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About Us

The Focolare Movement has the features of a large and varied family, of a “new people born of
the Gospel”, as Chiara Lubich, its founder, defined it.  It is a movement of spiritual and social
renewal, founded in Trent, Italy, in 1943, during the Second World War. The Focolare Movement,
officially known as the Work of Mary, was approved by the Catholic Church in 1962. It is now
present in 182 nations and more than 2 million people share closely in its life and work.
It aims at spreading the message of unity worldwide. Inspired by Jesus’ prayer to the
Father, “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21), its goal is to promote brotherhood and to achieve a more
united world in which people respect and value diversity. To achieve this goal, people of the
Movement engage in various forms of dialogue and are committed to building bridges of fraternal
relationships among individuals, between cultural groups and in every area of society.
Members of the Movement include Christians of different Churches and ecclesial communities,
members of the major world religions and people of no particular religious belief. Each one
adheres to the Movement’s goal and spirit, while faithfully following the precepts of their own
faith and conscience. At the heart of the movement are small communities of men and women
who consecrate their lives to God with vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and live in
separate households called “focolares”, from the Italian word for “hearth”. Married people are
also members of these communities, while remaining in their families and being faithful to
their commitment to marriage. They too make the same radical choice of the Gospel and offer
their lives to bring unity in the world.

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adherents that participate in the life of the Focolare Movement present in 182

350+ Projects

followers of different religions who adhere to the Movement’s spirit
Chiara Lubich

Chiara Lubich (1920-2008) is the founder of the Focolare Movement, which is present in 182
countries and promotes the spirituality of unity. Its goal is to contribute towards the fulfillment of
Jesus’ prayer: “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21).
Chiara, a great charismatic figure of our times, is well known for her tireless work to increase
communion, fraternity and peace among people of different Churches, with followers of various
world religions and with people who have no religious belief.
The spirit of the Focolare Movement aims at promoting a new lifestyle also in the civil field, as for
example, in economics and in politics. International academic institutions awarded Chiara
Lubich honorary degrees in a number of disciplines (theology, philosophy, psychology,
economics, social sciences, etc.).
Chiara built a relationship of friendship with Popes, heads of Churches, founders of
movements and political and civil leaders. She has left a great legacy that does not cease to
inspire individuals and groups, who in turn influence every area of society.
On 27 January 2015, the opening ceremony of the diocesan phase of the Cause of Canonisation and
Beatification of Chiara Lubich took place in Frascati Cathedral, which ended on 10th November 2019.
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Holy See, continues the study and evaluation of
what has been gathered.

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1920 Chiara Lubich was born on January 22 in Trent, Italy. When baptized, she was
given the name Silvia.

1943 When she became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, she was attracted
by St. Clare of Assisi’s radical choice of God and chose the name “Chiara” (Italian
for “Clare”). On December 7, she consecrated her life to God with a perpetual
vow of chastity. Unknown to her, this marked the beginning of what would
become the Focolare Movement
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Some of Chiara Lubich’s Writings

The Attraction of Modern Times
This is the great attraction of modern times: to penetrate to the highest contemplation while
mingling with everyone, one person alongside others. continue reading>

If we are united, Jesus is among us

If we are united, Jesus is among us. And this has value. It is worth more than any other treasure that
our heart may possess; more than mother, … continue reading>

So that we might have Light

We would die if we did not look at you, who transformed, as if by magic, every bitterness into
sweetness; at you, crying out on the cross…  continue reading>

Pasquale Foresi

The theologian Pasquale Foresi was the

first priest focolarino and the first co-
president of  the Focolari.. Chiara Lubich
entrusted him with the task of translating
into concrete works her mystical intuitions;
  and to incarnate the spirituality of unity
into the various aspects of life and of
culture. He contributed towards the
drafting of the Statutes; looked after the
relations with the Holy See, gave life to
nbsp;centres of spiritual formation, small
towns of witness, publishing intiatives.

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Igino Giordani

Writer, journalist, politician, ecumenist

and patrologist, he was a co-founder of
the Movement. A husband and father, he
was a multifaceted personality who
outlined the Movement’s prophetic
perspectives on a cultural, political,
ecclesial and social level.The cause for his
beatification is currently being carried out.
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Organization and Governance

Organization and Governance
According to the General Statutes of the Focolare Movement, its president will always be a lay
woman, with a male co-president who is a priest. The current president is Margaret Karram and
the co-president is Jesús Morán. They are assisted by a General Council, which includes
representatives of every part of the Movement: young people, families, consecrated persons, people
of different religions, etc. The council members are of different vocations, cultural backgrounds and
national origins.
All positions of responsibility last for five years and can be confirmed only once for the same
position. The Movement is present in 182 countries, which are organized in 18 geographical
regions, in which activities are coordinated by a male and a female delegate together with
members of a local council.

Margaret Karram was elected President of the Focolare Movement by the General Assembly on 31
January 2021, the second focolarina to succeed the foundress.

Dossier Margaret Karram

The President's speeches

Jesús Morán Cepedano was elected Co-President of the Focolare Movement on 13 September 2014
and re-elected for a second term on 1 February 2021.

Dossier Jesús Morán

Did you know that...

…Every day at 12 noon in each time zone there is the Time Out, a moment of silence or prayer for
peace. This idea originated from the desire of Focolare teens and children for world peace and has
been taken up by the whole Movement.

…The Word of Life, a monthly leaflet with a spiritual commentary on a passage from the Bible to be
applied to everyday life, is translated in 90 languages and dialects. It reaches millions of people
through the media.

… Silvia was the name given to Chiara Lubich at her baptism. When she became a member of the
Third Order of St. Francis, she was fascinated by St. Clare’s choice of God and decided to take her
name, which in Italian is “Chiara”.

… Chiara Lubich was the first Catholic white woman to speak at Malcolm Shabazz Mosque in
Harlem, New York. It was on May18, 1997, with an audience of more than three thousand people.

… Focolare centers can be found throughout the world. The furthest north is the one in
Stockholm, Sweden, while the furthest south is in Trelew, Argentina.
… The Movement’s logo recalls “Mary, Mother of all people”, who gathers all vocations under her
mantle. The blue symbolizes Mary, while the orange represents the members who follow Mary as
the model for their life.
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