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The impact of AI on the evolution of digital content

creation with Google advertising on Moroccan company

Achieved by: ALI SOURAOUI

Student ID: M20030008
Tutor: Professor Liu Dawei

Hangzhou Dianzi University


In a world that changes quickly, marketing has changed a lot in response to how people act and
the rise of big data, which changed artificial intelligence and machine learning in particular.

A machine that can think like a man was previously thought to be impossible, but innovation has
no bounds today, and a robot can think and find solutions better than a man, facilitating jobs that
are extremely difficult for men to perform. This new idea has made its way into many parts of
business, including digital marketing. This field and its based techniques and marketing methods
have long been applied by companies on off-line acquisition channels, but today are applied on
online acquisition channels, which has facilitated the work of marketers and helped them have
better marketing results by finding the best target, content optimization, the right time to launch
an ad, and the best acquisition channel.

The impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing

What is the impact of AI on the evolution of digital content creation with Google advertising on
Moroccan companies?

The goal of this work is to understand the two areas of digital marketing and how they get
customers, how important they are for marketing and advertising, how artificial intelligence
works, how it differs from machine learning and deep learning, and what it does in different
areas, as well as how these two areas work together on Moroccan companies.

In the first part, we will deal with the basics of digital marketing and touch on everything that is
to be used as a tool in relation to consumer targeting. In the second part, we will begin an analysis
of the different aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning and end with a case study
regarding the impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing.

I would like to thank my mother and all the professors at Hangzhou Dianzi University for their
support during all these three academic years.

A big thank you to my best professor, Liu Dawei, who helped me shape this thesis with her
advice, hard work, and valuable suggestions during the whole time I was writing it. Because of
her, I liked the field of marketing.
Table des matières
List of abbreviations.................................................................................................................................4
List of figures............................................................................................................................................5
List of tables.............................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 1 introduction.................................................................................................................................7
1.1 STUDY BACKGROUNG.........................................................................................................................7
1.2 KEY CONCEPTS....................................................................................................................................7
1.3 RESEARCH PROBLEM..........................................................................................................................8
1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE.........................................................................................................................9
1.5 VALUE OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2 LITTERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................10
1.1 The historical evolution of digital marketing and the definition of acquisition channels..................10
1.1.1 History and definition of digital marketing................................................................................10
1.1.3 The definition of all acquisition channels...................................................................................14
1.2 : présentation du marketing de contenu..........................................................................................16
3: Definition of Artificial Intelligence, the distinction between artificial intelligence, machine learning,
deep Learning and the different areas of activity...................................................................................20
1.3.1 : History and Definition of Artificial Intelligence........................................................................20
1.3.2: distinction entre intelligence artificial, machine learning and deep learning...........................22
2. Artificial intelligence in marketing......................................................................................................26
2.1 Applications of AI in Marketing.....................................................................................................26
3 : History and Operation of Google.......................................................................................................28
3.1Presentation of the Company Google..........................................................................................29
3.2: the operation of the company Google.........................................................................................29
3.2.1 Functioning of Google Search....................................................................................................29
3.3 Use of Google search algorithms..................................................................................................30
4.1 Google Marketing.........................................................................................................................31
4.2Présentations du cycle de développement du machine learning..........................................................36
4.3: The functioning of AI in Google Marketing and Recommendations............................................37
Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................................................38
Summary of Studies of AI on the evolution of digital content creation..................................................39
Chapter 3: concept model and hypotheses development..........................................................................41
Concept Model:......................................................................................................................................41
The idea model for the study was created after a survey of pertinent academic works in the field.....42
After carefully reading over the previous studies, the variables were categorized into themes
depending on how frequently they appeared. In order to propose a novel concept model..................42
Independent Variable: Increase Engagement.....................................................................................42
Independent Variable: Increase Efficiency..................................................................................................43
Independent Variable: Innovation with AI..................................................................................................44
Dependent Variables: Customer satisfaction......................................................................................45
Mediating Variable: User experience..................................................................................................45
Empirical Evidence and Hypotheses Development.................................................................................46
Relation between Increase Engagement and customer satisfaction......................................................46
Relation between Increase Efficiency and customer satisfaction...........................................................47
Relation between Innovation with AI and customer satisfaction...........................................................47
Relation between Increase Engagement and user experience...............................................................48
Relation between Increase Efficiency and user experience....................................................................49
Relation between Innovation with AI and user experience....................................................................49
Relation between user experience and customer satisfaction...............................................................50
Chapter 4: Research methodology and analysis of data.............................................................................51
Research approach and design...............................................................................................................51
Questionnaire Development..................................................................................................................51
Data Collection Procedures....................................................................................................................52

List of abbreviations

AI : Artificial Intelligence

KPI : key performance indicator

SEM : Search engine marketing

SEO : Search engine optimization

SEA : Search engine advertising

SMM : Social media marketing

SMO : Social média optimisation

SMA : Social média advertising

UX : User experience

NLP : Natural language processing

ADS : Advertising
List of figures

Figure 1: Digital marketing and its acquisition channels.

Figure 2: The operation of the affiliate program.

Figure 3: Different forms of content

Figure 4: Customer Route according to Kotler

Figure 5: Areas of activity

Figure 6: The relationship between artificial intelligence, machine learning and

deep learning 

Figure 7: Evolution of AI

Figure 8: Google Marketing Platform products

Figure 9: Sharing Artificial Intelligence with AI Users

Figure 10: The development cycle of machine learning

List of tables

Table 1: Key factors for determining results

Table 2: Cloud AI components (vision and language)

Table 3: Cloud AI Components (Conversation and Structured Data)

Chapter 1 introduction


The expanding application of artificial intelligence (AI) to the production and marketing of
digital content. AI technology has made it quicker and easier for businesses to produce and
disseminate digital material, such as text, photographs, videos, and audio, in order to reach a
larger audience across a variety of digital channels.
One of the most well-liked and successful methods for businesses to advertise their goods and
services online. Google advertising may target particular demographics and enhance
marketing campaigns to have the most possible impact by employing AI algorithms.
In recent years, Morocco's economy has expanded significantly, and an increasing number of
businesses are employing digital content development and advertising to reach new clients.
Understanding the effects of AI technology on Morocco's digital content creation and
advertising sectors is crucial as the technology develops and becomes more widely available.

The study's goal is to investigate how AI will affect how digital content is created in the
future and how Moroccan businesses will be affected by Google advertising. The study aims
to shed light on the benefits and drawbacks of employing AI in these fields by evaluating case
studies of Moroccan businesses that have utilized it in their digital content development and
advertising initiatives. The study also tries to spot areas in which this area needs more
investigation and advancement. 


