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7 Angular Impulse and Momentum

The angular momentum of a particle about point O is
defined as the “moment” of the particle’s linear
momentum about O.

𝑯𝒐 𝒛 = 𝒅 𝒎𝒗
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum
We have ∑MOdt = dHO and integrated, assuming at
time t = t1, HO = (HO)1 and time t = t2, HO = (HO)2

 t1 MO dt = (HO )2 − (HO )1


(H O )1 +   M O dt = (H O ) 2

This equation is referred to as the principle of

angular impulse and momentum.
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
• The initial and final angular momenta (HO)1 and
(HO)2 are defined as the moment of the linear
momentum of the particle (HO = r x mv) at the
instant t1 and t2 respectively.
• The second term on the left side, ∑∫MO dt, is
called the angular impulse. It is determined by
integrating, w.r.t time, the moments of all forces
acting on the particle over the time period t1 to t2.
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
• Since the moment of a force about point O is MO
= r x F, the angular impulse may be expressed in
vector form as
t2 t2
Angular impulse =  M O dt =  (r  F) dt
t1 t1

• The principle of angular impulse and momentum

for a system of particles may be written as

 (HO )1 +  t1 MO dt =  (HO )2

15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
Vector Formulation
• Using impulse and momentum principles, it is
possible to write which define the particle’s motion,

mv1 +   F dt = mv 2

(HO )1 +   M O dt = (HO ) 2
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
Scalar Formulation
The above equations may be expressed in x, y, z
component form. If the particle is confined to move
in the x-y plane, three independent equations may
be written to express the motion,
m(vx )1 +   Fx dt = m(vx ) 2

m(v y )1 +   Fy dt = m(v y ) 2

( H O )1 +   M O dt = ( H O ) 2
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
Conservation of Angular Momentum
• When the angular impulse acting on a particle are
all zero during the time t1 to t2, it may be written as
(H O )1 = (H O ) 2
• This equation is known as the conservation of
angular momentum. It states that from t1 to t2 the
particle’s angular momentum remain constant.
• If no external impulse is applied to the particle,
both linear and angular momentum is conserved.
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
• In some cases, the particle’s angular momentum
will be conserved and linear momentum may not.
• This occurs when the particle is subjected only to
a central force.
15.7 Angular Impulse and Momentum
• The impulsive central force F is always directed
toward point O as the particle moves along the
• The angular impulse (moment) created by F
about z axis passing through point O is always
zero, and therefore angular momentum of the
particle is conserved about this axis.
• The conservation of angular momentum for a
system of particles,
 (HO )1 =  (HO )2

Free-Body Diagram
• Draw the particle’s FBD in order to determine any
axis about which angular momentum is conserved.
For this to occur, the moments of the forces (or
impulse) must be parallel or pass through the axis
so as to create zero moment throughout the time
period t1 to t2.
• The direction and sense of the particle’s initial and
final velocities should be established

Momentum Equations.
• Apply the principle of angular impulse and

(HO )1 +   M O dt = (HO ) 2

• Or if appropriate, apply the conservation of

angular momentum,

(H O )1 = (H O ) 2
Example 15.13

The 5 kg block rests on the smooth horizontal

plate. It is attached at A to a slender rod of
negligible mass. The rod is attached to a ball-and-
socket joint at B. If the moment M = (3t) N.m where
t is in seconds, is applied to the rod and a
horizontal force P = 10 N is applied to the block,
determine the speed of the block in 4 s starting
from rest.
Example 15.13

Free-Body Diagram. If we consider the system of

both rod and block, then the resultant force
reaction FB at the ball-and-socket can be
eliminated from the analysis by applying principle
of angular impulse and momentum about the z
axis. If this is done, the angular impulses created
by the weight and normal reaction NA are also
eliminated, since they act parallel to z axis and
therefore create zero moment about this axis.
Example 15.13

Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum.

