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Riphah International University

Faculty of Computing

Software Quality Engineering

Assignment No 4

Submitted by:
Usama Imtiaz (13803)

Submitted to:
Dr. Rizwan Bin Faiz
Online Voting System

Extended Use Case:

Use Case Name Cast vote

Actors Voter-Primary
Description Allows registered users to cast vote
Pre-condition 1- The user is login into the system
2- The user is registered for the election
3- The election time is started
Post condition 1- The user has casted his vote
2- Users vote has been saved against selected candidate
Basic Flow 1- The user login to the system
2- The system verifies the user credentials according to
the election
3- The system shows the list of candidates
4- The customer selects the candidate
5- Customer vote is saved in the system
Alternate Flow 1- Invalid login credentials
2- Election not started yet
3- Election time ended
4- User has already casted vote
Non Functional 1- Time For attempting vote
requirement 2- One vote per voter
Flow Diagram:
Scenario 1:
Login to the system
Id = int [0…9]
Password = char [aA ... Zz] + Int [0 . . . 9]
Password Length= 8
Id= char [aA ... Zz]
Password= Int [0 . . . 9] or char [aA ... Zz]
Password Length > 8
Password Length < 8
Scenario 2:
Cast Vote
Suppose election time is 3pm-4pm
2pm < Time < 3pm
User States = Not Voted
Time > 3pm
Time < 2pm
User States = Voted
Test Cases:

Test Scenario ID Password Voter Time Election Expected

case Status Voted time Output
1 Login abs 123 - - - Invalid id or
2 Login 123 Abs21344 Not 2:30 pm 2pm -3pm Voted
Voted Successfully
3 Cast Vote 123 Abs21344 Voted - - You have
already Voted
4 Cast Vote 123 Abs21344 Not 1 pm 2pm-3pm Election Not
Voted Started yet
5 Cast Vote 123 Abs21344 Not 4pm 2pm-3pm Election
Voted ended
6 Cast Vote 123 Abs21344 Not 2:30 pm 2pm -3pm Voted
Voted Successfully

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