Artificial intelligence is known by the acronym AI. It refers to the creation of computer
systems that are capable of carrying out operations like sensing, reasoning, learning, decision-
making, and natural language processing, which ordinarily call for human intelligence.
Machines are now equipped with the ability to analyze vast volumes of data, spot patterns,
and base conclusions or predictions on that data thanks to the development of AI technology.
Applications for artificial intelligence (AI) include self-driving cars, chatbots, picture and
speech recognition, and personalized suggestions in online retail or streaming services.

Digital content creation is the process of creating digital media content, including text, photos,
audio, video, and multimedia, for dissemination on different digital platforms. Writing,
editing, designing, recording, and producing digital content are just a few of the many actions
that might go into producing content that is interesting, educational, and helpful to the target
audience. Digital content producers may work in a range of fields, including marketing,
advertising, journalism, entertainment, or education. They may also use a variety of tools and
technologies, including social media platforms, graphic design software, video editing
software, and other technologies, to produce their content. The creation of digital content
should aim to draw in and engage an audience, increase brand recognition, and produce
commercially beneficial outcomes.

Google advertising, commonly known as Google Ads, is a platform for online advertising
created by Google that enables organizations and private users to produce and display adverts
on Google's search engine and other Google properties, such as YouTube and Gmail. In order
to attract potential customers who are looking for goods or services linked to their business,
advertisers can use Google AdWords to target particular keywords, areas, demographics, and
interests. A user must click on an advertisement for Google Ads for an advertiser to be
charged. This is known as the pay-per-click (PPC) model. Using measures like impressions,
clicks, and conversions, advertisers may set a budget for their advertising and keep track of
how well they are performing. With tools for producing and optimizing ads, Google Ads
offers a range of ad formats, such as text ads, display ads, video ads, shopping ads, and app


A growing number of Moroccan businesses use Google AdWords to market their online
digital content. The impact of AI on the development of digital content creation is becoming a
major worry for businesses with the advent of this technology. Yet, there is a paucity of actual
data on how much AI is changing the way that digital content is created and how it is altering
how effective Google advertising is for Moroccan businesses. Investigating how AI has
impacted the development of digital content creation and Google advertising for Moroccan
businesses is the research problem. In order to effectively create digital content and use
Google AdWords to reach their target audiences, Moroccan businesses face both possibilities
and obstacles that this research tries to highlight. The study will investigate the extent to
which AI is applied in Moroccan digital content production, its advantages and drawbacks,
and the tactics Moroccan businesses may use to make the most of AI in both Google
advertising and digital content production.


The research objective of the study is to investigate the impact of AI on the evolution of
digital content creation with Google advertising on Moroccan companies. The specific
research objectives are:

1. To identify the current state of digital content creation and Google advertising
practices among Moroccan companies.
2. To examine the role of AI in digital content creation and Google advertising in
Moroccan companies.
3. To evaluate the effectiveness of AI-powered digital content creation and Google
advertising in Moroccan companies.
4. To identify the challenges and opportunities of using AI in digital content creation and
Google advertising for Moroccan companies.
5. To propose strategies and best practices for Moroccan companies to leverage AI in
their digital content creation and Google advertising efforts.

The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the impact of AI on
the evolution of digital content creation and Google advertising, and to provide practical
insights for Moroccan companies to adopt and optimize their use of AI in these areas.


The study on the impact of AI on the evolution of digital content creation with Google
advertising on Moroccan companies has several values, including:

1. Academic value: The study can contribute to the existing literature on AI and digital
marketing by providing empirical evidence of the impact of AI on the evolution of
digital content creation and Google advertising. It can also identify research gaps and
propose areas for future research.
2. Practical value: The study can provide practical insights and recommendations for
Moroccan companies to leverage AI in their digital content creation and Google
advertising efforts, which can improve their competitiveness in the digital market.
3. Economic value: The study can contribute to the economic growth of Morocco by
identifying the potential of AI-powered digital content creation and Google
advertising to improve business performance and increase revenue.
4. Social value: The study can benefit society by promoting the adoption of AI-powered
digital content creation and Google advertising, which can lead to more engaging and
personalized digital content and better-targeted advertising for consumers.
5. Strategic value: The study can provide a strategic advantage for Moroccan companies
by helping them understand the impact of AI on digital content creation and
advertising and enabling them to develop effective strategies to leverage this


1.1 The historical evolution of digital marketing and the

definition of acquisition channels.
1.1.1 History and definition of digital marketing.
Marketing has long existed in the United States, around 1950 after this date, the world
experienced the production era (1870–1930), oriented to the product with limited marketing,
then the sales era (1930–1950), favored by marketing and advertising. (Marketing passive-
sale). Marketing in this era (1950) has a specific goal of knowing the needs and desires of the
markets in order to provide the greatest satisfaction to the customer with a customer-oriented
policy (active marketing), culminating in the era of social marketing (1980) oriented towards
the satisfaction of the customer's need in a very good way (fidelizing customers) that respects
man as the consumer becomes a consumer by defending or boycotting a brand or product.

One of the best quotes illustrating the critical role that digital marketing plays in the market.
(Ignoring digital marketing is like starting a business without telling anyone.)
(, n.d.)
(Source :

Four Parties Honor Philip Kotler's Marketing

Product-Oriented Marketing 1.0

Customer-centric marketing 2.0

Marketing 3.0 marketing focused on human value 

Marketing 4.0 is the era of transition (kotler)

Marketing's adaptation to changing consumer behavior, consumer conduct, and globalization

has changed the orientation of marketing, the role of the marketer is that of a customer guide.

Digital marketing started with the Web 1.0, or the traditional web (1991–1999), a static web
centered on the distribution of information (examples: Google and Wikipedia). After the
development of Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc., we moved to the Web 2.0, or social
web, which helped share and exchange information. This information has been well organized
using the Web 3.0 or semantic web, which aims to collect and better organize the mass of
information according to the needs of each user to generate leads or a potential buyer with a
minimum budget while targeting a large population. 
The name "digital marketing" appeared in 1990, the creation of Google and Microsoft in
1998, the first mobile marketing campaign in 2001, Google launching search engine results in
2009, and increasing technology analysis and content marketing.

This transformation of marketing raises the question, "What is digital marketing?"

1.1 Definition of Digital Marketing

Figure n 1 : le marketing digital et ses canaux d’acquisition.

(Source :

Digital marketing, also called "digital marketing," is a set of marketing methods and
techniques used to promote products and services on digital acquisition channels. The goal is
to get more traffic (leads) and new customers across different digital platforms by making the
brand more visible and known. (, n.d.)

The goal of digital marketing is not only sales, as the advertising campaign has little impact
on the notoriety and image of a brand.
Google Analytics is a tool that a lot of marketers use to look at their website data so they can
better understand their audience, make retargeting campaigns, and get more visitors.

Digital marketing is used because it helps the business have a direct interaction with their
assets (the customer), and this interaction becomes information that is processed and analyzed
by software that helps marketers better tailor the offer while respecting the analysis that gives
an image of customer needs. It builds relationships with customers by giving them discounts
and bonuses. The goal is to make customers happy.

