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R-A-D-" Robot Instruction Sheet Congratulations! You are now in control of R.A.D. robot , the most sophisticated Radio Controlled Robot on the planet! Bareeny Power: *A 6V Ni-Cad (or NiMH) battery (sold separately) powers your R.A.D."™ robot. *The SV rechargeable battery must be fully charged (follow directions included with the battery) before it can be used. *A standard 9V alkaline battery (not included) powers the Radio Transmitter. To Install The SV Transmitter Battery: *Ask an adult to unscrew the battery coyer on the back of the radio control unit. ‘Insert the battery as shown and screw the battery cover back in place. To Operate Your R:A-D*robot — — — — — 2s nsert 0 fully charged 6V rechargeable battery into the battery slot on the back of your R.A.D. robot Be sure that iis installed with the proper polarity 2-Switch the on/off switch on the bottom of your R.A.D. robot to the "on" posion, 3-R.A.D. robot will perform the "System Check" sequence REMOVE TRAY BEFORE "SYSTEM CHECK" SEQUENCE. DO NOT TRY TO USE RA.D. ROBOT DURING THE SYSTEM CHECK, 4 Aller R.A.D. robot has performed the System Chack, your RA.D, robot will say "System Check Complete" 5. Turn the rato control unit to the "on" position, ‘Whenever R.A.D, robo! is in the "on" position, you will hear minor static coming from his specker This is normal. It is caused by the Voice Link feature: R-A-D-robot is mow in your control! * RAD. rebet can be used indoors or ouidoor's. Indoors? RAD. robot will work on mast surfaces including fat floors, tile, and corpet. Gutdoors: R.AD. robot cin be used outdoors on hard surfaces. De not run RAD. robat through WATER . SAND or lose dirt - this will damage R.A.D. robot's electronics and gears. Speed Select:=——-—$—$—{$—{———— ‘You con select the speed at which R.A.D, robat moves hy turning the Speed Select Dial on the bottom of R.A.D. robot High Speed: High speed is fer fest motion on Hat surfaces. High speed is not recommended for plush corpet ar steep inclines. Low Speed: Low spsed makes RAD, robot easy to maneuver ond VERY powerful. ln low speed, RAD. robot can. fe up steep inclines and be used on plush carpet. NOTE: To make R.A D. robo elim up and down steep inclines, you may need te bend the waist (farward For inelines/back for daclines) ie help RA.D. roboy keep his balance Radio Inter ferenc * Interference con be caused by a variely of devices both inside and outside * IFR.A.D. robot is not respending to the signal from the transmit, try using R,A.D. robot in o different location oF at a different time, Controls: * When operating R.A.D. robot, refer to the RA.D. robot Iwnction chart, Keep in mind that the buttons an the controller refer to the direction that the R.A.D. robot's treads are maving, NOT necessarily the direction R/A.D. robo! is moving. For example: To move RAD, robot forward and lal, you will need fo oush the "Right Forward” button on the radio control unit * Each fime R.A.D, robot is turned on, it resets to the defoult setting which is Lights On #Sound Effect On TS 8 oe Feet at a se # Tolocd missiles ito RAD. robat, simply turn the missile shooter unfl the triongle markings on the cannon line up withthe triangle morkings on R A.D. robot Push the missile inte the tube on R.A.D.robor's chest unfl it locks ino place. WARNING: NEVER FIRE ANYTHING OTHER THAN R.A,D. ROBOT MISSILES. FROM THE CHEST MOUNTED CANON Tray! # RAD. rabot's ray is for transporting objaels. RAD. robt cum not bend oll the way down ifthe troy isin place. If you want to make R.A.D. robot pick things up, you MUST first remove the tray. The tray can be remaved by simply pulling it yp and out ‘When moving RiA.B, robot rife to the:chiad blow, Keep in mind thot the buttons on the controller refer to the direction that the R.A.D.robot's treads are maving, NOT the direction that R.A D. cobot is moving. For example - fo move R.A.D. rabot forward and lef, you will need to push the "igh! Forward" Button an the radio control unit | aa Hi erophane. Anne Close Ares Fpert Fire Right Tread x Forvard and Back wevard and Back Talk Waist Up and Doun IFRA.D, robot soys "Alen, Alert * Something js blocking R.A.D. robot's path * R.A.D, robot is ctempling to climb on ineline that is too" sleep * R.A.D. robot is lifting an object thot is too heavy * R.A.D. robot's arms ean nol open/close amy further © RAD. robot's waist con not go: up/down anymare. R-A-D- Function Chart: Function Description Button(s) Moves R.A.D. Straight Forward Left Forward + Right Forward Moves R.A.D, Straight Backward Left Backward + Right Backward Left Forward Moves R.A.D. Forward and Left Right Forward Right Forward Moves R.A.D. Forward and Right Left Forward Left Backward Moves R.A.D. Backward and Left Right Backward Right Backward Moves R.A.D. Backward and Right Left Backward 360° Spin Right R.A.D. performs a tight Left Forwards 360° Spin to the Right Right Backward 360° Spin Left R.A.D. performs a tight Right Forward + 360? Spin to the Left Left Backward: Fire R.A.D. Fires Foam Missiles Fire from his Chest Cannon Talk You can talk through the Microphone Talk on the transmitter and hear your voice through R.A.D.'s speaker lights Off Turn R.A.D.'s headlight off Shift + Left Backward Lights On Torn R.A.D."s headlight on Shift + Left Forwarel Turn all sound effects off Shift + Right Backward Sound On Shift + Right Forward NOTE: RAD. Robotiis highly advanced, Maneuvering R/A.D. Robo! fakes practice and skill Turn all sound effects on botwan 9:00 Op ey ji 1 vine the felling i ‘Noma of rac), ip, Dote of Porches congo ora 5G «CoE ay => 9 NOMA INC Fa 1385 SA e ALIGNS RSE. TAD ESTE EARS OF OAK MC: THE TD, ADEA AT 80899711

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