 歡迎;受歡迎的 好地 西方
week weekend welcome well west

濕的 什麼 何時 何處 是否
wet what when where whether

哪一個 當…的時候 白色(的) 誰 誰的

which while white who whose

為什麼 寬的 妻子 將會… 贏
why wide wife will (would) win

風 窗戶 多風的 冬天 明智的
wind window windy winter wise

祝福 和 沒有 女人 極好的
wish with without woman wonderful

字 工作 作業本 工人 世界
word work workbook worker world

擔心 寫 作家 錯誤的
worry write writer wrong

字首 Y
庭院 年 黃色(的) 是 昨天
yard year yellow yes (yeah) yesterday

尚未 you (your; yours; 年輕的 好吃的
yet yourself; young yummy

字首 Z
斑馬 零 動物園
zebra zero zoo

1200單字 主題分類

嬰兒 男孩 小孩 傻子 巨人
baby boy child fool giant
女孩 傢伙 小孩 國王 男人
girl guy kid king man
鄰居 人們;人民 人 皇后 陌生人
neighbor people person queen stranger
青少年 訪客 女人
teenager visitor woman

Personal characteristics
美麗的 瞎的 可愛的 胖的 英俊的
beautiful blind cute fat handsome
重的 老的 漂亮的 短的 苗條的
heavy old pretty short slim
高的 瘦的 醜的 年輕的 生氣的
tall thin ugly young angry
壞的 感到厭煩的 無聊的 勇敢的 忙碌的
bad bored boring brave busy
仔細的 涼爽的 瘋狂的 感到興奮的 令人興奮的
careful cool crazy excited exciting
有名的 友善的 好笑的 好的 快樂的
famous friendly funny good happy
努力工作的 誠實的 感興趣的 親切的 懶惰的
hard-working honest interested kind lazy
寂寞的 可愛的 瘋狂的 好的 有禮貌的
lonely lovely mad nice polite
貧困的;可憐的 驕傲的 有錢的 悲傷的 害怕的
poor proud rich sad scared
害羞的 聰明的 笨的 成功的 不快樂的
shy smart stupid successful unhappy

Parts of body
耳朵 眼睛 臉 頭髮 嘴唇
ear eye face hair lip
嘴巴 鼻子 牙齒 手臂 背
mouth nose tooth arm back

身體 手指 腳 手 頭
body finger foot hand head

膝蓋 腿 指甲 肩膀 喉嚨
knee leg nail shoulder throat

腳趾 心 胃
toe heart stomach

舒適的 健康的 生病的 強壯的 疲倦的
comfortable healthy sick strong tired

弱的 好地 寒冷的 頭痛 發燒
weak well cold headache fever

疼痛的 死亡 健康 生活 藥
sore death health life medicine

Forms of address
醫生 先生 太太 小姐 女士
doctor (Dr.) Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms.

先生 名字
sir name

伯(叔)母 兄弟 堂表兄弟姊妹 女兒 家庭
aunt brother cousin daughter family

父親 祖父 祖母 丈夫 母親
father grandfather grandmother husband mother

(dad, daddy) (grandpa) (grandma) (mom, mommy)

父(母)親 親戚 姊妹 兒子 伯(叔)父
parent(s) relative sister son uncle

妻子 出生 成長 住;活著 已婚的
wife born grow live married

零 一 二 三 四
zero one two three four

五 六 七 八 九
five six seven eight nine

十 十一 十二 十三 十四
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

十五 十六 十七 十八 十九
fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

二十 三十 四十 五十 六十
twenty thirty forty fifty sixty

七十 八十 九十 百 千
seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand

百萬 第一(的) 第二(的) 第三(的) 最後的

million first second third last

全部的 一些 一些 許多 任何的
all a few a little a lot any

兩者都 少數的 較少的 小的 許多的

both few less little many

更多的 許多(不可數) 號碼 幾個的 一些

more much number several some


早上 中午 下午 傍晚 晚上
morning noon afternoon evening night

星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

星期六 星期日 星期 週末 月份
Saturday Sunday week weekend month

一月 二月 三月 四月 五月
January February March April May

六月 七月 八月 九月 十月
June July August September October

十一月 十二月 季節 春天 夏天
November December season spring summer

秋天 冬天 時鐘 手錶 上午
autumn (fall) winter clock watch a.m.

下午 一半 小時 分鐘 片刻
p.m. half hour minute moment

點鐘 經過 分鐘
15 秒 時間
o’clock past quarter second time

以前 已經 早的 最後的 晚的
ago already early last late

稍後 下一個 現在 一次 未來
later next now once future

不久;即將 今天 今晚 明天 年
soon today tonight tomorrow year

昨天 日子
yesterday day

(一)分錢 零錢 元 錢 價格
cent change dollar money price

借入 買 價值 借出 付錢
borrow buy cost lend pay

花費 便宜的 昂貴的
spend cheap expensive

Food & drinks

水果 蘋果 香蕉 葡萄 芭樂
fruit apple banana grape guava

檸檬 柳橙 木瓜 桃子 梨子
lemon orange papaya peach pear

草莓 番茄 西瓜 蔬菜 豆
strawberry tomato watermelon vegetable bean

南瓜 肉 牛肉 麵包 小圓麵包
pumpkin meat beef bread bun

雞肉 蛋 魚 食物 炸薯條
chicken egg fish food fries (French fries)

火腿 漢堡 熱狗 麵條 披薩
ham hamburger (burger) hot dog noodles pizza

豬肉 米飯 沙拉 三明治 湯
pork rice salad sandwich soup

牛排 早餐 晚餐 午餐 一餐
steak breakfast dinner lunch meal

點心 咖啡 喝 冰 果汁
snack coffee drink ice juice

牛奶 茶 水 蛋糕 糖果
milk tea water cake candy

乳酪 巧克力 餅乾 冰淇淋 派
cheese chocolate cookie ice cream pie

爆米花 土司;烘烤 奶油 油 鹽
popcorn toast butter oil salt

糖 飢餓的 滿的 口渴的 美味的

sugar hungry full thirsty delicious

熱的 甜的 好吃的 烘烤 煮沸
hot sweet yummy bake boil

著火;燙傷;燃燒 煮飯 吃 點餐 菜單
burn cook eat order menu


碗 筷子 茶杯 盤子;菜餚 叉子
bowl chopsticks cup dish fork

玻璃杯 刀子 盤子 湯匙
glass knife plate spoon

Clothing & accessories

大衣 洋裝 夾克 長褲 襯衫
coat dress jacket pants shirt

T恤 短褲 裙子 毛衣 制服
T-shirt shorts skirt sweater uniform

袋子 皮帶 鈕扣 (無邊)帽 梳子
bag belt button cap comb

手套 帽子 面具 口袋 戒指
glove hat mask pocket ring

鞋子 襪子 領帶;繫 雨傘 皮夾
shoes socks tie umbrella wallet

衣服 穿
clothes wear


黑色(的) 藍色(的) 棕色(的) 顏色 灰色的

black blue brown color gray

綠色(的) 橘色(的) 粉紅色(的) 紫色(的) 紅色(的)

green orange pink purple red

白色(的) 黃色(的)
white yellow

Sports, interests & hobbies

羽毛球 棒球 籃球 賽跑 足球
badminton baseball basketball race soccer

運動 網球 露營 爬 煮飯
sports tennis camp (camping) climb cook (cooking)
(mountain climbing)

跳舞 畫 運動 釣魚 健行
dance (dancing) draw (drawing) exercise fish (fishing) hike (hiking)

慢跑 野餐 跑 航行 唱歌
jog (jogging) picnic run (running) sail (sailing) sing (singing)

郵票 衝浪 游泳 (短程)旅行 嗜好
stamp surf swim (swimming) trip hobby

樂團 卡片 連環漫畫 洋娃娃 鼓
band card comic doll drum

比賽;遊戲 吉他 風箏 電影 音樂
game guitar kite movie music

繪畫 鋼琴 歌曲 團隊 玩具
paint piano song team toy

小提琴 輸 玩 贏 狂熱愛好者
violin lose play win fan

Houses & apartments
公寓 房屋 家 浴室 臥室
apartment house home bathroom bedroom

飯廳 花園 廚房 客廳 房間
dining room garden kitchen living room room

庭院 陽台 門 地板 大門
yard balcony door floor gate

樓梯 牆壁 窗戶 洗澡 床
stairs wall window bath bed

長椅 椅子 沙發 書桌 抽屜
bench chair couch desk drawer

燈 燈光 沙發 桌子 毯子
lamp light sofa table blanket

毛巾 照相機 電腦 電風扇 機器
towel camera computer fan machine

收音機 冰箱 錄音帶 電話 電視
radio refrigerator (fridge) tape telephone (phone) television (TV)

錄影帶 籃子 蠟燭 鑰匙 罐;壺;鍋子
video basket candle key pot

雨傘 建造 打掃 修理 清洗
umbrella build clean fix wash

道路 街道
road street

小學 國中 學校 高中 教室
elementary school junior high school school senior high school classroom

體育館 操場 圖書館 班級 蹺蹺板

gym playground library class seesaw

滑梯 黑板 書 粉筆 字典
slide blackboard book chalk dictionary

信封 橡皮擦 眼鏡 膠水 信
envelope eraser glasses glue letter

地圖 簽字筆 筆記本;筆電 頁 紙
map marker notebook page paper

筆 鉛筆 圖片;照片 明信片 禮物
pen pencil picture postcard present

尺 作業本 課程 美術 中文
ruler workbook course art Chinese

英語 歷史 語言 數學 音樂
English history language math (mathematics) music

體育 科學 同學 朋友 學生
PE science classmate friend student
(physical education)

教師 回答 問 解釋 失敗
teacher answer ask explain fail

學習 聽 做記號 通過 練習
learn listen mark pass practice

準備 讀 重複 說 說
prepare read repeat say speak

拼字 研讀;學習 說話 教導 了解
spell study talk teach understand

寫 畫 例子 運動 成績;年級
write draw example exercise grade

功課 知識 課 (須解決的)問題 問題;疑問
homework knowledge lesson problem question

小考 故事 考試
quiz story test

Places & locations

這裡 那裡 在…後面 前面 左邊
here there back front left

中間的 右邊 東方 西方 南方
middle right east west south

北方 頂端 麵包店 銀行 海灘
north top bakery bank beach

書店 教堂 百貨公司 工廠 醫院
bookstore church department store factory hospital

旅社 市場 博物館 辦公室 公園
hotel market museum office park

游泳池 郵局 洗手間 商店 商店
pool post office restroom shop store

超級市場 寺廟 戲院 動物園 城市
supermarket temple theater zoo city

鄉村 農田 地方 城鎮
country farm place town


飛機 腳踏車 船 公車 車子
airplane (plane) bicycle (bike) boat bus car

機車 小型機車 船 計程車 火車
motorcycle scooter ship taxi train

卡車 機場 車站 街區 橋
truck airport station block bridge

人行道 交通 到達 越過 駕駛
sidewalk traffic arrive cross drive

飛 土地 騎 航行 轉彎
fly land ride sail turn

快的 迅速的 慢的
fast quick slow

Sizes & measurements

公分 呎 公克 英吋 公斤
centimeter foot gram inch kilogram

英里;哩 磅 碼;庭院 圓圈 點
mile pound yard circle dot

行 得分 一排 形狀 正方形的
line point row shape square

角;邊角 大的 深的 遠的 高的
angle big deep far high

大的 輕的 小的 長的 低的
large light little long low

中等的 短的 小的 直的 寬的
medium short small straight wide

圓形的 瓶子 茶杯 (一)打 一杯
round bottle cup dozen glass

包 包裹 一雙 片 尺寸
pack package pair piece size


Countries and areas

國家 世界 美國 中國 臺灣
country world America China Taiwan

中華民國 美國
R.O.C. / ROC U.S.A / USA

中文 英語
Chinese English

Holidays & festivals

聖誕節 復活節 萬聖節 節慶 假日
Christmas Easter Halloween festival holiday

假期 慶祝
vacation celebrate

男演員 女演員 老板 商人 店員
actor actress boss businessman clerk

廚師;煮飯 牙醫 醫生 駕駛人 工程師

cook dentist doctor (Dr.) driver engineer

農夫 漁夫 家庭主婦 律師 郵差
farmer fisherman housewife lawyer mailman (mail carrier)
護士 警察 官員 記者 推銷員
nurse police officer reporter salesman

秘書 店主 歌手 軍人 男服務生
secretary shopkeeper singer soldier waiter

女服務生 工人 作家 生意 工作
waitress worker writer business job


Weather & nature

天氣 清楚的 多雲的 寒冷的 涼爽的
weather clear cloudy cold cool

乾的 熱的 下雨的 下雪的 晴朗的

dry hot rainy snowy sunny

溫暖的 濕的 多風的 彩虹 淋浴
warm wet windy rainbow shower

下雪 颱風 風 吹 下雨
snow typhoon wind blow rain

照耀 自然 雲 地球 地震
shine nature cloud earth earthquake

月亮 天空 太陽 星星
moon sky sun star

Geographical terms
地區 堤;岸 海灘 小山 島嶼
area bank beach hill island

湖 山 池塘 游泳池 河
lake mountain pond pool river

海 泉
sea spring

Animals & insects

動物 熊 貓 (小)雞 母牛
animal bear cat chicken cow

狗 鴨 大象 狐狸 青蛙
dog duck elephant fox frog

山羊 鵝 母雞 馬 獅子
goat goose hen horse lion

猴子 老鼠 寵物 豬 小狗
monkey mouse pet pig puppy

兔子 (大)老鼠 綿羊 老虎 斑馬
rabbit rat sheep tiger zebra

昆蟲 螞蟻 蝙蝠 蜜蜂 鳥
insect ant bat bee bird

小蟲 蝴蝶 蛇 蜘蛛 魚
bug butterfly snake spider fish

烏龜 咬 尾巴
turtle bite tail

Articles & determiners

一(個) 每一個(的) 這;那 這個 那個
a/an every the this that

這些 那些 我的 我們的 你們的
these those my our your

他的 她的 它的 他們的
his her its their

Pronouns & reflexives

我 你(們) 他 她 它
I (me, my, mine, you (you, your, he (him, his, she (her, hers, it (it, its, itself)

myself) yours, yourself, himself) herself)

我們 他們 全部的 另一個的 任何的
we (us, our, ours, they (them, their, all another any

ourselves) theirs, themselves)

任何人 任何事物 兩者都 每一(的) 每一個人
anyone anything both each everyone (everybody)
每件事 許多的 大部分的 沒有人 沒東西;沒事
everything many most nobody nothing

其他的 部分 一些 某人 某事
other part some someone (somebody) something

如何 什麼 哪一個 誰 誰的
how what which who whose

何時 何處 是否 當…的時候 為什麼
when where whether while why

Be & auxiliaries

是 做 有 能夠 能;可以
be (is, am, are, do have (has, had) can could

was, were, been) (does, did, done)

將會… 可能 必須 應該
will (would) may (might) must should


關於 在…上方 在…對面 在…之後 沿著

about above across after along

在…四周 在 在…之前 在…後面 在…下方

around at before behind below

在…旁邊 在…之間 藉著 向下 在…期間

beside between by down during

除了…之外 為了 從 在…裡面 在…內部

except for from in inside

到…之內 喜歡;像;如 在…附近 …的 離開;除掉

into like near of off

在…上面 在外 在…外部 結束 自從
on out outside over since

比… 穿過 到 在…之下 直到
than through to under until

向上 和 沒有
up with without


和 像;如同…那樣 因為 但是 然而
and as because but however

如果 或 自從 比… 那個
if or since than that

though (although)


哈囉 嘿 嗨 再見
hello hey hi good-bye

(goodbye, bye)

Other nouns

動作 年齡 美國人 樂團 鈴
action age American band bell

生日 空格 底部 盒子 罐
birthday blank bottom box can

情形 城堡 手機 中心 機會
case castle cellphone center chance

歡呼 選擇;抉擇 社團 角落 夢
cheer choice club corner dream

電子郵件 錯誤 前夕 藉口 經驗
e-mail error eve excuse experience

事實 檔案 火焰 外國人 花朵
fact file fire foreigner flower

樂趣 垃圾 瓦斯 鬼 禮物
fun garbage gas ghost gift

上帝 草 地面 團體 習慣
god grass ground group habit

熱度 蜂蜜 主意 興趣 網路
heat honey idea interest Internet (Net)

採訪;面試 項目 笑話 歡欣 種類
interview item joke joy kind

領導者 水平的;水平線 信件 事情 會議
leader level mail matter meeting

會員 捷運 頭腦 錯誤 泥巴
member metro mind mistake mud

消息;新聞 報紙 噪音 筆記 點餐;指令;順序
news newspaper noise note order

派對 相片 大頭針 行星 球員;玩家
party photo pin planet player

愉快 動力;權力 獎品;獎金 節目 理由
pleasure power prize program reason

報導;報告 機器人 岩石 根 繩子
report robot rock root rope

玫瑰 規則 出售 螢幕 座位
rose rule sale screen seat

種子 句子 服務 套;組 旁邊;邊;面
seed sentence service set side

視力 微笑 空間 故事 線
sight smile space story string

科目 鞦韆 事情 票券 小費
subject swing thing ticket tip

工具 話題 垃圾 請客 樹
tool topic trash treat tree

惡作劇 麻煩 聲音 道路;方法 字
trick trouble voice way word

Other verbs

覺得 聽 聽 看 看
feel hear listen look see

聞起來 聽起來 品嚐 看 檢查
smell sound taste watch check

結束 完成 相信 忘記 猜想
end finish believe forget guess

討厭 希望 知道 喜歡 喜愛
hate hope know like love

介意 需要 注意到 記得 使…驚訝
mind need notice remember surprise

想;思考 想要 祝福 擔心 吹
think want wish worry blow

敬禮 打破 帶來 刷 攜帶
bow break bring brush carry

趕上 欺騙 選擇;挑選 拍手 關上
catch cheat choose clap close

來 收集 改正 抄寫;複製 計算
come collect correct copy count

覆蓋;掩護 哭 切 挖掘 解釋;給…下定義
cover cry cut dig define

掉落 進入 餵 打架 遵循;跟隨
drop enter feed fight follow

油炸 去 種植 給;傳遞 懸掛
fry go grow hand hang

幫忙 打擊 拿著 打獵 趕忙
help hit hold hunt hurry

跳躍 踢 敲 殺 吻
jump kick knock kill kiss

笑 離開 把…列入名單 製作 遇見
laugh leave list make meet

想念 移動 打開;開放 (把…)打包 停放(車輛)

miss move open pack park

黏貼 撿拾 栽種 拉 推
paste pick plant pull push

放 升起 滾 跑 休息
put rise roll run rest

搖動 喊叫 抽菸 簽字 站立
shake shout smoke sign stand

拿 告訴 丟 碰觸 打字
take tell throw touch type

使用 走路 揮手 拖地 同意
use walk wave mop agree

允許 出現 攻擊 變成 開始
allow appear attack become begin

屬於 打電話 關心 檢查 約會
belong call care check date

處理;對付 決定 死掉 下載 喜愛
deal decide die download enjoy

期待 解釋 跌落 裝滿 找到
expect explain fall fill find

得到 給予 發生 隱藏 受傷
get give happen hide hurt

邀請 加入 保持 引導 讓
invite join keep lead let

說謊 意指 注意到 擁有 計畫
lie mean notice own plan

請 祈禱 準備 舉起;養育 到;伸出
please pray prepare raise reach

節省;挽救 賣 寄 分享 顯示
save sell send share show

坐 睡覺 開始 停留 停
sit sleep start stay stop

謝謝 對待 嘗試 上傳 參觀
thank treat try upload visit

等待 醒來 歡迎
wait wake welcome

Other adjectives

能夠 的 … 害怕的 美國的 明亮的 共同的

able afraid American bright common

方便的 正確的 危險的 黑暗的 死的

convenient correct dangerous dark dead

親愛的 不同的 困難的 骯髒的 容易的

dear different difficult dirty easy

其他的 足夠的 極好的 最喜愛的 很好的

else enough excellent favorite fine

外國的 空閒的;免費的 新鮮的 高興的 很棒的

foreign free fresh glad great

困難的;硬的 有幫助的 重要的 有趣的 大聲的

hard helpful important interesting loud

幸運的 神奇的 最主要的 現代化的 國家的

lucky magic main modern national

新的 喧鬧的 僅有的;唯一的 其他的 自己的
new noisy only other own

可以的 流行的 受歡迎的 可能的 在場的;當前的

OK pop popular possible present

公立的;公眾的 安靜的 準備好的 真的 右邊的

public quiet ready real right

安全的 相同的 害怕的 嚴重的 尖銳的

safe same scared serious sharp

簡單的 抱歉的;悲傷的 特別的 奇怪的 確定的

simple sorry special strange sure

感到驚訝的 可怕的 厚的 整潔的 真實的

surprised terrible thick tidy true

有用的 極好的 錯誤的

useful wonderful wrong

Other adverbs

總是 曾經 從不 時常 很少
always ever never often seldom

有時候 通常 實際上 再一次 也

sometimes usually actually again also

遠離 也;太… 幾乎 甚至 最後
away too almost even finally

只是;剛才 最少 也許 只有 或許
just least maybe only perhaps

大概;很可能 真地 如此地 仍然 那時
probably really so still then

一起 兩次 非常 相當 尚未
together twice very quite yet

在國外 在前方 某處 也不 沒有;不是

abroad ahead somewhere either no

不;不是 可以 是
not OK yes (yeah)

幕 acts the best in our class, so she will be in most of
n. Amy
v. the acts in the play.

