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Tenth Edition


Ferdinand P. Beer
E. Russell Johnston, Jr.
Phillip J. Cornwell Kinetics of Particles:
Lecture Notes:
Brian P. Self Work and Energy
California Polytechnic State University

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Introduction Sample Problem 13.6
Work of a Force Sample Problem 13.7
Principle of Work & Energy
Applications of the Principle of
Work & Energy
Power and Efficiency
Sample Problem 13.1
Sample Problem 13.2
Sample Problem 13.3
Sample Problem 13.4
Sample Problem 13.5
Potential Energy
Conservative Forces
Conservation of Energy
Motion Under a Conservative
Central Force
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Energy and Momentum Methods
The pogo stick allows the boy
to change between kinetic Accidents are often analyzed
energy, potential energy from by using momentum methods.
gravity, and potential energy
in the spring.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
• Previously, problems dealing with the motion of
particles were solved through the fundamental
equation of motion,
F = ma.

• additional methods of analysis.

• Method of work and energy: directly relates force,

mass, velocity and displacement.

• Method of impulse and momentum: directly

relates force, mass, velocity, and time.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Approaches to Kinetics Problems

Forces and Velocities and Velocities and

Accelerations Displacements Time

Newton’s Second Work-Energy Impulse-

Law (last chapter) Momentum

 F = ma
T1 + U1→2 = T2 mv1 +  F dt = mv2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force

• Differential vector dr is the particle displacement.

• Work of the force is

 
dU = F • dr
= F ds cos 
= Fx dx + Fy dy + Fz dz

• Work is a scalar quantity, i.e., it has magnitude and

sign but not direction.

• Dimensions of work are length  force. Units are

1 J ( joule ) = (1 N )(1 m) 1ft  lb = 1.356 J

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force
• Work of a force during a finite displacement,
A2 

U1→2 =  F • d r
s2 s2
=  (F cos  )ds =  Ft ds
s1 s1
=  (Fx dx + Fy dy + Fz dz )

• Ft is the force in the direction of the

displacement ds

• Work is represented by the area under the

curve of Ft plotted against s.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force

What is the work of a constant force in

rectilinear motion?

a) U1→2 = F x
b) U1→2 = ( F cos  ) x
c) U1→2 = ( F sin  ) x
d) U1→2 = 0

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force

• Work of the force of gravity,

dU = Fx dx + Fy dy + Fz dz
= −W dy
U1→2 = −  W dy
= −W ( y 2 − y1 ) = −W y

• Work of the weight is equal to product of

weight W and vertical displacement y.

• In the figure above, when is the work done by the weight positive?

a) Moving from y1 to y2 b) Moving from y2 to y1 c) Never

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force
• Magnitude of the force exerted by a spring is
proportional to deflection,
F = kx
k = spring constant ( N/m or lb/in.)
• Work of the force exerted by spring,
dU = − F dx = −kx dx
U1→2 = −  kx dx = 12 kx12 − 12 kx22

• Work of the force exerted by spring is positive

when x2 < x1, i.e., when the spring is returning to
its undeformed position.

• Work of the force exerted by the spring is equal to

negative of area under curve of F plotted against x,
U1→2 = − 12 ( F1 + F2 ) x

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force

As the block moves from A0 to A1, is

Displacement is
the work positive or negative? in the opposite
direction of the
Positive Negative force

As the block moves from A2 to Ao, is

the work positive or negative?
Positive Negative
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

Does the normal force do work as the

block slides from B to A?


Does the weight do work as

the block slides from B to A? Positive or
Negative work?
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of a Force

Forces which do not do work (ds = 0 or cos  = 0):

• Reaction at frictionless pin supporting rotating body,

• Reaction at frictionless surface when body
in contact moves along surface,
• Reaction at a roller moving along its track, and
• Weight of a body when its center of gravity
moves horizontally.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Particle Kinetic Energy: Principle of Work & Energy 
• Consider a particle of mass m acted upon by force F
Ft = mat = m
dv ds dv
=m = mv
ds dt ds
F t ds = mv dv
• Integrating from A1 to A2 ,
s2 v2
 Ft ds = m  v dv = 12 mv2 − 12 mv1
2 2

s1 v1

U1→2 = T2 − T1 T = 12 mv 2 = kinetic energy

• The work of the force F is equal to the change in
kinetic energy of the particle.
• Units of work and kinetic energy are the same:
 m   m
T = 12 mv = kg  =  kg 2 m = N  m = J
s  s 
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Applications of the Principle of Work and Energy

• Force P acts normal to path and does no
T1 + U1→2 = T2
1W 2
• The bob is released 0 + Wl = v2
2 g
from rest at position A1.
Determine the velocity v2 = 2 gl
of the pendulum bob at
• Velocity is found without determining
A2 using work & kinetic
expression for acceleration and integrating.
• All quantities are scalars and can be added

• Forces which do no work are eliminated from

the problem.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Applications of the Principle of Work and Energy
• Principle of work and energy cannot be
applied to directly determine the acceleration
of the pendulum bob.

