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7 Ideas that shook the universe 8/31/11 Introduction Idea 1. We are not the center of the universe.

but merely a planet revolving around a typical star we call the sun. the sun itself is merely one of countless stars in physical universe Idea 2.We can predict the future.(Newtonian mechanics) applying math to the laws of nature, it is possible to predict events Idea 3. Energy. It is what makes the universe go. Without it, there would be no motion. The total amount of energy in the universe is at a constant; it cannot be changed. Final form of energy = oscillating motion of the atoms(also called heat) Idea 4. Heat gives direction to the universe. All forms of energy in the universe continue to be converted into heat, the atoms of the universe increase their vibrational motion. Idea 5. There is an ultimate speed limit in the universe.(theory of special relativity) we cannot exceed the speed of light (186,000 miles per SECOND) if the speed of light is reached the object we disappear and its mass would reach infinity. Idea 6. Everything has a dual nature(Quantum Mechanics) we must look at everything from two points of view ; the WAVE aspect and the PARTICLE aspect. Waves can pass through one another. Particles bounce of one another. EVERYTHING IN NATURE HAVE BOTH ASPECTS.(objects must not only be thought of as solid, but also as waves. Vice versa) Idea 7. Conservation Laws. Certain laws in physics in which you cannot change. Scientific method and space! Scientific method.(5 step process) 1.Define the problem (know your object) 2. See if the problem has been solved before (do research) 3. make a guess to the answer(hypotheses) 4.test each guess (experiment) replicate 5. state the answer & give percent of certainty (this is the hypothesis that has been proved and can be stated as a fact./how sure you are that your solution is correct. *Rene Descarte- 1800s Philospher cago ergo sum = I think therefore I am. 3 THINGS

Space- separates objects Time- separates events Matter- occupies space Space 3 degrees of freedom(dimension) Finite- Can be measured Infinite- Cant be measured Closed-has roadblocks Open- can walk forever *the Universe is Finite 1 Dimension a.length of string is closed/Finite b.loop of string(ends tied) is open/finite 2 Dimensions(measured in squared units) a.surface of a cylinder is open/finite in 1 of 2 dimensions. b.surface of a spere is open/finite in 2 dimensions 3 Dimensions(measured in square units) UNITS English measurement units have human anatomy origin English Inch Foot Yard Mile Definition of a meter-10,000,000(one ten millionth distance between north pole and equator) 1,650,763 7321 wave lengths of orange krypton light Metric Meter Kilometer(1000m)

1983 dis. That light will travel in 1/299,792,458 of a second 9/9/11 2 coordinate systems 1.observers sky(local) -zenith-point over head -meridian- line that cuts sky in half -horizon where line sky meets the earth North=360deg./0deg. South=180deg East=90deg West=270deg Meridian- half A.M. anti meridian(sun in front of meridian line) P.M.- Post meridian(sun behind the meridian line) Azimuth- Direction along the horizon o-360deg. (the moon is at 270 azimuth) Altitude- how high to look 0-90deg. 3 limitations to observers sky 1. Earths rotation 2. Earth revolving around sun 3. Objects move not stars

*kent. LAT. 41.deg LONG 81.deg Celestial Sphere Geo earth Geocentric theory(earth is centered 350 BCE by Aristotle) *Polaris is not famous for its brightness 2 rules to finding Polaris 1.Alt. of Polaris from horizon equals your latitude

2. as the earth rotates, Polaris stays stationary and all other stars circle Polaris once each day. -all stars are circumpolar stars(at each pole) never rise or set.

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