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Workouts are exercise routines that can have different purposes. We can basically summarize them
in 2 types:
1. CARDIO workout (cardiorespiratory effort and high energy consumption)
2. STRENGTH workout (strength and muscle toning).
As their name suggests, cardio workout requires a great cardiorespiratory effort. And strength
workout has great muscular demand.

When we do a cardio workout we work predominantly the cardio-respiratory capacity but there
is also muscle involvement, and in the same way, when we do a strength workout we are working
our muscles hard but there is also some cardio-respiratory involvement. Therefore, the exercises
we will use are more or less interchangeable for either type of workout.

However, we can say that cardio work will always include some type of jump (high knees, butt
kicks, jumping jacks, ...), while strength work will often include isometric exercises (hold a
position and count)

CARDIO workout STRENGTH workout

Cardio-respiratory requirement, respiratory Muscular requirement, muscle fatigue.
Includes jumps: high knees, butt kicks, jumping Includes isometric exercises (hold a position
jacks, .... counting to 10, for example) and others such as
squats, push-ups, planks, ….
Large number of total reps in each workout: 60-80 total reps in each workout.
80-100 or more.


1. Each group of students must design 2 sessions: one session with a cardio workout and another
session with a strength workout. This group of students will lead the session for all classmates.
2. Each session will include:
- an activation/warm up part (10min)
- a main part, strength or cardio workout (25-30min)
- a cool down/back to calm part, with stretching exercises, relaxation ... (10min)
3. Workouts should include 9 exercises, there may be repeated exercises, but at least 4 to 6
exercises will be different.
4. We will repeat the workout 4-5 times, with 2 minutes of rest between them.

Departament d’EF, IES Jaume I Ontinyent Vicent Sanchis

SESSION SCHEME (give it to the teacher at the end of the session, it must be handwritten,
maximum 3 sides)

Date: Group members:

Session of (cardio or strength):

1. Activation/warm up. (description of the exercises):

- Joint mobility exercises, displacement exercises, more intense exercises (similar to those that will
be done later).
- Activation games (persecution games and others).

2. Main part. (workout description)

…………………. WORKOUT (strength or cardio)

Reps: Reps: Reps:


Reps: Reps: Reps:


Reps: Reps: Reps:


3. Cool down/return to calm. (description of the exercises)

- You must describe at least 8 different exercises of stretching, breathing, relaxation, …)

4. WORKOUT questions:

- Why did you choose these exercises?

- Why that number of repetitions?
- Why that distribution?
- Comments.

Departament d’EF, IES Jaume I Ontinyent Vicent Sanchis

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