• Calculating the tension in the cord requires

supplementing the method of work and energy
with an application of Newton’s second law.

• As the bob passes through A2 ,

 Fn = m an
W v22
P −W =
g l
W 2 gl
P =W + = 3W
v2 = 2 gl g l

If you designed the rope to hold twice the weight of the bob, what would happen?
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Power and Efficiency
• Power = rate at which work is done.
 
dU F • dr
= =
dt dt
 
= F •v

• Dimensions of power are work/time or force*velocity.

Units for power are
J m ft  lb
1 W (watt) = 1 = 1 N  or 1 hp = 550 = 746 W
s s s

•  = efficiency
output work
input work
power output
power input

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.1
• Evaluate the change in kinetic energy.
• Determine the distance required for the
work to equal the kinetic energy change.

An automobile weighing 4000 lb is

driven down a 5o incline at a speed of
60 mi/h when the brakes are applied
causing a constant total breaking force
of 1500 lb.
Determine the distance traveled by the
automobile as it comes to a stop.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.1
• Evaluate the change in kinetic energy.
 mi  5280 ft  h 
v1 =  60    = 88 ft s
 h  mi  3600 s 
T1 = 12 mv12 = 12 (4000 32.2 )(88)2 = 481000 ft  lb

v2 = 0 T2 = 0
• Determine the distance required for the work
to equal the kinetic energy change.
U1→2 = (− 1500 lb)x + (4000 lb)(sin 5)x
= −(1151 lb)x
T1 + U1→2 = T2
481000 ft  lb − (1151 lb)x = 0
x = 418 ft
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.2
• Apply the principle of work and
energy separately to blocks A and B.

• When the two relations are combined,

the work of the cable forces cancel.
Solve for the velocity.
Two blocks are joined by an inextensible
cable as shown. If the system is released
from rest, determine the velocity of block
A after it has moved 2 m. Assume that the
coefficient of friction between block A
and the plane is mk = 0.25 and that the
pulley is weightless and frictionless.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.2
• Apply the principle of work and energy separately
to blocks A and B.
( )
W A = (200 kg ) 9.81 m s 2 = 1962 N
FA = m k N A = m k W A = 0.25(1962 N ) = 490 N
T1 + U1→2 = T2 :
0 + FC (2 m ) − FA (2 m ) = 12 m Av 2

FC (2 m ) − (490 N )(2 m ) = 12 (200 kg )v 2

( )
WB = (300 kg ) 9.81 m s 2 = 2940 N
T1 + U1→2 = T2 :
0 − Fc (2 m ) + WB (2 m ) = 12 m B v 2

− Fc (2 m ) + (2940 N )(2 m ) = 12 (300 kg )v 2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem13.2
• When the two relations are combined, the work of the
cable forces cancel. Solve for the velocity.
FC (2 m ) − (490 N )(2 m ) = 12 (200 kg )v 2

− Fc (2 m ) + (2940 N )(2 m ) = 12 (300 kg )v 2

(2940 N )(2 m ) − (490 N )(2 m ) = 12 (200 kg + 300 kg )v 2

4900 J = 12 (500 kg )v 2

v = 4.43 m s

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Alternate Solution, Group Problem Solving
Could you apply work-energy to the combined
2 system of blocks?
2m Given: v1= 0, distance = 2 m, mk = 0.25

What is T1 of the system?

2m T1 = 0

What is the total work done between points 1 and 2?

U1→2 = − ( 0.25)( 200 )( 9.81)( 2 m ) + ( 300 )( 9.81)( 2 m ) = 4900 J
What is T2 of the system? Note that vA = vB
T2 = 12 mAv 2 + 12 mB v 2 = 12 ( 200 kg ) v 2 + 12 ( 300 kg ) v 2
Solve for v
4900 J = 12 ( 500 kg ) v 2 v = 4.43 m s
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.3
• Apply the principle of work and energy
between the initial position and the
point at which the spring is fully
compressed and the velocity is zero.
A spring is used to stop a 60 kg package The only unknown in the relation is the
which is sliding on a horizontal surface. friction coefficient.
The spring has a constant k = 20 kN/m
and is held by cables so that it is initially • Apply the principle of work and energy
compressed 120 mm. The package has a for the rebound of the package. The
velocity of 2.5 m/s in the position shown only unknown in the relation is the
and the maximum deflection of the spring velocity at the final position.
is 40 mm.
Determine (a) the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the package and surface
and (b) the velocity of the package as it
passes again through the position shown.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.3
• Apply principle of work and energy between initial
position and the point at which spring is fully compressed.
T1 = 12 mv12 = 12 (60 kg )(2.5 m s )2 = 187 .5 J T2 = 0

