Great Greeks Interview

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Exclusive interview with Genghis Khan

Interviewer – Nice to meet you, Emperor Khan. May I call you Genghis?
Genghis – If you like, although my real name is Temujin.
Interviewer – That’s an interesting name. What does it mean?
Genghis – Damned if I know. My father, Yesugei Borjigin, and my mother, Ho’elen, named me. I
honestly think they give very weird and uncommon names in mongolia.
Interviewer – Oh, yes. It seems people had uncommon names in those days.
Genghis – Really? What about Lady Gaga? Duchess O’Blunt? frogdropping? de Greek?
Sweetsusie? Are those common names?
Interviewer – Good point, Genghis. Where were you born?
Genghis – In Hentley province, Mongolia near the Onon River. Around 1162. I can’t be certain
of the date since they didn’t keep very good records then.
Interviewer – Did you have any siblings?
Genghis – Any what?
Interviewer – Any brothers or sisters?
Genghis – Sure. I was the oldest with three brothers, Imaad, Khajiun, and Temüge, and one
sister, Temulin, as well as two half-brothers, Bekhter and Belgutei.
It was pretty crowded growing up in that small yurt. We would all have been sleeping in one
bed . . . if beds had been invented. But I knew I would own a bigger yurt one day
Interviewer - Which are your proudest achievements?
Genghis - Most people don't know this, but I helped create a writing system for the Mongolian
language based on the existing Uyghur script, developed a paper currency, and created the first
ever Pony Express to communicate with my warriors in the field.
As I encountered new cultures, I adopted or adapted their best practices, and constantly
updated my tactics and strategies. Steve Jobs learned that from me.
Interviewer – Well, thank you so much for being here with me and taking this interview, I really
appreciate it.
Genghis – Thanks, I'll see you around

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