( H z )1 +   M z dt = ( H z ) 2
( H z )1 +  M dt + rBA P (t ) = ( H z ) 2
0 +  3t dt + (0.4)(10)(4) = 5(v A ) 2 (0.4)
(v A ) 2 = 20m / s
Example 15.14

The 0.4 kg ball B is attached to a cord which passes

through a hole at A in a smooth table. When the ball
is r1 = 0.5 m from the hole, it is rotating around in a
circle such that its speed is v1 = 1.2 m/s. By applying
a force F the cord is pulled downward through the
hole with a constant speed vc = 2 m/s. Determine (a)
the speed of the ball at the instant it is r2 = 0.2 m
from the hole, and (b) the amount of work done by F
in shortening the radial distance from r1 to r2.
Example 15.14
Example 15.14

Part (a) Free-Body Diagram. As the ball

moves from r1 to r2, the cord force F on the ball
always passes through the z axis, and the weight
and NB are parallel to it. Hence the moments, or
angular impulses created by these forces, are all
zero about this axis. Therefore, the conservation of
angular momentum applies about the z axis.
Example 15.14

Conservation of Angular Momentum. The ball’s

velocity v2 is resolved into two components. The
radial component, 2 m/s, is known; however, it
produces zero angular momentum about the z axis.
H1 = H 2
r1mB v1 = r2mB v2
(0.5)(0.4)(1.2) = (0.2)(0.4)v2
v2 = 3m / s
Example 15.14

The speed of the ball is thus

v2 = (3.0) 2 + (2) 2
= 3.606m / s
Part (b). The only force that does work on the
ball is F. The initial and final kinetic energies of the
ball can be determined so that from the principle of
work and energy,
Example 15.14

T1 + U1− 2 = T2
1 1
(0.4)(1.2) + U F = (0.4)(3.606)
2 2
2 2
U F = 2.313J
Example 15.15

The 2 kg disk rests on a smooth horizontal surface

and is attached to an elastic cord that has a stiffness
kc = 20 N/m and is initially unstretched. If the disk is
given a velocity (vD)1 = 1.5 m/s, perpendicular to the
cord, determine the rate at which the cord is being
stretched and the speed of the disk at the instant the
cord is stretched 0.2 m.
Example 15.15
Free-Body Diagram
Example 15.15

After the disk has been launched, it slides along

the path. By inspection, angular momentum about
point O is conserved, since none of the forces
produce an angular impulse about this axis. Also,
when the distance is 0.7 m, only the component
(v’D)2 produces angular momentum of the disk
about O.
Example 15.15

Conservation of Angular Momentum. The

component (v’D)2 can be obtained by applying the
conservation of angular momentum about O
(H O )1 = (H O ) 2
r1mD (vD )1 = r2mD (vD ) 2
+ (0.5)(2)(1.5) = (0.7)(2)(vD ) 2
(vD ) 2 = 1.07m / s
Example 15.15

Conservation of Energy. Applying the

conservation of energy equation at the point where
the disk was launched and at the point where the
cord is stretched 0.2 m.
T1 + V1 = T2 + V2
1 1 2 1
(2)(1.5) + 0 = (2)(vD ) 2 + (20)(0.2) 2
2 2 2
(vD ) 2 = 1.36m / s
Example 15.15

Having determine (vD)2 and its component (v’D)2,

the rate of stretch of the cord (v’’D)2 is determined
from the Pythagorean theorem.

(vD ) 2 = (vD ) 22 − (vD ) 22

= (1.36) 2 − (1.07) 2
= 0.838m / s
15.8 Steady Fluid Streams
Application of the principle of impulse and momentum to
the steady mass flow of fluid particles entering into and
then out of a control volume*.

*This volume is defined as a region in space where fluid

particles can flow into or out of the region.

If the flow of the fluid into the control volume is equal to

the flow out, then the flow can be classified as steady flow.
15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

The change in the direction of the fluid flow within the

control volume is caused by an impulse produced by the
resultant external force exerted on the control surface by
the wall of the pipe.

This resultant force can be

determined by applying the
principle of impulse and
momentum to the control
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

Consider the diversion of a steady stream of fluid

by a fixed pipe. The fluid enters the pipe with a
velocity vA and exit with a velocity vB.

• The impulse and momentum

diagrams for the fluid are as shown
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

• The force ∑F, shown in the impulse diagram,

represents the resultant of all the external forces
acting on the fluid stream.
• This loading gives the fluid stream an impulse
whereby the original momentum of the fluid is
changed in both magnitude and direction.
• Since flow is steady, ∑F will be constant during
the time interval dt.
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

• During this time the fluid stream is in motion, and

as a result a small amount of fluid, having a mass
dm, is about to enter the pipe with a velocity vA at
time t.
• If this element of mass and the mass of fluid in
the pipe are considered as a “closed system”, then
at time t + dt a corresponding element of mass dm
must leave the pipe with a velocity vB.
15.8 Steady Fluid Streams
The fluid stream within the pipe section has a mass
m and an average velocity v which is constant
during the time interval dt.
Applying the principle of linear impulse and
momentum to the fluid stream,

dm v A + mv +  Fdt = dm v B + mv
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams
If r, rA, rB are position vectors measured from point
O to the geometric centers of the control volume
and the openings at A and B, then the principle of
angular impulse and momentum about O

