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erence Chi-Shen Tao FAA FRS (Chinese: 陶哲軒; born 17 July 1975) is an Australian

mathematician. He is a professor of mathematics at the University of California,

Los Angeles (UCLA), where he holds the James and Carol Collins chair. His research
includes topics in harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic
combinatorics, arithmetic combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, probability
theory, compressed sensing and analytic number theory.[4]

Tao was born to ethnic Chinese immigrant parents and raised in Adelaide. Tao won
the Fields Medal in 2006 and won the Royal Medal and Breakthrough Prize in
Mathematics in 2014. He is also a 2006 MacArthur Fellow. Tao has been the author or
co-author of over three hundred research papers.[5] He is widely regarded as one of
the greatest living mathematicians and has been referred to as the "Mozart of

Life and career

Tao's parents are first-generation immigrants from Hong Kong to Australia.[11]
Tao's father, Billy Tao,[a] was a Chinese paediatrician who was born in Shanghai
and earned his medical degree (MBBS) from the University of Hong Kong in 1969.[12]
Tao's mother, Grace Leong,[b] was born in Hong Kong; she received a first-class
honours degree in mathematics and physics at the University of Hong Kong.[10] She
was a secondary school teacher of mathematics and physics in Hong Kong.[13] Billy
and Grace met as students at the University of Hong Kong.[14] They then emigrated
from Hong Kong to Australia in 1972.[11][10]

Tao also has two brothers, Trevor and Nigel, who are living in Australia. Both
formerly represented the states at the International Mathematical Olympiad.[15]
Furthermore, Trevor has been representing Australia internationally in chess and
holds the title of Chess International Master.[16] Tao speaks Cantonese but cannot
write Chinese. Tao is married to Laura Tao, an electrical engineer at NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory.[10][17] They live in Los Angeles, California, and have two
children: Riley[c] and daughter Madeleine.[18][19][20]

A child prodigy,[21] Tao exhibited extraordinary mathematical abilities from an
early age, attending university-level mathematics courses at the age of 9. He is
one of only three children in the history of the Johns Hopkins' Study of
Exceptional Talent program to have achieved a score of 700 or greater on the SAT
math section while just eight years old; Tao scored a 760.[22][6] Julian Stanley,
Director of the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth, stated that Tao had the
greatest mathematical reasoning ability he had found in years of intensive

Tao was the youngest participant to date in the International Mathematical

Olympiad, first competing at the age of ten; in 1986, 1987, and 1988, he won a
bronze, silver, and gold medal, respectively. Tao remains the youngest winner of
each of the three medals in the Olympiad's history, having won the gold medal at
the age of 13 in 1988.[24]

At age 14, Tao attended the Research Science Institute, a summer program for
secondary students. In 1991, he received his bachelor's and master's degrees at the
age of 16 from Flinders University under the direction of Garth Gaudry.[25] In
1992, he won a postgraduate Fulbright Scholarship to undertake research in
mathematics at Princeton University in the United States. From 1992 to 1996, Tao
was a graduate student at Princeton University under the direction of Elias Stein,
receiving his PhD at the age of 21.[25] In 1996, he joined the faculty of the
University of California, Los Angeles. In 1999, when he was 24, he was promoted to
full professor at UCLA and remains the youngest person ever appointed to that rank
by the institution.[25]

He is known for his collaborative mindset; by 2006, Tao had worked with over 30
others in his discoveries,[6] reaching 68 co-authors by October 2015.

Tao has had a particularly extensive collaboration with British mathematician Ben
J. Green; together they proved the Green–Tao theorem, which is well-known among
both amateur and professional mathematicians. This theorem states that there are
arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers. The New York Times
described it this way:[26][27]

In 2004, Dr. Tao, along with Ben Green, a mathematician now at the University of
Cambridge in England, solved a problem related to the Twin Prime Conjecture by
looking at prime number progressions—series of numbers equally spaced. (For
example, 3, 7 and 11 constitute a progression of prime numbers with a spacing of 4;
the next number in the sequence, 15, is not prime.) Dr. Tao and Dr. Green proved
that it is always possible to find, somewhere in the infinity of integers, a
progression of prime numbers of equal spacing and any length.