A much cheaper website than a physical store has reduced the budget and encouraged people
to use digital marketing. One of the most important aspects is that its 24-hour availability has
facilitated its entry into the international market. Using the tools used on the acquisition
channels, Cyber can precisely identify your current customers and find similar ones. KPI
analysis gives accurate results on the performance of the company. Companies can now easily
collaborate and communicate with their employees via remote work thanks to digital
marketing. Digital marketing is accessible to all companies of different sizes and in different
sectors of the economy. Digital marketing has made it easier for marketers to work.

Is it less expensive to be controllable, measurable, and targeted?

Controllable: for product marketers on a purchase channel such as Facebook Ads

They can manage their advertising companion by setting a start and end date.

Measurable: In the last example, we can always measure engagement, conversion rate, views,
leads, etc.
Targeted: enter a niche and target people by center of interest, gender, age, and demographic

Less expensive: a low-budget advertising company was launched.

1.1.3 The definition of all acquisition channels
the goal of the acquisition channels is to help a business grow. The word "acquisition" refers
to getting new visitors, which is one of the hardest things for marketers to do so that their site
has the best traffic (, n.d.)

The acquisition channels are divided into online and offline categories and we will focus on
the online acquisition channels.

Offline purchasing channels

Public conferences, events, non-conventional public relations,

Online purchasing channels

Search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social
media advertising, email marketing, viral marketing, affiliate programs, blogs

Advertising acquisition channels on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,

Google, Twitter, TiKTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest,...

Search engine marketing (SEM): It consists of two elements: natural and paid SEO.



Search engine optimization (SEO): organic search (organic search) is first and foremost a part
of search engine marketing (SEM), with the aim of optimizing a website to better position
itself on the search engines using the tools and techniques available for free. Content
optimization requires the proper writing of articles with the use of more search words on
search engines like Google.

Search engine advertising (SEA), also called paid SEO (display), is an ad that appears at the
top of search results when keywords are bought. There is a lot of competition for important
Social media marketing (SMM) and social media advertising



Social media optimization (SMO): Have good content that fits with social networks to
improve visitor optimization and create brand awareness.

Social media advertising (SMA): One of the best ways to promote a product is to create a
social media ad campaign aimed at a target that will drain traffic to your website and generate

E-mail marketing: (e-mailing) a means of communication to advertise a product via email,

either to existing customers who are loyal to them through offers and promotions (retargeting)
or to acquire new customers. 

Viral marketing: a customer is satisfied by bringing in new users by encouraging them to have
deals or discounts. This is a go-to-ear sort. (
developper-dans-votre-plan-marketing-2017/, n.d.)

Affiliation is an agreement between two sites, one marketer and the other affiliate site, for the
purpose of attracting new visitors. This win-win marketing technique is used by many
companies to promote their products, such as Amazon, one of the top global sites that uses
this marketing strategy to sell books, cosmetics, and so on.

Figure n 2 : le fonctionnement du programme d’affiliation

(Source :
Blogs are a marketing method that focuses on the participation of experts in the blog, which helps to
gain notoriety for the blog and the expert and to have new visitors (readers). Both are winning.
(, n.d.)

1.2 : présentation du marketing de contenu.

Before starting the topic of content marketing, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, said that
content is king. (
#:~:text=C'est%20Bill%20Gates%20en, n.d.)

Most marketers say that content marketing is the trend today.

Content marketing: is a marketing approach that imposes the creation, conversation,

distribution, and amplification of interesting content for an exact target in order to have
conversations about the content. Philip Kotler sees content marketing as the future of
advertising in the digital economy. (, n.d.)

Marketers must attract consumers within the first five seconds of a video advertisement to
first attract the attention of visitors because good content depends on added value and must be
informative and important in attracting new customers.

Content marketing aims to generate leads, provide customer support, increase sales, and add
value to a brand.

Content marketing can be in a blog post, webinar, video, photo, GIF, podcast, infographic,
case study, white paper, newsletter, e-book, software, or game.

Figure n 3 : les différentes formes de contenu

(Source :
Content marketing aims to have leads that bring new customers; a community that finds your
content interesting will deliver it and share it with their friends and family, which means that
the right content will leave the customer coming to you and not the opposite because that
customer wants to have that interesting information.Econsultancy and Adobe Digital Trends
both say that content marketing is the best way to market in 2014.Marketers are very
interested in content marketing for the sake of increasing traffic, improving website SEO, and
most importantly, having a good self-brand (becoming popular in the broadcast business area)
and staying closer to the customer to develop their loyalty by interacting with them
(responding to questions, making consultations, giving recommendations), which brings a
high level of trust between the creator of content and their customers.Several types of content
are very important. The main thing is to disseminate well-mastered content in your domain to
better develop your image and attract more customers.Content marketing is the process of
making and sharing content. For the content to be effective, it needs to be shared through the
best mix of acquisition channels. : (kotler)

1 Setting of objectives
2. Map of the audience.

3. Content and planning.

4. The creation of content.

5. Distribution of content.

6. Expansion of content.

7. Responses to Content Marketing.

8. Improving content marketing.

1 Setting of objectives: The first thing established by marketers is the definition of the
objectives of the advertising campaign so that the creation of content is dedicated to one of
the two major categories of objectives, either a sales target category or a brand target category
that includes brand awareness, brand loyalty.

2 Map of the audience: After the targeting phase comes the targeting phase. Having a specific
population helps marketers make more effective content, which depends on how far their
content will reach.

3 Content and planning: Look for ideas on content creation and make better plans to have
successful content marketing.

4. The creation of content: The most important phase is the creation of content, which requires
time and money. Good content must be of high quality, well-edited, and last for a long time.

5 Distribution of content: Content must reach its target and have a better distribution across
the three main categories of multi-media, media owned, paid, and earned. Media include
corporate publications, corporate events, websites, and blogs. Paid media: display banners,
affiliate publisher networks, search engine lists, paid social networks Press Release: Mouth to
Ears 6 Extension of content Influencers need to identify their influencers to develop a good
content amplification strategy. Influencers have a very large audience and are content creators
with a respected personality in their community.

7. Responses to Content Marketing: A big step is to know the success of content marketing
assessment for the first set goal, acquisition channels (engagement rate and other statistics),
and customer journey because there are five categories of parameters that measure whether
content is visible.
Figure n 4 : le parcours client selon kotler

14 (Source :
8 Improving content marketing

After evaluating content marketing, among these is the measure mentioned above, and after
the analysis comes the phase of improvement and the correction of different errors, such as
the acquisition channels or the determination of the target. This is a very important phase.

Professions of Digital Marketing 

Head of Digital Project, Digital Director, Community Manager, Web Designer, Content
Manager, Web Developer, Traffic Manager, Data Scientist, Yield Manager

3: Definition of Artificial Intelligence, the distinction

between artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep
Learning and the different areas of activity.

