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Hi, I'm Hippocrates. You may also know me as the term “the father of medicine”. Anyways, here is
just a quick introduction of me. My full name is Hippocrates Asclepiades. I was born in 460 B.C.E and
died in 370 B.C.E. For most of my life, I have been living in Island of Cos in Greece, but most of studies
of medicine are from Egypt, as I studied there for 7 whole years. I think most of you don’t even know
my children, my 2 sons Thessalus and Draco, and my lovely daughter, Agariste.

In my wonderful lifetime, my favorite, top 3 achievements would be establishing the basics of

modern, clinical medicine, introducing numerous medical terms universally, and describing a great
number of diseases, without any superstition.

My first achievement, establishing the basics of clinical medicine, would be one of the most important
achievements in Greek history. Believe it or not, without me establishing this, there wouldn’t be 8
billion people in the world right now, you maybe wouldn’t be alive right now if it wasn’t for me. You
see, clinical medicine is one of the most important keys to life in the world right now, without it, you
could easily die from Covid or even a small flu. My second achievement, introducing numerous
medical terms universally, is very useful both in ancient and modern times, as all countries around the
world will have phenomenal knowledge of medicine. My 3rd achievement, describing a great number
of diseases, without any superstition, would not be very important to people like you, but shows that
humans are much more advanced than before as they can learn how to heal themselves using their
own mind.

What’s up Platonians, for those of you who are new to the Plato world here is just a quick
introduction of me, the famous philosopher, Plato. So, my actual name is Aristocles, the famous word
Plato is just a nickname that my dad, Ariston thought of. Speaking of dads, let's talk about my family.
Well, like I said, my father’s name is Ariston and my mother’s name is Perictione, and my lovely wife’s
name is Xanthippe, and yes, I do not have any children. During my long life, I lived in multiple places,
including Athens, Syracuse, and Megara. just if you're wondering, I was born in 428 BCE and
unfortunately died in 348 BCE at the age of 80.

My 3 best and outstanding achievements are: all of you should know my first one, the famous
Academy, I also wrote many philosophical texts, and I dedicated my life to learning and teaching.

This is the part where we get into detail. I guess about 50% of the entire world knows about the
famous Greek school, the Academy, this is no question the best school in the entire, no hyperbole.
This was the first western university. I made several trips to south Italy. On the first trip, I met
Archytas, other Pythagoreans, and sought to acquire Pythagorean manuscripts. These meetings
almost certainly inspired me to start my own philosophical school, the Academy, because he founded
the school immediately upon my return to Athens. My most famous philosophical text would be The
Republic. The main character of this famous book speaks for me myself, cool, isn’t it? This book, The
Republic, is about justice. In this dialogue, Plato undertakes to show what justice is and why it is in
each person’s best interest to be just, and Plato does so in both an ethical and political context.

Yo yo yo, what’s up my favorite Archimedeans? This I just a short essay about me the famous
Archimedes of Syracuse. My full name is Archimedes of Syracuse, and I am a mathematician, physicist,
engineer and astronomer. Just like Plato, I studied in the great library of Alexandria which is in Egypt.
As in my name, I spent majority of my life in Syracuse, which is in Italy, but it was in Greece during my
lifetime. Last but not least, I was born in 287 BCE and died in 212 BCE, pretty short lifetime, right?
Well, that’s because I was shot dead by a roman soldier while I was trying to solve a complex math

My biggest and greatest 3 achievements are: Discovery of the extremely important mathematical
term, Pi, also known as the symbol ∏, formation of a hydraulic principle (known as the Archimedes
principle) and invented a device for raising water (known as the Archimedes screw)

My first achievement, discovering pi is 10000% the most important mathematical discovery in human
history, think about it, how are you supposed to have perfect evenly balanced wheel on your own car
without the smart engineers designing the exact perfect size of the wheel without pi? Anyways, I
discovered pi by doubling the number of sides of the hexagon to a 12-sided polygon, then a 24-sided
polygon, and finally 48 and 96 sided polygons, I was able to bring the two perimeters ever closer into
the circumference of the circle and thereby come up with this approximation. The Archimedes
principle states that a body immersed in a fluid experience an upthrust equal to the weight of the
fluid displaced, and this is fundamental to the equilibrium of a body floating in still water. A body
floating freely in still water experiences a downward force acting on it due to gravity. My third and
final achievement I will be talking about today is the Archimedes screw this screw is designed so
perfectly by me that it is still being used today. Let me tell you how I ended up inventing this special
machinery. The king requested that I build the biggest ship possible. This ship proved to be leaky, and
I had to invent a device to remove water from it. So, I designed what we now call the Archimedes
screw. It was very effective because it got rid of the water and only required one person to operate it.
This screw was soon also used to transport water from low-lying areas up to irrigation ditches.

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