Many other results of Tao have received mainstream attention in the scientific
press, including:

his establishment of finite time blowup for a modification of the Navier–Stokes

existence and smoothness Millennium Problem[28]
his 2015 resolution of the Erdős discrepancy problem, which used entropy estimates
within analytic number theory[29]
his 2019 progress on the Collatz conjecture, in which he proved the probabilistic
claim that almost all Collatz orbits attain almost bounded values.[30]
Tao has also resolved or made progress on a number of conjectures. In 2012, Green
and Tao announced proofs of the conjectured "orchard-planting problem," which asks
for the maximum number of lines through exactly 3 points in a set of n points in
the plane, not all on a line. In 2018, with Brad Rodgers, Tao showed that the de
Bruijn–Newman constant, the nonpositivity of which is equivalent to the Riemann
hypothesis, is nonnegative.[31] In 2020, Tao proved Sendov's conjecture, concerning
the locations of the roots and critical points of a complex polynomial, in the
special case of polynomials with sufficiently high degree.[32]

British mathematician and Fields medalist Timothy Gowers remarked on Tao's breadth
of knowledge:[33]

Tao's mathematical knowledge has an extraordinary combination of breadth and depth:

he can write confidently and authoritatively on topics as diverse as partial
differential equations, analytic number theory, the geometry of 3-manifolds,
nonstandard analysis, group theory, model theory, quantum mechanics, probability,
ergodic theory, combinatorics, harmonic analysis, image processing, functional
analysis, and many others. Some of these are areas to which he has made fundamental
contributions. Others are areas that he appears to understand at the deep intuitive
level of an expert despite officially not working in those areas. How he does all
this, as well as writing papers and books at a prodigious rate, is a complete
mystery. It has been said that David Hilbert was the last person to know all of
mathematics, but it is not easy to find gaps in Tao's knowledge, and if you do then
you may well find that the gaps have been filled a year later.

An article by New Scientist[34] writes of his ability:

Such is Tao's reputation that mathematicians now compete to interest him in their
problems, and he is becoming a kind of Mr Fix-it for frustrated researchers. "If
you're stuck on a problem, then one way out is to interest Terence Tao," says
Charles Fefferman [professor of mathematics at Princeton University].[35]

Tao has won numerous mathematician honours and awards over the years.[36] He is a
Fellow of the Royal Society, the Australian Academy of Science (Corresponding
Member), the National Academy of Sciences (Foreign member), the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society,[37] and the American
Mathematical Society.[38] In 2006 he received the Fields Medal; he was the first
Australian, the first UCLA faculty member, and one of the youngest mathematicians
to receive the award.[35][39] He was also awarded the MacArthur Fellowship. He has
been featured in The New York Times, CNN, USA Today, Popular Science, and many
other media outlets.[40] In 2014, Tao received a CTY Distinguished Alumni Honor
from Johns Hopkins Center for Gifted and Talented Youth in front of 979 attendees
in 8th and 9th grade that are in the same program from which Tao graduated. In
2021, President Joe Biden announced Tao had been selected as one of 30 members of
his President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, a body bringing
together America's most distinguished leaders in science and technology.[41] In
2021, Tao was awarded the Riemann Prize Week as recipient of the inaugural Riemann
Prize 2019 by the Riemann International School of Mathematics at the University of
Insubria.[42] Tao was a finalist to become Australian of the Year in 2007.[43]

As of 2022, Tao has published over three hundred articles, along with sixteen
books.[44] He has an Erdős number of 2.[45] He is a highly cited researcher.[46]

Research contributions
Dispersive partial differential equations
From 2001 to 2010, Tao was part of a well-known collaboration with James
Colliander, Markus Keel, Gigliola Staffilani, and Hideo Takaoka. They found a
number of novel results, many to do with the well-posedness of weak solutions, for
Schrödinger equations, KdV equations, and KdV-type equations.[C+03]

Tao at the age of 10 with mathematician Paul Erdős in 1985

Michael Christ, Colliander, and Tao developed methods of Carlos Kenig, Gustavo
Ponce, and Luis Vega to establish ill-posedness of certain Schrödinger and KdV
equations for Sobolev data of sufficiently low exponents.[CCT03][48] In many cases
these results were sharp enough to perfectly complement well-posedness results for
sufficiently large exponents as due to Bourgain,
Colliander−Keel−Staffilani−Takaoka−Tao, and others. Further such notable results
for Schrödinger equations were found by Tao in collaboration with Ioan Bejenaru.

A particularly notable result of the Colliander−Keel−Staffilani−Takaoka−Tao

collaboration established the long-time existence and scattering theory of a power-
law Schrödinger equation in three dimensions.[C+08] Their methods, which made use
of the scale-invariance of the simple power law, were extended by Tao in
collaboration with Monica Vișan and Xiaoyi Zhang to deal with nonlinearities in
which the scale-invariance is broken.[TVZ07] Rowan Killip, Tao, and Vișan later
made notable progress on the two-dimensional problem in radial symmetry.[KTV09]

A technical tour de force by Tao in 2001 considered the wave maps equation with
two-dimensional domain and spherical range.[T01a] He built upon earlier innovations
of Daniel Tataru, who considered wave maps valued in Minkowski space.[49] Tao
proved the global well-posedness of solutions with sufficiently small initial data.
The fundamental difficulty is that Tao considers smallness relative to the critical
Sobolev norm, which typically requires sophisticated techniques. Tao later adapted
some of his work on wave maps to the setting of the Benjamin–Ono equation;
Alexandru Ionescu and Kenig later obtained improved results with Tao's methods.
In 2016, Tao constructed a variant of the Navier–Stokes equations which possess
solutions exhibiting irregular behavior in finite time.[T16] Due to structural
similarities between Tao's system and the Navier–Stokes equations themselves, it
follows that any positive resolution of the Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness
problem must take into account the specific nonlinear structure of the equations.
In particular, certain previously-proposed resolutions of the problem could not be
legitimate.[51] Tao speculated that the Navier–Stokes equations might be able to
simulate a Turing complete system, and that as a consequence it might be possible
to (negatively) resolve the existence and smoothness problem using a modification
of his results.[6][28] However, such results remain (as of 2022) conjectural.