1.3.1 : History and Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Figure n 5 : Area of activity of AI
(Source : smart-

Before the 1950s, in the beginning of World War II, the UK built a scientific team for the
purpose of decrypting Enigma. This machine helped Germany encrypt their message to attack
an area. Alan Turing was the leader of this team, and creating a machine that could decipher
Enigma was one of the advantages that helped the Allies win the war. In the early 1950s, Alan
Turing wrote a scientific article on the possibility that a machine can think. Alan Turing
created a test called the Turing test that can test whether a machine has artificial intelligence
or not. 1956 saw the creation of a team in the United States that did a seminar for 2 months to
think about artificial intelligence. theoretically, after this seminar, research was developed in
this area with the establishment of the first neuronal network, the Perceptron. At that time,
people concluded that theory and practice in this field of AI were very far apart. In the early
1980s, with the discovery of a new field called machine learning, machine learning was a very
important notion for a machine at that time. Then, in 2010, with the introduction of Big
DATA and intensive computing, the discovery of Deep Learning or deep learning to
revolutionize artificial intelligence, deep learning is a fluctuating field with new innovations
and architectures. 
Before AI Symbolique AI Machine Learning Deep Learning

1950 1980 2010

The ability of a digital machine or computer program... to perform tasks commonly associated
with intelligent beings... such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn
from past experience... is the ability of a digital machine or computer program... to perform
tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings...

Artificial intelligence aims to bring certain objectives together so that a machine has to have a
form of real intelligence. The majority of large companies do research on the issues of
artificial intelligence to apply to certain specific needs such as Facebook, Google, IBM,
Apple, etc. Each of these firms has artificial neurons made up of servers that can process large
calculations in a large amount of information (database).
(, n.d.)

1.3.2: distinction entre intelligence artificial, machine learning and deep learning
Figure n 6: la relation entre l’intelligence artificielle, machine learning et deep learning
(source :
Symbolic AI is a field of artificial intelligence that does not have the notion of learning and is
based on three notions: logic, symbols, and relationships.
Logic is either true or false.
Symbols are a way to show an object to a machine as an example of some information.
Relationships are the definition of symbols.
Machine learning is a field that includes in artificial intelligence the notion of learning that
gave the word "machine learning."
Machine learning is a way to analyze data that uses algorithms that can learn without being
told what to do. (, n.d.)

Deep learning is a sub-domain of machine learning, but it is very advanced. The idea is very
simple: the trainable system consists of a set of modules, each representing a processing step.
Each module is draggable, with adjustable parameters similar to the weights of linear
classifiers. The system is trained from end to end in each example. 
Types of machine learning
Supervised Education 
Uncontrolled learning
Learning by reinforcement
1.3 Different areas of activity
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Fraud Detection Generally for Banks
The recommendation systems available on Facebook, Netflix, Google, Amazon, et al. are
based on your behaviour, so this system recommends
forecast of the stock price consisting of a large amount of data
The vision is made up of two cases. The first case is facial recognition or facial detection,
which is found in smartphones and surveillance cameras. The second case is object detection,
which is being developed by car companies for autonomous cars.
Talk also offers two speech-to-text examples: Siri on iOS and an app that takes your voice
and turns it into text. Text-to-speech, for example, on Google Translation has the ability to
read your text.
Human language processing for translation machines, analysis of feelings after speech by
emoticons to improve business customer service, and search engines are examples of Google
understands the phrase and knows the purpose of the search.
Figure 7: Evolution of IA

(Source :
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 

Finance and banking for fraud risk assessment

military arms race at AI with the use of drones and command systems.

Google's Doctors' AI Helps Doctors Detect Diseases 

right to assist in decision-making and to resolve simple cases

Police intelligence pre-mentioned crimes with a risk assessment 

The bots of video games

Robotic perception of the environment: objects and faces 

Logistics and transportation facilities are analyzed and well managed.

The Art of Painting by Artificial Intelligence 

Computer programming 

Journalism robots Several articles are written by an AI.

Computer-Assisted Design

Marketing is

2. Artificial intelligence in marketing

Artificial intelligence has reached a certain level of development in a world where technology
is getting better and faster.AI is used in several fields of activity. One of the areas that will
revolutionize artificial intelligence is marketing. 

Artificial intelligence at the level of marketing, delegating to machines or software based on

an algorithm a task that can not be handled by a man or that a single person can not perform..
(, n.d.)

2.1 Applications of AI in Marketing

The use of artificial intelligence, or more precisely, machine learning, has made it easier to
collect data and information on all visitors and analyze it using algorithms. This AI has the
ability to enable data for segments and store it as potential customers of the enterprise.
Chat bots, facial recognition software, and others are realized technologies based on artificial
intelligence that can process large amounts of complex and voluminous data. It would be very
hard for a man to treat this set of data.. (
artificielle-ameliorer-relation-client, n.d.)

Based on its data, AI extracts the information that contains customer reactions and their
choices, which helps marketers formulate a marketing strategy that recommends similar
products for each customer and knows their customer experience.
Grace has artificial intelligence that can analyze the customer experience (UX) for each user.
To improve the customer experience of your users, many companies use this marketing
strategy used by large companies.
The ease of creating a list of user data
The reason why data collection and analysis are more important for all is to have visibility on
their audience and know customer expectations based on their customer behavior. The work
of marketers is not limited to converting visitors so that they become customers, but beyond
that, it is to know the customer experience of each visitor that helps companies make
decisions to better satisfy each user, all of which leads to having a larger customer
Customer Interaction (Interaction with Customers)
It is very interesting to use artificial intelligence in an e-commerce site to analyze the
customer journey through several tools, e.g., sending emails, SMS, or notifications, and to
make suggestions and recommendations for each customer according to their behaviour.

(, n.d.)

Chatbots that perform spots equal to a multitude of men

With this technology, chatbots can interact with customers in a personal and intelligent way
according to the context programmed, such as talk to a man," which helps marketers convert
visitors into customers. Examples of chatbots include Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Many Chat.
2.2 IA in the advertising service

Advertising becomes highly personalized (each user’s content is personalized).

Example of Facebook advertising on Facebook or Facebook ADS is based on the data it
collects from its Facebook users, a huge database that is determined to be among the best
acquisition channels because artificial intelligence can target people by centers of interest or
potential buyers of the same product.
AI can also create content instead of you; for example, the Washington Post uses artificial
intelligence to write articles.
By Google's algorithm on site rankings in search engines (SEO),
Recommendation engines for products such as Netflix, Amazon,...
Marketing aims to profit from this large amount of data towards the change of buying
behaviour; the majority wants to buy on the internet and receive their purchases without
expensive store purchases.
2.3 Improving customer relationships through artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has greatly facilitated the work of marketers by attracting customer
attention to products with recommendation systems and chat bots. The Chabots is a system of
dialogue of high value to customer relationship, for example, the ease of the product
confirmation phase for online purchase, which gave a speed of order processing and this
problem resolution to give a high brand trust and the relationship between customers and
becomes too active. This technology has allowed to improve the customer relationship
because now the interaction between clients and company is 24h/24 and 7j/7, which became
impossible before these eras of transition to the digital

(, n.d.)