(U1→2 ) f = − m kW x

( )
= − m k (60 kg ) 9.81 m s 2 (0.640 m ) = −(377 J )m k

Pmin = kx0 = (20 kN m )(0.120 m ) = 2400 N

Pmax = k ( x0 + x ) = (20 kN m )(0.160 m ) = 3200 N
(U1→2 )e = − 12 (Pmin + Pmax )x
= − 12 (2400 N + 3200 N )(0.040 m ) = −112 .0 J

U1→2 = (U1→2 ) f + (U1→2 )e = −(377 J )m k − 112 J

T1 + U1→ 2 = T2 :
187 .5 J - (377 J )m k − 112 J = 0 m k = 0.20
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.3
• Apply the principle of work and energy for the rebound
of the package.

T2 = 0 T 3= 12 mv32 = 12 (60kg )v32

U 2→3 = (U 2→3 ) f + (U 2→3 )e = −(377 J )m k + 112 J

= +36.5 J

T2 + U 2→3 = T3 :
0 + 36.5 J = 12 (60 kg )v32
v3 = 1.103 m s

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.4
• Apply principle of work and energy to
determine velocity at point 2.
• Apply Newton’s second law to find
normal force by the track at point 2.
A 2000 lb car starts from rest at point 1
and moves without friction down the • Apply principle of work and energy to
track shown. determine velocity at point 3.
• Apply Newton’s second law to find
minimum radius of curvature at point 3
a) the force exerted by the track on such that a positive normal force is
the car at point 2, and exerted by the track.
b) the minimum safe value of the
radius of curvature at point 3.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.4
• Apply principle of work and energy to determine
velocity at point 2.
1W 2
T1 = 0 T2 = 12 mv22 = v2
U1→ 2 = +W (40 ft )
1W 2
T1 + U1→ 2 = T2 : 0 + W (40 ft ) = v2
v22 = 2(40 ft )g = 2(40 ft ) 32.2 ft s 2 ) v2 = 50.8 ft s

• Apply Newton’s second law to find normal force by

the track at point 2.
+   Fn = m an :

W v22 W 2(40 ft )g
− W + N = m an = =
g  2 g 20 ft
N = 5W N = 10000 lb

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.4
• Apply principle of work and energy to determine
velocity at point 3.
1W 2
T1 + U1→3 = T3 0 + W (25 ft ) = v3
v32 = 2(25 ft )g = 2(25 ft )(32.2 ft s ) v3 = 40.1ft s

• Apply Newton’s second law to find minimum radius of

curvature at point 3 such that a positive normal force is
exerted by the track.

+   Fn = m an :

W = m an
W v32 W 2(25 ft )g
= = 3 = 50 ft
g 3 g 3

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.5
Force exerted by the motor
cable has same direction as
the dumbwaiter velocity.
Power delivered by motor is
equal to FvD, vD = 8 ft/s.

The dumbwaiter D and its load have a • In the first case, bodies are in uniform
combined weight of 600 lb, while the motion. Determine force exerted by
counterweight C weighs 800 lb. motor cable from conditions for static
Determine the power delivered by the
electric motor M when the dumbwaiter • In the second case, both bodies are
(a) is moving up at a constant speed of accelerating. Apply Newton’s
8 ft/s and (b) has an instantaneous second law to each body to
velocity of 8 ft/s and an acceleration of determine the required motor cable
2.5 ft/s2, both directed upwards. force.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.5
• In the first case, bodies are in uniform motion.
Determine force exerted by motor cable from
conditions for static equilibrium.