Dividing both sides of the above two equations by dt and

simplifying, we get expressions for σ 𝑭 and σ 𝑴𝒐 .
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

Force Resultant.
• Solving for the resultant force yields

 F = dt ( v B − v A )

Provided the motion of the fluid can be represented

in the x-y plane, it is usually convenient to express
this vector equation in the form of two scalar
component equations
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

 Fx = dt (vBx − v Ax )

 Fy = dt (vBy − v Ay )

• The term dm/dt is called the mass flow and

indicates the constant amount of fluid which flows
wither into or out of pipe per unit time.
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

=  Av A AA =  BvB AB =  AQA =  BQB
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

Momentum Resultant.
It is necessary to obtain the support reactions on
the fluid-carrying device in some cases. This can
be done using the principle of angular impulse and
*15.8 Steady Fluid Streams

• In the case of the pipe as shown, the flow is

steady in the x-y plane, hence we have

 M O = dt (dOBvB − dOAvA )

where the moment arms dOB and dOA are directed

from O to the geometric center or centriod of the
openings A and B

Kinematics Diagram.
• If the device is moving, a kinematics diagram may
be helpful for determining the entrance and exit
velocities of the fluid flowing onto the device, since
a relative-motion analysis of velocity will be
• The measurement of velocities vA and vB must be
made by an observer fixed in an inertial frame of

• Once the velocity of the fluid flowing onto the

device is determined, the mass flow is calculated
=  Av A AA =  BvB AB =  AQA =  BQB

Free-Body Diagram.
• Draw a FBD of the device which is directing the
fluid in order to establish the forces ∑F that act on
it. These external forces will include the support
reactions, the weight of the device and the fluid
contained within it, and the static pressure forces of
the fluid at the entrance and exit sections of the

Equations of Steady Flow.

• Apply the equations of steady flow,

 Fx = dt (vBx − v Ax )  M O = dt (dOBvB − dOAvA )

dm dm

 Fy = dt (vBy − v Ay )

• Using the appropriate components of velocity and

force shown on the kinematics and free-body
Example 15.16

Determine the components of

reaction which the fixed pipe joint at
A exerts on the elbow. If water
flowing through the pipe is
subjected to a static gauge
pressure of 100 kPa at A. The
discharge at B is QB = 0.2 m3/s.
Water has a density ρw =
1000kg/m3, and the water-filled
elbow has a mass of 20 kg and
center of mass at G.
Example 15.16

Using a fixed inertial coordinate system, the
velocity of flow at A and B and the mass flow rate
can be obtained. Since the density of water is
constant, QB = QA = Q. Hence,
=  wQ = 200kg / s
Q 0 .2 Q
vB = = = 25. 46 m / s ; v A = = 6 . 37 m / s →
AB  (0.05) 2 AA
Example 15.16

Free-Body Diagram. The fixed

connection at A exerts a resultant
couple moment MO and force
components Fx and Fy on the elbow.
Due to static pressure of water in the
pipe, the pressure force acting on the
fluid at A is FA = pAAA. Since 1 kPa =
1000 N/m2,
FA = p A AA = [100(103 ) N / m2 ][ (0.1m)2 ] = 3141.6 N
There is no static pressure acting at B, since water
is discharged at atmospheric pressure, pB = 0
Example 15.16

Equations of Steady Flow.

 Fx = dt (vBx − v Ax );

− Fx + 3141.6 = 200(0 − 6.37)

Fx = 4.41kN

 Fy = dt (vBy − v Ay );

− Fy − 20(9.81) = 200(−25.46 − 0)
Fy = 4.90 kN
Example 15.16

If moments are summed about point O, then Fx, Fy,

and static pressure FA are eliminated, as well as
moment of momentum of water entering at A,

+  MO =
(dOB vB − dOAv A )
M O + 20(9.81)(0.125) = 200[(0.3)(25.46) − 0]
M O = 1.50 kN  m
Example 15.17

A 50-mm-diameter water jet having a velocity of 7.5

m/s impinges upon a single moving blade. If the
blade is moving at 1.5 m/s away from the jet,
determine the horizontal and vertical components
of force which the blade is exerting on the water.
What power does the water generate on the blade?
Water has a specific weight of 10 kN/m3.
Example 15.17

