Proyect Intermediate 5

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1. when do you think is the best time for children to leave home?

(¿cuándo cree que

es el mejor momento para que los niños salgan de casa?)

I think the best time to leave your parents' home is when you can get a job and
support /soport/ yourself.

However/hauever/ in my case that wasn’t the case/keis/.

I went out my parents' house when I was 17 years old, because I had to study at a
university in another city.

When I started /estar-red/ living on my own, at first I was very excited, but then I
had a hard time adapting and organizing /organaising/ myself because I was
studying/estadien/ all day at the University. So I couldn't /coudent/ cook
healthy/healfy/ food and I ate fast food.

During the first few months, it was hard to keep order in my daily /deyli/ tasks and
with the University assignments /asaigments/. But with time, I learned to
organize/organais/ myself with a schedule/eskeijeol/ of activities.

Now. I'm used to living alone. I love speending time alone with myself.

2. what are the pross and cons for parents if their children move back home? (¿qué
ventajas e inconvenientes tiene para los padres que sus hijos vuelvan a casa?)

the Parents will always love their children, but I think that, when a person leaves
parent's home, they can no longer go back to their parents' house because it’s
uncomfortable/ancamfartabol/ for both/bof/ of them. However, there are children
what, when they finish University and can´t find a job, return to their parents'
 the pros would be: that parents feel accompanied by their children,
receive/recif/ financial/fainelchel/ support/saport/ from their children and
feel emotionally/imouchenely/ supported/sapored/ by their children.
 the cons would be: that the parents don’t have privacy as a couple/copel/
and may also feel uncomfortable/ancamfartabol/ that their adult children
are still deependent on them.

3. what are the pross and cons for the children? (¿cuáles son los pros y los contras
para los niños?)
I think that, when children leave their parents' home and become independent.
they have to get used to living on their own and survive/servaif/ as adults/adolts/
and be self-sufficient/seelsufishent/
 the pros would be: children help with work at home, accompany their
parents, can help their parents financially/faineishaly/ and provide/provaif/
emotional support/saport/ for their family in difficult
 the cons would be: when children return to live with their parents, they can
no loger have the independence/s/ and privacy they had when they lived

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