Individual Assignment-2

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CT066-3-M-EA Enterprise Applications Individual Assignment Page 1 of 4

1.1 Learning Outcomes:

On conclusion students should be able to:

CLO2: Prepare distributed enterprise applications by incorporating latest technology

trends (A4, PLO9).
CLO3: Relate enterprise application design principles in developing enterprise
application for commercial context (A4, PLO10)

2.0 Assignment Requirements

2.2 Part Two

The following image shows an example of the student records web application.
The site lists records of students who have applied for admission to the
university. Users can view, add, delete, and modify student records.

Based on the above requirement, you are required to develop a Java EE

application and Java/Web clients. Your server application will run on a Java EE
server such as glassfish and will have the following ideal requirements:
 A database consisting of 3 or more linked tables (this can be done in
either oracle, javadb (derby) or any other SQL database.)
 Entity Classes which correspond to the tables
 Data Transfer objects which can be sent to a client across a network.
 Session facade bean(s) which provide the remote interface to the server
 Functionality which includes:
o The ability to create and return records from each table
o Three EJB queries which navigate to a related entity class and
return information e.g., from the examples developed in the
tutorials returning all the modules taken by a particular student.
o Two more complex EJB queries which involve navigating to at
least 3 related entity classes and returning information.
 A message bean which updates a table from a client request.

You are also required to develop the following clients:

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CT066-3-M-EA Enterprise Applications Individual Assignment Page 2 of 4

 A web-based GUI client which uses the above functionality of the


You are also required to produce a report which has the following contents:

 A report that contains table descriptions, an E-R diagram, a class

diagram, and screenshots of the application running.

You must submit on the deadline date:

 The zipped-up content of your Enterprise Application project to include

server side and client-side components along with the project report.

After submitting your report, you are also required to demonstrate to lecturer the
functionality of your enterprise application.

Failure to demonstrate or failure to fulfil all submission requirements may result in

the assignment being failed.

3.0 Assignment Deliverables

3.2 Part Two

The deliverable consists of a design document, source code, and deployable

modules/application. The design document should describe the system
architecture, components, and customized component frameworks. The
deliverable as a single J2EE project is to be sent to the Admin (burned on a CD)
on or before the project due date. Your design documents should include the
following content:
 A cover page and Table of contents (with page numbering).
 System Proposal
 Design of web components with a brief description of how the web
component technologies are used (JSPs / JSFs, Servlets etc).
 Web page design, including a general navigation chart of all pages.
 Design of business tier with a brief description of how the technologies are
used (EJBs).
 Design of database access libraries such as JDBC or Java Persistence API
 Overview of your application, project plan, UML diagrams and a brief
description of the system architecture and interconnection among the tiers.
 Database design, with description of each table and an E-R diagram, to
describe the relationships.
 References

3.2.1 Knowledge/Presentation

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 Able to provide all information and / or answer all questions with regards
to the component of the project.
 Answers questions accurately and confidently.

3.2.2 Suggested Development Steps:

 It is recommended that you follow the standard software development

process, from analysis to design, then to implementation and testing. A
good start would be trying to understand the application requirement and
to layout the web pages and their relationship to JSFs/JSPs, and data
entities. A good design would make your implementation much easier.
 You need to divide the application into components according to their
tiers. Once you have a thorough design completed and the interface
among these components defined, you may proceed to implement and
test each component one at a time, without having them interact with
each other. Once you have each component fully implemented and tested,
you can proceed with the integration.
 It is recommended to complete your design, and then start implementing
your system based on your design (not vice versa). If you found out
during the implementation stage that something is wrong with your
design, go back to your documentation and correct it before continuing
with the implementation. Update your design document as you redesign
and code.
 Before delivering the final package, please test the package files and
database files on another machine or your own, or simply delete your
existing application and database files, then install the package file into
the deployment directory, and the database files into the database
directory of the application server and see if everything would deploy and
work the same as before.

3.2.3 Software Required

• Java Development Kit (JDK)

• Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) / NetBeans
• Database, MySQL / Java DB

4.0 Instructions:

This is an individual assignment. Upon submission of your assignment, you would be

required to present your assignment at a date and time specified by your module

5.0 Marking Criteria

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CT066-3-M-EA Enterprise Applications Individual Assignment Page 4 of 4

Individual Assignment – Design, Documentation and Implementation (30


- Systematic Problem Solving & Design Diagrams – 30 %

- Implementation of N-Tier Architecture – 50 %
- Supported Documentation with Demo and Presentation – 20 %

Total: 50 Marks

Level M Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2023

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