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1. Are you German?

a. No, my are American.

b. No, my is American.

c. No, I is American.

D. no, I am American.

2. Selecciona la frase correcta:

a. Me like coffee.

b. I like the coffee.

c. I like coffee.

d. Me don’t like coffee.

3. Selecciona la frase correcta.

a. She lives on your street.

b. She does live in your street.

c. She lives in your street.

d. She live on your street.

4. Seelecciona la frase correcta:

a. Juan be born in Baeza.

b. Juan is born in Baeza.

c. Juan was born in Baeza.

d. Juan born in Baeza.

5. Selecciona la correcta:

a. Their mother’s name is Karen.

b. Their mother’s name are Karen.

c. The name of their mother is Karen.

d. The name of their mother whose Karen.

6. What time is it? It’s quarter past three.

a) 2:45
b) 3:15
c) 3:45

7. What time is it? It’s ten to nine.

a) 9:10
b) 8:50
c) 9:50
d) 10:10

8. Choose the correct date:

a) March 2nd, 2022

b) March 2wo, 2022
c) 22, March 2nd
d) 2nd March 2022.

9. How do you do?

a) I am fine, thanks.
b) I am Civil Guard.
c) I fine.
d) I am Juan.

10. That’s strange. Martin _____________ socks today.

a) Is not wearing
b) Does not wear
c) Are not wearing
d) Does to be wearing

11. Peter ______ French every week. He ______ .

a) Studies/ never stop.

b) Studyes/ never stops.
c) Studies/ never stops.
d) Does study/ do never stop.

12. It ________ yesterday at three o’clock, so we _______ to the park in the afternoon.

a) Didn’t rain/ did go

b) Wasn’t raining/ went
c) Didn’t raining/ did go
d) Wasn’t raining/ goed

13. _______ did you go with? -I went with Sarah.

a) Who
b) Where
c) Whose
d) That
14. The train station is ______ to the supermarket.

a) Near
b) Close
c) Far
d) Nearby

15. Choose the slang for cocaine:

a) Snow.
b) Sneeze
c) Speedball.
d) Crack.

16. My mon was robbery _____ pistol point:

a) In
b) To
c) At
d) For

17. In Baeza, there was a bomb______ at the academy once.

a) Warn.
b) Warner.
c) Warning.
d) Warnining.

18. Someone who is ______ drugs is not a criminal.

a) In
b) At
c) On
d) With

19. _______ there many Charlies around when you arrived?

a) Was
b) Are
c) Is
d) Were

20. If you need help with your new door, you should call______

a) Butcher.
b) Judge.
c) Carpenter.
d) Barber.

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