背;後面 backing up her car, she didn't

使 退後
n. When my mother was
v. ( ) notice there was a tree in back of it.
街區 blocked now because there was a car
n. This street is
v. accident two blocks away from here.

書 book, and I booked a seat at

n. I read Ann Peterson's new
v. her meet-and-greet.

bow The girl with a bow in her hair is bowing to the king.

休息 broke the windows of Mrs. Hill's house when

n. Someone
v. she was taking a break.

通話 call when Mom called me from the

n. I was making a
v. kitchen.

照顧 cares about how well his wife takes care of

n. He really
v. their son.

找零 change which the shopkeeper gave to

n. In the story, the
v. the little boy finally changed into jewels.

cheer The cheers from the public really cheered me up.

color I want to color this picture with my favorite color.

複製品 copied the notes from her sister and made some
n. Lily
v. copies to her friends.
成本;代價 cost, it still
n. Even though we have tried to cut down the
v. costs a lot to travel abroad in summer vacation.
cover Your key is covered by the book with the blue cover.

日期;約會 date each other?

n. When did we start to
v. Do you remember the date?

約定;交易;大量 deal of problems that I haven't

n. There are still a great
v. dealt with.
eye I saw your eyes eyeing my dinner. Are you still hungry?

face I will face any challenges with a smile on my face.

秋天 falls fall
fall Night earlier in than in summer.

風扇;扇子 fanning fan

fan The girl is herself with a .

傻瓜 fool fool
fool You can't me! I'm not a .

膠水 glue glue
glue Use the on the table to the paper together.

團體 grouped
n. Ms. Lee five students together to become a
v. group .

手 hand hands
hand Can you me the towel? I need to dry my .

頭 head headed
head The old man shook his and home.

熱 heating heat
heat The man is up the soup in the of the day.

土地 landed land
land The plane on the near the lake.

燈 light lighted
light The didn't work, so we the candle.

清單 list list
list Could you everything we need on the shopping ?

牛奶 milking milk
milk The farmer is the cow for its .

心;大腦 mind
n. Would you if I speak honestly about what has
v. come to my mind ?

n. Linda has been in love with her neighbor since she
v. moved here, but she didn't want to make the first move .

指甲;釘子 nailed
n. Liz was for killing the man whose DNA was
v. found in her nails .

告示 noticed notice
notice I a spelling mistake on the .

(一)盒;包 packs pack

n. How many of cookies did you into your
v. bag?

公園 parked park
park My father his car next to the .

通行證 pass pass

pass Could you please my guest to me?

照片;圖畫 Picture picture

n. that you are taking a with your favorite
v. actor. How will you feel?

n. 地方 We don't have enough place in our house to place this
v. 放置 couch.
n. 戲劇 They are playing the famous Shakespeare's play
v. 扮演
n. 得分;點 Rob pointed at the screen to show us which point in
v. 指
the report he was talking about.
n. 貼文 The singer posts on Facebook three times a day, and
v. 張貼
most of her posts are funny.
n. 問題 The police are questioning the bad guy, but he doesn't
v. 質問
answer any of their questions.
n. 鐘聲;鈴聲 There was a ring at the door. Someone rang the
v. 敲鐘;按鈴
n. 興起 The man rose from his chair and talked about the rise
v. 升起;起身
in house prices.
n. (一)排;行;列 There are five rows of children who are waiting to row a
v. 划(船)
boat beside the lake.
n. (一)套;組;副
The waiter set two sets of meals on the table.
v. 建立;樹立;設定

n. 模糊的身影;形狀
How can I shape the cake into a heart shape?
v. 塑造

n. 商店
Let's go to the new shop to shop for some flowers.
v. 購物

n. 演出;節目
Mike is going to show his talent for singing in the show.
v. 表現;秀出

n. 跡象;標誌 He needs to sign on the paper, but there is no sign that

v. 簽名
he will do so.
n. 煙霧 The room smells like smoke. Did anyone just smoke
v. 抽菸
n. 咒語 To finish the spell, you have to spell out the word
v. 拼字
n. 春天;溫泉
Many kinds of flowers spring up in spring.
v. 湧現

n. 攤位 The stand which sold hats stood out because of the

v. 起立;突出;代表
unique design.
n. 站
This train will not stop at the next stop.
v. 停止

n. 商店
Rick stores a lot of food in his store.
v. 儲藏

n. 研究
v. 研讀
Studies show that morning is the best time to study.

n. 鞦韆
v. 擺盪 The children are swinging happily on the swings.

n. 考試 This test is going to test whether you understand what

v. 測試
has been taught.
n. 聯繫 It touches my heart that the two men have kept in
v. 碰觸;觸動
touch with each other for over forty years.

n. 詭計 It was a trick to trick people into buying the company's

v. 騙
n.(依次輪到的)機會 It's your turn to check whether everything is turned off
v. 轉;開關電源
before leaving.
n. 類型 Debra is the type of person who types with only two
v. 打字
n. 用途
v. 使用
use This bathroom is out of use. We can't use it.

n. 手錶 The movie I am going to watch tonight is about a man

v. 觀看
who becomes rich by fixing watches.
n. 水
v. 澆水
water Why are you watering the flowers with hot water?

n. 浪 The boy on the ship is waving to the people who are

v. 揮手;揮舞
watching waves at the beach.
n. 工作;作品 Nancy worked very late because she needed to finish
v. 工作;運行
the work today.

quiet adj. 安靜 Please be quiet. The baby is sleeping.

quite adv. 相當 The novel is quite interesting.

tired adj. 疲倦 I’m very tired. I need some rest.

tried v. try (pt) We tried many ways not to make mistakes.

except prep . 除 之外 … They all went hiking except John.

conj. 除了 Our dresses are the same except mine was red.

expect v. 期盼 We expect to see you soon.

snack n. 點心 I’m a little hungry. Can I have some snacks.

snake n. 蛇 Most people are afraid of snakes.

dessert n. 甜點 After dinner, we had some ice cream for dessert.

desert n. 沙漠 Many deserts are covered by sand.

fever n. 發燒 He has a cold, so he has a fever.

favor n. 恩惠,幫助 Please do me a favor.

parents n. 雙親 Your father and mother are your parents.

present n. 禮物 I got a lot of birthday presents on my birthday.

every day adv. 每天 Jane practices speaking English every day.

everyday adj. 每天的 Doing the dishes is my everyday job.

bank n. 銀行 We save our money in the bank.

n. 河岸 I usually take a walk along the banks of the river.

band n. 樂團 The band played the song beautifully

time n. 時間 Do you have time tonight?

times n. 次數 I’ve seen the movies many times. It’s so touching.

through prep. 穿越 The car ran through a red light.

though conj. 雖然 Though he’s a child, yet he’s hard-working.

thought v. think (pt) I thought he would help us.

brought v. bring (pt) Mother brought me an umbrella when it rained.

bought v. buy (pt) He bought a car for one million dollars.

caught v. catch (pt) The beautiful girl caught our eyes.

taught v. teach (pt) He has taught at our school for more than 10 years.

people n. 人(複數) How many people are there in your family? Six.

n. 民族 Taiwanese is a friendly people.

person n. 人 Mr. Wang is a nice person. He helps people.

pass v. 通過 You can’t pass. Stay where you are.

I passed in math, but failed in English.

past prep. 經過 We walked past many stores.

n. 過去 In the past, people had to walk far to get water.

cross v. 越過 They crossed the river by boat.

across prep. 穿越 It’s dangerous to swim across the river.

fall v. 掉落 Don’t fall from the tree.

n. 秋 The third season of the year is fall.

fell v. fall (pt) He fell off his bike and got hurt.

feel v. 感覺 How do you feel today? Are you feeling better?

felt v. feel (pt, pp) I felt terrible when I saw the accident.

find v. 找到 I can’t find my hat. It must be somewhere in the room.

found v. find (pt, pp) I found my hat under the chair.

found v. 建立 He founded a company in 1999.

hard adv. 猛烈,努力 It rained hard.

adv. 努力 Tom works hard.

adj. 困難 It’s not hard to learn English.

hardly adv. 幾乎不 He hardly helps others, so he has few friends.

late adj . 晚 Don’t be late for school.

adv. 晚 Don’t go to school late.

later adj, adv. 晚點 See you later.

latter adj. 後者 Here are Tom and John. The latter is my brother.

latest adj. 最新的 You can see the latest movie in the theater.

lend v. 借出 I need to buy some pens. Would you lend me some money?

borrow v. 借入 I borrowed some books from the library.

beside prep. 在旁邊 Mr. Wang sits beside the window.
besides prep. 除…之外 Besides Chinese, we learn English in school.
adv. 除…之外 Tim is the best in my class. Besides, he is our class leader.
lovely adj. 可愛的 How lovely the girl is!
friendly adj. 友善的 Be friendly to others.
few adj. 極少 She is so shy that she has few friends.
a few adj. 一些 I have a few friends in Taipei.
quite a few adj. 多 There are quite a few people at the party.
arrive at v. 到達(小地) They arrived at school early.
※ When will we arrive there?
arrive in v. 到達(大地) When will he arrive in Taipei?
get to v. 到達 How do I get to the station?
※ How do you get home?
reach v. 到達 When will they reach the US?
v. 聯繫 How do I reach your parents?

單字演練卷 第一回【第1~2冊】
( )
C 1. A: How many _______ are there in ( )
C 11. We don’t have a _____ in our house,

an hour? B: Sixty. so we have to eat in the living room.

(A) seconds (B) months (A) kitchen (B) bathroom

( ) ( )
(C) minutes (D) weeks (C) dining room (D) garage

B 2. I need three spoons of ______ for B 12. Can I have a big glass of water? I’m

my coffee. I’d like it to be sweet. so _______.

(A) salt (B) sugar (A) hungry (B) thirsty

( ) ( )
(C) butter (D) milk (C) tired (D) fat

A 3. Edward eats a lot and doesn’t C 13. A: What’s your favorite _______?

_______, so he’s heavy. B: Watermelons.

(A) exercise (B) sport (A) guess (B) color

( ) ( )
(C) stand (D) sleep (C) fruit (D) foot

B 4. My aunt ______ vegetables in the C 14. Do you see my _______? I can’t

market. Her vegetables are fresh, read without them.

and many people buy them. (A) clothes (B) grass

( )
(A) buys (B) sells (C) glasses (D) hat

( )
(C) likes (D) plans A 15. Be _______, please. The baby is

C 5. This is the _______ bottle of milk. sleeping.

There’s no more milk today. (A) quiet (B) quite

( )
(A) first (B) second (C) cute (D) smart

( )
(C) last (D) special C 16. A: What’s that?

B 6. My son loves basketball. He wants to B: It’s a _______ for Jessie. Today is

_______ the school basketball team. her birthday.

(A) win (B) join (A) parent (B) food

( ) ( )
(C) practice (D) hit (C) gift (D) anything

D 7. _______ are insects. B 17. We won’t see the sun even after the

(A) Birds (B) Rabbits typhoon leaves, because the news

( ) 年國中會考
(C) Whales (D) Bugs said that heavier rain will soon

B 8. When they were walking up the ______. (111 )

_______, they saw those beautiful (A) catch (B) follow

( )
butterflies. (C) move (D) stop

(A) sea (B) hill A 18. My sister is good at singing and

( )
(C) trip (D) ship dancing, so she is very _______ at

B 9. A: Oh, my eyes are tired. her friends’ parties.

B: It’s too dark here. You have to (A) popular (B) pretty

( )
read in a _______ place. (C) boring (D) nervous

(A) quiet (B) bright A 19. Tigers are wild _______.

( )
(C) comfortable (D) light We can’t keep tigers as pets.

A 10. Chinese people enjoy the _______ (A) animals (B) people

( )
moon with their family on Moon (C) friends (D) games

Festival. B 20. It’s raining outside. Take a(n) ______

(A) full (B) fall with you when you go out.

(C) yummy (D) true (A) bike (B) umbrella

(C) bell (D) stocking

( )
C 21. Look at that _______ singer. She’s ( )
C 32. James is the _______ child in his

popular all over the world. family. He doesn’t have any brothers

(A) lazy (B) sharp or sisters.

( )
(C) famous (D) brave (A) same (B) late

( )
D 22. He _______ eats fries. (C) only (D) last

He doesn’t like fast food at all. B 33. A: How about some _______ after

(A) always (B) often dinner? B: Sounds great!

( )
(C) usually (D) never (A) apple (B) cake

( )
B 23. They _______ every Friday night. (C) egg (D) hot dog

(A) play piano (B) play the guitar B 34. We use _______ to make noodles or

( )
(C) soccer (D) drum bread.

C 24. Henry’s grandparents like to (A) floor (B) flour

( )
_______ in the country. They like the (C) flower (D) food

fresh air and the nice people there. D 35. A: Can I have two _______ of apple

(A) learn (B) enjoy juice? B: Here you are.

( )
(C) live (D) show (A) drinks (B) plates

( )
D 25. A: _______ is it today? (C) bags (D) glasses
B: February 14 . A 36. A: Do you have three _______

(A) What time (B) What day every day?

( )
(C) How (D) What date B: No, I only have lunch and dinner.

C 26. A: Where is my workbook? (A) meals (B) rice

( )
B: It’s on the _______. (C) baths (D) movies

(A) bedroom (B) garden D 37. My grandma is seventy years old

( )
(C) sofa (D) house and has _______ hair.

A 27. A: Let’s go to the museum this (A) purple (B) green

( )
_______. (C) rose (D) gray

B: OK! What about this A 38. I’d like to hang some pictures on the

Wednesday? _______ of the baby’s room.

(A) week (B) weekend (A) wall (B) floor

( ) ( )
(C) afternoon (D) evening (C) well (D) lip

D 28. A: Do you want tea _______ coffee? C 39. Red is a _______ color for Chinese

B: Tea, please. people.

(A) with (B) and (A) shy (B) heavy

( ) ( )
(C) but (D) or (C) lucky (D) clear

A 29. My little sister likes to listen to C 40. Exercising every day helps your

_______. Her favorite is “The Frog body to keep _______.

Prince”. (A) sound (B) round

(A) stories (B) books (C) healthy (D) bored

( )
(C) movies (D) photos

B 30. Don’t play the _______. It’s

eleven-thirty now, almost midnight.

(A) baseball (B) piano

( )
(C) basketball (D) family

C 31. A: _______ is that basketball


B: He’s 195 centimeters tall.

(A) How old (B) How long

(C) How tall (D) How much

單字演練卷 第二回【第3~4冊】
( )
C 1. Look! My kite flies so high. Thanks to ( )
D 11. The food in this restaurant is very

the _______ day. _______. We often come here for

(A) rainy (B) sunny dinner.

(A) important (B) expensive

( )
(C) windy (D) cloudy

( )
B 2. The _______ in spring is usually (C) comfortable (D) delicious

rainy and warm here. B 12. Howard is _______ running. He wins

(A) leave (B) weather almost every race.

(A) tired of (B) good at

( )
(C) wall (D) air

( )
B 3. Sally sees Bill every day. They work (C) afraid of (D) poor at

in the _______ office. B 13. Convenience stores have become

(A) different (B) same _______ now. You can see one on

every street corner.

( )
(C) easy (D) beside
(A) useful (B) common
B 4. The farmer grows a lot of _________

( )
(C) simple (D) little
on his farm.
C 14. A: Which _______ do you like best?
(A) clothes (B) vegetables
B: I like English best because I can

( )
(C) meat (D) meals
talk to people from different
C 5. Chinese New Year is the most
important _______ of the year.
(A) show (B) sport
(A) autumn (B) message

( )
(C) subject (D) season

( )
(C) festival (D) package
D 15. Mark went to the _______ to take the
A 6. The sunglasses look cool and can
train back to Hualien an hour ago.
_______ your eyes from getting hurt
(A) bus stop (B) hospital
from the sun.

( )
(C) police station (D) train station
(A) keep (B) different
B 16. Your hands are so cold. You need a

( )
(C) dark (D) stop
pair of _______ to keep them warm.
D 7. He enjoys jogging along the river
(A) sunglasses (B) gloves

( )
(C) socks (D) pants
(A) belt (B) coast
A 17. A: What’s _______ with you? You

( )
(C) shape (D) bank
looked terrible.
B 8. Wow! This book is really thick. How
B: I had a headache and couldn’t
many _______ does it have?
sleep last night.
(A) pens (B) pages
(A) wrong (B) happened

( )
(C) pass (D) points

( )
(C) right (D) great
A 9. I couldn’t sleep last night. There were
A 18. The math test was _______.
_______ from next door all night.
I studied all night yesterday, but I still
(A) noises (B) jeans
didn’t do well.

( )
(C) e-mails (D) radio
(A) hard (B) easy
B 10. Miss Smith _______ English in a fun

( )
(C) right (D) sudden
way. Everyone in my class loves
C 19. A: How’s your stomach now? Do you
English very much.
feel better?
(A) brings (B) teaches
B: Yeah. I feel better after taking the
(C) finishes (D) gives _______.

(A) lesson (B) hospital

(C) medicine (D) bus

( )
B 20. He _______ his wallet. He kept ( )
A 30. A: Look at the _______. Where’s the

looking for it but couldn’t find it. church?

(A) found (B) lost B: Go straight for two blocks and we’ll

( )
(C) wore (D) brought see it.

A 21. Benny _______ one day checking his (A) map (B) calendar

( )
science homework. (C) fan (D) mat

(A) spent (B) cost C 31. ________ he was sick, he still

( )
(C) took (D) moved worked all day long.

B 22. A: How did you and Robert _______ (A) Because (B) But

( )
Valentine’s Day? (C) Although (D) So

B: We had a nice dinner and then A 32. A: Did you _______ the dinner?

went to the movies. B: Yes, I gave them all my money.

(A) dance (B) celebrate (A) pay for (B) leave for

( ) ( )
(C) agree (D) send (C) turn into (D) look up

B 23. A: _______ workbook is this? B 33. A: Why are there so many pieces of

I don’t see a name on it. glass on the floor?

B: I have no idea. B: I dropped the plate and _______ it.

(A) Which (B) Whose (A) cut (B) broke

( ) ( )
(C) When (D) Where (C) sweep (D) picked up

A 24. No animals can live _______ water A 34. If you want to be green, you should

and air. use the water _______.

(A) without (B) besides (A) wisely (B) friendly

( ) ( )
(C) during (D) and (C) convenient (D) smart

A 25. The movie made me cry. Is it a B 35. A: May I take your _______?

_______ story? B: Give me a beef sandwich and a

(A) real (B) sound coke, please.

( )
(C) low (D) wonderful (A) point (B) order

( )
C 26. My father had a terrible ______, so (C) mark (D) picture

he went to the dentist this morning. D 36.There is a big sale at the supermarket.

(A) headache (B) fever Everything is _______.

