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Body paragraphs make up the bulk of your essay. They are integral in creating well-
structured essays that effectively respond to set essay questions..
- Body paragraphs cannot be too long, otherwise it indicates you do not know how to
succinctly get your point across
- Your body paragraphs need to focus on ANALYSING textual techniques, and how
they create meaning. To do this, you need to link your analysis of your techniques to
key ideas within your play. You would have already noted the key ideas you want to
talk about in your introduction.
- You should NOT retell the plot at all. Assume the marker knows the text as well as
you do.
To create well-structured body paragraphs, use the STEEL paragraph scaffold. You will need
your notes (your TEE tables) to help you formulate your paragraphs. Look at this example.
Essay question: “Much of the play’s effectiveness comes from Shakespeare’s
characterisation of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the witches.” Discuss how these characters
in Macbeth engage the audience.
Introduction (using TALK scaffold): Characterisation is integral in developing an accurate
depiction of universal ideas that makes texts relatable and engaging. This is true of William
Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth,’ which whilst being a combination of tragedy, manipulation and the
supernatural, creates deeply flawed and tragic characters, that many can relate to in
different ways. The combination of personalities within these figures are complex and
intriguing, adding drama and depth to the play, primarily supported by Macbeth’s change in
personality, the manipulating methods of Lady Macbeth and the supernatural elements of
the witches. The way that Shakespeare has characterised Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the
witches has made the play appropriately effective, proven by the continued popularity of
the play.

Statement. Where we introduce our key idea, and link it to our thesis statement. This
should be clear, and suggest what direction the rest of the paragraph will be taking.
e.g. Macbeth is a complex and engaging character, as we see in his transformation from a
respected hero to a tortured and flawed villain, which showcases the impact of negative
actions on destroying one’s morality.
Technique. Introduce the literary techniques that you will be analysing in this paragraph. Do
not just list them – introduce it, and briefly explain its effect.
e.g. Through the use of characterisation, we see the impact of significant events such as
the witches’ prophecy and his wife’s manipulation on his eventual downward spiral.

Example. This should lead in from your ‘technique’ section. Simply state your quote (and
relating section of the text).
e.g. This is seen in Act 1, Scene 3, where Macbeth ponders, “If good, why do I yield to that
suggestion, whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, And make my seated heart knock at my

Effect. Here you should elaborate on how the technique and the example reflect your key
idea and the thesis at hand. Focus on analysing the technique.
e.g. Here he is contemplating the prophecy, told to him by the three witches, which enables
Macbeth to envision possible power, urging him to hurt the people he once fought to save;
however he finds it conflicts with his ideals of morality due to the “horrid” nature of such
deeds. Here we can see the true effect of his characterisation, displaying his two
conflicting personalities. It is after he eventually succumbs to his tainted side that he
commits his first murderous dead, killing the King of Scotland, whereby Macbeth finds it
harder to restrain himself from engaging in more disastrous deeds. This surge of power
overshadows Macbeth’s ability to become a potentially great hero.. This downfall in
character, where the audience has seen him go from helping his people win a battle, to one
who has wreaked havoc on those same people, is dramatic and spell-binding.

Link. Link the main idea of your body paragraph (the technique/key idea) with your thesis
e.g. Thus, characterisation effectively depicts the transformation of Macbeth’s morality as a
result of manipulation and promises of power, creating an intriguing and relatable character.

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