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815723, 1024.M Formule Kerjasama Bisnis (Business Cooperation Form) Formulir Kerjasama Bisnis (Business Cooperation Form) Halo Sahabat Garudafood, Hello Sahabat Garudofood, Terima kasih telah menghubungi Garudafood. Kami sangat senang dan siap membantu Anda. Thank you for contacting Garudafood. We are very happy and ready to help you. Jika ingin bertanya mengenai pengajuan kerjasama bisnis, mohon dapat memberikan informasi lebih lanjut dibawah ini: If you have any questions regarding the business cooperation, please provide further information below: Pertanyaan Umum General Inquiries Informasi Pribadi *Bagian wajib disi ditandai dengan tanda bintang (*) Personal Information *Required fields denoted by an asterisk (*) 1. Nama Depan (First Name) * Abdul Aziz 2. Nama Belakang (Last Name) * Nurul Ikhsan'Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=bRRwlkGONOKUOgF/QuyQTsAivDW-KDllgwzzu8NyOpBUROVLGbySKSVNKXQTYNHTKIEG.... 1/2 815723, 1024.M Formule Kerjasama Bisnis (Business Cooperation Form) 3. Alamat Email (Email Address) * 4. No, Telepon (Telephone) * 0818132632 5. Nama Akun IG/FB/Twitter (IG/FB/Twitter Account ID ) @nuis_abdul 6. Detail Kerjasama (Cooperation Details) * Peralatan dan mesin penunjang produksi This content is created by the owner of the form, The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. Microsofts not responsible for the privacy or security practices ofits customers, including those of this form owner, Never give out your password Powered by Microsoft Forms | ‘The owner of this form has not provided a privacy statement as to how they will use your response data. Do not provide personal or sensitive information. [ems of use | aspx7id=bRRwikGONOKUOgFIQwyQTSANDW-KDllawzzuBNyQpBURDVLGloySKSVNIXGTYNHTKIEG.... 22

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