( )
(C) toothache (D) stomachache (A) free (B) expensive

( )
A 27. A: What do you want to be in the (C) little (D) cheap

______? A 37. A: What can your cat do?

B: I want to be a computer engineer B: She can _______ mice.

when I grow up. (A) catch (B) cook

( )
(A) future (B) end (C) close (D) check

( )
(C) moment (D) nature C 38.There’s a nice _______ near the park.

C 28. We eat soup with _______. Its rooms are big, clean and cheap.

(A) forks (B) knives (A) temple (B) museum

( ) ( )
(C) spoons (D) chopsticks (C) hotel (D) market

D 29. A: How many _______ are there in A 39. There are four _______ in a year.

the word “light”? (A) seasons (B) weeks

( )
B: Five. (C) months (D) weekends

(A) sounds (B) parts D 40. What a _________ day! Let’s go

(C) sides (D) letters hiking.

(A) cold (B) rainy

(C) windy (D) sunny

單字演練卷 第三回【第1~4冊】
( )
A 1. Many schools hold a Christmas ( )
C 12. We have a cup of coffee during the

_______ for students. _______.

(A) activity (B) problem (A) back (B) plate

( ) ( )
(C) news (D) magic (C) break (D) bottle

C 2. The show is so funny that it makes D 13. I’m _______. I can’t eat anymore.

everyone _______. (A) dirty (B) hungry

( )
(A) believe (B) cry (C) thin (D) full

( )
(C) laugh (D) drop B 14. I hate _______ days because my

B 3. My father did well in the _______ and shoes always get wet.

got the job. (A) summer (B) rainy

( )
(A) example (B) interview (C) cloudy (D) sunny

( )
(C) basket (D) interest D 15. Look! The monkey is holding a

A 4. There are many countries in the _________ and painting beautiful

_______. flowers.

(A) world (B) math (A) pencil (B) drum

( ) ( )
(C) wind (D) radio (C) sofa (D) brush

C 5. The little boy hid under the bed B 16. Jay is her _______ singer. She has a

_______ the police found him. lot of his CDs.

(A) if (B) soon (A) expensive (B) favorite

( ) ( )
(C) until (D) later (C) funny (D) popular

A 6. The wind was so strong that it C 17. I _______ visit my grandparents

_______ off the traffic sign. because they live far away.

(A) blew (B) flew (A) sometimes (B) often

( ) ( )
(C) drove (D) climbed (C) seldom (D) always

B 7. This old museum has a _______ of A 18. A: How about having a barbecue this

one hundred years. Sunday?

(A) future (B) history B: It’s a great _______.

( )
(C) stomach (D) sentence (A) idea (B) dinner

( )
B 8. We get fresh milk from _______. (C) minute (D) date

(A) mouse (B) cows D 19. A: What’s your _______ for

( )
(C) bees (D) snakes Halloween?

B 9. A lot of people were _______ in the B: We’ll have a party at a friend’s

earthquake. place.

(A) kicked (B) killed (A) pumpkin (B) popcorn

( ) ( )
(C) kind (D) kissed (C) practice (D) plan

D 10. The glass is _______ of water. A 20. Don’t _______ about the test.

(A) fell (B) filled Everything will be fine.

( )
(C) finished (D) full (A) worry (B) hurry

( )
A 11. The bear is a cute _______. (C) nervous (D) afraid

(A) animal (B) food B 21. Do your parents _______ English?

(C) cookie (D) zoo (A) talk (B) speak

(C) say (D) tell

( )
D 22. A half _______ is thirty minutes. ( )
A 34. You have to use a _______ to eat the

(A) lunch (B) second soup.

( )
(C) dollar (D) hour (A) spoon (B) fork

( )
D 23. I usually have bread and milk for (C) seesaw (D) knife

_______. A 35. My _______ is sore because I carried

(A) meal (B) tea a heavy bag all day.

( )
(C) sport (D) breakfast (A) shoulder (B) solider

( )
A 24. We study in the _______ class. (C) throat (D) teeth

We are classmates. D 36. A: Can I take your order?

(A) same (B) together B: Not yet. All your food looks so

( )
(C) several (D) share delicious that I can’t _______.

C 25. A: How’s the _______ today? (A) finish (B) eat

( )
B: It’s windy. (C) wait (D) decide

(A) news (B) season C 37. Are you _______ to swim?

( )
(C) weather (D) show (A) good (B) ever

( )
A 26. Don’t let the children swim in the river. (C) able (D) poor

We don’t know how ______ it is. It B 38. She walked _______ along the river.

could be dangerous. (111 ) (A) friendly (B) slowly

( )
(A) deep (B) far (C) lovely (D) enjoy

( )
(C) long (D) thick C 39. Joe looks sad. Let’s ask what

C 27. A nurse takes ________ of sick ________ to him.

people. (A) trouble (B) wrong

( )
(A) pictures (B) time (C) happened (D) matter

( )
(C) care (D) turn D 40. I have a bad tooth. I have to see a

B 28. We visited the art _______ and saw _______.

many beautiful paintings. (A) hospital (B) movie

(A) mountain (B) museum (C) mailman (D) dentist

( )
(C) farm (D) beach

D 29. The water in the _______ is so clear

that you can see fish inside.

(A) mud (B) air

( )
(C) snow (D) lake

C 30. He couldn’t enter the house because

he _______ to bring the key with him.

(A) remembered (B) wanted

( )
(C) forgot (D) felt

A 31. She worked very hard and _______

became popular.

(A) finally (B) without

( )
(C) perhaps (D) until

B 32. The smoke from that _______ made

the air dirty.

(A) river (B) factory

( )
(C) garden (D) library

D 33. It’s ______ for me to memorize lines.

I’m bad at acting.

(A) careful (B) easy

(C) different (D) hard

單字演練卷 第四回【第5~6冊】
( )
A 1. A: Why is your sister _______? ( )
B 11. You have to see him _________

B: I lost her new cellphone. It cost you are ready or not.

her ten thousand dollars. (A) ever (B) whether

( )
(A) unhappy (B) thirsty (C) yet (D) either

( )
(C) fine (D) excellent B 12. A _______ has four sides.

A 2. There are toys _______ in the (A) circle (B) square

( )
children’s room. (C) fan (D) bread

(A) everywhere (B) everybody A 13. Do you know how to _______ a

( )
(C) everything (D) something happy life?

D 3. She acted well in the movie and (A) lead (B) rest

( )
won the best _______ award. (C) living (D) lie

(A) engineer (B) reporter D 14. My son is _______ about rock and

( )
(C) secretary (D) actress roll and wants to be in a music

B 4. My brother likes to _______ band.

stamps. (A) interested (B) close

( )
(A) catch (B) collect (C) stupid (D) crazy

( )
(C) throw (D) taste B 15. I enjoyed all the food _______ the

C 5. Parents give red _______ to their cake.

children during Chinese New Year. (A) neither (B) except

( )
(A) grades (B) letters (C) although (D) beside

( )
(C) envelopes (D) presents A 16. Why is this painting so expensive?

D 6. A: I don’t understand this word. There’s _______ special about it.

B: You can look it up in the (A) nothing (B) anyone

( )
_______. (C) anything (D) somebody

(A) supermarket (B) workbook B 17. The sky became covered with dark

( )
(C) bakery (D) dictionary _______ and soon it started to rain.

C 7. We put a _______ on top of the (A) wind (B) clouds

( )
Christmas tree. (C) rainbow (D) snow

(A) hill (B) sky D 18. The Internet is a _______ tool that

( )
(C) star (D) land makes life easier.

A 8. It’s not polite to enter someone’s (A) serious (B) foreign

( )
room without _______ on the door. (C) lazy (D) modern

(A) knocking (B) fixing A 19. This is a public computer; it doesn’t

( )
(C) calling (D) digging _______ to you.

C 9. The puppy is _________ cute. (A) belong (B) borrow

( )
(A) quiet (B) quick (C) lend (D) own

( )
(C) quite (D) queen A 20. The river runs _______ our town.

D 10. He can’t see anything because he (A) through (B) although

( )
went _______ from a terrible (C) over (D) thought

accident. C 21. You need to arrive at the ________

(A) wise (B) dead two hours before the plane takes

(C) behind (D) blind off.

(A) station (B) mile

(C) airport (D) sidewalk

( )
D 22. I bought a new skirt because I need ( )
C 34. Eric didn’t _______ the math test.

to _______ up for the party. He has to take math lessons during

(A) dry (B) burn summer vacation.

( )
(C) try (D) dress (A) past (B) pay

( )
D 23. Mr. Wilson has read thousands of (C) pass (D) pick

books. He’s a man of _______. B 35. A: What’s the matter with you? You

(A) medicine (B) kilogram look _______ today.

( )
(C) moment (D) knowledge B: I lost my red envelope with five

A 24. Always be honest and never thousand dollars inside. What

_______ on a test. can I do?

(A) cheat (B) copy (A) lonely (B) unhappy

( ) ( )
(C) check (D) correct (C) shy (D) lovely

A 25. Watch out for the lamp _______ D 36. Having _______ study habits is

you! It might drop and hit you. important. It helps you get good

(A) above (B) inside grades.

( )
(C) across (D) below (A) wisely (B) common

( )
B 26. Mary and I _______ to talk about (C) comfortable (D) correct

everything, but now we are no B 37. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, my

longer friends. parents give me red _______ for

(A) had (B) used good luck.

( )
(C) once (D) before (A) postcards (B) envelopes

( )
D 27. I’d like my steak _______, please. (C) flowers (D) apples

(A) middle (B) real D 38. Leo loves acting a lot, and he wants

to become a famous _______ one

( )
(C) menu (D) medium

C 28. I have trouble understanding my day.

_______ sons. (A) worker (B) teacher

( )
(A) daughters (B) stranger (C) waiter (D) actor

A 39. Liz was reading a novel when she

( )
(C) teenager (D) grow up

B 29. Horses are friends to humans. heard someone _______ on the

They can help us ______ things. door.

(A) eat (B) carry (A) knocking (B) calling

( )
(C) talking (D) dancing

( )
(C) order (D) cook

A 30. Don’t go to the playground after the D 40. Don’t forget to _______ the file

rain. There is _______ everywhere. before you shut down the computer.

(A) mud (B) dirty (A) push (B) take

(C) bring (D) save

( )
(C) place (D) road

D 31. Kelly _______ fifteen people to her

birthday party. They all had fun.

(A) gave (B) changed

( )
(C) left (D) invited

C 32. We have to put milk in the _______

to keep it fresh.

(A) restroom (B) balcony

( )
(C) refrigerator (D) trash can

C 33. The soldier _______ the dragon

with his arrow.

(A) lends (B) leads

(C) attacks (D) treats

單字演練卷 第五回【第1~6冊】
( )
C 1. My family goes mountain _______ ( )
B 11. It’s cold outside. You’d better wear a

every summer. _______.

(A) sailing (B) camping (A) skirt (B) coat

( ) ( )
(C) climbing (D) surfing (C) tie (D) belt

B 2. Do you like to play _______? A 12. I need a _______ to cut the meat.

(A) jogging (B) badminton (A) knife (B) spoon

( ) ( )
(C) swimming (D) baseballs (C) bowl (D) glass

D 3. This cellphone has a built-in C 13. Of all the fruit I like _______ the

________. You can take photos best.

with it. (A) eggs (B) sandwiches

( )
(A) prize (B) gym (C) strawberries (D) pumpkins

( )
(C) refrigerator (D) camera A 14. _______ is the second month of the

B 4. The children are playing on the year.

_______. (A) February (B) January

( )
(A) postcard (B) playground (C) August (D) September

( )
(C) workbook (D) classroom D 15. Someone who lives next door to

C 5. Everybody was waiting for him, but you is your _______.

he didn’t _______ in the end. (A) lawyer (B) ruler

( )
(A) happen (B) carry (C) stranger (D) neighbor

( )
(C) appear (D) surprise C 16. He is a _______ man. He works

A 6. _______ is an important tool if you even on weekends.

want to go abroad. (A) friendly (B) careful

( )
(A) Language (B) Garbage (C) hard-working (D) successful

( )
(C) Package (D) Message B 17. He broke his _______ and couldn’t

D 7. My mother is in her forties, but she walk.

_______ looks young. (A) hand (B) leg

( )
(A) yet (B) again (C) neck (D) heart

( )
(C) seldom (D) still A 18. A: My body is hot, but I feel very

C 8. The woman was _______ by the cold.

snake. B: You must have a _______.

(A) bored (B) excited (A) fever (B) sick

( ) ( )
(C) scared (D) interested (C) headache (D) weak

B 9. You should brush your teeth at D 19. The last bus just left five minutes

_______ twice a day. _______.

(A) less (B) least (A) early (B) next

( ) ( )
(C) perhaps (D) almost (C) late (D) ago

A 10. Kevin has only enough money for A 20. I need some _______ to make a

the bag or the shoes. That is a hard phone call.

______ to make because he likes (A) change (B) cent

( )
them both. (111 ) (C) price (D) dollar

(A) choice (B) gift B 21. _______ is a team sport.

(C) rule (D) trick (A) Swimming (B) Soccer

(C) Running (D) Frisbee

( )
C 22. Playing chess is one of my ( )
D 33. Everyone can _______ ten books

_______. from this library.

(A) examples (B) countries (A) pay (B) lend

( ) ( )
(C) hobbies (D) experiences (C) check (D) borrow

C 23. My wife plants flowers on the D 34. Your uncle’s daughter is your

_______ and that makes our house _______.

look beautiful from the outside. (A) husband (B) aunt

( )
(A) blanket (B) bakery (C) parent (D) cousin

( )
(C) balcony (D) basket C 35. There are _______ of people in the

D 24. You need some _______ during the city.

typhoon in case the power is cut off. (A) lot (B) thousand

( )
(A) tape (B) umbrellas (C) millions (D) many

( )
(C) radio (D) candles C 36. My sister has a habit of biting her

A 25. I’m in the ninth _________, and it’s _______.

the last year of junior high school. (A) throat (B) ears

( )
(A) grade (B) class (C) fingernails (D) head

( )
(C) lesson (D) marker C 37. Pam is a ______ baseball player;

A 26. Many people come to this _______ she has more fans than any other

to pray for good luck. player on her team.

(A) temple (B) hospital (111 )

( )
(C) theater (D) restroom (A) boring (B) heavy

( )
C 27. Riding a bike to work is healthier (C) popular (D) rich

than riding a _______. A 38. I want to learn how to _______ a

(A) bridge (B) kite cake.

( )
(C) scooter (D) shark (A) bake (B) boil

( )
D 28. These letters were written (C) burn (D) born

________ 1937 and 1945. D 39. Each month my mom gives me 500

(A) behind (B) from dollars as _______ money.

( )
(C) below (D) between (A) hat (B) easy

( )
B 29. Traffic is a big _______ in big cities. (C) wallet (D) pocket

It always takes a lot of time to go to D 40. I would choose the orange one

work. because I like _______ colors.

(A) mistake (B) problem (A) thin (B) dark

( )
(C) question (D) chance (C) dirty (D) bright

B 30. We should love _______ and plant

more trees.

(A) bench (B) nature

( )
(C) science (D) mud

B 31. In the story, the princess always

lives happily ever after with the


(A) person (B) prince

( )
(C) queen (D) giant

A 32. She eats little because she wants to

be _______.

(A) slim (B) rich

(C) strong (D) proud

單字演練卷 第六回【第1~6冊】
( )
A 1. The park near our school is ( )
C 11. A: Why didn’t you come to school

beautiful. It has not only tall trees yesterday?

but also a _______ in which all B: I was _______. I stayed in bed

kinds of fishes swim happily. all day.
(A) pond (B) pound (A) healthy (B) fever

( ) ( )
(C) road (D) playground (C) sick (D) strong
C 2. A: How often do you go jogging? B 12. High school students in Taiwan are

B: _______ a week. asked to wear _______.

(A) One (B) Second (A) caps (B) uniforms

( )
(C) Twice (D) Usually

( )
(C) skirts (D) jackets
D 3. It’s raining _______. Let’s go into A 13. A: Hello. Guess who I am, Peter?
the house right away. B: I think you made a ______. I’m
(A) inside (B) beside
Jack, not Peter.

( )
(C) front (D) outside
(A) mistake (B) call
A 4. Can I have some _______, please?

( )
(C) date (D) wrong
The juice isn’t cold enough. B 14. My little sister is _______. The
(A) ice (B) salt
teacher made her sit in the front of

( )
(C) sugar (D) butter
the class, so she can see the
A 5. This is his first time in Taipei. He’s a
blackboard clearly.
_______ here.
(A) blind (B) short
(A) stranger (B) neighbor

( )
(C) weak (D) thin

( )
(C) friend (D) reader
B 15. Jonathan _______ his flight to
C 6. Please give me two _______ of
Taipei because he got to the airport
half an hour late. He had to pay 75
(A) feet (B) dozens
dollars to get on the next flight.

( )
(C) pounds (D) miles
(A) caught (B) missed
B 7. At the end of the class, our teacher

( )
(C) took (D) got
gave us a _______ to test how
C 16. The _______ is so strong that
much we learned today.
newspapers are flying here and
(A) quarter (B) quiz

( )
(C) map (D) trick
(A) rain (B) snow
D 8. A: Would you please _______ the

( )
(C) wind (D) cloud
TV for me? I want to watch the
D 17. It’s _______ to drink and drive.
Many people get killed.
B: No problem.
(A) careful (B) exciting
(A) take off (B) put on

( )
(C) difficult (D) dangerous

( )
(C) turn off (D) turn on
A 18. He stayed up late last night, but he
A 9. I need a new pair of scissors. This
still _______ the English quiz. How
one is not _______ enough to cut
the cloth.
(A) failed (B) saw
(A) sharp (B) straight

( )
(C) fell (D) followed

( )
(C) sore (D) simple
C 19. My mother always brings a
B 10. A: Why doesn’t Johnny play

basketball with us? _______ with her when she shops

B: Well, he isn’t _______ sports. at the supermarket. She thinks

(A) afraid of using plastic bags is not friendly to

(B) interested in the earth.

(C) worried about (A) bench (B) bottle

(D) popular with (C) basket (D) battery

( )
B 20. I usually take a hot _______ after ( )
B 31. It was ______ for us to answer the

exercising. It makes me smell good math question because we’ve done

and feel comfortable. the same kind of questions many

(A) rest (B) bath times. (111 )

( )
(C) seat (D) drink (A) common (B) easy

( )
B 21. The door bell _______ while he was (C) safe (D) special

taking a bath. B 32. A: There’s something wrong with

(A) rained (B) rang my bike. Can you fix it, Ted?

( )
(C) sang (D) rolled B: Let me check. First we need
C 22. A bakery is a place where you can some _______. Go get them in

buy bread, buns, cake or _______. the drawer.

(A) guava (B) fan (A) tests (B) tools

( ) ( )
(C) toast (D) beef (C) dishes (D) tapes

A 23. Irene likes _______ very much. C 33. The bag is not from Taiwan. It’s

She plays not only the violin but _______. That’s why it’s so

also the guitar. expensive.

(A) music (B) future (A) serious (B) smart

( ) ( )
(C) sport (D) country (C) foreign (D) medium

B 24. Taiwan is famous for its _______ D 34. Henry’s brother had a car accident

people and beautiful mountains. on his way to work. _______, he

We make the visitors feel like home didn’t get hurt.

during their stay here. (A) Really (B) Kindly

( )
(A) mad (B) friendly (C) Slowly (D) Luckily

( )
(C) shy (D) strange A 35. Michelle is a _______ girl. Her face

A 25. Yvonne likes this store very much. turns red when boys talk to her.

All the _______ wear smiles on (A) shy (B) scared

( )
their faces and are polite to (C) smart (D) slim

everyone. A 36. Our school basketball team

(A) clerks (B) waiters _______ day and night for the

( )
(C) actors (D) writers important games next month.
C 26. In order to save money, Dad made (A) practices (B) rests

( )
us _______ the use of water. (C) exercises (D) notices

(A) repeat (B) invite C 37. A: I don’t know how to write a

( )
(C) reduce (D) link history report.
A 27. A: Can you _______ my glass with B: Don’t worry. Here’s a(n) _______

orange juice? for you to follow.