Kinematics Diagram. From a fixed

inertial coordinate system, the rate
at which water enters the blade is
v A = 7.5im / s

The relative-flow velocity of the water onto the blade

is vw/bl = vw – vbl = 7.5i – 1.5i = {6i} m/s. Since the
blade is moving with a velocity of vbl = {1.5i} m/s, the
velocity of flow at B measured from x, y is the vector
sum, as shown in figure.
Example 15.17
 B =  bl +  w / bl
= {1.5i + 6i} m / s
Thus, the mass flow of water onto the blade that
undergoes a momentum change is
dm 3
10(10 )   25 
=  w (vw / bl ) AA = (6)     = 12.0 kg / s
dt 9.81   1000  
Example 15.17

Free-Body Diagram. The free-body diagram of a

section of water acting on the blade is shown here.
The weight of the water will be neglected in the
calculation, since this force will be small compared
to the reactive components Fx and Fy.
Example 15.17

Equations of Steady Flow.

 F = dt ( B − A )

− Fx i + Fy j = 12.0(1.5i + 6 j − 7.5i )
Equating the respective i and j components gives
Fx = 12.0(6) = 72.0 N 
Fy = 12.0(6) = 72.0 N 
Example 15.17

The water exerts equal but opposite forces on the

Since the water force which causes the blade to
move forward horizontally with a velocity of 1.5 m/s
is Fx = 72.0 N, then
P = F  ; P = (72)(1.5) = 108W

• An impulse that acts on the particle is defined by
I =  F dt
• Graphically this represents the area under the F-
t diagram. If the force is constant, then the
impulse becomes
I = Fc (t2 − t1 )

Principle of Impulse and Momentum

• When the equation of motion, ∑F =ma, and the
kinematic equation, a = dv/dt, are combined, we
obtain the principle of impulse and momentum.
mv1 +   F dt = mv 2

• The initial momentum of the particle, mv1, plus all

of the impulses that are applied to the particle
during the time t1 to t2, ∑∫F dt, equal the final
momentum mv2 of the particle.

• This is a vector equation that can be resolved

into components and is used to solve problems
that involve force, velocity and time.
• For application, the free-body diagram should be
drawn in order to account for all the impulses that
act on the particle.

Conservation of Linear Momentum

• If the principle of impulse and momentum is
applied to the system of particles, then the
collisions between the particles produce internal
impulse that are equal, opposite and collinear, and
therefore cancel out from the equation.
• If an external impulse is small, that is, the force is
small and the time is short, then the impulse can be
classified as non-impulsive and can be neglected.

• Consequently, momentum for the system of

particles is conserved, and so
 (mvi )1 =  (mvi )2
• This equation is useful for finding the final
velocity of a particle when internal impulses are
exerted between two particles.
• If the internal impulse is to be determined, then
one of the particles is isolated and the principle of
impulse and momentum is applied to this system.

• When two particles collide (A and B), the internal
impulse between them is equal, opposite, and
• Consequently, the conversation of momentum for
this system applies along the line of impact.
• If the final velocities are unknown, a second
equation is needed for solution, and we use the
coefficient of restitution, e.
(vB ) 2 − (v A ) 2
(v A )1 − (vB )1
• If the collision is elastic, no energy is lost and e =
1. For a plastic collision e = 0
• If the impact is oblique, then conservation of
momentum for the system and the coefficient of
restitution equation apply along the line of impact.
• Conservation of momentum for each particle
applies perpendicular to this line.

Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum

• The momentum of the linear momentum about an
axis (z) is called the angular momentum. Its
magnitude is
( H O ) z = (d )(mv )
• In three dimensions, the cross product is used
H O = r  mv

• The principle of angular impulse and momentum

is derived from taking moments of the equation of
motion about inertial axis, using a = dv/dt. The
result is
(HO )1 +   M O dt = (HO ) 2

• This equation is used to eliminate unknown

impulses by summing the moments about an axis
through which the lines of action of these impulses
produce no moment.

Steady Fluid Streams

• Impulse and momentum methods are used to
determine the forces that a device exerts on the
mass flow of a fluid-liquid or gas.
• To do so, a free-body diagram of the fluid mass in
contact with the device is drawn in order to identify
these forces.
• The velocity of the fluid as it flows into and out of
the device is calculated.

• The equations of steady flow involve summing the

forces and the moments to determine these
reactions. These equations are

 Fx = dt (vBx − v Ax )

 Fy = dt (vBy − v Ay )

 M O = dt (dOBvB − dOAvA )

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