Speaking Basic 8

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1. Where is it?

Its Mancora is a town of Piura in the north of Peru.

2. When to visit?
The best time to visit is in the summer because the weather(WEDER) is hot in the morning
and warm(WORM) in the night Eand there is a lot of fun(FAN).

3. What to do?
You can visit many beaches Eand meet new people from different countries, you can
also(OLSOU) do water sports such(SASH) as surfing, jet-skiing, swimming with
turtles(TORLES) and horseback (HOURSBAK) riding (RAIDING) on the beach at sunset.

4. Where to eat?
In Mancora, there are very good seafood restaurants some are expensive(ESPENSIF) but
there are also(OLSOU) cheap restaurants.

5. Where to stay?
There are many expensive hotels very comfortable(CAMFORTABOL) Eand with excellent
services(SEEEERVISES) but there are also(OLSOU) cheap hotels where you can share(SHER)
rooms with several(SEVEROL) people. It all depends(DEPENS) on your budget(BADYET)
and your comfort.

6. How to travel?
You can travel by bus but the trip(TREP) is very tiring(TAIRING), you can also travel by
plane but tickets are expensive, so it is advisable(EDVAISABOL) to buy(BAIF) tickets in

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