B: Sure. Here you are. (A) interview (B) postcard

( )
(A) fill (B) full (C) example (D) dictionary

( )
(C) find (D) feed B 38. Barbie _______ a nice tie for her

A 28. A _______ is a person who sends father as a birthday present.

mails and packages to our houses. (A) sent (B) bought

( )
(A) mailman (B) policeman (C) borrowed (D) gave

( )
(C) fire fighter (D) businessman A 39. Christmas is the most _______

D 29. The _______ rain wiped out many holiday for people in the United

houses. Many people lost their States.

homes and loved ones. (A) important (B) modern

( )
(A) public (B) magic (C) correct (D) excellent

( )
(C) much (D) heavy B 40. We need a _______. It’s so dark

C 30. The _______ at Julia’s beauty shop that we can’t see anything.

is getting better and better, and she (A) battery (B) flashlight

makes a lot of money. (C) radio (D) mop

(A) chance (B) interview

(C) business (D) trick

( )
B 1. People can _______ the cows on this ( )
A 10. The kids like their teacher very much.

farm. It sounds interesting. Would They often _______ around her.

you like to try?
(A) group (B) hop
(A) sweep (B) milk

( )
(C) turn (D) keep

( )
(C) mop (D) fill
B 11. We _______ a lot of problems when
D 2. Give me a hand! I can’t _______ with
the program is under way.
the problem! It’s too difficult for me.
(A) appeared (B) faced
(A) find (B) try

( )
(C) crossed (D) belonged

( )
(C) catch (D) deal

A 3. Linda: Mom, I am hungry. May I eat C 12. If you open your _______ and smile,

some cookies? you can make more friends.

Mom: Wait a moment. After I (A) fingers (B) head

_______ the soup, we can

( )
(C) mind (D) heat

have dinner. C 13. Don’t _______ me on my mistake. I

(A) heat (B) burn didn’t mean to do that.

( )
(C) hold (D) blow
(A) talk (B) say
B 4. When the baby cried, his mother

( )
(C) question (D) check
carried him on her _______. And then,
D 14. Helen: _______ the fruit in a cool
he slept well.
dark place, or it will get bad soon.
(A) feet (B) back
Ian: OK. I’ll put it in the refrigerator.

( )
(C) head (D) fingers
(A) Paste (B) Affect
D 5. You look tired. Stop working. You

( )
(C) Waste (D) Store
need to take a _______.

(A) date (B) dream A 15. I don’t _______ what they say. I just

( )
(C) dish (D) break do what I want to do.

A 6. Molly, you draw well. Next, _______ (A) care (B) plan

the picture with your markers, and it

( )
(C) decide (D) move

will look great. C 16.Rosa talked to her dad for a long time.
(A) color (B) work
He helped her _______ some ideas.

( )
(C) drop (D) try
(A) play (B) stand
D 7. We usually make a _______ before

( )
(C) shape (D) invite
we go shopping. We won’t miss
D 17. Amy can’t find her book. She
anything we need.
_______it on the desk, but she forgot
(A) report (B) card

( )
(C) picture (D) list
(A) uploaded (B) downloaded
A 8. I know you are telling a lie. Don’t

( )
_______ me again. I won’t trust you (C) hit (D) placed

anymore. D 18. Your cat is _______ my hot dog. Take

(A) trick (B) sell her away, or she will eat it.

( )
(C) hide (D) lose (A) storing (B) watering
C 9. Jay: Hey friends, do you like this

( )
(C) fixing (D) eyeing
B 19. My son feels bad because his nose is
Everyone: Yes.
_______ up. I should take him to see
Jay: Thank you. Now, it is your
the doctor.
_______ to sing with me.
(A) fought (B) blocked
(A) topic (B) right
(C) blew (D) hurt
(C) turn (D) part

( )
C 20.It’s so hot in September in Kaohsiung. ( )
A 28. Mom made a pizza and put it on the

Turn on the _______, please. table. After she cut it into pieces, Little

(A) maps (B) drawers Jimmy _______ to a big piece and

( ) 清淡
(C) fans (D) heat said, “I want to have that one.”

C 21. The soup is too bland( ) for me. (A) pointed (B) carried

( )
Please _______ the salt to me. I want (C) caught (D) chose

to add some to make it taste better. C 29. David and Elsa have been _______

(A) roll (B) pull for five years. They have decided to

( )
(C) hand (D) push get married next month.

D 22. Clair: Why do you look sad? (A) connecting (B) noticing

( )
Grace: I couldn’t _______ any seats (C) dating (D) inviting

because the play was sold out. D 30. Alan: What time is it?

Clair: That’s too bad. Brian: It’s 7:25 according to my

(A) start (B) join _______.

Alan: Oh, my. We’re almost late.

( )
(C) finish (D) book
Let’s hurry up.
D 23. Frank was using his cellphone while
(A) habit (B) tip
he was walking home. Suddenly, he

( )
(C) type (D) watch
_______ down and got hurt.
A 31. The _______ on the wall says “No
(A) moved (B) passed
parking.” We must look for another

( )
(C) left (D) fell
parking space.
C 24. Grandma _______ to us as the train
(A) notice (B) item
left the station. We didn’t want to

( )
(C) part (D) story
leave at all, but we had to.
C 32. The doctor listened to the girl’s heart,
(A) acted (B) wished
but he could find no _______ of life.

( )
(C) waved (D) touched
Her parents felt sad because they
A 25. Mrs. Brown is _______ students on
didn’t want to lose her.
their English. They tried hard to do
(A) accident (B) sorrow
their best.

( )
(C) sign (D) manners
(A) testing (B) protecting
B 33. Living _______ are usually higher in

( )
(C) imagining (D) causing
cities than in the countryside. That’s
A 26. She wrote a _______ of air pollution
why I work in Pingtung instead of
in Taiwan. After reading it, I decided
not to drive to work. Now I take the
(A) facts (B) costs
MRT to my office every day.

( )
(C) jobs (D) ideas
(A) study
B 34. In Taiwan, garbage trucks play music,
(B) knowledge
not ice cream trucks. When people
(C) performance
hear the music, they _______ outside

( )
(D) power
to take out the garbage.
B 27. You may have heard the saying, “The
(A) pass (B) head
Sun will still _______ in the east and

( )
(C) wait (D) act
set in the west tomorrow.”
A 35. Harry: I called you, but you didn’t
(A) raise (B) rise
answer the phone. Why?
(C) blow (D) lie
Jerry: Really? It didn’t _______, so I

missed your call.

(A) ring (B) touch

(C) spell (D) hit


come across 偶遇 When Jane was jogging at the park, she came across a

puppy under a tree.

一起來 We're going to the new bookstore. Do you want to come

come along
along ?

come out 出版;發行 I can't wait for my favorite writer's new book to come out
next week.

come out 出現 Hundreds of fans are waiting for the singer to come out of

his hotel.

get along 相處融洽 Henry gets along with his sister's friends. They are all

good friends.

get around 各處旅行 Riding a bike is a good way to get around the city.

get away 離開;逃脫 Mary wants to get away from the busy city life and move to

the country.

get off 下(車、飛機等) Oh, no. I think we got off at the wrong station.

get on 上(車、飛機等) The children got on the school bus one by one.

get to 到達 Excuse me. How can I get to the movie theater?

團聚 Chinese New Year is an important time for families to get

get together
together .

get up 起床 Patty always gets up at six a.m., even on weekends.

go ahead 開始做 I had no time to wait for him, so I decided to go ahead and

do it myself.

go on 發生;繼續下去 Why is everyone crying here? What's going on ?

go over 仔細檢查 Always go over your homework before you hand it in.

go through 經歷 My father went through years of difficult days and finally

became successful.

go with 與⋯相配 Does this belt go with my dress?

give away 贈送;分發 I have some old T-shirts, and I want to give them away to

those who need them.

give back 歸還 Have you given the books back to the library yet?

give out 分發 Never give out too much information to those who you

don't know well.

give up 放棄 Sharon seldom does well on her science tests, but she

never gives up .

hand in 繳交 We need to hand in our homework on time.

look after 照顧 Can you teach me how to look after babies?

look around 四處看看;參觀 This is my first time coming to this city, so I want to

around after lunch.


look for 尋找 I heard the telephone ring when I was looking for my keys.

look into 調查;研究 My husband and I are planning to buy a house, and we are

looking into the house prices nearby.

look over 快速檢查 Could you help me

look over the sentences I just wrote

look out 小心;留意 You should

look out when you are alone outside late in the

look up 查找 Looking up a new word

understand the meaning of it quickly.

in the dictionary helps you

take down 記下 May I take down

call you back later?

your phone number so that Mr. Lee can

take down 使某人垮臺;拆除 The Rocket

members are

taken down.
will lose the game if three more

take off 脫下 Please take off your shoes before entering the room.

take on 具有;呈現 After we painted the walls sky blue and put in a new sofa,

the room took on a new look.

take out 將⋯拿出去;取出 Who is going to take out the garbage tonight?

take over 接管;接手 Molly

is leaving

by Jill.
the company, and her job will be taken

This box takes up too much space of this room. Could you
take up
please throw it away?

think about 考慮;認為 To make

another job.
more money, John is thinking about getting

think of 想起;認為 What do you think of this dress?

think over 仔細考慮 The idea of moving abroad sounds exciting, but I still need

some time to think it over.

turn around 轉身 Rita turned around to see if someone was following her.

turn down 調低(音量) Please turn down the TV. It is so loud that I can't study.

turn down 拒絕 Tim asked Julie to the dance, but she

because she has a boyfriend.

turned him down

turn in 繳交 The students were asked to turn in the report by Monday.

turn into (使)變成 With

careful planning, the old house was turned into a

turn off 關掉(電源) Remember to turn off your phone before the movie starts.

turn on 打開(電源) Could you please turn on the lights? It's quite dark in here.

turn out 結果是 Everyone believed her at first, but it turns out that she was

lying from the start.

turn to 向⋯尋求幫助 Why don't you turn to Gary for help? I think he would like to

help if you ask.

fill in 填寫 Fill in the blanks with your answers.

fill out 填寫 To sign up for the race, you should fill out your information

here first.

fill up 裝滿 Thanks for the big meal. It really filled me up.

show around 帶⋯四處參觀 Mary showed her foreign friends around the city.

show off 炫耀 People aren't likely to make friends with those who like to

show off.

show up 出現 Larry was sad that the girl he likes didn't show up to his

birthday party.

( A ) 1. Could you please ? Bring me an umbrella because it’s raining outside.

( )
(A) do me a favor (B) show up (C) give away (D) turn around

C 2. More and more people at home. Dogs and cats are common in Taiwan.

( )
(A) make money (B) take a trip (C) keep pets (D) walk around

D 3. Let’s for singing such a wonderful song to all of us.

( )
(A) give him a break (B) give him a hand (C) give him a call (D) give him a big hand

B 4. Tim likes to when he gets something new. That’s why he’s not popular with his


( )
(A) turn down (B) show off (C) fill up (D) go ahead

D 5. Please the music because your baby brother is sleeping in the bedroom.

( )
(A) turn up (B) turn out (C) turn in (D) turn down

A 6. I would like to join your Thanksgiving dinner, but I’m lately. I can’t eat too much.

( )
(A) on a diet (B) in a diet (C) going a diet (D) under a diet

B 7. Where have you been? You didn’t after you got the phone call 3 hours ago.

( )
(A) turn out (B) show up (C) fill up (D) come out

A 8. Before you buy this fancy stuff, I think you should .

( )
(A) think it over (B) show it around (C) go it over (D) give it away

C 9. Please your shoes before entering the room, or it might get dirty soon.

( )
(A) look for (B) come out (C) take off (D) find out

B 10. Maybe we need to call the police. I think we in the forest.

( )
(A) get together (B) get lost (C) get off (D) get out of

A 11. To , Sarah only eats a bowl of salad for dinner every single day. That makes her

a slim girl.

( )
(A) keep fit (B) make a wish (C) take a trip (D) walk a dog

C 12. is not good for our health. We need enough sleep or we’ll nod off in class.

( )
(A) Taking medicine (B) Keeping a diary (C) Staying up (D) Making money

C 13. I need some fine clothes to wear tonight. I’m going to Mike at a nice restaurant.

( )
(A) make a wish (B) look up (C) date with (D) get off

D 14. Before joining the club, we have to the information on the paper.

( )
(A) come out (B) find out (C) turn out (D) fill out

B 15. A: This dress looks good on you. Would you like ?

B: Sure. But I have to know where the fitting room is.

( )
(A) to get it off (B) to try it on (C) to keep it fit (D) to look it up

B 16. A: You look different today. Did you do something on your face?

B: Maybe it’s because my hair the dress. Perfect match.

( ) 選出符合底線含意的單字
(A) gets around (B) goes with (C) comes along (D) turns into

A 17. My father went through hard times and finally became successful.

( )
(A) experienced (B) traveled (C) appeared (D) saw

B 18. When Jane was jogging at the part, she came across a puppy under the tree.

( ) 選出符合底線含意的單字
(A) fed (B) met (C) saved (D) killed

A 19. With careful planning, the old house was turned into a museum.

(A) changed (B) drawn (C) painted (D) told

( ) B 20. I don’t know the meaning of this word. I need a dictionary to look it up.

(A) answer (B) check (C) write (D) carry


A: What’s 21. ? Why do you guys look so excited?

B: We just 22. our favorite movie star, Tony Stark.

A: Really? Why did he 23. in our city? I don’t think he lives here.

B: Well, he visited the children’s home. He donated some money and 24. some clothes to the

kids. He’s such a kind person.

A: So did you guys take pictures with him?

B: Sure! He never 25. his fans. That’s why we love him so much.

( A ) 21. (A) going on (B) getting out

(C) turning out (D) showing off

( D ) 22. (A) thought of (B) got along

(C) filled out (D) came across

( A ) 23. (A) show up (B) turn around

(C) go ahead (D) get ready

( B ) 24. (A) gave up (B) gave away

(C) gave back (D) gave a break

( C ) 25. (A) looks for (B) takes off

(C) turns down (D) thinks about


A: Where are you going?

B: We’re going to have a birthday party for Ms. Wu. Our classmates 26. on her birthday

every year. Do you want to 27. ?

A: I’d like to, but I have a piano class this evening. I’m afraid I’ll be late.

B: It’s fine to be late. Ms. Wu would be happy if you show up. The party is at Kiki’s restaurant.

A: Then how can I 28. the restaurant?

B: Take bus 101, and 29. at the library stop. It’s right 30. the library.

A: OK, see you then.

( B ) 26. (A) get away (B) get together

(C) get around (D) get up

( D ) 27. (A) come back (B) come out

(C) come across (D) come along

( C ) 28. (A) get on (B) come with

(C) go to (D) turn out

( C ) 29. (A) go over (B) get out

(C) get off (D) go with

( A ) 30. (A) next to (B) between

(C) under (D) on the top


主格 受格 所有格 反身代名詞 所有格代名詞
I我 me my myself mine

you 你 you your yourself yours

he 他 him his himself his

she 她 her her herself hers

it it its itself its

we 我們 us our ourselves ours

you 你們 you your yourselves yours

they 他們 them their themselves theirs

1. 範圍可數,主詞單數
one, each, of the Ns + 單數動詞
every one, any of them

2. 範圍可數,主詞複數
two / three / four…

both, all, some,

few / a few, several,

of the Ns + 複數動詞
of them
many, most

a lot = lots

3. 範圍不可數,主詞永遠單數 ※ some 用在肯定句,any 用於疑問、否定句。

some, most, all

little / a little of the 不可數 + 單數動詞


much of it

a lot = lots

4. other 的用法
(1) another:用在「三者以上」的另一個
the other the others

(2) others:無限定範圍
the others

現在簡單式 過去簡單式 未來簡單式 現在完成式
動詞 am is are
be was were
/ will be
/ / have / has been
助動詞 do does / did will have / has

動詞變化 第三人稱單數
V+ed will+V
不規則 be going to+

(句型) 助動詞後面動詞要還原 V
(2) have / has p.p.

一直以來的習慣、 過去的習慣、狀 尚未發生的習 (1) 經驗

使用情境 狀態、事實 態、事實、動作 慣、狀態、事 (2) 完成或未完成的動作
實、動作 (3) 過去持續到現在的動作
現在進行式 過去進行式
進行式 am is are+ was were+
/ / /

Ving Ving
三、以下的「來去動詞」若作進行式,會表達「未來式」意義:come 來 、go 走 、leave 離開 、 ( ) ( ) ( )

arrive 到達 、start 開始 、fly 坐飛機、駕駛飛機 、move 移動

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、現在完成式:have has + p p / . .

since+時間點 過去式句子 v s
1. / for+持續性的一段時間 . .

been to 曾經去過 表示經驗

2. vs(gone to 已經去了 表示去的動作已完成 ) . . ( )

now every day every morning every
現在簡單式 /

頻率副詞:always usually often sometimes


/ /


/ seldom / never
過去簡單式 … ago / before / last week / last month / yesterday…
未來簡單式 +一段時間 在 以內
next… / tomorrow / in ( … )

現在完成式 since+ 過去時間點 for+一段時間 非必定 / ( )

現在進行式 now / Look! / Listen!

過去進行式 at that time / then / when / while / at 8:00 last night

四、there be
1.「地方存在」要用 there is are 句型,「人擁有」才用 have / / has
2.後面名詞單數或是不可數用 there is,複數用 there are
3. How many+複數名詞+are there 有多少 … …

How much+不可數名詞+is there …

過去有 there was were 未來有 / there will be
已經有 there have has been 將要有 / there is / are going to be

1. 附加問句:時態一致,句型相反
(1) 以下單字表示「否定意義」 ,所以附加問句要用肯定句。seldom、never、no、nobody、nothing、
(2) 附加問句一定要用代名詞,所以請注意與主詞之間的替換
2. 附和句:
也 句子, too So+助動詞 / be動詞+S
也不 句子not, either Neither+助動詞 / be動詞+S
比較級 than(比) of the two → 包含當事人,在兩者之內做比較 兩方做比較
最高級 +特定範圍 of the three / four… / all(全部) →三者以上 三方以上做比較
1. 形容詞修飾名詞,副詞修飾動詞、形容詞
2. 最高級形容詞之前要加 the 或是所有格

smell +形容詞
主詞+ 嚐起來
feel +like+名詞

主詞+ become變得/成為 +形容詞 / 名詞

get 變得 +形容詞

主詞+ +一般動詞
(run / walk / speak / write……) +副詞

形容詞 感覺到……的
interested in 感到有趣的
主詞+be V
surprised at 感到驚訝的
+受格(名詞或 V-ing)
bored with 感到無聊的 字尾有(ed 的情緒形容詞所修飾的名詞

tired of 感到疲累的 一定要是會產生知覺的 )


形容詞 令人感到……的

主詞+be V+
( 字尾有 的情緒形容詞所修飾的名詞

是「令人感到 的」 …… )


have, make, let +受格+原形動詞
ask, want, tell, need,
see, look at, watch, feel
+受格 +原形動詞
notice, hear, listen to +Ving
十、to V / V-ing 做受詞
1. 動詞後+V-ing:spend、finish、practice、keep、enjoy、quit、mind
2. 可加 to V 或 V-ing 皆可:like、hate、love、begin、start
3. stop to V 停止,開始去做 V
V-ing 停止正在做的 V-ing
remember to V 記得去做 (還沒有做 V)
V-ing 記得做過 (做過了 V-ing)
forget to V 忘記去做 (還沒有做 V)
V-ing 忘記做過 (做過 V-ing)

and和 We went to the beach and swam all day.
but但是 He likes fishing, but we don’t.
however 然而 Jim studied hard. However, he didn’t get good grades.
not only…but (also) 不只…還有 We visited not only Tainan but (also) Kaohsiung.
or或、否則 You can buy this pink car or that red one.
either A or B不是 就是 B
A I can choose either Harry Potter or The Prince to read.
不是 也不是
neither A nor B A B Henry passed neither English nor Chinese.
so所以 I caught a cold yesterday, so I didn’t go to school.
because 因為 I didn’t come to school yesterday because I caught a cold.
although / though 雖然 Although he was sick, he still came to work.
before Brush your teeth before you go to bed.
after Go to bed after you brush your teeth.
until They didn’t sleep until they finished their work.
as soon as … … He left as soon as he saw me.
when / while 當 We got home when / while Mom was cooking.
since 自從 I haven’t seen you since you were five.
if 如果 If you don’t listen to me, you will regret it.
and 連接兩者,動詞要用複數 Both Tom and I are going to Japan.
or 連接主詞時,動詞要和靠近的主詞一致 You or I am chosen to clean the
either…or 連接主詞時,動詞要和靠近的主詞一致 Either Lisa or Amy likes Jason.
neither…nor 連接主詞時,動詞要和靠近的主詞一致 Neither you nor Hank has to come.