Harmonic analysis
Bent Fuglede introduced the Fuglede conjecture in the 1970s, positing a tile-based
characterisation of those Euclidean domains for which a Fourier ensemble provides a
basis of L2.[52] Tao resolved the conjecture in the negative for dimensions larger
than 5, based upon the construction of an elementary counterexample to an analogous
problem in the setting of finite groups.[T04b]

With Camil Muscalu and Christoph Thiele, Tao considered certain multilinear
singular integral operators with the multiplier allowed to degenerate on a
hyperplane, identifying conditions which ensure operator continuity relative to Lp
spaces.[MTT02] This unified and extended earlier notable results of Ronald Coifman,
Carlos Kenig, Michael Lacey, Yves Meyer, Elias Stein, and Thiele, among others.[53]
[54][55][56][57][58] Similar problems were analyzed by Tao in 2001 in the context
of Bourgain spaces, rather than the usual Lp spaces.[T01b] Such estimates are used
in establishing well-posedness results for dispersive partial differential
equations, following famous earlier work of Jean Bourgain, Kenig, Gustavo Ponce,
and Luis Vega, among others.[59][60]

A number of Tao's results deal with "restriction" phenomena in Fourier analysis,

which have been widely studied since seminal articles of Charles Fefferman, Robert
Strichartz, and Peter Tomas in the 1970s.[61][62][63] Here one studies the
operation which restricts input functions on Euclidean space to a submanifold and
outputs the product of the Fourier transforms of the corresponding measures. It is
of major interest to identify exponents such that this operation is continuous
relative to Lp spaces. Such multilinear problems originated in the 1990s, including
in notable work of Jean Bourgain, Sergiu Klainerman, and Matei Machedon.[64][65]
[66] In collaboration with Ana Vargas and Luis Vega, Tao made some foundational
contributions to the study of the bilinear restriction problem, establishing new
exponents and drawing connections to the linear restriction problem. They also
found analogous results for the bilinear Kakeya problem which is based upon the X-
ray transform instead of the Fourier transform.[TVV98] In 2003, Tao adapted ideas
developed by Thomas Wolff for bilinear restriction to conical sets into the setting
of restriction to quadratic hypersurfaces.[T03][67] The multilinear setting for
these problems was further developed by Tao in collaboration with Jonathan Bennett
and Anthony Carbery; their work was extensively used by Bourgain and Larry Guth in
deriving estimates for general oscillatory integral operators.[BCT06][68]

Compressed sensing and statistics

In collaboration with Emmanuel Candes and Justin Romberg, Tao has made notable
contributions to the field of compressed sensing. In mathematical terms, most of
their results identify settings in which a convex optimisation problem correctly
computes the solution of an optimisation problem which seems to lack a
computationally tractable structure. These problems are of the nature of finding
the solution of an underdetermined linear system with the minimal possible number
of nonzero entries, referred to as "sparsity". Around the same time, David Donoho
considered similar problems from the alternative perspective of high-dimensional
Motivated by striking numerical experiments, Candes, Romberg, and Tao first studied
the case where the matrix is given by the discrete Fourier transform.[CRT06a]
Candes and Tao abstracted the problem and introduced the notion of a "restricted
linear isometry," which is a matrix that is quantitatively close to an isometry
when restricted to certain subspaces.[CT05] They showed that it is sufficient for
either exact or optimally approximate recovery of sufficiently sparse solutions.
Their proofs, which involved the theory of convex duality, were markedly simplified
in collaboration with Romberg, to use only linear algebra and elementary ideas of
harmonic analysis.[CRT06b] These ideas and results were later improved by Candes.
[70] Candes and Tao also considered relaxations of the sparsity condition, such as
power-law decay of coefficients.[CT06] They complemented these results by drawing
on a large corpus of past results in random matrix theory to show that, according
to the Gaussian ensemble, a large number of matrices satisfy the restricted
isometry property.[CT06]

In 2009, Candes and Benjamin Recht considered an analogous problem for recovering a
matrix from knowledge of only a few of its entries and the information that the
matrix is of low rank.[71] They formulated the problem in terms of convex
optimisation, studying minimisation of the nuclear norm. Candes and Tao, in 2010,
developed further results and techniques for the same problem.[CT10] Improved
results were later found by Recht.[72] Similar problems and results have also been
considered by a number of other authors.[73][74][75][76][77]

