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What if everyone were the same? Stress the two advantages of everyone ► 2017 (978)
being completely equal.
► 2016 (1037)

If everyone was of equal strength, looks, and intelligence, etc., there would be less ▼ 2015 (994)
feelings of inadequacy, envy, and jealousy. If everyone was equal in every way, ► December (79)
everyone would have the same thoughts, bodies, movements, tastes, preferences and
► November (94)
so on. So, with everyone having the same preferences in terms of sexuality, music,
culture, movies, etc., each person would have no problems relating to one another. ► October (87)
With so many shared interests, it would lead to easy... ► September (88)

If everyone was of equal strength, looks, and intelligence, etc., there would be less ► August (76)
feelings of inadequacy, envy, and jealousy. If everyone was equal in every way, ► July (75)
everyone would have the same thoughts, bodies, movements, tastes, preferences and
► June (75)
so on. So, with everyone having the same preferences in terms of sexuality, music,
culture, movies, etc., each person would have no problems relating to one another. ► May (91)
With so many shared interests, it would lead to easy conversations in which everyone
► April (78)
was in complete agreement. And with the mental distractions described in this short
story, people would be generally unaware that they are being conditioned in these ► March (82)
ways. So, they would not wonder about an alternative society in which people are ► February (76)
different. Any such thoughts would fade away with the onset of a mental interruption
▼ January (93)
and they would return to the blissful ignorance of living in complete equality. 
What are two
major conflict
scenes that, if
But clearly, Vonnegut is making the opposite case. Such complete equality would cut ou...
erase difference. And without difference, meaning itself is lost. Simply put, if What is a famous
everyone is the same then there is nothing unique about any one person. Think of this idiom from
etymologically. If every noun looked the same and meant the same thing, then there Hamlet by
would be only one word. This would fundamentally eliminate meaning. "What is a William Shak...
bear?" A bear is a bear. I am you. You are me. There is no meaning because there is no In As You Like It,
difference between things. And in terms of the self, individuality is lost. The sense of why does Celia
self is lost. And with a society which embraces total equality, there would be no want to borrow
impulse, motivation, or intent to improve one's self, mentally or physically. 
In Harper Lee's To
Kill a
PREVIOUS NEXT Mockingbird, are
Which of the following is an In The Merchant Of Venice, Act the mis...
example of conserving 2 scene 1, why does Portia ask Why is it
resources? a) Using solar the prince of Morocco to go to important that
at January 01, 2015 the narrator cuts
out Plu...
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