主詞 主動動詞 受詞

受詞 被動動詞 by+主詞
(新主詞) beV+p p (新受詞) . .

句型是 be 動詞 + p p ,be 動詞會隨著時態改變,p p 則不會因為時態而改變
2. . . . .
如果要強調是被誰做,就是 by + 人

現在 過去 未來
簡單式 am is are + p p
/ / was were + p p
. .
will be be going to be +
/ . .
( )
pp . .

進行式 am is arep p+ being + was werep +p being +

/ /
. .
. .
完成式 have has been + p p
/ . .
被動常搭配時態一起考,beV 和 p p 是被動一定要有的條件,p p 就像是形容詞一樣,不會因為時態而
. . . .
變化,會依照時態變化的是 beV。
人+spend+時間 金錢 V ing spend 只用人作主詞,可花錢、花時間
(1) / -
on 物
事物+take+受格 + 時間 + to V take 只用事物作主詞,只花時間
事物+cost+受格 + 金錢 + to V cost 只以事物作主詞,只花金錢
pay「付錢」,「pay for + 人 物」表示付某物的錢或是為某人付錢。「pay with by」是用什麼付
(4) / … /
錢,比如用 change、credit card、cash、check。
詢問花費多少時間:how much time how long、詢問花多少金錢:how much money 。
(5) / ( )

1. 詢問天氣、氣候:What’s the weather like? = How is the weather?
2. 下大雨(雪)的句型 It rains a lot / heavily / much rain 是動詞
There is a lot of / much rain rain 是不可數名詞
We / They have a lot of / much rain rain 是不可數名詞
3. typhoon 可數,不作動詞,所以要用 there be…或是 we have 的句型
4. 其他形容詞用法 It is+adj.
windy 多風的 rainy 多雨的 foggy 多霧的 cloudy 多雲的 sunny 晴朗的
hot 熱的 cold 冷的 warm 溫暖的 cool 涼爽的
搭乘交通工具 go to+地方+by 交通工具
go to+地方+on / in+the+交通工具
ride on / in the+交通工具
授與動詞有兩種句型:V+人+物 = V+物+介系詞+人
寄送 send 人+物 = send 物+to 人 給予 give 人+物 = give 物+to 人
寄送 mail 人+物 = mail 物+to 人 寫給 write 人+物 = write 物+to 人
帶來 bring 人+物 = bring 物+to 人 告訴 tell 人+物 = tell 物+to 人
展現 show 人+ = show 物+to 人 借出 lend 人+物 = lend 物+to 人

讀給 read 人+物 = read 物+to 人 蓋給 build 人+物 = build 物+to 人
買給 buy 人+物 = buy 物+for 人 做 make 人+物 = make 物+for 人
發現 find 人+物 = find 物+for 人 借入 borrow 人+物 = borrow 物+from 人
詢問 ask 人+物 = ask 物+of 人 準備 prepare 人+物 = prepare 物+for 人

主要子句 疑問詞 主詞+助動詞/動詞
Do you know when(何時) he will come home?
Tell me what(什麼) you ate.
He didn’t tell me what time(幾點) his brother got up.
I want to know how(如何:問方法、狀況) you get here.
They never know who(誰) those boys are.
I am not sure whose(誰的) umbrella it is.
They have no idea where(何地) the restaurant is.
She doesn’t care why(為何) Tom didn’t buy her flowers.
He wants to know how often(有多常,問頻率) you practice playing baseball .

Does Tommy decide how long(多長:時間、長度) the meeting is?

Tell her (時間上有多快到…) we will arrive in New York.
how soon
Don’t let Mom know (多少錢、有多少) the cell phone costs.
how much
I don’t know (哪一個:做選擇) which color you like.
疑問詞 相關關鍵字
how often(多常) always / usually / sometimes / once / twice / three times / every day
how soon(多快) in+時間長度(two hours / three days)
how long(多長) (for)+時間長度(two hours / three days)

先行詞:被形容的名詞 形容詞子句:形容詞功用 先行詞決定動詞
The girl who is talking to my dad is Miss Wu.

關係代名詞:代替前面的先行詞,連接「The girl is Miss Wu」和「The girl is talking to my dad」

形容詞子句用來形容前面的名詞 girl 意思為「正在跟我爸爸說話的那個女生」。
ex: Do you know the girl that (who) is talking to my dad?
→將 the girl 帶入後面句子中,可形成「 the girl is talking to my dad 」,具有完整語意,所以是形容詞子句。
類型 格 主格 所有格 受格
人 who whose who(m)
動物、事物 which whose which
人事物 that X that
that 可以代替 who / which 的主格、受格,只要是受格都可以省略,但前有逗點、介系詞不可省也不可
用 that 代替。
ex: The boy who(m) you are talking to is my brother.
→ the boy 是人,在形容詞子句中是「 you are talking to the boy 」
to 之後為受格,所以用關代 的受格 who who 或是 whom 。
ex: The boy whose hair is long is my brother.
→ 形容詞子句應該是「 the boy’s hair is long 」所以用關代 who 的所有格 whose 代替 the boy’s 。

1. a. used to + V ( 過去習慣,目前沒有 )

He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t smoke now.

b. be / get used to + N / V-ing ( 習慣於… )

He is not used to his new school life.

He gets used to traveling alone.

I don’t get used to getting up early.

c. be used to + V 被使用來做…
( )

Grapes are used to make wine.

Wood is used to make a lot of things.

2. except 和 besides ( 除…之外 、 ) except ( 去掉 、 ) 加上

besides ( )

a. I like every student in my class, except John.

( 除了 John 我都喜歡 )

b. Besides English, he likes math and art.

( 除了英語外,他還喜歡數學和美術。 )

( 他喜歡英語,數學和美術。 )

3. say 、 、 、
speak talk tell

say 把說的話列出 報紙,雜誌,書的說法 ( )

a. What did you say?

b. Say goodbye to your teacher.

c. The report said that TV is one of the most important inventions.

speak 說一種語言
a. He speaks good English.

b. This is Tom speaking. ( 電話用語 )

talk 雙向交談,談論
a. They are talking to each other.

b. He likes to talk about his experience.

c. Who did you talk with (to) on the phone?

tell 單向告訴,說故事,笑話
a. He told me not to play in the street.
b. He is telling a story to the children.

4. be tired of 和 be tired with

a. be tired of 討厭 = be sick of
I am tired of eating the same food.
b. be tired with ~因 而疲倦
I’ve worked all day. I am tired with so much work.

5. next year 和 the next year

a. next year 明年 用未來式
( )
I will be a senior high school student next year.
b. the next year 某事發生後的第二年 用過去式 ( )
Harry met Jane in 1999, and they got married the next year.

6. in two days 和 two days later (after two days)

a. in two days 兩天後 用未來式
( )
Father has gone to Taipei, but he will be back in two days.
b. two days later 某事發生後的兩天後 用過去式 ( )
He had an accident on May 5, and he died two days later.

7. I’m not afraid. 和 I’m afraid not.

a. I’m not afraid. 我不怕。
b. I’m afraid not. 恐怕不是。

8. look for 和 find

a. look for ( 尋找 ◎ 過程
What are you doing? I’m looking for my watch.
b. find ( 找到
) ◎ 結果
Could you help me look for my glasses? I can’t find them.

9. How come 和 Why
How come 後用直述句 Why 後面用問句
a. How come you don’t like him?
b. Why don’t you like him?
c. How come you are at home?
d. Why are you at home?
◎ How come 用於與說話者原本的認定不同。
10. What do you think about …?
How do you feel about …?
a. What do you think about Tom? He’s a nice boy.
b. How do you feel about the movie? It’s interesting.

11. five minutes slow 和 five minutes fast

現在時刻 3:45
a. My watch is 5 minutes slow. 我的錶現在 3:40
b. My watch is 5 minutes fast. 我的錶現在 3:50
12. five minutes early 與 five minutes late
你該 7:00 到校
a. I’m 5 minutes early. 我早到 5 分鐘 (6:55 到)
b. I’m 5 minutes late. 我遲到 5 分鐘 (7:05 到)
13. see (看見),look at(看著),watch (看著)
a. The blind can’t see.
b. I’m near-sighted. When I look at the blackboard, I can’t see the words clearly.
c. watch TV, watch a game

14. hear (聽見),listen to (聽著)

a. A deaf can’t hear.
b. I like to listen to the radio.
c. Listen to your teacher.

15. 人 have fun (V-ing).

It’s fun for 人 to V
a. We had a lot of fun camping at the beach last Sunday.
b. It’s fun for me to play basketball.

( )
D 1. He was so hungry that he ate ( )
D 10. She doesn’t like to eat _______.

_______. (A) porks (B) pig

( )
(A) three hamburger (C) a fish (D) fish

(B) two fried rice A 11. Would you like some _______?

(C) six packs chocolate (A) cake (B) hamburger

( ) ( )
(D) three plates of fried noodles (C) milks (D) juices

C 2. A: Would you like _______? B 12. I have _______ for breakfast.

B: Yes, please. (A) hot dog

(A) some tea (B) a sandwich

(B) a cup of tea (C) apple and milk

( )
(C) many tea (D) a juice

( )
(D) a glass of tea D 13. _______ oranges are there in the

C 3. A: _______ do you need to make a basket?

pumpkin pie? (A) How big (B) How much

( )
B: A pumpkin, some flour and several (C) How about (D) How many

eggs. B 14. How _______ water _______ there in

(A) How many (B) How much the bottle?

( )
(C) What (D) Which (A) many; are (B) much; is

( )
C 4. A: How much ______ do you have? B: (C) many; have (D) much; has

I have one hundred _______. C 15. A: _______ are the eggs? B: They

(A) time; minute are 65 dollars.

(B) money; dollar (A) How many (B) How long

( )
(C) money; dollars (C) How much (D) How price

( )
(D) book; books D 16. A: _______ milk do you need?

D 5. All the _______ in this restaurant B: I need two bottles.

_______ from Australia . (A) How much bottle

(A) beefs; come (B) beef; come (B) How many bottles

( )
(C) beef; are (D) beef; is (C) How many

( )
A 6. A: Every dress here is beautiful. Can I (D) How much

have ______? B 17. A: How_______ cans of coffee are

B: No, you can have only one. there in the refrigerator?

(A) them all (B) it all B: There’s only one.

( )
(C) all them (D) all it (A) much (B) many

( )
B 7. My brother likes fried _______. (C) little (D) few

(A) chickens (B) chicken B 18. Susan bought bread in the

( ) 年國中會考
(C) rices (D) noodle supermarket, but she did not buy

C 8. I love _______. anything to drink. (105 )

(A) dog (B) these dog (A) many (B) some

( ) ( )
(C) cats (D) your a cat (C) any (D) one

D 9. Do you have any _______? A 19. The boy has many _______.

(A) a children (B) some child (A) toys (B) friend

(C) child (D) children (C) pencil (D) time

( )
B 20. The children love ______. They can

have four _______ at a time.

(A) pizzas; pizzas

(B) pizza; pizzas

(C) ice creams; ice cream

( )
(D) ice creams; ice creams

B 21. How much _______ a bowl of beef


(A) are (B) is

( )
(C) cost (D) costs

C 22. How much ______ the car _____?

(A) do; cost

(B) is; spend

(C) does; cost

( )
(D) does; spend

B 23. These books ______ cost ______.

(A) doesn’t; much

(B) don’t; a lot

(C) doesn’t; many

( )
(D) don’t; a lot of

C 24. There are two _______ of _______

on the table.

(A) glass; waters

(B) glass; water

(C) glasses; water

( )
(D) glasses; waters

D 25. My mother bought ______ from the


(A) two bags of tomato

(B) a bag of flours

(C) two bags of sugars

(D) a bag of apples

( )
B 1. For the past twenty years, my father ( )
B 11. Tom forgot _______ Harry Potter, so

_____ in a school library. But he’ll he’s buying it again in the bookstore

leave the job next month. now.

(109 ) (A) to buy (B) buying

( )
(A) worked (B) has worked (C) bought (D) buys

( )
(C) is working (D) works A 12. I usually help my mother _______ the

D 2. My sister is coming to my home today. housework on weekends.

She _______ with me for a week. (A) do (B) doing

( )
(110 ) (C) does (D) did

(A) stays (B) stayed B 13. Tom ten pounds over the

( ) 國中會考
(C) has stayed (D) will stay past two months. He looks much

C 3. Jerry has his clothes _______ twice a thinner now. (104 )

week. (A) loses (B) has lost

( )
(A) wash (B) to wash (C) will lose (D) was losing

( )
(C) washed (D) washes C 14. Today’s homework is very hard, I

B 4. The boss told his driver _______ him spent almost two hours _______ it.

up on the train station. (A) to finish (B) finish

( )
(A) pick (B) to pick (C) finishing (D) finished

( )
(C) picking (D) picks D 15. This trip to Japan was so wonderful,

C 5. Spring is coming. I can feel the wind so we decided _______ it again next

_______ on my face. year.

(A) blows (B) is blowing (A) will visit (B) visit

( ) ( )
(C) blowing (D) to blow (C) visiting (D) to visit

A 6. Many parents don’t let their children D 16. I got good grades on the English test,

_______ during the seventh month of so my father spent much money

lunar calendar. _______ an MP3 for me.

(A) go swimming (A) bought (B) to buy

( )
(B) going swimming (C) buy (D) buying

(C) to go swimming A 17. Josh has planned to make a trip to

( ) 年國中會考
(D) go swim New York and _____ some of his

C 7. Your bedroom really needs ______. friends there. (109 )

(A) clean (B) to clean (A) visit (B) visits

( ) ( )
(C) cleaning (D) cleans (C) visiting (D) visited

A 8. He forgot _______ his homework, so C 18. Did you invite her _______ to your

he’s working on it now. Christmas party?

(A) to do (B) doing (A) come (B) coming

( ) ( )
(C) did (D) does (C) to come (D) comes

C 9. David looked out of the balcony A 19. Ariel ______ every night for a week

年國中會考 年國中會考
window and saw a woman get in his before her Chinese test and got a

car ______ away. (111 ) very good grade. (111 )

(A) drive (B) drove (A) studied

( )
(C) and drive (D) and drove (B) studies

A 10. Teacher is coming! Stop ______. (C) has studied

(A) talking (B) talk (D) was going to study

(C) to talking (D) talked

( )
A 20. If we win first prize in the game, our

teacher will let us _______ the movie

during next English class.

(A) watch (B) watching

( )
(C) to watch (D) have watched

A 21. Peter can speak English very well.

His mother makes him _______ ICRT

three hours every day.

(A) listen to (B) listened to

( )
(C) listening to (D) to listen

C 22. The teacher _____ his students to

clean the classroom after the party.

(A) made (B) had

( )
(C) asked (D) let

C 23. Aunt Gina has lived in this town for

more than sixty years, so she ______

it very well. (111 )

(A) will know

(B) knew

(C) knows

( )
(D) was going to know

C 24. My father used to ______ everyday,

but he quit _______ now.

(A) smoke, smoke

(B) smoking, smoking

(C) smoke, smoking

( )
(D) smoking, smoke

B 25. Sandra needs _______ her younger

sister when her parents are not at


(A) take care of

(B) to take care of

(C) takes care of

(D) taking care of

( )
B 1. _______ to music while studying is ( )
A 10. Playing games on the cellphone

my tip for learning. _______ popular with high school

(A) Listen students. (108 )

(B) Listening (A) is (B) are

( )
(C) Listened (C) being (D) to be

( )
(D) To listening A 11. _______ TV for too much time is bad

A 2. _______ is harder for Rick than for your eyes.

playing baseball. (A) Watching (B) Watch

( )
(A) Swimming (C) See (D) To see

(B) Going swimming A 12. _______ mountain climbing is more

(C) To swimming interesting than watching TV at

( )
(D) Swim home.

D 3. Eating enough vegetables _______ (A) Going (B) Go

( )
good for your health. (C) To going (D) To go

(A) are (B) has C 13. _______ harder, John got good

( )
(C) have (D) is grades on his tests.

B 4. Eating less and exercising more often (A) To work (B) Working

( )
_______ both useful to lose weight. (C) By working (D) Work

(A) is (B) are C 14. _______ a new car, you have to

( )
(C) was (D) were make lots of money first.

C 5. _______ up early every morning is (A) Buy (B) Buying

( )
very difficult for Steven. (C) To buy (D) Bought

(A) Get (B) Gets D 15. _______ for a long time, Bruce

( )
(C) Getting (D) Got decided to buy the house.

A 6. Going fishing _______ a lot of fun. (A) Think (B) To think

( )
(A) is (B) are (C) Thinking (D) By thinking

( )
(C) have (D) has A 16. _______ the light when you’re

B 7. Drinking a cup of milk before you go reading.

to bed _______ you sleep well. (A) Turn on (B) To turn

( )
(A) help (B) helps (C) Turn off (D) Turning on

( )
(C) to help (D) helping A 17. _______ carefully before you make

D 8. _______ basketball is much more any decision, or you’ll be sorry for it.

interesting than studying English. (A) Think (B) To think

( )
(A) Play (B) To playing (C) Thinking (D) Thought

( )
(C) Played (D) Playing C 18. _______ carefully before you make

A 9. Playing sports at least three times a any decision is very important.

week _______ good for your health. (A) Think (B) To thinking

( )
(105 ) (C) Thinking (D) Thought

(A) is (B) are C 19. _______ home safe, you’d better not

(C) has (D) have drive after drinking wine.

(A) Getting (B) Got

(C) To get (D) Get

( )
A 20. _______ carefully when it rains cats

and dogs, and you can get home safe.

(A) Drive (B) Driving

( )
(C) To drive (D) Drove

C 21. _______ more carefully when it rains

heavily helps you get home safe.

(A) Drive (B) Drove

( )
(C) Driving (D) To driving

D 22. _______ more carefully, you can

avoid( ) many accidents.

(A) Drive (B) Drove

( )
(C) To drive (D) By driving

B 23. It is important _______ the world

from being polluted( ).

(A) saving (B) to save

( )
(C) save (D) by saving

B 24. _______ your teeth after eating

meals is a good habit.

(A) Brush (B) Brushing

( )
(C) Brushed (D) By brushing

A 25. It helps you learn well _______ the

lesson before class.

(A) to preview (B) previewing

(C) preview (D) previewed

( )
B 1. When he _______ to Taiwan from the ( )
A 9. When you _______ to school

USA, he _______ a job right away. tomorrow, you will see your new

(A) comes back; found classmates.

(B) came back; found (A) go (B) will go

( )
(C) will come back; will find (C) goes (D) going

( )
(D) came back; finds B 10. If you’re interested in our business

B 2. My sister _______ to Kaohsiung after plan, _____ this number and ask for

she _______ married. Ms. Lee. She’ll answer your

(A) moves; will get questions. (110 )

(B) will move; gets (A) calling (B) call

( )
(C) will move; got (C) and call (D) to call

( )
(D) moved; gets B 11. I am not sure if she _______

D 3. A: When _______ you _______ to tomorrow.

your new house? B: In a month. (A) came (B) will come

( )
(A) have; moved (C) coming (D) come

(B) did; move A 12. She will buy new jeans after she

(C) does; move ______ weight.

( )
(D) will; move (A) loses (B) losing

( )
C 4. We didn’t go to Kenting _______ the (C) lost (D) will lose

typhoon. A 13. Jimmy would not get up for breakfast,

(A) because (B) since _____ his dad had already tried to

( ) 年國中會考
(C) because of (D) so pull him from his bed several times.

B 5. Remember to turn off the power (110 )

_______ you use the computer. (A) although (B) because

( )
(A) when (B) after (C) if (D) until

( )
(C) before (D) because D 14. We couldn’t get in the house _____

A 6. The players hugged each other after we forgot the key.

_______ the game. (A) so (B) though

( )
(A) winning (B) won (C) or (D) because

( )
(C) they win (D) they winning D 15. Although she was poor, _______ she

A 7. The movie starts at two o’clock, never gave up her studies.