Free-body C:
+   Fy = 0 : 2T − 800 lb = 0 T = 400 lb

Free-body D:
+   Fy = 0 : F + T − 600 lb = 0
F = 600 lb − T = 600 lb − 400 lb = 200 lb

Power = Fv D = (200 lb)(8 ft s )

= 1600 ft  lb s
1 hp
Power = (1600 ft  lb s ) = 2.91 hp
550 ft  lb s
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.5
• In the second case, both bodies are accelerating. Apply
Newton’s second law to each body to determine the required
motor cable force.
a D = 2.5 ft s 2  aC = − 12 a D = 1.25 ft s 2 

Free-body C:
+   Fy = mC aC : 800 − 2T = (1.25) T = 384.5 lb
Free-body D:
+   Fy = m D a D : F + T − 600 = (2.5)
F + 384.5 − 600 = 46.6 F = 262.1 lb
Power = Fv D = (262.1 lb)(8 ft s ) = 2097 ft  lb s
1 hp
Power = (2097 ft  lb s ) = 3.81 hp
550 ft  lb s
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
The problem deals with a change in
position and different velocities, so use
• Draw FBD of the box to help us
determine the forces that do work.

Packages are thrown down an • Determine the work done between

incline at A with a velocity of 1 points A and C as a function of d.
m/s. The packages slide along
the surface ABC to a conveyor • Find the kinetic energy at points A
belt which moves with a and C.
velocity of 2 m/s. Knowing that
• Use the work-energy relationship
mk= 0.25 between the packages
and solve for d.
and the surface ABC, determine
the distance d if the packages
are to arrive at C with a velocity
of 2 m/s.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
Given: vA= 1 m/s, vC= 2 m/s, mk= 0.25
Find: distance d
Will use: TA + U A→ B + U B →C = TC

Draw the FBD of the Determine work done A → B

block at points A and C
N AB = mg cos30
FAB = mk N AB = 0.25 mg cos 30
U A→ B = mg d sin 30 − FAB d
= mg d (sin 30 − mk cos 30)

Determine work done B → C

N BC = mg xBC = 7 m
FBC = m k mg
U B →C = − mk mg xBC

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
Determine kinetic energy at A and at C
1 2 1 2
TA = mv A and v A = 1 m/s TC = mvC and vC = 2 m/s
2 2

Substitute values into TA + U A→ B + U B →C = TC

1 2 1 2
mvA + mg d (sin 30 − mk cos30) − mk mg xBC = mv0
2 2

Divide by m and solve for d

vC2 /2 g + mk xBC − v A2 /2 g 
d= 
(sin 30 − mk cos30) d = 6.71 m
(2)2/(2)(9.81) + (0.25)(7) − (1)2/(2)(9.81)
sin 30 − 0.25cos30
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

mk= 0.25

If you wanted to bring the package to a complete stop at the

bottom of the ramp, would it work to place a spring as shown?
No, because the potential energy of the spring would turn
into kinetic energy and push the block back up the ramp

Would the package ever come to a stop?

Yes, eventually enough energy would be dissipated
through the friction between the package and ramp.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

The elastic potential energy

stored in the trampoline is
The potential energy stored at transferred to kinetic energy
the top of the roller coaster is and gravitational potential
transferred to kinetic energy energy as the girl flies upwards.
as the cars descend.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Potential Energy
If the work of a force only depends on differences in
position, we can express this work as potential energy.
Can the work done by the following forces be expressed as
potential energy?

Weight Yes No

Friction Yes No

Normal force Yes No

Spring force Yes No

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Potential Energy

• Work of the force of gravity W,
U1→2 = W y1 − W y 2

• Work is independent of path followed; depends

only on the initial and final values of Wy.
V g = Wy
= potential energy of the body with respect
to force of gravity.

( ) ( )
U1→2 = V g − V g

• Choice of datum from which the elevation y is

measured is arbitrary.

• Units of work and potential energy are the same:

V g = Wy = N  m = J

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Potential Energy
• Work of the force exerted by a spring depends
only on the initial and final deflections of the
U1→2 = 12 kx12 − 12 kx 22

• The potential energy of the body with respect

to the elastic force,
Ve = 12 kx 2
U1→2 = (Ve )1 − (Ve )2

• Note that the preceding expression for Ve is

valid only if the deflection of the spring is
measured from its undeformed position.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservative Forces
• Concept of potential energy can be applied if the
work of the force is independent of the path
followed by its point of application.
U1→2 = V ( x1 , y1 , z1 ) − V ( x2 , y 2 , z 2 )
Such forces are described as conservative forces.
• For any conservative force applied on a closed path,
 
 F • dr = 0

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservation of Energy
• Work of a conservative force,
U1→2 = V1 − V2

• Concept of work and energy,

U1→2 = T2 − T1

• Follows that
T1 + V1 = T2 + V2
E = T + V = constant
T1 = 0 V1 = W • When a particle moves under the action of
T1 + V1 = W conservative forces, the total mechanical
energy is constant.
T2 = 12 mv22 = (2 g ) = W V2 = 0 • Friction forces are not conservative. Total
mechanical energy of a system involving
T2 + V2 = W friction decreases.
• Mechanical energy is dissipated by friction
into thermal energy. Total energy is constant.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.6
• Apply the principle of conservation of
energy between positions 1 and 2.
• The elastic and gravitational potential
energies at 1 and 2 are evaluated from
the given information. The initial kinetic
energy is zero.
A 20 lb collar slides without friction • Solve for the kinetic energy and velocity
along a vertical rod as shown. The at 2.
spring attached to the collar has an
undeflected length of 4 in. and a
constant of 3 lb/in.
If the collar is released from rest at
position 1, determine its velocity after
it has moved 6 in. to position 2.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.6
• Apply the principle of conservation of energy between
positions 1 and 2.

