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The Cue Card

The most important words on the cue card are the first sentence. This is
your topic. This is what you must talk about for your 2 minutes. The bullet
points are there as a guide as to what you could include in your talk.

 The bullet points are there as a guide.

 You don’t have to use them all.
 You can talk about other things as well.
 The key is to stay focussed on the topic.  

Method 1 – Using Question Prompts

Step 1 – First, pick out the keywords from the bullet points. I’ve
underlined them for you here:

what you do, where you do it, who you do it with, and

explain why you think doing this is healthy.

You don’t have to use all the bullets points. You can talk about other
things as well. Here is the full list of all 6 question prompts:

what, where, who, why, when, how

Method 1 – Using Question Prompts

Step 2 – Next make some notes using each
underlined word as a headline. Do this as quickly as
possible, ideally in 30 seconds.

If you think of something you really want to say that

doesn’t fit under these headings, just write an extra
heading – other – and jot it down under this. The key is
to stay focussed on the topic.  
What - circuit training, different exercises – work whole body, varies
each week – makes it interesting, sometimes do spin – really hard
where - TM Fitness Factory, Owned by Linda friend in club & son
Tom Who -members of my rowing club, run by Chris, one of the
members when - every Tuesday evening
how - works every part of body, aerobic fitness, strong bones
why - to improve fitness for rowing, working out with other crew
members creates team spirit, would do if not rowing as like to keep
fit & stay healthy
other - can take it at your own level but like to push myself

Method 1 – Using Question Prompts

Step 3 – Spend the remainder of your 1 minute planning time organising
your notes. Do these two things:

a) Decide which to talk about (you don’t have to use them all).

b) Put them in a logical order.

If you don’t have time to write them out again as I have here, write
numbers beside them (1, 2, 3, 4...) to show the order in which you will talk
about them. This will be enough to organise them in your mind.

Method 1 – Using Question Prompts

Step 4 – Give your talk.

You are now ready to give your 2 minute talk. Refer to your notes if you
need to but it’s far better if you can talk without doing so. What you
must not do is to read out your notes. Your speech will sound unnatural
and won’t be fluent.

You'll also run out of things to say before the 2 minutes is up as you'll
forget to develop each point as you're talking.

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