_______ let’s meet at the theater at (A) so (B) but

( )
one forty-five. (111 ) (C) and (D) X

(A) so (B) or C 16. I have to catch the bus right now,

( ) 年國中會考
(C) if (D) because _______ I’ll miss my brother’s

B 8. When I get home later, I _______ birthday party. (103 )

you. (A) and (B) because

(A) calls (B) will call (C) or (D) until

(C) called (D) to call

( )
B 17. You can drive _______ take a train.

It’s up to you.

(A) but (B) or

( )
(C) and (D) so

A 18. I like him _______ he is kind.

(A) because (B) or

( )
(C) , so (D) , but

D 19. She got up too late, _______ she

missed the train.

(A) but (B) because

( )
(C) when (D) so

B 20. This dress is pretty, _______ it does

not look good on me. (106 )

(A) so (B) but

( )
(C) or (D) if

C 21. _______ they practiced every day,

_______ they won the game.

(A) Because; so

(B) So; because

(C) Because; X

( )
(D) So; X

B 22. The doorbell _______ while I _____ a


(A) rang; took

(B) rang; was taking

(C) was ringing; was taking

( )
(D) was ringing; took

D 23. Yesterday when I got home from work,

my brother ______ for dinner, so he

invited me to join him.

(111 )

(A) goes out

(B) went out

(C) has gone out

( )
(D) was going out

C 24. Hurry up, _______ you’ll be late.

(A) and (B) but

( )
(C) or (D) so

A 25. Ms. Liu usually gives us a lot of

homework, she didn’t give

us any today. (108 )

(A) but (B) if

(C) or (D) so

文法練習卷:spend, cost, take
( )
D 1. Ben: What did you do last Sunday? ( )
B 8. My grandmother spends _______ of

John: I _______ the whole day at the her free time _______ novels.

beach. (A) many, reading

(B) most , reading

(A) cost (B) paid
(C) one, to read

( )
(C) wastes (D) spent

( )
(D) both, to read
B 2. It _______ the Chen family more than
A 9. Bill: ______ does it take ______ to
10 million dollars to build the highest
the USA? Jacky: Over twenty hours.
building three years ago.
(A) How long, to fly
(A) paid (B) cost
(B) How fast, to fly

( )
(C) spent (D) took
(C) How far, flying
A 3. It _______ lots of time ______ from

( )
(D) How long, to flying
Taipei to Kenting one hundred years
A 10. Nowadays many students _______
lots of time playing online games.
(A) took, to travel
(A) spend (B) make
(B) cost, travel

( )
(C) cost (D) pay
(C) cost, to traveling
B 11. It took those engineers several

( )
(D) took, to traveling
years_______ the MRT.
C 4. _______ spent about two hours
(A) build (B) to build
shopping in the department store.

( )
(C) to building (D) built
(A) Buying a new skirt
C 12. On Valentine’s Day, many lovers
(B) A pound of pork
spend lots of money _______
(C) George and Mary
delicious meals in the restaurant.

( )
(D) The nice trip
(A) eat (B) to eating
D 5. It’s not right for a boss to _______ the

( )
(C) eating (D) ate
workers just a little money to make
B 13. If I were you, I wouldn’t fix this old
them work overtime.
computer. It would _______ you lots
(A) spend (B) paying
of money.

( )
(C) take (D) pay
(A) pay (B) cost
D 6. Michael is very happy with the report

( )
(C) make (D) spend
which _______ him about one month
B 14. Although it took me lots of time
to finish.
______ a big meal for ten people, I
(A) cost (B) paid

was happy that everyone enjoyed it.

( )
(C) spent (D) took
(111 )
D 7. It took the police lots of time _______
(A) prepare (B) to prepare

who entered Liu’s house and killed

( )
(C) preparing (D) prepared
her one year ago. (107 )
B 15. It _______ me almost three days to
(A) and found out
decorate the Christmas tree.
(B) find out
(A) costs (B) took
(C) finding out
(C) spent (D) costing
(D) to find out

( )
A 16. John: How much money did you ( )
D 24. Jack: How much does the computer

spend _______ this jacket? _______?

Cathy: It only _______ me one Susan: Twenty thousand dollars.

hundred dollars. I bought it at (A) spend (B) pay

( )
the market. (C) take (D) cost

D 25. David is very generous. He always

(A) on ; cost (B) in; cost
_______ for the dinner.

( )
(C) for; spent (D) in; took
(A) spends (B) costs
B 17. I paid nine thousand dollars _____
(C) wastes (D) pays
this dress. It’s so expensive.

(A) at (B) for

( )
(C) in (D) to

D 18. Since the roads are very bad, it took

us a long time _______ the trip.

(A) finish (B) to finishing

( )
(C) finished (D) to finish

C 19. Crossing the river _______ us lots of

time because the bridge was blocked.

(A) cost (B) spent

( )
(C) took (D) wait

B 20. _______ time does Tina spend ____

her family? She always works

overtime( ).

(A) How many; with

(B) How much; with

(C) How long; on

( )
(D) How fast; on

B 21. It _______ her lots of money to travel

around the world.

(A) takes (B) cost

( )
(C) spent (D) took

C 22. Jessie and her friends ______ a lot of

time _______ for their birthday party.

(A) take ; to plan

(B) cost ; planning

(C) spend ; planning

( )
(D) spend ; to plan

A 23. Amy: I heard you _____ shopping

yesterday. What did you buy?

Kate: I bought a new pair of shoes

and they didn’t _______ me

much money.

(A) went, cost

(B) go, pay

(C) going, spend

(D) went, take

( )
C 1. The radio is _______ expensive ( )
B 10. The parents are _______ than the

_______ the camera. children.

(A) more; as (A) nervous

(B) much; than (B) more nervous

(C) as; as (C) nervously

( ) ( )
(D) even ; than (D) most nervous

B 2. Sabine walks so _______ in the D 11. She is as _______ as a bee.

apartment that sometimes you don’t (A) busier (B) busiest

( )
even know she’s just passed by. (C) busily (D) busy

You wonder if her feet ever touch the A 12. This is _______ temple in Taiwan.

floor. (106 ) (A) the oldest

(A) freely (B) lightly (B) the older

( )
(C) shyly (D) slowly (C) the most oldest

( )
B 3. He speaks English _______ than I (D) oldest

do. D 13. John is _______ runner of all.

(A) good (B) better (A) faster (B) fastest

( ) ( )
(C) well (D) best (C) the faster (D) the fastest

C 4. They finished their work _______ C 14. The waiter is _______ than any other

today than yesterday. one in the restaurant.

(A) quicker (A) friendly (B) friender

( )
(B) quickly (C) friendlier (D) the friendliest

(C) more quickly B 15. This is _______ movie theater in

( )
(D) most quickly town.

A 5. Of all the dancers, Tom dances (A) good (B) the best

( )
_______. (C) better (D) the goodest

(A) the worst (B) bad D 16. Mary is _______ of the two singers.

( )
(C) badly (D) worse (A) popular

B 6. I can’t walk any _______. I’m tired. (B) more popular

(A) far (B) farther (C) most popular

( ) ( )
(C) farthest (D) the farther (D) the more popular

B 7. Miss Wu looked _______when I gave D 17. David is _______ than Peter.

her the gift. (A) shorter three centimeters

(A) surprising (B) surprised (B) three centimeters tall

( )
(C) surprisingly (D) surprise (C) three centimeters shortest

( )
C 8. An elephant is _______ than a lion. (D) three centimeters taller

(A) big (B) more big B 18. Jenny is _______ than all the other

( )
(C) bigger (D) biggest girls in her class.

A 9. The English test is _______ than the (A) pretty (B) prettier

math test. (C) prettiest (D) the prettiest

(A) easier (B) easily

(C) easy (D) easiest

( )
C 19. No other building is _______ Taipei

101 in Taiwan.

(A) as tallest as

(B) tallest than

(C) as tall as

( )
(D) the tallest as

B 20. Alex went to school _______


(A) lately

(B) late

(C) more earlier

( )
(D) earlier than

C 21. The children are singing _______.

(A) happy (B) happier

( )
(C) happily (D) happiest

A 22. I do my homework _______.

(A) carefully

(B) careful

(C) more careful

( )
(D) the most careful

D 23. Mr. Wang is a _______ businessman.

(A) evil

(B) honestly

(C) successfully

( )
(D) successful

D 24. Bob is ______ of the boys in the

family. He never does any housework.

His brothers at least take out the

garbage sometimes. (111 )

(A) lazier

(B) the lazy

(C) the lazier

( )
(D) the laziest

B 25. The red sweater is _______ cheaper

than the black one.

(A) more (B) much

(C) very (D) as

( )
A 1. The weather is _______ hotter and ( )
D 12. She would not _______ the children

hotter. _______ it.

(A) getting (B) gets (A) let; doing (B) lets; to do

( ) ( )
(C) to getting (D) got (C) let; did (D) let; do

C 2. The meat tastes _______. C 13. The Harry Potter books made J. K.

(A) beef (B) deliciously Rowling _______.

( )
(C) strange (D) terribly (A) to famous

C 3. It _______ a good plan. (B) famously

(A) sounds (C) famous

( )
(B) sounds to (D) becoming famous

(C) sounds like A 14. Can you help me _______ these

( )
(D) sounds likes boxes to the office?

A 4. The coffee smells _______. (A) carry (B) carrying

( )
(A) good (B) well (C) carried (D) carries

( )
(C) greatly (D) milk tea B 15. I have _______ my homework before

D 5. His parents let him _______ the my mother comes home.

Internet after dinner. (A) finishing (B) to finish

( )
(A) surfs (B) to surf (C) finish (D) finishes

( )
(C) surfing (D) surf A 16. “Have the work _______!”, the boss

A 6. Tim asked me _______ him with his said to me.

math homework. (A) done (B) do

( )
(A) to help (B) help (C) to do (D) doing

( )
(C) helping (D) helped B 17. Mom, _______ me go shopping with

C 7. Daniel often makes girls _______. my friends, please.

(A) crying (B) to cry (A) lets (B) let

( ) ( )
(C) cry (D) cries (C) let’s (D) letting

B 8. My father wants me _______ a B 18. A: _______ eat pizza tonight!

doctor. B: Great!

(A) being (B) to be (A) Let (B) Let’s

( )
(C) be (D) become

( )
(C) Lets (D) Let us to

A 9. Our teacher has us _______ in the D 19. My mother_______ keep a pet.

classroom for an hour after school. (A) let not me

(A) study (B) studies (B) wants me not

( )
(C) to study (D) studying (C) doesn’t want me

C 10. We need five people _______ a

( )
(D) doesn’t let me

music band. C 20. The children look _______ on the

(A) make (B) making playground.

( )
(C) to make (D) made (A) to happy (B) happily

B 11. He told me not _______ the house.

( )
(C) happy (D) be happy

(A) buy (B) to buy C 21. Why are you looking _____ at me?

(C) bought (D) to buying Did I do something wrong?

(A) angry (B) cold

(C) angrily (D) coldest

( )
A 22. The problem became ____ three

days later.

(A) serious (B) seriously

( )
(C) to serious (D) most seriously

A 23. I felt ______ when I heard the story.

(A) sad (B) sadly

( )
(C) to cry (D) crying

B 24. My wife gets _______ easily. I

wonder if she is sick.

(A) tiring (B) tired

( )
(C) tire (D) tires

D 25. She worked hard and _______ a

super star in the end.

(A) becoming (B) gets

(C) be (D) became

( )
D 1. Aunt Kate _______ quite happy last ( )
B 8. She could not sleep because she

night at her daughter’s wedding, heard the bird _______ outside her

which was really a lovely one. room.

(A) danced (B) laughed (A) sang (B) singing

( ) ( )
(C) sang (D) looked (C) to sing (D) sings

C 2. Hank _______ a hero after catching B 9. My cat got excited when it saw the

the thief in the convenience store. boy the birds.

(A) looked (B) sounded (A) catches (105 )

( )
(C) felt like (D) smelled like (B) catching

B 3. The teacher is coming. Stop _____ (C) to catch

( )
and keep _______. (D) caught

(A) to talk, quiet C 10. When I fell asleep in class, I seemed

(B) talking, quiet to hear my teacher ______ at me

(C) to talk, quietly _______.

( )
(D) talking, quietly (A) shouting, loud

B 4. The sky is getting _______ and it’s (B) to shout, loudly

going to rain. Let’s go home ______. (C) shouting, loudly

( )
(A) dark, quick (D) shout, loud

(B) dark, quickly D 11. I saw that the window _______ by the

(C) darkly, quick little boy.

( )
(D) darkly, quickly (A) breaking (B) broke

( )
C 5. Jacky: I saw Ms. Li looking at David (C) to broke (D) was broken

_______. What happened? C 12. Tom was seen _______ in the math

Jason: I don’t know! David also looks test by his teacher.

_______. (A) cheat (B) to cheating

( )
(A) angry, unhappy (C) cheating (D) cheated

(B) angry, unhappily C 13. I saw Bill and Jacky _______ on the

(C) angrily, unhappy street then.

( )
(D) angrily, unhappily (A) fought (B) to fight

( )
D 6. If you keep _______ exercise, you (C) fighting (D) have fought

will be _______. B 14. Johnson heard lots of fans _______

(A) to do, health at Jolin’s concert. They made a lot of

(B) to do, healthy noise.

(C) doing, health (A) shouted (B) shouting

( ) ( )
(D) doing, healthy (C) to shout (D) are shouting

B 7. Mr. Lin : I heard you _______ a cold C 15. I saw Mary _______ when she saw

yesterday! How do you feel “Romeo and Juliet” last night.

now? (A) cries (B) to cry

( )
Helen: I feel much _______ now. (C) crying (D) cried

(A) caught, good D 16. I _______ Nancy talking about her

(B) caught, better crazy trip to Canada.

(C) catch, good (A) sounded (B) listened

(D) catch, better (C) looked (D) heard

( )
B 17. Iris: _______ does Jolin look like?

Jay: She looks like an angel.

(A) Who (B) What

( )
(C) Why (D) When

B 18. Dad: Did you smell that? What’s

that smell?

Son: Oh! I saw Mom _______ her

shirt a few minutes ago. I guess

she forgot to turn off the iron(


(A) burned (B) burn

( )
(C) to burning (D) to burn

C 19. Tina: _______ does the hamburger


Linda: It tastes delicious.

(A) Why (B) What

( )
(C) How (C) When

A 20. Nancy: How about going fishing this


Jay: That sounds like _______.

(A) a good idea (B) great

( )
(C) wonderful (D) crazy

B 21. Jenny: How do I look?

Bill: You look _______.

(A) beauty (B) pretty

( )
(C) beautiful girl (D) beautifully

B 22. The weather is getting . Let’s

put on a coat.

(A) coldly (B) colder

( )
(C) hot (C) hotter

D 23. Jay: Did you hear someone ______


Iris: It sounds like _______.

(A) sang, great

(B) sang, my sister’s voice

(C) singing, great

( )
(D) singing, my sister’s voice

C 24. Jessie: How does Jacky Wu’s music


Jay: It sounds _______.

(A) a good album(B) a local king

( )
(C) great (D) greatly

A 25. I enjoyed listening to Dad _______

about his love story with Mom.

(A) talk (B) talked

(C) talks (D) was talking

( )
C 1. I don’t know that boy. I don’t think ( )
A 9. He _______ last week.

we _______ before. (A) was sick

(A) meet (B) meets (B) has been sick

( )
(C) met (D) has met (C) is sick

( )
A 2. My brother _______ his fish for two (D) hasn’t been sick

days. B 10. My sister _______ English since she

(A) hasn’t fed was five.

(B) wasn’t feeding (A) learned (B) has learned

( )
(C) isn’t feeding (C) learns (D) is learning

( )
(D) doesn’t feed D 11. She _______ Jack last night.

C 3. Bryon isn’t here now. He _______ (A) haven’t seen (B) doesn’t see

( )
to Taipei. (C) hasn’t seen (D) didn’t see

(A) has been (B) was gone B 12. Harry Potter is a great novel. I have

( )
(C) has gone (D) goes read it _______.

C 4. She was unhappy _______. (A) yet

(A) since two days ago (B) several times

(B) for three days ago (C) ever

( )
(C) last week (D) right now

( )
(D) since he has left that day A 13. His girlfriend, May, hasn’t talked to

D 5. James _______ off his bicycle and him _______.

hurt his arm. (A) for a month

(A) fall (B) is falling (B) yet

( )
(C) falls (D) fell (C) for three days before

( )
B 6. Sandy and Cindy _______ good (D) last month

friends since 2003. C 14. Kelly _______ to Hong Kong for five

(A) has been days. She will be back tomorrow.

(B) have become (A) has been (B) travel

( )
(C) were (C) has gone (D) will go

( )
(D) are C 15. A: Have you done the homework

D 7. The police finally _______ the bad already? B: _______

man four hours later. Everyone was (A) Yes, soon. (B) Not already.

( )
happy about that. (C) Not yet. (D) No, I have.

(A) catch B 16. Tom ten pounds over the

(B) has caught past two months. He looks much

(C) have caught thinner now. (104 )

( )
(D) caught (A) loses (B) has lost

( )
B 8. I _______ to the U.S. before. I hope I (C) will lose (D)was losing

can visit there next year. B 17. A: How long _______ the children

(A) have never gone _______ missing? B: For one day.

(B) have never been (A) did; get (B) have; been

(C) never have gone (C) were; got (D) has; be

(D) never have been

( )
C 18. Titan _______ more than thirty

thousand dollars on his new car since

last month.

(A) has taken (B) has cost

( )
(C) has spent (D) cost

A 19. Simon met one of his old high school

friends on the train _______.

(A) last Friday

(B) since yesterday

(C) after yesterday

( )
(D) for one hour

D 20. Helen always _______ at six when

she worked in Taipei.

(A) is getting up (B) gets up

( )
(C) has got up (D) got up

C 21. A: Has he finished his homework yet?

B: _______

(A) Yes, he has had.

(B) No, he has.

(C) Yes, he has.

( )
(D) Yes, he has just.

B 22. A: Have you ever seen that movie?

B: _______.

(A) Yes, I have ever.

(B) No, I never have.

(C) Yes, I have never.

( )
(D) Yes, I ever have.

C 23. John was in the library _______.

(A) since yesterday

(B) in last night

(C) yesterday morning

( )
(D) for three days ago

A 24. Mary’s grandparents _______ in

Hualien last year.

(A) lived (B) have lived

( )
(C) are living (D) live

B 25. It _______ twenty years since they

graduated( ) from high school.

(A) was (B) has been

(C) was been (D) has

( )
D 1. James comes from England, ( )
A 12. No one likes that math teacher,

_______? _______?

(A) does James (A) do they (B) don’t they

( )
(B) does he (C) does he (D) doesn’t he

(C) doesn’t James C 13. This is not right, _______?

( )
(D) doesn’t he (A) is this (B) isn’t it

( )
C 2. None of them talked to that girl, (C) is it (D) is that

_______? A 14. Getting up early on a cold morning is

(A) do they (B) did them not easy, ?

( )
(C) did they (D) didn’t they (A) is it (B) isn’t he

( )
D 3. There are some girls over there, (C) is there (D) isn’t there

______? B 15. They won’t do it, _______?

(A) are they (B) aren’t they (104 )

( )
(C) are there (D) aren’t there (A) do they (B) will they

( )
A 4. They don’t often go out to eat, (C) does it (D) is it

_______? C 16. This house was sold last week,

(A) do they (B) don’t they _______?

( )
(C) did they (D) didn’t they (A) did it (B) didn’t it

( )
D 5. Her sister is a music teacher, _____? (C) wasn’t it (D) was it

(A) does she (B) doesn’t she A 17. You can never do it right, _______?

( )
(C) is she (D) isn’t she (A) can you (B) can’t you

( )
B 6. You aren’t a student, _______? (C) do you (D) don’t you

(A) aren’t you (B) are you C 18. That’s Miss Wu, _______?

( )
(C) am I (D) am I not (A) isn’t she (B) is she

( )
A 7. You don’t like him, _______? (C) isn’t it (D) is it

(A) do you (B) don’t you D 19. Everyone should come tomorrow,

( )
(C) do I (D) don’t I _______?