In 2007, Candes and Tao introduced a novel statistical estimator for linear
regression, which they called the "Dantzig selector." They proved a number of
results on its success as an estimator and model selector, roughly in parallel to
their earlier work on compressed sensing.[CT07] A number of other authors have
since studied the Dantzig selector, comparing it to similar objects such as the
statistical lasso introduced in the 1990s.[78] Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani,
and Jerome H. Friedman conclude that it is "somewhat unsatisfactory" in a number of
cases.[79] Nonetheless it remains of significant interest in the statistical

Random matrices
In the 1950s, Eugene Wigner initiated the study of random matrices and their
eigenvalues.[80][81] Wigner studied the case of hermitian and symmetric matrices,
proving a "semicircle law" for their eigenvalues. In 2010, Tao and Van Vu made a
major contribution to the study of non-symmetric random matrices. They showed that
if n is large and the entries of a n × n matrix A are selected randomly according
to any fixed probability distribution of average 0 and standard deviation 1, then
the eigenvalues of A will tend to be uniformly scattered across the disk of radius
n1/2 around the origin; this can be made precise using the language of measure
theory.[TV10] This gave a proof of the long-conjectured circular law, which had
previously been proved in weaker formulations by many other authors. In Tao and
Vu's formulation, the circular law becomes an immediate consequence of a
"universality principle" stating that the distribution of the eigenvalues can
depend only on the average and standard deviation of the given component-by-
component probability distribution, thereby providing a reduction of the general
circular law to a calculation for specially-chosen probability distributions.

In 2011, Tao and Vu established a "four moment theorem", which applies to random
hermitian matrices whose components are independently distributed, each with
average 0 and standard deviation 1, and which are exponentially unlikely to be
large (as for a Gaussian distribution). If one considers two such random matrices
which agree on the average value of any quadratic polynomial in the diagonal
entries and on the average value of any quartic polynomial in the off-diagonal
entries, then Tao and Vu show that the expected value of a large number of
functions of the eigenvalues will also coincide, up to an error which is uniformly
controllable by the size of the matrix and which becomes arbitrarily small as the
size of the matrix increases.[TV11] Similar results were obtained around the same
time by László Erdös, Horng-Tzer Yau, and Jun Yin.[82][83]

Analytic number theory and arithmetic combinatorics

Tao (second from left) with UCLA undergraduate students in 2021

In 2004, Tao, together with Jean Bourgain and Nets Katz, studied the additive and
multiplicative structure of subsets of finite fields of prime order.[BKT04] It is
well known that there are no nontrivial subrings of such a field. Bourgain, Katz,
and Tao provided a quantitative formulation of this fact, showing that for any
subset of such a field, the number of sums and products of elements of the subset
must be quantitatively large, as compared to the size of the field and the size of
the subset itself. Improvements of their result were later given by Bourgain,
Alexey Glibichuk, and Sergei Konyagin.[84][85]

Tao and Ben Green proved the existence of arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions
in the prime numbers; this result is generally referred to as the Green–Tao
theorem, and is among Tao's most well-known results.[GT08] The source of Green and
Tao's arithmetic progressions is Endre Szemerédi's seminal 1975 theorem on
existence of arithmetic progressions in certain sets of integers. Green and Tao
showed that one can use a "transference principle" to extend the validity of
Szemerédi's theorem to further sets of integers. The Green–Tao theorem then arises
as a special case, although it is not trivial to show that the prime numbers
satisfy the conditions of Green and Tao's extension of the Szemerédi theorem.

In 2010, Green and Tao gave a multilinear extension of Dirichlet's celebrated

theorem on arithmetic progressions. Given a k × n matrix A and a k × 1 matrix v
whose components are all integers, Green and Tao give conditions on when there
exist infinitely many n × 1 matrices x such that all components of Ax + v are prime
numbers.[GT10] The proof of Green and Tao was incomplete, as it was conditioned
upon unproven conjectures. Those conjectures were proved in later work of Green,
Tao, and Tamar Ziegler.[GTZ12]

