สำเนา บท Plot

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The analysis of the plot is the following subject.

the narrator who at first was kind and fond of animals. However, as time passes, he frequently
becomes alcoholic, distempered, and violent with his wife and pet.
After he killed his beloved pet, soon the fire burned the house. Amid the ruins, he encountered imprints
on the wall. Then he met another similar cat, which has a different spot.
The author murdered his wife and hid her body behind the basement wall. He knocked to demonstrate the
construction of a sturdy wall when the police arrived to investigate the house. A scream was heard. When
the wall was taken down, they discovered the wife's corpse and the black cat within.

The main conflict in this short story is a person against himself that we can see from the narrator, who is
battling alcoholism, which also sends him into rages of violence against his pets and his wife. After he
gouges Pluto’s eye, he is wracked with guilt, which eventually turns to anger, leading him to hang Pluto.
The guilt continues as he is unable to accept the affections of the second eyeless cat, and his anger
continues to be an obstacle he cannot overcome.
Additionally, as can be seen from the minor conflict, it is a person against a person.the narrator regularly
takes out his anger and drunken violence on his wife, but when she tries to stop him from killing the black
cat, she crosses a line that he will not stand for. In a rage, he kills her for stopping him from putting an end
to his misery with the cat.

Suspense is a further factor that the author employed in the narrative. The mystery of the apparition
burned into the narrator’s wall of Pluto with the rope around its neck leads the reader to believe that the
narrator has not seen the end of Pluto. In addition, the narrator’s violence in his drunkenness creates an
atmosphere of instability and unpredictability, which ultimately leads to his wife’s murder,

And foreshadowing, the strongest example of foreshadowing comes in the form of the new black cat, who
not only is missing an eye like Pluto, reminding the narrator of his violent act, but the white mark on its
chest changes shape to look like a gallows. This foreshadows the judgment that will ultimately find the

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