C 8. Snow is white, _______? (A) shouldn’t you

(A) is it (B) is there (B) shouldn’t he

( )
(C) isn’t it (D) isn’t there (C) shouldn’t she

( )
D 9. Nancy likes that boy, _______? (D) shouldn’t they

(A) does Nancy D 20. Playing computer games is a lot of

(B) doesn’t Nancy fun, _______?

(C) does she (A) isn’t that

( )
(D) doesn’t she (B) isn’t this

B 10. He has to go right now, _______? (C) isn’t playing

( )
(A) does he (B) doesn’t he (D) isn’t it

( )
(C) is he (D) isn’t he B 21. Susan and Simon will go to the

A 11. You didn’t finish your homework, movies tomorrow, _______?

_______? (A) aren’t they

(A) did you (B) didn’t you (B) won’t they

(C) did I (D) didn’t I (C) will they

(D) don’t they

( )
A 22. That was an exciting movie,


(A) wasn’t it (B) wasn’t that

( )
(C) wasn’t this (D) was it

C 23. John hasn’t paid the for it, _______?

(A) does John (B) doesn’t he

( )
(C) has he (D) hasn’t he

C 24. Sorting trash doesn’t take us a lot of

time, _______?

(A) do we (B) do you

( )
(C) does it (D) is it

B 25. Nothing will change us, _______?

(A) won’t it (B) will it

(C) will we (D) won’t we

( )
D 1. Alison doesn’t like _____ what to do. ( )
A 10. The bus _______ a car.

She only does things she wants to do. (A) hit (B) was hit

( )
(109 ) (C) were hit (D) hitted

(A) told (B) to tell D 11. The writer _______ by his fans.

( )
(C) to told (D) to be told (A) was happy

C 2. People might _______ by falling (B) was popular

rocks. (C) gave the books

( )
(A) hurt (B) be hurting (D) was welcomed

( )
(C) be hurt (D) hurts B 12. The power will _______ soon.

B 3. We should _______ traffic rules. (A) cut off

(A) be followed (B) follow (B) be cut off

( )
(C) been followed (D) following (C) to be cut off

( )
D 4. _______ the window broken by that (D) cuts off

boy? B 13. The cake was made _______ my

(A) Will (B) Should mother.

( )
(C) Can (D) Was (A) to (B) by

( )
C 5. Many famous people visit this (C) in (D) X

restaurant. Popular singers like A 14. The dog ______ by that bus.

A-mei and Jay Chou _______ here (A) was hit (B) hit

( )
with their friends. (107 ) (C) were hit (D) hits

(A) to be often seen B 15. _______ your bicycle found by the

(B) often seen police?

(C) are often seen (A) Were (B) Was

( ) ( )
(D) and are often seen (C) Did (D) Do

C 6. A: What happened? C 16. The earth _______.

B: My cellphone _____. I couldn’t (A) should protect

find it. (B) protects

(C) should be protected

(A) stole (B) is steal

( )
(D) is protecting

( )
(C) was stolen (D) stolen
D 17. The letter was written by _______.
D 7. English _______ in many countries.
(A) they (B) she
(A) are spoken (B) speaks

( )
(C) he (D) her

( )
(C) spoke (D) is spoken
D 18. Many people _______ by that man.
D 8. Mom _______ dinner for us last
(A) killed
(B) kill
(A) make (B) was made
(C) was killing

( )
(C) makes (D) made

( )
(D) were killed
A 9. This book has _______ by a lot of
D 19. ______ the bag be kept in the box?
people for many years.
(A) Was (B) Is
(A) been enjoyed
(C) Does (D) Should
(B) enjoyed

(C) being enjoyed

(D) enjoying

( )
D 20. The boy _______ to the hospital right

after he broke his leg.

(A) was taking

(B) taken

(C) took

( )
(D) was taken

A 21. Should the girl _______ that book?

(A) take away

(B) be taken away

(C) taking away

( )
(D) took away

C 22. The lost key ______ under the sofa.

(A) is find (B) found

( )
(C) was found (D) to be found

D 23. The boxes _______ to the U.S.A.


(A) send (B) were sent

( )
(C) was sending (D) will be sent

B 24. Jason can’t find his wallet. It might

have _______.

(A) be stolen (B) been stolen

( )
(C) stolen (D) stole

A 25. The plan _______ soon.

(A) will be decided

(B) can decide

(C) should to decided

(D) be decided

( )
D 1. She got lost in the big city. ( )
C 8. If she _______ a lot of money, she

She didn’t know _______. _______ all over the world.

(A) what can do (A) has; travel

(B) where can she go (B) will have; will travel

(C) how she get home (C) has; will travel

( ) ( )
(D) who to ask for help (D) has; travels

B 2. Can you tell me _______? B 9. A: Do you know _______?

(A) how long does it take to fly to B: She is her cousin.

Taipei (A) who is she

(B) how much it cost you to buy the (B) who she is

bicycle (C) is she

( )
(C) what you to do (D) she is

( )
(D) if or not I should do that C 10. Tell me _______.

B 3. A: Do you know _______ to ask for (A) what does he want

help? (B) who are you

B: Yes, the girl with sunglasses is the (C) what she wants

( )
right person. (D) what can I do

(A) what (B) who C 11. A: _______

( )
(C) what (D) when B: He’s going to the gym.

A 4. A: Dad, ______ any time tomorrow? (A) Where he is going?

B: I don’t think so. (B) Where he going?

(A) do you have (C) Where is he going?

( )
(B) you have (D) What is he having?

(C) if you have B 12. We still don’t know _______.

( )
(D) whether you have (A) when we to start

B 5. Ask Linda _______ she’s going with (B) when we can start

us later. (C) when can we start

( )
(A) what (B) if (D) when can start

( )
(C) that (D) when C 13. Can you hear _______?

A 6. A: _____________________ (A) what they talking about

B: How about nine o’clock? (B) what are the girls talking about

(A) When will we start? (C) what they are talking about

( )
(B) When we will go home? (D) they are talking about

(C) What will we do? D 14. I have no idea _______.

( )
(D) What time she will be here? (A) what is his name

B 7. Can you please tell me _______? (B) what’s his name

(A) where to do (C) what his name

( )
(B) when to leave (D) what his name is

(C) how to do C 15. Can you tell me _______?

(D) what to go (A) where she live

(B) where do they live

(C) where they live

(D) where does he live

( )
C 16. Please let me know_______.

(A) when will he come back

(B) when will your parents be back

(C) when your sister will be back

( )
(D) when he come back

D 17. My computer is not working. I don’t

know_______ to fix it.

(A) what (B) which

( )
(C) who (D) how

B 18. The girl didn’t know_______ and

started to cry.

(A) why to do (B) what to do

( )
(C) where to do (D) how to go

A 19. I’m not sure _______.

(A) if he is Jack

(B) is he Jack

(C) if or not he is Jack

( )
(D) who is he Jack

A 20. Do your parents know _______?

(A) which school you are going to


(B) what do you like

(C) what to live

( )
(D) which book are you going to buy

C 21. Please make sure _______ we paid

for the ticket or not.

(A) that (B) what

( )
(C) whether (D) when

C 22. Nobody remembered who _______

the book away.

(A) did take (B) he took

( )
(C) took (D) take

D 23. Can you tell me _______?

(A) how can I go to the zoo

(B) where should I go

(C) which T-shirt do you like

( )
(D) what I should do

A 24. She has no idea _______.

(A) what happened

(B) who is that boy

(C) who will he invite

( )
(D) what wrong is

B 25. Do you remember what _______?

(A) is his phone number

(B) her name is

(C) does he look like

(D) she look likes

( )
C 1. Mr. and Mrs. Woo have two ( )
D 10. I lost the bicycle _______ a lot of

houses,_______ were built by money.

themselves. (A) that spent me

(A) who (B) that (B) which took me

( )
(C) which (D) where (C) cost me

( )
B 2. The writer that has written many (D) which cost me

popular books _______ from C 11. She needs a dictionary _______ she

England. can carry around.

(A) are (B) is (A) what (B) who

( ) ( )
(C) coming (D) come (C) which (D) whom

A 3. Her husband, _______ lives in Taipei, A 12. The car _______ last week is very

comes home twice a week. expensive.

(A) who (B) that (A) his father bought

( )
(C) which (D) where (B) that were here

C 4. Is there any snack _______ we can (C) who he had

( )
eat before dinner? (D) which are red

(A) which (B) where B 13. A polar bear is an animal _______ in

( )
(C) that (D) who the North Pole.

A 5. Melissa is the most beautiful girl (A) which live (B) that lives

( )
_______ he has ever seen. (C) lives (D) who lives

(A) who (B) which A 14. They visited some temples ______

( )
(C) when (D) one more than a hundred years ago.

B 6. Is this the house in _______ Jolin (A) which were built

lives? (B) that was built

(A) that (B) which (C) build

( ) ( )
(C) X (D) where (D) which built

C 7. Hank is the only boy _______ in our C 15. The girl _______ is a very famous

class. singer.

(A) that were born in Taipei (A) which wears a red jacket

(B) whom is from Canada (B) wears a red jacket

(C) that was born in the year of Tiger (C) who wears a red jacket

( ) ( )
(D) who are handsome (D) with a red jacket whom

C 8. Armstrong was the first person B 16. This is the kind man _______

_______ walked on the moon. showed me the way to the library

(A) whom (B) which yesterday.

( )
(C) that (D) to (A) which (B) who

( )
A 9. The man _______ is sitting on the (C) he (D) to

sofa is our math teacher. A 17. The camera _______ was found

(A) who (B) which under his bed.

(C) what (D) when (A) he lost

(B) which were expensive

(C) that belong to me

(D) which lost

( )
A 18. Those people _______ spoke to you

at the party are my friends.

(A) who (B) that

( )
(C) which (D) where

D 19. Did you see the notebooks _____?

(A) which was in the box

(B) who I wrote to

(C) who she likes

( )
(D) that were on the desk

B 20. I have never seen the women ____ in

that white house.

(A) who lives (B) that live

( )
(C) live (D) which live

A 21. Jay Chou, _______ writes many

popular songs, is also an actor now.

(A) who (B) that

( )
(C) which (D) what

C 22. Miss Lin is talking to that boy _____

his father.

(A) who look like (B) that looks

( )
(C) who is like (D) that are like

C 23.Penguins, _______ in the South Pole,

are children’s favorite animals.

(A) live (B) that lives

( )
(C) which live (D) who live

C 24. The boys _______ over there are my


(A) are playing basketball

(B) who is talking

(C) that are singing

( )
(D) who sings

D 25. The police haven’t found the little girl

who ______ at a supermarket. They’ll

keep doing all they can to find her.

(111 )

(A) took away

(B) taken away

(C) has taken away

(D) was taken away

( )
C 1. Buses to the airport only come once ( )
A 9. _______ of the money on the desk

every hour, and we just missed _______ not Helen’s.

______. Why don’t we take a taxi? (A) All; is (B) All; are

( )
(111 ) (C) Many; is (D) Any; are

(A) another (B) it B 10. Both of my daughters _______ smart

( )
(C) one (D) them and beautiful.

A 2. Don’t worry. Neither you nor he (A) is (B) are

( )
_______ wrong to make this (C) have (D) has

decision. D 11. Mrs. Wang has two sons. _______ of

(A) is (B) are them is a doctor.

( )
(C) has (D) have (A) Both (B) All

( )
A 3. Both Amber and Stella _______ from (C) Most (D) One

Tainan. D 12. Try _______ of the ice cream. It is

(A) come (B) comes very delicious.

( )
(C) is coming (D) coming (A) one (B) both

( )
C 4. Some of the food we made _______ (C) any (D) some

good. D 13. Frank has a lot of DVDs, but he

(A) eat (B) eats doesn’t watch _______ of them.

( )
(C) tastes (D) taste (A) both (B) much

( )
B 5. Playing online games and surfing the (C) one (D) any

Net _______ very interesting to him. A 14. _______ TV for too much time is bad

(A) is (B) are for your eyes.

( )
(C) be (D) was (A) Watching (B) Watch

( )
C 6. My parents have different hobbies. (C) See (D) To see

One enjoys baking ; enjoys B 15. _______ of the students in my class

taking pictures. (105 ) are 15 years old. Only two of them

(A) another (B) the next are 14 years old.

( )
(C) the other (D) the second (A) All (B) Most

( )
B 7. We not only ate hamburgers _______ (C) Some (D) Any

in the fast food restaurant. D 16. Only _______ of the girls in this class

(A) and fried chicken plays basketball well. The others

(B) but also drank large colas don’t.

(C) and drink some colas (A) most (B) any

( ) ( )
(D) and salad (C) both (D) one

C 8. _______ people enjoy watching DVD D 17. _______ other waiters in the

at home when they have free time. restaurant have worked here longer

(A) The most (B) Most of than Clark; only Lois and Lana

(C) Most (D) The most of started working here before him.

(108 )

(A) All (B) Most

(C) Some (D) Few

( )
B 18. _______ of Mrs. Lin’s daughters are

teachers. One teaches Chinese and

the other teaches English.

(A) One (B) Both

( )
(C) A little (D) Any

C 19. _______ of my classmates goes to

school by train.

(A) Every (B) All

( )
(C) One (D) Any

A 20. _____ of my sisters are older than I

am. I’m the youngest of the three

children in my family.

(109 )

(A) Both (B) Few

( )
(C) Most (D) Some

D 21. _______ of the books I read

yesterday is about the history of our


(A) A few (B) Some

( )
(C) Any (D) One

A 22. _______ of my students do not have

the experience of talking with

foreigners. Only a few do.

(A) Most (B) One

( )
(C) All (D) Any

C 23. Angela is good at learning languages.

She can speak not only Japanese

_______ Spanish.

(A) also (B) and

( )
(C) but also (D) so

D 24. Either you or she _______ to finish

this job.

(A) is (B) are

( )
(C) have (D) has

B 25. Neither he nor I _______ going to the

wedding party.

(A) is (B) am

(C) are (D) be


The “La Tomatina” tomato fight in Spain happens every year on the last Wednesday of

August. It is the biggest food fight in the world. Every year around 30,000 people come to the small

town of Buñol in east Spain to throw more than 240,000 pounds of tomatoes at each other.

The festival starts with a ham-on-a-stick contest in which people race up a pole to get a

piece of ham on top of it. When the ham is cut down, people cry for tomatoes as trucks dump

thousands of tomatoes onto the streets. They then throw the tomatoes at each other until all have

been used up. The whole town is drowned in joy and the juicy-red ocean of tomatoes.

Spain 西班牙 pole 柱子 dump 傾倒

( B ) 1. When and where does the tomato fight happen?

(A) In summer in Italy. (B) In summer in Spain.

(C) In spring in Japan. (D) In winter in Taiwan.

( C ) 2. Who or what are They?

(A) Tomatoes. (B) Trucks.

(C) People in the tomato fight. (D) Streets.

( C ) 3. Why is the whole town drowned in the juicy-red ocean?

(A) Because the trucks dump many red apples.

(B) Because some people die in the tomato fight.

(C) Because the streets are covered with tomato juice.

(D) Because people all wear red T-shirts.

What is a green building? A green building is eco-friendly. It is built with recycled materials
and can save energy and water.
Beitou Public Library is an example of a green building. It was opened in 2006, and it is the
first green library in Taiwan. Beitou Public Library is a wooden building with a lot of windows that
bring in natural light and fresh air, so the library is usually bright and cool. It also has a big balcony
to keep the sun away. Besides, it recycles rainfall for the use of flushing toilets and cleaning. It
helps save a lot of water. What’s more, its solar roof can produce 20% of the energy needed for the
library during a summer day.
Beitou Public Library is a wonderful place to visit. It also sets a good example for the buildings
to be built in the future.
material 材料 energy 能源 flush 沖洗
solar roof 太陽能屋頂 produce 生產處
( D ) 1. Why is it usually bright and cool inside Beitou Public Library?
(A) Because it recycles rainfall to clean and cool down the walls.
(B) Because it has a solar roof.
(C) Because there are a lot of lights and fans inside the library.
(D) Because it has a lot of windows.
( D ) 2. What word has the same meaning as green in this reading?
(A) natural (B) bright
(C) fresh (D) eco-friendly
( C ) 3. What is the best title for this reading?
(A) Beitou’s Hot Springs (B) How to Save Energy at Home
(C) First Green Library in Taiwan (D) Libraries around the World

Don't Let Sperm Whales Eat Plastic Trash
Every year, a great deal of trash is thrown into the oceans, where there are more than 5.25
trillion pieces of trash. Most of the trash mostly is collected in the North and South Pacific, North
and South Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean. The worst is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is
from California to Hawaii. About 1/3 of plastic trash in the oceans has been collected, at least
700,000 km2 in size and is almost 50 times the size of Taiwan.
At least one million seabirds and one hundred thousand sea animals like whales and sea
lions die each year from plastic trash. Their stomachs were full of plastic bags thrown away by
people. Since these sea animals cannot digest food, they were "killed" by 1. . So, Slat, a
young Dutchman, and some of his friends have set up The Ocean Cleanup to work out the problem
of plastic trash. It sells the plastic trash which is collected for about US $ 500 million a year. The
Ocean Cleanup also plans to clean up about half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in ten years.
plastic 塑膠的 digest 消化 trillion 百萬兆
( B ) 1. What is the answer for 1. ?

(A) People. (B) Plastic bags.

(C) Dirty oceans. (D) Sperm whales.

( B ) 2. What do we know from the reading?

(A) Slat will try to clean up the Great Pacific Patch alone in ten years.
(B) Not only whales but also seabirds and sea lions lost their lives thanks to plastic trash in
the oceans.
(C) 2/3 of the plastic trash in the oceans is in the North and South Pacific and North and
South Atlantic.
(D) The Ocean Cleanup has sold plastic trash that is almost 50 times the size of Taiwan for
US$500 million dollars.

Foods that Can Lower Stress Levels

Do you feel unhappy? Maybe your food is the problem. Eating healthy foods can help us feel
good. Smart people say we should put healthy food on our plates to feel happy in 2021. Oily fish
such as salmon and tuna are healthy. Moreover, other seafood has important vitamins inside them
as well as good oils.
We can connect good food with brain health. This is because our brains connect with our
stomachs. Foods such as peppers, oranges, and kiwi have lots of vitamin C, which can make you
feel happy and can improve your mood. Eating carbohydrates such as grains and vegetables can
help you feel happy and relaxed. If you eat too many bad foods like cookies and sweets, it makes
you feel more stressed.
In addition, eating yogurt and miso can lower stress. This is because these foods make your
stomach feel better. A happy tummy is a happy mind. Drinking teas can also make you feel relaxed,
and they help fight sickness.
vitamin 維生素 improve 改善 carbohydrate 碳水化合物
grain 穀(物) In addition 除此之外

( B ) 1. What can healthy food help us do?

(A) It can make us fat.
(B) It can make us feel happy.
(C) It can make us feel sad.
(D) It can make us feel excited.

( D ) 2. Which of the following do NOT reduce stress?

(A) Oily fishes (B) Teas
(C) Kiwis and oranges (D) McDonalds

( A ) 3. According to the article, what is true?

(A) Our brains are connected to our stomachs.
(B) Our brains are connected to our toes.
(C) Our brains are connected to our noses.
(D) Our brains are connected to our tongues.

Check Occupational Diseases Out

Below is how each field of workers responded as they were being an interviewed about their
work-related health problems.
Ryan: I usually bend over for more than thirty minutes to check each patient's teeth. This has a
lot to do with my neck and back problems.
Tim: In order to keep the dead people longer, we have to use a kind of chemical liquid,
formaldehyde, while working. This chemical liquid is dangerous. It will gradually take
away people's ability to move their body. Some of my working partners catch motor
neuron disease, and can't live by themselves. Maybe it's time to take my health very
Johnny: Many of my friends say I looked older than my real age, especially the left side of my
face. It is very hard to avoid. I have to carry people around by car in the daytime so my
face is usually in the direct sunlight.
Jessica: I wash people's hair as my part-time job. I thought it was a good job to get more money,
but I found something bad about the job. My hands become dry more often and usually
get itchy or painful.

bend over 俯身於 chemical liquid 化學液體 itchy 癢的

( B ) 1. Who is most likely to change his or her job because of the health?
(A) Ryan (B) Tim
(C) Johnny (D) Jessica

( B ) 2. Which of the following CAN'T we know from the article?