Notable awards
1999 – Packard Fellowship
2000 – Salem Prize for:[86]
"his work in Lp harmonic analysis and on related questions in geometric measure
theory and partial differential equations."
2002 – Bôcher Memorial Prize for:
Global regularity of wave maps I. Small critical Sobolev norm in high dimensions.
Internat. Math. Res. Notices (2001), no. 6, 299-328.
Global regularity of wave maps II. Small energy in two dimensions. Comm. Math.
Phys. 2244 (2001), no. 2, 443-544.
in addition to "his remarkable series of papers, written in collaboration with J.
Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, and H. Takaoka, on global regularity in optimal
Sobolev spaces for KdV and other equations, as well as his many deep contributions
to Strichartz and bilinear estimates."
2003 – Clay Research Award for:[87]
his restriction theorems in Fourier analysis, his work on wave maps, his global
existence theorems for KdV-type equations, and for his solution with Allen Knutson
of Horn's conjecture
2005 – Australian Mathematical Society Medal
2005 – Ostrowski Prize (with Ben Green) for:
"their exceptional achievements in the area of analytic and combinatorial number
2005 – Levi L.Conant Prize (with Allen Knutson) for:
their expository article "Honeycombs and Sums of Hermitian Matrices" (Notices of
the AMS. 48 (2001), 175–186.)
2006 – Fields Medal for:
"his contributions to partial differential equations, combinatorics, harmonic
analysis and additive number theory"
2006 – MacArthur Award
2006 – SASTRA Ramanujan Prize[88]
2006 – Sloan Fellowship
2007 – Fellow of the Royal Society[89]
2008 – Alan T. Waterman Award for:[90]
"his surprising and original contributions to many fields of mathematics, including
number theory, differential equations, algebra, and harmonic analysis"
2008 – Onsager Medal[91] for:
"his combination of mathematical depth, width and volume in a manner unprecedented
in contemporary mathematics". His Lars Onsager lecture was entitled "Structure and
randomness in the prime numbers" at NTNU, Norway.[92]
2009 – Inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences[93]
2010 – King Faisal International Prize
2010 – Nemmers Prize in Mathematics[94]
2010 – Polya Prize (with Emmanuel Candès)
2012 – Crafoord Prize[95][96]
2012 – Simons Investigator[97]
2014 – Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics
"For numerous breakthrough contributions to harmonic analysis, combinatorics,
partial differential equations and analytic number theory."
2014 – Royal Medal
2015 – PROSE award in the category of "Mathematics" for:[98]
"Hilbert's Fifth Problem and Related Topics" ISBN 978-1-4704-1564-8
2019 – Riemann Prize[99]
2020 – Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research,[100] with
Emmanuel Candès, for their work on compressed sensing
2020 – Bolyai Prize[101]
2021 – IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal[102]
2021 – USIA Award
2022 – Education & Research award finalist
2022 - Global Australian of the Year (Advance Global Australians;[103]
2022 - Mathematics in United States Leader Award
2023 _ Grande Médaille
2023 _ Mathematics in United States Leader Award
Major publications

— (2006). Solving mathematical problems. A personal perspective (Second edition of

1992 original ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-920560-8. MR
2265113. Zbl 1098.00006.
— (2006). Nonlinear dispersive equations. Local and global analysis. CBMS Regional
Conference Series in Mathematics. Vol. 106. Providence, RI: American Mathematical
Society. doi:10.1090/cbms/106. ISBN 0-8218-4143-2. MR 2233925. Zbl 1106.35001.
—; Vu, Van H. (2006). Additive combinatorics. Cambridge Studies in Advanced
Mathematics. Vol. 105. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
doi:10.1017/CBO9780511755149. ISBN 978-0-521-85386-6. MR 2289012. Zbl 1127.11002.
— (2008). Structure and randomness. Pages from year one of a mathematical blog.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/mbk/059. ISBN 978-0-
8218-4695-7. MR 2459552. Zbl 1245.00024.
— (2009). Poincaré's legacies, pages from year two of a mathematical blog. Part I.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/mbk/066. ISBN 978-0-
8218-4883-8. MR 2523047. Zbl 1171.00003.
— (2009). Poincaré's legacies, pages from year two of a mathematical blog. Part II.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/mbk/067. ISBN 978-0-
8218-4885-2. MR 2541289. Zbl 1175.00010.
— (2010). An epsilon of room, I: real analysis. Pages from year three of a
mathematical blog (PDF). Graduate Studies in Mathematics. Vol. 117. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/gsm/117. ISBN 978-0-8218-5278-1. MR
2760403. Zbl 1216.46002.[107]
— (2010). An epsilon of room, II. Pages from year three of a mathematical blog
(PDF). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/mbk/077. ISBN
978-0-8218-5280-4. MR 2780010. Zbl 1218.00001.
— (2011). An introduction to measure theory (PDF). Graduate Studies in Mathematics.
Vol. 126. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/gsm/126. ISBN
978-0-8218-6919-2. MR 2827917. Zbl 1231.28001.[108]
— (2012). Topics in random matrix theory (PDF). Graduate Studies in Mathematics.
Vol. 132. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/gsm/132. ISBN
978-0-8218-7430-1. MR 2906465. Zbl 1256.15020.
— (2012). Higher order Fourier analysis (PDF). Graduate Studies in Mathematics.
Vol. 142. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/gsm/142. ISBN
978-0-8218-8986-2. MR 2931680. Zbl 1277.11010.
— (2013). Compactness and contradiction (PDF). Providence, RI: American
Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/mbk/081. ISBN 978-0-8218-9492-7. MR 3026767. Zbl
— (2014). Analysis. I. Texts and Readings in Mathematics. Vol. 37 (Third edition of
2006 original ed.). New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency. ISBN 978-93-80250-64-9. MR
3309891. Zbl 1300.26002.
— (2014). Analysis. II. Texts and Readings in Mathematics. Vol. 38 (Third edition
of 2006 original ed.). New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency. ISBN 978-93-80250-65-6. MR
3310023. Zbl 1300.26003.
— (2014). Hilbert's fifth problem and related topics. Graduate Studies in
Mathematics. Vol. 153. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
doi:10.1090/gsm/153. ISBN 978-1-4704-1564-8. MR 3237440. Zbl 1298.22001.
— (2015). Expansion in finite simple groups of Lie type. Graduate Studies in
Mathematics. Vol. 164. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
doi:10.1090/gsm/164. ISBN 978-1-4704-2196-0. MR 3309986. S2CID 118288443. Zbl
Research articles. Tao is the author of over 300 articles. The following, among the
most cited, are surveyed above.

