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Sports coaching is not a technique; it is not an automatic magic recipe. It is a training and

learning process, whose goal is to awaken the talent and resources of the athlete and/or

coach. Its objective is to maximize its performance, establishing an action plan with goals

and objectives that will translate into sporting success, once internal obstacles have been

eliminated, those interferences that do not allow it to progress. In the first place,

understanding what is the current state of where they are starting from and declaring where

they want to go. Working then in that gap that is separating you from the desired objective.

If coaching is not a magic recipe, the sports coach will not be the magician who does it

either. The fundamental function will be to be able to accompany, leading the athlete to

reflect, so that they deepen their self-knowledge. Seeking to promote internal motivation,

favoring personal development.

Within that personal development is not only his physical work but also his language and

his emotions.

Sports coaching has become a learning and practice process so that athletes can develop all

their skills and abilities, in order to accompany them to meet their objectives and goals in

the sports area.

This discipline has the purpose of improving the performance of the athlete permanently.

Sports coaching allows the athlete to become aware of their ability to meet their objective

goals. Likewise, they develop skills that will help them to continue advancing in their

professional career and improve themselves more and more.

How is that topic important to your show?

Sports coaching is a trending discipline, since it is a training and learning process that

allows the athlete to bring out their skills and abilities, translating them into sporting

success. To achieve good results, this type of coaching works from motivation to

involvement and commitment to one's own objectives.

How can you improve that theme in your professional career?

Sports coaching career

1. Regain focus

2. Generate changes to create new possibilities

3. Analyze reality from an integral perspective

4. Develop talent

5. Align action with motivation

6. Be proactive

7. Attend to personal needs

8. Find solutions to move towards the goal

9. Emotional understanding

10. Develop creativity at work and in life

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