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CT067-3-M-MSDP Managing Software

Development Projects (MSDP)
– Masters Level -
In-course: Assignment/Coursework

Case Study

Consultant : Dynamic Software Methodologies (DSM) Company


Customer : Wood Intensive Furnishing Incorporated (WIFI)

Existing System : Online Sales Order (OSO) System

Project : On-Time Order Delivery (OTOD) System

Start date : Week 2 into the module

Due date : Group Assignment (Week 6) –

Individual Assignment (Week 10) –

Lecturers :

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Course Assignment
I. Assignment – Course Learning Outcomes (as per Module

1. Describe knowledge of the multi-disciplinary skills required by modern

information technology project managers
2. Determine suitable software development strategies and appropriate
methodologies with critical appreciation of its impact
3. Propose solutions for software development project issues through methodology

Note: 1 applies to the exam while 2 and 3 applies to the assignment

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II. The Scenario: A Case Study

Dynamic Software Methodologies (DSM) Company Limited is a software consulting

company that focuses in analysing and restructuring Software Project Management
Methodologies processes to increase the success rate of projects in trouble or are about to
fail. Their customers are usually organisations that use industry standard project
management methodologies expertise for their projects but need some restructuring
and/or tailoring activities when their projects experience difficulties in meeting delivery
schedules and managing users’ expectations.

Wood Intensive Furnishing Incorporated (WIFI), a hypermarket chain with many

stores across the country, markets wooden household and office furniture that are bulky
and require deliveries to customers. Sales orders in all the hypermarkets are currently
processed centrally through a computerised Online Sales Order (OSO) system which is
well networked. The truck delivery system is currently manually processed and there are
problems in integrating it with the OSO system. Deliveries of sales orders to customers
are often mismatched, late and the truck delivery routes are also badly managed with
duplicate itineraries in the schedules.

WIFI had embarked on a newly integrated sales orders and truck delivery scheduling
project, aptly called the On-Time Order Delivery (OTOD) system. This was an
ambitious project that covered a wide range of end requirements in its project scope (as
detailed in the project charter). The OTOD system was to be integrated with the existing
Online Sales Order (OSO) system to provide an efficient ‘after sales- delivery-service’
to its customers.

The following three (3) requirements were considered as important ‘after-sales service
areas in its scope: -

1. the sales orders for bulky items must be delivered to customers within a 7-
Working-Day-Delivery-After-Sales (7WDDAS) target after it has been
processed by OTOD
2. appointment for deliveries are fixed by the customers when sales orders are
3. zoning of truck delivery routes within the country must be incorporated into the
sales orders to assist the dispatch and routing of the trucks with GPS.

WIFI felt that OTOD’s integration component of the scope was too big as a single
project and the industry standard project management methodology it was currently using
was not suitable to manage it. Project changes needed to be quickly handled to meet the
project’s target date, else delays would be experienced. WIFI’s senior management was
now looking at opportunities to make some changes to the OTOD systems and manage
the 3 delivery areas in the scope above.

These changes would be difficult as WIFI’s industry standard project management

methodology was very predictive and rigid (formal and traditional) which belonged to the

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‘heavyweight’ methodology category. WIFI’s management now wants to use DSM’s

services to tailor its industry standard project management methodology characteristics,
especially the various activities in the ‘heavyweight’ methodology processes to meet
OTOD‘s delivery target date and users expectations.

As a ‘Project Management Methodology’ consultant with DSM, you are to provide WIFI
with tailoring proposals with a convincing recovery plan to be presented to its CEO. It
should be able to deliver the OTOD system on time while keeping the scope intact and
not upsetting the WIFI’s users and customers.

Additionally, WIFI also needs to relook at alternatives/options that would reduce the
overdependence of its staff on non-core projects, project activities, benefits and relooking
at outsourcing options.

III. Assignment Requirements

The assignment requires the problems to be completed as two (2) reports. It must be a
convincing recovery plan.

Report 1 - Group

In order to tailor WIFI’s industry standard project management methodology, DSM

was required to provide and present a proposal. Provide and discuss six (6) major
components in the project management methodology that DSM consultant should
consider to manage the project, a detailed justification for each component. The
group will consist of 3 members with each member providing two (2) major

Report 2 - Individual

In order to provide the recovery initiatives, your report should include the following:-

a) Using the components in Part 1, discuss the tailoring activities for each of the
component that would make it a better methodology.

b) The management of WIFI looked at alternatives/options so as to consider

lightweight methodologies or agile methodologies to manage their projects.
Suggest suitable agile methodologies that could be applied to the OTOD project
with suitable justifications.

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IV. Assignment Instructions

A Group Report and an Individual Report must be submitted to senior

management and it should be a formally written document (not exceeding 3000
words and 2000 words respectively), excluding abstracts, tables, appendices, etc.
An electronic copy should also be submitted with the documentation.

V. Assessment Details – In 2 Parts

Your report format and the assessment should be as follows:-

a) Group Component - Part-1 Report of 3000 words - 30%

The main contents of this report should be as follows:-

No. Item. %
i. The assumptions made and the major critical success factors (CSFs) 5
ii. A detailed discussion of an appropriate project management 20
methodology (e.g. PMBoK, PRINCE2, etc.) with its components
that will be needed to recover the project. Your role is a project
manager and you provide leadership in identifying the components.
Note: A total of 6 components to be discussed and put in a proper
sequence to indicate a good flow on how the project management
methodology will be used. In a group of 3 members, each member
should provide and discuss 2 components and provide a report of 6
components in total.
iii. References - use of APA referencing 5
Total 30

b) Individual Component - Part-2 Report of 2000 words - 30%

The main contents of this report should be as follows:-

No. Item. %
i. A detailed discussion on how 2 components (selected form any of 20
the 6 in Part 1) will be tailored. This will be the recommended
solution for the troubled project.
ii. A brief discussion on the suitability of Agile Methodologies as 5
appropriate. In addition to the components in (ii) above, your
solution should include agile methodologies recommendations in
the solution.
iii. References - use of APA referencing 5
Total 30

This assignment is worth 60% of the final grade.

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Attention will be paid to:

 You are expected to clearly state any assumptions you make, and support
statements and theories by referencing to appropriate sources.
 Critical evaluation and discussion. Issues will be dealt with deeper and on an
analytical plane, based on good research - with industry examples, data projections
and commentaries.
 Balanced researched materials. Appropriate and different sources which must
include sufficient academic research, not just secondary research from URLs
 Proper referencing and citation. APA Referencing is a must. Citation must include,
apart from the normal details, the page number from where the issue for discussion
has been taken. (Refer to Handbook for penalty on plagiarism)

You are required to upload you assignment online using the Moodle facilities. Your
report must be typed using Microsoft Word.

Level M Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

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