Keel, Markus; Tao, Terence (1998). "Endpoint Strichartz estimates". American
Journal of Mathematics. 120 (5): 955–980. CiteSeerX
doi:10.1353/ajm.1998.0039. JSTOR 25098630. MR 1646048. S2CID 13012479. Zbl

Tao, Terence; Vargas, Ana; Vega, Luis (1998). "A bilinear approach to the
restriction and Kakeya conjectures". Journal of the American Mathematical Society.
11 (4): 967–1000. doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-98-00278-1. MR 1625056. Zbl 0924.42008.

Knutson, Allen; Tao, Terence (1999). "The honeycomb model of

GL_{n}(\mathbb {C} ) tensor products. I. Proof of the saturation conjecture".
Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 12 (4): 1055–1090. doi:10.1090/S0894-
0347-99-00299-4. MR 1671451. Zbl 0944.05097.
Colliander, J.; Keel, M.; Staffilani, G.; Takaoka, H.; Tao, T. (2001). "Global
well-posedness for Schrödinger equations with derivative". SIAM Journal on
Mathematical Analysis. 33 (3): 649–669. arXiv:math/0101263.
doi:10.1137/S0036141001384387. MR 1871414. Zbl 1002.35113.

Tao, Terence (2001). "Global regularity of wave maps. II. Small energy in two
dimensions". Communications in Mathematical Physics. 224 (2): 443–544.
arXiv:math/0011173. Bibcode:2001CMaPh.224..443T. doi:10.1007/PL00005588. MR
1869874. S2CID 119634411. Zbl 1020.35046. (Erratum: [1])

Tao, Terence (2001). "Multilinear weighted convolution of L2-functions, and
applications to nonlinear dispersive equations". American Journal of Mathematics.
123 (5): 839–908. arXiv:math/0005001. doi:10.1353/ajm.2001.0035. JSTOR 25099087. MR
1854113. S2CID 984131. Zbl 0998.42005.

Colliander, J.; Keel, M.; Staffilani, G.; Takaoka, H.; Tao, T. (2002). "A refined
global well-posedness result for Schrödinger equations with derivative". SIAM
Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 34 (1): 64–86. arXiv:math/0110026.
doi:10.1137/S0036141001394541. MR 1950826. S2CID 9007785. Zbl 1034.35120.

Colliander, J.; Keel, M.; Staffilani, G.; Takaoka, H.; Tao, T. (2002). "Almost
conservation laws and global rough solutions to a nonlinear Schrödinger equation".
Mathematical Research Letters. 9 (5–6): 659–682. doi:10.4310/MRL.2002.v9.n5.a9. MR
1906069. Zbl 1152.35491.

Muscalu, Camil; Tao, Terence; Thiele, Christoph (2002). "Multi-linear operators
given by singular multipliers". Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 15
(2): 469–496. doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-01-00379-4. MR 1887641. Zbl 0994.42015.

Christ, Michael; Colliander, James; Tao, Terrence (2003). "Asymptotics, frequency
modulation, and low regularity ill-posedness for canonical defocusing equations".
American Journal of Mathematics. 125 (6): 1235–1293. arXiv:math/0203044.
doi:10.1353/ajm.2003.0040. MR 2018661. S2CID 11001499. Zbl 1048.35101.

Colliander, J.; Keel, M.; Staffilani, G.; Takaoka, H.; Tao, T. (2003). "Sharp
global well-posedness for KdV and modified KdV on

\mathbb {R} and

\mathbb {T} ". Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 16 (3): 705–749.
doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-03-00421-1. MR 1969209. Zbl 1025.35025.

Tao, T. (2003). "A sharp bilinear restrictions estimate for paraboloids". Geometric
and Functional Analysis. 13 (6): 1359–1384. arXiv:math/0210084. doi:10.1007/s00039-
003-0449-0. MR 2033842. S2CID 15873489. Zbl 1068.42011.