Customer management through artificial intelligence can offer adaptable offers for every
AI optimizes telephone interactions by reducing endless waiting times and facilitating
uninterrupted transfers. Towards a better customer experience
AI has also interacted in customer relationship service management and in call centers so that
this customer experience becomes very pleasant. AI to help at the time of an increasing
number of phone calls because it is very difficult to answer each question of each customer. In
this case, the majority of calls can be handled by its virtual assistant, which represents a huge
time optimization for the business and is interested only in the most complex requests. The AI
intervenes in the phone calls to first direct the reason why the customer calls this technology,
which is used by several companies. Ebay when recommending an anomaly of the ads, it is
the robot that answers you first and he who delegates the call, either the robot solves the
problem or you delegate to an agent of the company. All these technologies are to have a
better customer path to the consumer to loyalize them so that the customer does not return
expensive competitors.
The AI helps a lot of commercial companies in managing orders and precisely by managing
the work of the telemarketer because AI has the ability to customize and send emails to the
customer’s emails that contain a well-equipped speech of customer data and a telemarketer
script. AI can even make appointments. This technology completes man’s work towards
optimizing the customer journey and having a good relationship with the customer; AI has
facilitated this work in the company

3 : History and Operation of Google.

3.1Presentation of the Company Google 
In 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in Silicon Valley, California. Google is
a global leader in technology services as a search engine with a very simple mission: "Our
goal is to organize information globally to make it accessible and useful to all." 

Google is a subsidiary of the company Alphabet, which has several software products and
websites such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, and Google Play. 
Google has a range of products in three categories. 
Products for everyone, such as News, Calendar, Chrome, Docs,... 
Products for companies such as Analytics, Android, Google Ads, Google Cloud,... 
products for developers such as cloud computing, connection and identity, payment,
This company also has other tangible products such as phones, voice assist, Nest Wi-Fi,... 
3.2: the operation of the company Google 
Google works in a way that allows it to launch its products for free using advertisements
written by companies that want to market where they promote their products. Google offers
advertising space on its platforms, so businesses can use them to advertise. Advertising on
Google is done in 2 ways: either for free (organic reach) or paid (display). The PUB is
displayed according to the center of interest of each user of Google. The consumer has the
possibility to cancel this latter option and see PUBs that do not meet their expectations. 
Payment for companies is divided into two parts: either for an ad to stay at the top of the
search page and speak at the location of the ad or by clicks on the ads speaking about
performance. Using these two payment options, Google also generates money based on
phones, software on the Play Store, YouTube subscriptions, and other options. 
3.2.1 Functioning of Google Search 
In this era of big data, information has become too voluminous and exceeds human
capabilities to analyze and treat in a well-ordered way. Even before doing a search on Google,
the latter has already organized their web content by using robots that collect the information
and organize it in the Google search index while each Google user does searches in one of
Google’s data centers. 
Google has a search robot that searches for links to other pages to browse between all the sites
visited by Google; this software pays great attention to the new sites and changes on the old
sites; this search robot is inspired by the navigation of each person on a website. After the
exploration step comes the step of organizing the data when indexing; this system focuses on
keywords and site updating levels, allowing Google to go beyond the association of keywords
but also search text in large libraries,... 
3.3 Use of Google search algorithms 
Google’s ranking systems are designed for this. They sort the hundreds of billions of web
pages in the search index to offer you the most useful and relevant results in a fraction of a
second, and they present them so that you find what you are looking for faster. 
The algorithms that make up this system take into account many factors, such as the words
used in your query, the relevance and ease of use of the pages, the level of expertise of the
sources, your location, and your parameters. The weighting applied to each factor varies
depending on the nature of your query. For example, content updating plays a more important
role in responding to queries about an up-to-date topic than in the case of dictionary
. (

The main factors used by Google to determine search results are covered in this table. 

Table 1: Key factors for determining results

Key Analysis of Search for Classificati Showing Consider

factors research corresponde on of pages the best the
for terms nce according results context
determ to their
ining usefulness
Explaine Google Google According to Google The search
d analyzes searches in Google’s analyzes history, the
search terms their index of search the links location of
to find pages results (web algorithms, between your
that represent page) that websites are the best geographic
relevant corresponds to evaluated by display of location,
results the search their different the ability
request usefulness. browsers to
The To have with configure
transformation confidence adaptation your search
of data into on the to all all these
signals to Google query device features to
facilitate the measure and types and find the
task processing evaluate the the loading best
by the machine quality of the speed of results.
learning system system and each
of assessed to have website
levels of credible towards an
relevance, its information. improvem
signals based ent of the
on the websites.
appearing in
the title or text
of the website.
Source  :

Google search always finds useful results. 

Every user of Google is looking for quick and very useful results to be satisfied with this
service. Google has an ideal search by knowing the needs of the consumer and displaying the
results exactly as requested by the user. 
4.1 Google Marketing. 
The first is Google marketing. 
In the past, ideas, technology, and creativity were divided and disconnected. We learned that
it is essential to centralize and connect these three functions. (g) Google earning the majority
of its resources from advertising was the basis of the trust of companies that use Google
marketing as a sort of advertising. Google has a center that is called Google Media Lab. It is
he who manages the media strategy of advertising campaigns at Google. This Google
marketing strategy of awareness of sales growth helps companies find the best people, the
best messages, and the best timing. This digital marketing established by Google has built this
company into a great firm because of the results established through the services offered to
companies by creating advertisement campaigns with targeting and precision at the right time
to touch the consumer, all while using creativity to reach the maximum number of visitors. 
To facilitate the marketing work of companies, Google created a platform called Google
Marketing Platform, a tool for improving marketing results while respecting the privacy of
We are launching a unified analytics and advertising platform, called Google Marketing
Platform, to optimize marketing actions and improve results.
. (, n.d.)