(A) Ryan is a dentist.
(B) Johnny's friends tell him to go to the eye doctor.
(C) Both Johnny and Jessica have skin problems.
(D) Tim has to use a dangerous chemical liquid while working.

A study following 450,000 people in the UK has found that babies born during the summer
months of June, July, and August are heavier when they were born and taller after they grow up, as
well as healthier.
That sounds interesting, doesn't it? This could be that the mothers of summer babies are
able to enjoy more sunshine, so their babies get more Vitamin D. Winter babies born during the
months of December, January, and February, however, are lighter at birth and shorter when
growing up.
The study also found some kinds of diseases like heart disease may be brought on by the
season of birth. For example, people born in March and April are at higher risk of heart disease. As
for people born in May and July, they have the lowest risk of disease.
But do those born at the end of the year have to worry all the time? No, they don't need to
fret at all. Exercising, eating health food, and being happy are more important than what month you
were born to decide your health!

Vitamin 維他命 risk 風險 disease 疾病

( C ) 1. What does fret mean?
(A) Excite. (B) Expect.
(C) Worry about. (D) Break down

( D ) 2. Which do we know from the reading?

(A) Birth month is the least important thing in deciding one's health.
(B) Winter babies have more serious heart problems than summer and fall babies.
(C) The study follows about forty-five hundred thousand people around the world.
(D) Summer babies are usually taller, heavier, and healthier than winter babies.

( C ) 3. What is the best title for the reading?

(A) The Best Months for Mother to Have Their Babies
(B) People Born in Some Months May Get Sick More Easily
(C) Is There a Link Between Birthdays, Height, And Disease?
(D) Is There a Link Between Health, Exercise, And Month of Birth?

What Your Pet Says About You
I read from the newspaper last night that there are more pets than children in American and

Indian families. Why do more people choose pets, not kids? It is said having pets makes people

happy and excited. What's more, no matter how bad or lonely you feel, a pet will always be there

for you. When you meet a great calamity – losing your parent, for example, a pet will lend its ear to

you and easily help you forget how sad you are. You can also get enough exercise by giving it a

bath, feeding it, walking it, and playing with it. Keeping pets may also help you live longer and feel


Now that it does people good to keep pets, do you also know that your pick of pets shows

your personality? Many studies showed pet owners in the U.S. and UK who own fish are the

happiest, and those who own cats are the most reliable. Dog owners believe in themselves and

feel down less often and are the most outgoing and easiest to get along with. They are also 15%

more friendly than cat owners, but cat owners are 12% more neurotic and 11% more open than

those who own dogs.

If you have never had a pet, watching cute animal videos online is also good for your health

and keeps you pleased as well in less than a minute.

personality 個性 reliable 可信賴的 neurotic 神經質的

( B ) 1. What may NOT be the example of calamity?

(A) Jessica was fired by her boss because she did poorly in her work.

(B) Kent lost his favorite computer game on the way home from school.

(C) Oscar got hurt badly in a strong earthquake and lost his beloved wife and sons.

(D) Monica’s house was knocked down in a big typhoon and she didn’t have a place to live in.

( B ) 2. Which is NOT true?

(A) If someone would like to live longer, keeping a pet is a good pick.

(B) American and Indian families have the fewest children in the world.

(C) Watching movies about animals can bring the same pleasure as keeping pets.

(D) There is a lot of good points in having a pet like getting more exercise and making one

feel safe.

Healthy Way to Run

Have you ever lain on your couch and felt as if nothing in the world was going right for you?
This calls for action! Jogging, one of the most popular and cheapest kinds of exercise can help
people, young or old, feel better about themselves at school or at work. But how much running
would do one good? It is said in a study that running for 30 minutes twice a week is a good starting
point. In other words, one should run nine kilometers a week.
If you decide to start jogging, you may find the hardest thing is taking the first step. Think of
your own body shape and health. Now that you are worrying you are getting heavier and heavier
after middle age and afraid you may get sick from heavy work and no exercise, just do something!
Jogging is the best answer. In more serious cases, exercise does keep one from being worn
out. Here is the science fact in its simplest form: exercise releases things like endorphins that make
your body feel good. What's more, jogging doesn't cost much.
Put on your jogging shoes and leave the house, either on rainy or sunny days. It doesn't
matter whether you jog or walk or do the two together. Finally, you don't want to hurt yourself or feel
bad because of your hard work, do you? If you would like to join a race, then jog for more than 8-9
kilometers each week; if not, keep jogging twice a week and take it easy while running, as many
doctors tell us.
step 步驟 form 形式 release 釋放
( A ) 1. What may endorphins mean?
(A) They are what can make people happy.
(B) They are what a runner needs while running.
(C) They are what can help change a runner's life.
(D) They are what people studying science care about most.

( B ) 2. What do we know from the reading?

(A) Jogging shoes are the cheapest shoes on the market.
(B) A common person jogs for four or five kilometers 30 minutes.
(C) Everyone who is over forty years old is usually worried about their health.
(D) Jogging for 8 to 9 kilometers a day is the best pick for a runner who will join a race.

( B ) 3. According to the reading, who has the most correct idea about jogging?

(A) Alice I will jog for thirty minutes every day because Dr. Lin told me it will help me never

become sick and keep pretty all the time.

(B) Ben : I told myself to go out and the world becomes my gym. Sometimes I walk and

sometimes I run. I have seldom felt down and have gotten better grades since I

began to jog.

(C) Mary : A sixty-year-old person like me is too old to jog. It is something belonging to

young and healthy guys. I seldom exercise, but I have never gone to the doctor

since forty years old.

(D) Louis : As a worker who needs to work for at least twelve hours a day, I really need to

spend time exercising. However, I do not have too much money buying good

jogging shoes and I live in a place raining all the time. Maybe jogging is not a

good choice. Let me think about other kinds of exercise.

Have you ever seen a person or an animal that changes from female to male? No, I don’t
mean in the movies. A fish called the blackspot angelfish can really do so.
The angelfish live in groups, and each group has one male fish and four female fish. The
male is different from the females in color. And he is the strongest and the largest member of the
group. He protects the females and acts like their “security guard”. When the male dies, the group
needs a new “security guard”. This is when the largest female fish in the group begins to change its
appearance. She begins to grow larger in size. After a week, she starts changing color, from yellow
to blue. Slowly, she begins to act like a male. Two weeks later, black stripes appear on her body.
This shows that the gender change is done. She is now a male fish and the new leader of the
female 雌性 male 雄性 security guard 保鏢 stripe 斑紋

( C ) 1. What is the job of a male angelfish?

(A) He takes care of the baby fish.
(B) He changes color to protect himself.
(C) He is the leader and looks after the female fish.
(D) He looks for food.
( D ) 2. What does a male angelfish look like?
(A) He is yellow with black stripes.
(B) He is the largest in the group and has white spots.
(C) He is the smallest in the group with a red tail.
(D) He is blue with black stripes.
( D ) 3. When does a female angelfish change to a male fish?
(A) Two weeks after she was born. (B) Anytime when she makes a wish.
(C) When she eats the magic grass. (D) When the male fish in the group dies.

Taiwan Launched a Free SMS Service for COVID-19

Taiwan had the biggest COVID-19 wave a few months ago. On May 15, the Central
Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said that there were 180 new cases of COVID-19. After that,
Taiwan raised the COVID-19 level to Level 3. All schools were closed and switched to online
learning. All public libraries and public areas across the country shut down. Restaurants and stores
took people’s phone numbers and names.
In the middle of the COVID wave, the government started a free short message service
(SMS), which made it easier for people to leave their cellphone number with a QR code.
Businesses still needed people to write their names and phone numbers on paper. With the new
SMS service, people can easily tell the government where they are through text message.
People should not worry that the wrong people will get their phone number. The CECC will
delete the messages after 28 days.
launch推出 switch 轉換 shut down 關閉
government 政府 delete 刪除
( D ) 1. What happened after Taiwan raised the COVID-19 level to level 3?
(A) All libraries and public areas were closed.
(B) Students were learning online instead of going to school.
(C) There was a rise in local COVID-19 cases.
(D) All of the above.

( A ) 2. Why does the government want to use the new SMS service?
(A) People can share their location with the government.
(B) People can text each other for emotional support.
(C) People can receive texts from the government on COVID-19 updates.
(D) People use the new service for data protection issues.

( A ) 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true during the pandemic?

(A) Schools will remain open to healthy students and staff.
(B) The government wants people’s contact details and their location.
(C) COVID-19 cases are going up in many cities around Taiwan.
(D) All the public libraries and areas across the country are closed.

Thanksgiving Day in the United States and Canada

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November,
which this year is on November 28. It is a day when people give thanks for all the food they have.
Every year, the president will choose a lucky turkey to set free. The lucky turkey can live out its life
free on a farm.
Thanksgiving first started in 1621 when people celebrated a good harvest. In 1863,
President Abraham Lincoln said Thanksgiving is a holiday for the whole country. On Thanksgiving
Day, families and friends gather for a feast, which includes a roasted turkey and mashed potatoes.
After Thanksgiving, some people look forward to Black Friday, which starts the Christmas shopping
season with sales.
Thanksgiving is also celebrated in some parts of Canada on the second Monday of
October. It is not all about turkey, either. Canadians eat a boiled meat dish with pudding. Also,
Canadians enjoy the day by hiking and taking long walks in the countryside.
president總統 harvest 收穫 feast 盛宴
mashed 搗成泥狀的 countryside 鄉下
( A ) 1. What is the meaning of Thanksgiving?
(A) It is a time to give thanks for the harvest.
(B) It is a time to think about one’s work.
(C) It is a time to watch football.
(D) It is a time for games and parties.

( B ) 2. What does the president do every year on Thanksgiving?

(A) The president eats the best turkeys.
(B) The president lets a turkey go free.
(C) The president starts a turkey game.
(D) The president starts a turkey festival.

( B ) 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Thanksgiving in the US?
(A) A traditional Thanksgiving dinner consists of roasted turkey and mashed potatoes.
(B) It is celebrated on the second week of October.
(C) It is celebrated in every state.
(D) Thanksgiving first started in 1621.

Christmas Celebrations Around the World
There are many interesting ways to celebrate Christmas. The tradition can be quite different
around the world.
In Japan, it is a big tradition to have Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and cake at Christmas.
The tradition began in 1970 when KFC decided it as the thing to eat on Christmas.
In Greenland, some people eat Kiviak, a local dish where they put little birds into a seal skin
for many months. In Germany, it is a tradition for children to find the hidden pickle on the Christmas
tree. The child who found the pickle will be blessed with a special gift or good luck for the next year.
In the Czech Republic, fish is served as the main dish on Christmas. It is a tradition to keep a live
fresh fish in the bathtub before Christmas.
In Australia, Christmas is celebrated in the summertime—people often have a barbecue on
the beach. Every year, traditions are some of the best parts about Christmas. What is your
Christmas tradition?
tradition 醃黃瓜
be blessed with 幸運地擁有… bathtub 浴缸
( D ) 1. How do people celebrate Christmas in Japan?
(A) Barbecue in the backyard.
(B) Go to hot springs with family.
(C) Put up a real Christmas tree.
(D) Eat a bucket of KFC’s fried chicken.

( A ) 2. What is the traditional dish for Christmas in Greenland?

(A) Kiviak.
(B) Salmon.
(C) Hot cocoa.
(D) Turkey.

( C ) 3. What is on the Christmas tree for the children to find in Germany?

(A) Stockings.
(B) Presents.
(C) A pickle.
(D) A shining star.

Make Your Clothes Last Longer

Many people buy new clothes too often and don't keep them for long. In 2017, 11.2 million
tons of clothes were thrown away. In the UK, people just wear clothes for about two years. It is
common to wear clothes only a few times before throwing it away. Don't throw out clothes too soon!
Here are some tips to keep your clothes for longer.
Learning to do simple fixes yourself can slow down the buying and throwing away. There are
videos on YouTube showing how to repair clothes, including fixing broken zippers and pants with
holes in them.
Japanese Sashiko fixes old clothes by hand to create a nice pattern over holes in jeans,
sweaters, or dresses.
Stains can often be washed out of clothes at home. For a makeup stain, put shaving cream
to the area, leave for 10 minutes, wash with cold water, and repeat with hot water. Others include
dish soap and baby powder for grease stains, water and vinegar for a coffee stain, and soap and
salt for wine stains.
When clothes can't be saved, you can try creating something new from used clothes. This is
called “upcycling”. For example, you can use an old dress to make a handbag.
repair 修補 pattern 圖案 stain 污漬
makeup 化妝品 grease 油脂
( B ) 1. What happens to lots of clothing in the UK?
(A) It gets worn for a long time.
(B) It gets thrown away.
(C) It gets cleaned and reused.
(D) It goes to Japan to be fixed.
( C ) 2. What WON'T you find in the reading?
(A) How to fix broken zippers.
(B) How to fix pants.
(C) How to spill coffee.
(D) How to fix jackets.
( A ) 3. What do Japanese Sashiko do?
(A) They fix holes on old clothes.
(B) They clean dirty clothes.
(C) They fix holes so nobody will see.
(D) They clean stains.

Finland Again is the Happiest Country in the World
According to the World Happiness Report 2021, Finland has been named the happiest
country in the world for the fourth year. Iceland and Denmark follow in second and third place on
the list, while Taiwan is 24th on the list. Taiwan is also the happiest country in East Asia.
This year, the report looks at the link between how happy people feel and COVID-19. One of
the main reasons that Finland stays on the top is people’s trust in one other and trust in their
government during this hard time.
On average, people didn’t feel worse in 2021. It is likely that people see COVID-19 as
something on the outside and believe that we can get through the pandemic together.
The report was made by the UN Sustainable Development Solution Network. It looked at
149 countries based on six factors, including how much money a country has, freedom to make life
choices, trust, howl long someone will live, social support, and how much people help one another.
government 政府 average 平均
pandemic 大流行病 factor 因素

( A ) 1. According to the report, why is Finland the happiest country in the world?
(A) People in Finland trust one other.
(B) Finland is located in East Asia.
(C) Finland is full of friendly people.
(D) People in Finland received more support from the UN.

( A ) 2. What did the report say about Finland?

(A) People in Finland have trust in their government.
(B) Finland is the best place for traveling.
(C) People in Finland eat yummy food.
(D) Finland is nice.

( A ) 3. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Iceland and Demark received second and third place.
(B) The UN reported that Taiwan is sad.
(C) The report looks at the link between people’s wellbeing and generosity.
(D) People like COVID-19 more.

80-Something Instagram Stars Start Fashion Service
Want Show Laundry is in Taichung. It is run by an 80-something couple who became
famous on Instagram in June in 2020. In fact, they are so famous that they have more than
650,000 Instagram followers. They are changing fashion by selling unclaimed clothes from
laundries across Taiwan. Reef Chang, the grandson of owners Chang Wan-chi and Hsu Hsiu-e,
wants help his grandparents by giving clothes to poor people.
The laundry got attention from people all over the world when Reef started putting pictures
of his grandparents wearing interesting old clothes online. Reef’s grandparents were very bored, so
he started the “wantshowasyoung” Instagram account to help his grandparents during COVID-19.
Everybody on Instagram liked his family’s clothes. Reef had the idea to start asking for
money online. So, he started selling old clothes online. The clothes would be washed before
sending them to people.
However, Reef won’t keep all the money for himself. He will give charities the money to
wash the clothes. Some of the clothes will also be given to old people and poor people.
There are about 10,000 pieces of old clothes in Taizhong’s laundries. Normal people can
also help by sharing their used clothes.
unclaimed 無人領取的 laundry 洗衣店 charity 慈善機構
( C ) 1. Why did Reef Chang start the “wantshowasyoung” Instagram account?
(A) His grandmother's dream was to be a fashion model.
(B) To help deal with his boredom.
(C) To help his grandparents deal with boredom.
(D) To sell clothes.
( A ) 2. What clothing did his grandparents dress in?
(A) Clothing left at the laundry.
(B) Clothing Reef designed.
(C) Clothing given to them by famous brands.
(D) Clothing they no longer wanted.
( C ) 3. Why did Reef sell the clothes online?
(A) For fun
(B) Because he was bored.
(C) To help charities and poor people.
(D) Because his mom told him so.


單字演練卷 第一回 P.37 單字演練卷 第四回 P.43

1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C) 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C)
6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (A) 6. (D) 7. (C) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (D)
11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (A) 11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (B)
16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (B) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (A)
21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (D) 21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (A)
26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (B) 26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30. (A)
31. (C) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (B) 35. (D) 31. (D) 32. (C) 33. (C) 34. (C) 35. (B)
36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (C) 36. (D) 37. (B) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (D)

單字演練卷 第二回 P.39 單字演練卷 第五回 P.45

1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C) 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C)
6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (A)
11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (D) 11. (B) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (D)
16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (B) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (A)
21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (B) 24. (A) 25. (A) 21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (D) 25. (A)
26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (C) 29. (D) 30. (A) 26. (A) 27. (C) 28. (D) 29. (B) 30. (B)
31. (C) 32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (B) 31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (D) 35. (C)
36. (D) 37. (A) 38. (C) 39. (A) 40. (D) 36. (C) 37. (C) 38. (A) 39. (D) 40. (D)

單字演練卷 第三回 P.41 單字演練卷 第六回 P.47

1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (A)
6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (D) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (B)
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (D) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (B)
16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (A) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (B)
21. (B) 22. (D) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (C) 21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (A)
26. (A) 27. (C) 28. (B) 29. (D) 30. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (A) 29. (D) 30. (C)
31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (A) 31. (B) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (D) 35. (A)
36. (D) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (C) 40. (D) 36. (A) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (A) 40. (B)

一字多義演練卷 P.49 文法練習卷:動名詞與不定詞 P.70
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (D) 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C)
6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (A) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (A)
11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15. (A) 11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (D)
16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (D) 19. (B) 20. (C) 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (A)
21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (D) 24. (C) 25. (A) 21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (A)
26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (A) 29. (C) 30. (D)
31. (A) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (B) 35. (A) 文法練習卷:連接詞 P.72
1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B)
片語動詞演練卷 P.54 6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B)
1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (D) 11. (B) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (D)
6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (B) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (B)
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15. (B) 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (C) 25. (A)
16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (B)
21. (A) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (C) 文法練習卷:spend, cost, take P.74
26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (C) 29. (C) 30. (A)
1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D)
6. (D) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (A)
文法練習卷:可數與不可數名詞 P.66 11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (B)
1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20. (B)
6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (D) 21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (D)
11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (C)
16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (B) 文法練習卷:形容詞與副詞 P.76
21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (D)
1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A)
6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (B)
文法練習卷:動詞 P.68 11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (B)
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (C) 16. (D) 17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (B)
6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (A) 21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (D) 24. (D) 25. (B)
11. (B) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (D)
16. (D) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (A)
21. (A) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (C) 25. (B)

文法練習卷:使役與連綴動詞 P.78 文法練習卷:被動語態 P.86
1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D) 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (C)
6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (C) 6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (A)
11. (B) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (B) 11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (B)
16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (C) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (D) 19. (D) 20. (D)
21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (D) 21. (A) 22. (C) 23. (D) 24. (B) 25. (A)

文法練習卷:感官動詞 P.80 文法練習卷:間接問句 P.88

1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C) 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B)
6. (D) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (C) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (C)
11. (D) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (C) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15. (C)
16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (A) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (A)
21. (B) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (C) 25. (A) 21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (B)

文法練習卷:完成式 P.82 文法練習卷:關係代名詞 P.90

1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (D) 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (A)
6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (D)
11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (C) 11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (C)
16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (D) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (B)
21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (C) 24. (A) 25. (B) 21. (A) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (C) 25. (D)

文法練習卷:附加問句 P.84 文法練習卷:連接詞與不定代名詞 P.92

1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (D) 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B)
6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (B) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (B)
11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (B) 11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (B)
16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (D) 20. (D) 16. (D) 17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (A)
21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (C) 25. (B) 21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (D) 25. (B)

閱讀題組 P.94
1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C)
1. (D) 2. (D) 3. (C)
1. (B) 2. (B)
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A)
1. (B) 2. (B)
1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (C)
1. (B) 2. (B)
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B)
1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (D)
1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (A)
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B)
1. (D) 1. (A) 2. (C)
1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A)
1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (A)
1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C)


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