Bourgain, J.; Katz, N.; Tao, T. (2004). "A sum-product estimate in finite fields,
and applications". Geometric and Functional Analysis. 14 (1): 27–57.
arXiv:math/0301343. doi:10.1007/s00039-004-0451-1. MR 2053599. S2CID 14097626. Zbl

Colliander, J.; Keel, M.; Staffilani, G.; Takaoka, H.; Tao, T. (2004). "Global
existence and scattering for rough solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation on
ℝ3". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 57 (8): 987–1014.
arXiv:math/0301260. doi:10.1002/cpa.20029. MR 2053757. S2CID 16423475. Zbl

Knutson, Allen; Tao, Terence; Woodward, Christopher (2004). "The honeycomb model of

GL_{n}(\mathbb {C} ) tensor products. II. Puzzles determine facets of the
Littlewood–Richardson cone". Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 17 (1):
19–48. doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-03-00441-7. MR 2015329. Zbl 1043.05111.

Tao, Terence (2004). "Global well-posedness of the Benjamin–Ono equation in H1(ℝ)".
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations. 1 (1): 27–49. arXiv:math/0307289.
doi:10.1142/S0219891604000032. MR 2052470. Zbl 1055.35104.

Tao, Terence (2004). "Fuglede's conjecture is false in 5 and higher dimensions".
Mathematical Research Letters. 11 (2–3): 251–258. doi:10.4310/MRL.2004.v11.n2.a8.
MR 2067470. Zbl 1092.42014.

Candes, Emmanuel J.; Tao, Terence (2005). "Decoding by linear programming". IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory. 51 (12): 4203–4215. arXiv:math/0502327.
doi:10.1109/TIT.2005.858979. MR 2243152. S2CID 12605120. Zbl 1264.94121.

Bejenaru, Ioan; Tao, Terence (2006). "Sharp well-posedness and ill-posedness
results for a quadratic non-linear Schrödinger equation". Journal of Functional
Analysis. 233 (1): 228–259. doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2005.08.004. MR 2204680. Zbl

Bennett, Jonathan; Carbery, Anthony; Tao, Terence (2006). "On the multilinear
restriction and Kakeya conjectures". Acta Mathematica. 196 (2): 261–302.
doi:10.1007/s11511-006-0006-4. MR 2275834. Zbl 1203.42019.

Candès, Emmanuel J.; Romberg, Justin K.; Tao, Terence (2006). "Stable signal
recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements". Communications on Pure and
Applied Mathematics. 59 (8): 1207–1223. arXiv:math/0503066. doi:10.1002/cpa.20124.
MR 2230846. S2CID 119159284. Zbl 1098.94009.

Candès, Emmanuel J.; Romberg, Justin; Tao, Terence (2006). "Robust uncertainty
principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency
information". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 52 (2): 489–509.
arXiv:math/0409186. doi:10.1109/TIT.2005.862083. MR 2236170. S2CID 7033413. Zbl
Candes, Emmanuel J.; Tao, Terence (2006). "Near-optimal signal recovery from random
projections: universal encoding strategies?". IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory. 52 (12): 5406–5425. arXiv:math/0410542. doi:10.1109/TIT.2006.885507. MR
2300700. S2CID 1431305. Zbl 1309.94033.

Candes, Emmanuel; Tao, Terence (2007). "The Dantzig selector: statistical
estimation when p is much larger than n". Annals of Statistics. 35 (6): 2313–2351.
doi:10.1214/009053606000001523. MR 2382644. Zbl 1139.62019.

Tao, Terence; Visan, Monica; Zhang, Xiaoyi (2007). "The nonlinear Schrödinger
equation with combined power-type nonlinearities". Communications in Partial
Differential Equations. 32 (7–9): 1281–1343. arXiv:math/0511070.
doi:10.1080/03605300701588805. MR 2354495. S2CID 15109526. Zbl 1187.35245.

Colliander, J.; Keel, M.; Staffilani, G.; Takaoka, H.; Tao, T. (2008). "Global
well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger
equation in ℝ3". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 167 (3): 767–865.
doi:10.4007/annals.2008.167.767. MR 2415387. Zbl 1178.35345.

Green, Ben; Tao, Terence (2008). "The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic
progressions". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 167 (2): 481–547.
doi:10.4007/annals.2008.167.481. MR 2415379. Zbl 1191.11025.

Killip, Rowan; Tao, Terence; Visan, Monica (2009). "The cubic nonlinear Schrödinger
equation in two dimensions with radial data". Journal of the European Mathematical
Society. 11 (6): 1203–1258. doi:10.4171/JEMS/180. MR 2557134. Zbl 1187.35237.