Figure8: Google Marketing Platform


This platform created by Google aims to have a comprehensive and detailed view of
advertising and analysis by: 
Know the performance of your advertising partner and the effectiveness of your marketing
strategy by understanding your exact customers and having a global view of your target. 
Control investment by using the best marketing techniques to use for advertising
Using data and reports to have specific analysis geared towards sharing information with
teams and marketing optimization 
Smart and fast marketing with automation of advertising campaigns and ad trends 
The Google marketing platform brings together seven systems that help marketers plan, buy,
optimize, and measure digital media. Each system has precise features. 
Display and Video 360 
A campaign management system by having a media plan and developing campaigns while
measuring performance. 
Search Ads 360 
An assistant for creating the advertising campaign, having business decisions to react in a
precise time on a very specific market 
Analysis 360  
One of the best products launched by Google is called Google Analytics 360 and is the most
used by marketers to know their customers and exactly their behavior towards a product or
service market by analyzing their customer data and optimizing their audience. 
The 360 Studio 
Take more accurate data from tables and reports to find business solutions for your products
by transforming raw data into statistics and centralized 
Optimized 360   
A well-presented site gives a better impression to the visitor, and this tool can perform tests
on your site to have the best customer experience by sharing tips and solutions for website
Surveys 360  
A tool to take professional opinions and solutions and collect statistics to do market research
and decide 
Tag manager 360 
A very simple computer tool for managing web beacons 
2.2 Go to Google 
Google Cloud is a Google service that uses artificial intelligence to find smart solutions to
Google Cloud offers well-secured data protection through software that detects every threat.
AI involves the processing of data through tables and insights that translate into solutions for
your business so you can make accurate decisions. The hybrid and multicloud environment
helps run and find solutions to its applications only once. The modernization of work through
data point technologies and enterprise loads 
All artificial intelligence created by Google is classified in a repository called IA HUB that
was created by a machine learning team. IA HUB contains ready-to-use pipelines and
algorithms for each company to host their artificial intelligence content in a private and secure
The use of artificial intelligence products begins 
Discover new artificial intelligence content and its components created by Google Cloud or its
Sharing the use of AI within the organization to improve productivity 
Deploy and modify algorithms on Google Cloud to meet your needs. 
An option to share artificial intelligence with AI users 

Figure 9: Sharing Artificial Intelligence with AI Users 

(Source :
Components of the Cloud 
The AI components help add vision, language, conversation, and structured data capabilities
to applications
(, n.d.)
Tableau 2 composantes de cloud IA (vision et langue)

Vision Langue
Vision Traduction Natural language Vidéo
Automatic detection of objects Exact analysis of videos
Compatible with many Insights provenant des

languages clients

Obtaining information from the Simplified management of

periphery Detection of language Multimedia and multimedia content


Improve the fluidity of Creating Smart Video

purchases Glossary integrated Extraction of key Applications
with the API entities of documents

Accept the text and act Automating expensive

accordingly High evolution Understanding workflows
receipts and invoices
Identifying explicit content Processing and storage on
Easy integration Content Classification Google Cloud
and Relational

Use of our data labelling service Simple and affordable Google's best in deep
pricing learning
(Source :
Tableau 3 : composantes de cloud IA (conversation et données structurées)

Dialogflow API API Auto Recommandations API

Cloud Text- Cloud Speech- ML Tables AI Cloud Inference
to-Speech to-Text
Based on Google’s Solutions A solution based Improve the Fully Managed Simplicity of use
Machine Learning based on on machine quality of Service
machine learning models
Create applications More than Recognition of Manage Be quickly Analysis in real time
without a server 180 available over 120 unstructured operational.
languages and data
Use the data of your Exclusive Automatic Models easy to Optimize the value of Safety
company access to language create your data
WaveNet detection
Provide an automated Easy transcripts of Easy models to Choose your strategy Integration
telephone service integration short-term or deploy and
with existing long-term scale
applications content
and devices
Deploy the solution Accounting Automatic The time win Use all contact points
across multiple with current transcription of
platforms and in many use cases context-specific
languages names and
A solution designed for A selection of Savings on the Your data, your
a voice-centered world advanced models invoice models
tailored to your
case of use
(Source :

4.2Présentations du cycle de développement du machine learning

Figure n 10 : le cycle de développement du machine learning

(Source :

4.3: The functioning of AI in Google Marketing and Recommendations 

Several marketers think that artificial intelligence is the future of marketing because AI gives
a multidimensional view of data details, which is very difficult for a marketer to have. 
Google's B2B marketing team did tests and experiments to see if machine learning could find
insights faster in more than 40 countries and more than 20 languages. At every step of our
development process, we have used advanced machine learning technology to change our
marketing strategies.
. (Ercolani,
avenir-du-marketing/, n.d.)

Artificial intelligence intervenes in marketing by analyzing the emotions of each user message
through the processing of natural language (TLN). This language processing helps companies
process data by knowing the feelings of users to process the best messages according to the
marketing goal desired and optimize the performance of the company. 
We found that by analyzing the campaign history data, the machine learning system could
predict the potential value of a click on an ad. Only 2 days after the registration of a potential
customer is it possible to accurately estimate whether they will adopt our solutions over the
next 3 months
du-marketing/, n.d.)
Artificial intelligence can predict the future of advertising campaigns and measure their
The Google Cloud website offers marketing analytics solutions based on artificial intelligence
by knowing the customer journey during the purchase process and the different techniques of
customer interaction, improving the product image in a precise way so that the customer can
interact well, personalizing advertising campaigns and the customer experience to increase
performance and find well-targeted audiences. 
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research
study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the
research problem under study exists (Abend, s.d.), the theoretical framework can vary
depending on the research questions and methodology employed. several authors have
discussed the broader implications of AI and its influence on various fields, including digital
content creation.

Information Processing Theory (IPT) is a theoretical framework that explains how people
acquire, store, and retrieve information. It is based on the idea that the brain processes
information through a series of stages, including attention, perception, encoding, storage, and
retrieval. IPT suggests that the brain processes information through a series of stages,
including attention, perception, encoding, storage, and retrieval. According to IPT, attention is
the first step in processing information. Attention is the ability to focus on certain stimuli
while ignoring others. Perception is the next step in processing information. Perception
involves interpreting and organizing sensory information into meaningful patterns. Encoding
is the process of converting information from sensory input into a form that can be stored in
memory. Storage is the process of maintaining information over time, and retrieval is the
process of accessing stored information when it is needed.

In the context of the impact of AI on the evolution of digital content creation, IPT could be
used to examine how AI can optimize the delivery and consumption of digital content. AI can
also be used to deliver relevant and timely information to users by analyzing data from
various sources. By optimizing the delivery and consumption of digital content, AI can
improve the user experience, increase engagement, and ultimately drive business outcomes.
 Summary of Studies of AI on the evolution of digital
content creation
The Future of Content Creation: Using Artificial Intelligence to Create Engaging Content" by
P. Sethi and G. Chawla ((2020))This article discusses how AI can be used to create
personalized, engaging content for different target audiences.

Core Variable: Use of AI to create personalized, engaging content for different target

Outcome Variables: Increased engagement, customer satisfaction, and loyalty with

personalized content created with AI

"Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Content Creation" by (Zisman)(2020) This paper
examines the impact of AI on content creation in the context of the media and creative

Core Variable: Impact of AI on content creation in the context of the media and creative

Outcome Variables: New forms of creative expression, challenges for copyright and
ownership, and implications for media consumption

"Artificial Intelligence and the Transformation of Content Creation" by (S. Marom)(2021)

This study explores how AI is changing the way content is created, distributed, and
consumed, and its implications for various industries.