Position 1: Ve = 12 kx12 = 12 (3 lb in.)(8 in. − 4 in.)2 = 24 in.  lb

V1 = Ve + Vg = 24 in.  lb + 0 = 2 ft  lb
T1 = 0
Position 2: Ve = 12 kx22 = 12 (3 lb in.)(10 in. − 4 in.)2 = 54 in.  lb
Vg = Wy = (20 lb )(− 6 in.) = −120 in.  lb
V2 = Ve + Vg = 54 − 120 = −66 in.  lb = −5.5 ft  lb
1 20 2
T2 = 12 mv22 = v2 = 0.311v22
2 32.2
Conservation of Energy:
T1 + V1 = T2 + V2
0 + 2 ft  lb = 0.311v22 − 5.5 ft  lb
v2 = 4.91 ft s 
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.7
• Since the pellet must remain in contact
with the loop, the force exerted on the
pellet must be greater than or equal to
zero. Setting the force exerted by the
loop to zero, solve for the minimum
velocity at D.
• Apply the principle of conservation of
energy between points A and D. Solve
The 0.5 lb pellet is pushed against the for the spring deflection required to
spring and released from rest at A. produce the required velocity and
Neglecting friction, determine the kinetic energy at D.
smallest deflection of the spring for
which the pellet will travel around the
loop and remain in contact with the
loop at all times.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 13.7
• Setting the force exerted by the loop to zero, solve for the
minimum velocity at D.
+   Fn = man : W = man mg = m vD 2
vD = rg = (2 ft )(32.2 ft s ) = 64.4 ft 2 s 2

• Apply the principle of conservation of energy between

points A and D.
V1 = Ve + Vg = 12 kx 2 + 0 = 12 (36 lb ft )x 2 = 18 x 2
T1 = 0

V2 = Ve + Vg = 0 + Wy = (0.5 lb )(4 ft ) = 2 ft  lb

T2 = 12 mvD
1 0.5 lb
2 32.2 ft s 2
(64 .4 ft 2 2
s = 0.5 ft  lb

T1 + V1 = T2 + V2
0 + 18 x 2 = 0.5 + 2 x = 0.3727 ft = 4.47 in.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
• This is two part problem – you
will need to find the velocity of
the car using work-energy, and
then use Newton’s second law
to find the normal force.

• Draw a diagram with the car

A section of track for a roller coaster at points A and D, and
consists of two circular arcs AB and CD define your datum. Use
joined by a straight portion BC. The radius conservation of energy to
of CD is 240 ft. The car and its occupants, solve for vD
of total weight 560 lb, reach Point A with
practically no velocity and then drop freely • Draw FBD and KD of the car
along the track. Determine the normal at point D, and determine the
force exerted by the track on the car at normal force using Newton’s
point D. Neglect air resistance and rolling second law.
© 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 - 47
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
Given: vA= 0 ft/s, rCD= 240 ft, W=560 lbs
Find: ND

Define your datum, sketch the

situation at points of interest

Use conservation of energy to find vD TA + VA = TD + VD

Find TA v A = 0 TA = 0
Solve for vD
Find VA VA = Wy A = (560 lb)(90 + 60)=84,000 ft lbs

1 2 1  560  2 8.6957vD2 = 84000

Find TD TD = mvD =   vD = 8.6957vD2
2 2  32.2  vD = 98.285 ft/s

Find VD yD = 0 VD = 0

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
Draw FBD and KD at point D
Use Newton’s second law in the normal direction

560  98.2852 
F n = man N D = 560 + 
32.2  240

 vD2 
ND − W = m  
 R N D = 1260 lbs
 

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving

What happens to the normal

force at D if….
…we include friction?
a) ND gets larger
b) ND gets smaller
c) ND stays the same

…we move point A higher? …the radius is smaller?

a) ND gets larger a) ND gets larger
b) ND gets smaller b) ND gets smaller
c) ND stays the same c) ND stays the same
© 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 - 50

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