Candès, Emmanuel J.; Tao, Terence (2010). "The power of convex relaxation: near-
optimal matrix completion". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 56 (5): 2053–
2080. arXiv:0903.1476. doi:10.1109/TIT.2010.2044061. MR 2723472. S2CID 1255437. Zbl

Green, Ben; Tao, Terence (2008). "The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic
progressions". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 167 (2): 481–547.
doi:10.4007/annals.2008.167.481. MR 2415379. Zbl 1191.11025.

Tao, Terence; Vu, Van (2010). With an appendix by Manjunath Krishnapur. "Random
matrices: universality of ESDs and the circular law". Annals of Probability. 38
(5): 2023–2065. doi:10.1214/10-AOP534. MR 2722794. Zbl 1203.15025.

Tao, Terence; Vu, Van (2011). "Random matrices: universality of local eigenvalue
statistics". Acta Mathematica. 206 (1): 127–204. doi:10.1007/s11511-011-0061-3. MR
2784665. Zbl 1217.15043.

Green, Ben; Tao, Terence; Ziegler, Tamar (2012). "An inverse theorem for the Gowers
Us+1[N]-norm". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 176 (2): 1231–1372.
doi:10.4007/annals.2012.176.2.11. MR 2950773. Zbl 1282.11007.
Tao, Terence (2016). "Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier–
Stokes equation". Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 29 (3): 601–674.
doi:10.1090/jams/838. MR 3486169. Zbl 1342.35227.
Chinese: 陶象國; pinyin: Táo Xiàngguó
Chinese: 梁蕙蘭; Jyutping: Loeng⁴ Wai⁶-laan⁴
Being non-binary, Riley's pronouns are they/them.
See also
Erdős discrepancy problem
Inscribed square problem
Goldbach's weak conjecture
Cramer conjecture
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External links

Wikiquote has quotations related to Terence Tao.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Terence Tao.

Terence Tao's home page
Tao's research blog
Tao's MathOverflow page
O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Terence Tao", MacTutor History of
Mathematics Archive, University of St Andrews
Terence Tao at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
Terence Tao's entry in the Numericana Hall of Fame
Terence Tao's results at International Mathematical Olympiad Edit this at Wikidata
"Terence Tao: Structure and Randomness in the Prime Numbers, UCLA". YouTube. UCLA.
22 January 2009.
"Terence Tao: Nilsequences and the Primes, UCLA". YouTube. UCLA. 30 January 2009.
"Minerva Lectures 2013 – Terence Tao Talk 1: Sets with few ordinary lines".
YouTube. princetonmathematics. 24 May 2013.
"Minerva Lectures 2013 – Terence Tao Talk 2: Polynomial expanders and an algebrai
regularity lemma". YouTube. princetonmathematics. 24 May 2013.
"Minerva Lectures 2013 – Terence Tao Talk 3: Universality for Wigner random
matrices". YouTube. princetonmathematics. 24 May 2013.
"Ultraproducts as a Bridge Between Discrete and Continuous Mathematics". YouTube.
Simons Institute. 12 December 2013.
"Terry Tao, Ph.D. Small and Large Gaps Between the Primes". YouTube. UCLA. 7
October 2014.
"Terence Tao: 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics Symposium". YouTube.
Breakthrough. 4 December 2014.
"Can the Navier-Stokes Equations Blow Up in Finite Time? | Prof. Terence Tao".
YouTube. The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities. 25 March 2015.
"Terence Tao: The Erdős Discrepancy Problem". YouTube. Institute for Pure & Applied
Mathematics (IPAM). 9 October 2015.
"Terence Tao: An integration approach to the Toeplitz square peg problem". YouTube.
Centre International de Recontres Mathématiques. 13 October 2017.
"Terence Tao: Vaporizing and freezing the Riemann zeta function". YouTube.
Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca. 27 July 2018.
"RIA Hamilton Lecture 2020 – Professor Terence Tao". YouTube. The Royal Irish
Academy. 16 October 2020.
"An Interview with Terence Tao". YouTube. Young Scientists Journal. 16 December
"Terence Tao (UCLA): Pseudorandomness of the Louisville function". YouTube.
Hausdorr Center for Mathematics. 3 May 2021.
"Day 2 – The notorious Collatz conjecture – Terence Tao". YouTube. Università degli
Studi dell'Insubria. 30 October 2021. (See Collatz conjecture.)
"Day 3 – Sendov's conjecture for sufficiently high degree polynomials – Terence
Tao". YouTube. Università degli Studi dell'Insubria. 30 October 2021. (See Sendov's
"Day 3 – Interview to Terence Tao – Umberto Bottazzini". YouTube. Università degli
Studi dell'Insubria. 30 October 2021.
"Day 3 – Singmaster's conjecture in the interior of Pascal's triangle – Terence
Tao". YouTube. Università degli Studi dell'Insubria. 30 October 2021. (See
Singmaster's conjecture.)
Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 2007
Fields Medalists
Breakthrough Prize laureates
Laureates of the Prince or Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific
Recipients of SASTRA Ramanujan Prize
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