Core Variable: Transformation of content creation enabled by AI and its implications for
various industries

Outcome Variables: Increased efficiency, speed, and innovation in content creation, potential
for job displacement, and ethical concerns related to AI-generated content

"Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Content Creation" by (Kim)(2021) This study

investigates the impact of AI on creativity in content creation and its potential for enhancing
or inhibiting human creativity
Core Variable: Impact of AI on creativity in content creation and its potential for enhancing or
inhibiting human creativity

Outcome Variables: Potential for AI to enhance creative processes and augment human
creativity, challenges for maintaining human agency and artistic expression, and ethical
considerations for using AI in creative fields

"The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation: A Review" by (Singh)(2019) This

review article examines the applications of AI in content creation and the challenges
associated with its adoption.

Core Variable: Applications of AI in content creation and challenges associated with its

Outcome Variables: Factors affecting the adoption of AI in content creation, such as

technical, social, and ethical considerations

"The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Content Creation" by (Dasgupta)(2018) This study

explores how AI can be used to enhance content creation across various industries, including
marketing, journalism, and entertainment.

Core Variable: Impact of AI on content creation across various industries

Outcome Variables: Efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of content creation with AI

"AI and the Future of Content Creation" by (Gorman)(2020) This report discusses how AI is
transforming the content creation process and offers insights into the potential impact on the
media and entertainment industries.

Core Variable: Transformative impact of AI on the content creation process in the media and
entertainment industries

Outcome Variables: Opportunities and challenges for content creators, such as personalized
content, automated workflows, and new revenue streams
"The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing" by (Abhijith)(2020) This study
investigates how AI can be used to optimize content marketing strategies and improve
audience engagement.

Core Variable: Use of AI to optimize content marketing strategies and improve audience

Outcome Variables: Improved targeting, personalization, and conversion rates of content

marketing campaigns with AI

"AI for Content Creation: State of the Art and Future Prospects" by (D. Datta) (2021) This
review article provides an overview of the current state of AI applications in content creation
and outlines future research directions in the field.

Core Variable: Current state of AI applications in content creation and future research
directions in the field

Outcome Variables: Overview of existing AI technologies and techniques for content

creation, potential for integrating AI with other emerging technologies, and future research
directions and challenges for AI

"Artificial Intelligence in Digital Content Creation: A Literature Review and Research

Agenda" by (R. Slavik)(2020) This article presents a literature review of AI in digital content
creation and proposes a research agenda for future studies in the field.

Core Variable: Applications of AI in digital content creation and challenges and opportunities
for future research

Outcome Variables: Overview of existing AI applications in digital content creation,

challenges and opportunities for future research, and potential for

  Chapter 3: concept model and hypotheses development

Concept Model:
The idea model for the study was created after a survey of pertinent academic works in the
After carefully reading over the previous studies, the variables were categorized into themes
depending on how frequently they appeared. In order to propose a novel concept model

In addition, the variables were separated based on which ones had gotten less research
attention. Also taken into account were the factors that best matched the research.


Increase User experience Costumer satisfaction


Innovation with AI

Independent Dependent
Variables Variables

The study's concept model was made up of five constructs. increase engagement, increase
efficiency, innovation with AI served as the independent variables, whereas User experience
served as a mediator and customer satisfaction served as a dependent variable.

Independent Variable: Increase Engagement

Increasing engagement entails getting your audience to connect and become more invested in
your brand or content. It might happen via a variety of platforms, including social media,
email marketing, websites, gatherings, etc. Instead of having your audience just passively
consume your material, you want to engage them in a two-way conversation. You can
develop a deeper connection with your audience, raise brand awareness, and improve
conversions or sales by increasing engagement.
Increasing engagement can be achieved through various tactics depending on the context, but
here are some general tips that can be applied across different platforms:

 Know your audience: Understanding your audience's interests, preferences, and

behaviors can help you tailor your content to them and make it more engaging.

 Create interactive content: Interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, surveys, and
contests, can encourage users to engage with your brand and share their opinions.

 Use visual content: Visual content, such as images, videos, and infographics, can
capture users' attention and make your content more appealing.

 Encourage user-generated content: Encouraging users to create and share their own
content related to your brand can increase engagement and create a sense of

 Respond to comments and messages: Responding to users' comments and messages

can show that you value their input and can help build relationships with your

 Post regularly: Consistently posting high-quality content can keep your audience
engaged and interested in your brand.

 Use hashtags: Using relevant hashtags can help your content reach a wider audience
and increase engagement.

 Analyze your data: Analyzing engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and
shares, can help you understand what content resonates with your audience and adjust
your strategy accordingly.

Independent Variable: Increase Efficiency

Achieving better results with the same or fewer resources requires finding methods to boost
productivity and streamline processes. To do this, it may be necessary to use technology,
automate procedures, prioritize tasks, assign duties, and constantly assess and improve
workflows in order to reduce waste and maximize performance.

By improving efficiency, organizations and people can accomplish their objectives faster and
more successfully, which boosts output, elevates the standard of their work, and raises
employee satisfaction. Automating repetitive tasks, for instance, can open up time and
resources for more important work, and prioritizing tasks can guarantee that the most crucial
tasks are finished first. Additionally to reducing errors and fostering better teamwork,
technology can be used to streamline processes.

In general, improving efficiency entails working better rather than harder. It entails figuring
out how to improve efficiency, get rid of waste, and get the best outcomes with the resources
at hand.

Here are some pointers to boost effectiveness:

Automate processes: Look for methods to make repetitive or time-consuming processes more
efficient. Errors may be decreased as a result, and time may be freed up for more crucial

Embrace technology Increase output by streamlining processes using technology. Use

collaboration tools, online storage, and project management software, for instance, to increase

To set goals: To make sure that time and resources are distributed effectively, set clear goals
and prioritize tasks. To help you remain on course and track progress, use tools like time-
tracking applications.

To ensure that everyone is working to their strengths and abilities, assign duties to team
members. By allowing individuals to concentrate on what they do best, this can help

Distractions should be kept to a minimum by establishing a focused working atmosphere.

This might involve donning noise-cancelling headphones, turning off device alerts, and
establishing limits on how often and when to check emails and messages.
Continue to improve: Consistently assess processes and workflows for potential
improvements and methods to increase productivity.

Independent Variable: Innovation with AI

The creation and application of fresh and inventive strategies for connecting with a market or
public are referred to as innovation with AI. It entails utilizing new technologies, strategies,
and concepts to produce distinctive and memorable encounters that connect with the audience
and set a company apart from its rivals.

Here are some instances of innovation and brand-new artistic endeavours:

Experiences in virtual and augmented reality: Companies can use these technologies to build
engaging, dynamic experiences for their audience. For instance, a retailer of furniture could
develop a virtual showroom where customers could view how the furniture would appear in
their own homes.

Content that is personalized: Organizations can use AI-powered tools to develop relevant,
personalized content for their community. For instance, machine learning algorithms could be
used by an e-commerce website to suggest goods to users based on their browsing history and
purchasing patterns.

Campaigns that are interactive and shareable: Companies can use influencer marketing and
social media to develop campaigns that are interactive and shareable and that involve their
audience. For instance, a food business could organize a social media competition where
participants submit pictures of their preferred dishes and the victor is awarded a prize.

Creative product design: Companies can use product innovation to give their audience a more
interesting and lasting experience. A phone maker might, for instance, create a foldable phone
that enables users to switch between tablet and phone modes.

In general, using new technologies, strategies, and concepts to produce distinctive and
memorable experiences that resonate with the audience and set a company apart from its
rivals constitutes innovation and new forms of creative experience.
Dependent Variables: Customer satisfaction
According to Smith and Jones (2018), "Customer satisfaction refers to the level of contentment or
fulfillment that customers experience after interacting with a product, service, or brand" (p. 45).

Smith and Brown (2017) define customer satisfaction as "the overall perception and evaluation of
customers' level of contentment or fulfillment after interacting with a product, service, or brand" (p.

According to Kotler and Keller (2016), "Customer satisfaction is the level of contentment or
fulfillment that customers experience after interacting with a product, service, or brand" (p. 78).

Mediating Variable: User experience

User experience (UX) refers to the overall perception and satisfaction that users have when
interacting with a product, service, or system" (Norman, 2013, p. 45).

"UX is the outcome of a user's interaction with a product or service, encompassing all aspects of the
user's experience, including usability, accessibility, visual design, emotional response, and
satisfaction" (Hassenzahl, 2010, p. 21).

"UX refers to how a user feels about a product or service, including their perceptions, emotions, and
attitudes formed through their interactions, behaviors, and experiences" (ISO 9241-210:2019, p. 3).

"UX is the sum total of a user's perceptions, feelings, and thoughts about a product or service,
resulting from their interaction with it" (Nielsen Norman Group, n.d.).

It encompasses various aspects of the user's interaction, including usability, ease of use, efficiency,
effectiveness, visual design, accessibility, and emotional satisfaction. The goal of UX design is to
create meaningful and enjoyable experiences for users, resulting in increased engagement, loyalty,
and overall satisfaction with the product or service.

Empirical Evidence and Hypotheses Development

The empirical data and the study's hypotheses are covered in this section. Empirical evidence of the
conclusions of previous researchers who had carried out a comparable study was analysed in order
to provide a better comprehension of the hypothesis. To compare the results of this study with those
of past studies, it is helpful to put the earlier research findings into context .

Relation between Increase Engagement and customer

Increased customer engagement leads to higher customer satisfaction. Smith highlights that
when customers are actively engaged with a brand, they are more likely to feel valued and
satisfied with their experience, resulting in increased loyalty and repeat business. (Smith)
Engagement is a critical driver of customer satisfaction. Sarah discusses how businesses that
invest in creating meaningful interactions with their customers, such as through personalized
communication and tailored offers, can significantly impact customer satisfaction levels
(Johnson) Michael support a positive relationship between customer engagement and
satisfaction. He argues that engaged customers tend to have higher levels of satisfaction due
to their emotional connection and involvement with the brand. (Brown)

Engagement is a key factor in achieving customer satisfaction. Lisa provides case studies that
demonstrate how businesses that prioritize customer engagement, such as through proactive
communication, active listening, and personalized experiences, can enhance customer
satisfaction and loyalty. (Chen) Most Engaged Customer study has shown that businesses
with higher engagement levels also enjoy higher profits, ROI (, s.d.) David
Jones said how engagement is closely linked to customer satisfaction. He argues that engaged
customers are more likely to have positive experiences, trust the brand, and feel loyal, leading
to higher levels of customer satisfaction. (Jones)

H1: Increase engagement has a significant influence on customer satisfaction

Relation between Increase Efficiency and customer

Increased efficiency in business processes can lead to higher customer satisfaction. Smith
highlights that when a business operates efficiently, it can deliver products or services in a
timely and effective manner, which can positively impact customer satisfaction by meeting or
exceeding customer expectations. (Smith J. ) Mark Johnson support a positive relationship
between efficiency and customer satisfaction. He discusses how businesses that prioritize
operational efficiency, such as through streamlined processes, optimized resource allocation,
and effective time management, can enhance customer satisfaction by reducing delays, errors,
and other negative experiences that may negatively impact customer satisfaction. (Johnson M.
) Sarah discusses how service-oriented businesses that prioritize efficiency in their service
delivery, such as through prompt service, accurate information, and timely issue resolution,
can enhance customer satisfaction by providing a seamless and positive customer experience.

H2: Increase efficiency has a significant influence on customer satisfaction

Relation between Innovation with AI and customer

Peter adams argues that innovation with AI plays a significant role in customer satisfaction. He
highlights that businesses that prioritize innovation, such as through developing new products
or services, improving existing processes, or adopting new technologies, can positively
impact customer satisfaction by providing unique and valuable solutions that meet or exceed
customer needs. (Adams) Anne Thompson highlights how innovation can directly impact
customer satisfaction by providing unique value propositions, solving customer pain points,
and meeting changing customer needs. She discusses various examples of how companies that
prioritize innovation, such as through continuous improvement, breakthrough innovations, or
disruptive technologies, can achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty
(Thompson A. ) Eric Johnson supporting the positive relationship between innovation and
customer satisfaction. He discusses how companies that consistently innovate and adapt to
changing customer preferences, market trends, and technological advancements can enhance
customer satisfaction by delivering novel and superior solutions that meet or exceed customer
expectations. (Johnson E. )

H3: Innovation with AI has a significant influence on customer satisfaction

Relation between Increase Engagement and user

Lisa Johnson said that engagement is a crucial component of user experience. She highlights
that when users are engaged, they are more likely to have a positive experience with a product
or service. Engaging user experiences can involve various elements, such as intuitive
navigation, interactive features, personalized content, and visual appeal, which can all
contribute to a positive user experience. (Johnson L. ) The close relationship between
engagement and user experience designing for engagement, such as through gamification,
interactive elements, and personalization, can lead to a more positive user experience.
Engaging user experiences can captivate users' attention, increase their emotional connection,
and provide a sense of enjoyment, which can all contribute to a better overall user experience.
(Thompson S. , The Connection Between Engagement and User Experience)

Engaging user experiences, which involve users and provide them with a sense of value,
relevance, and enjoyment, can contribute to a positive overall user experience, the importance
of measuring and optimizing engagement to enhance the overall user experience. (Thompson
A. , Exploring the Link Between Engagement and User Experience: A Qualitative Study)

H4: Increase engagement has a significant influence on user experience

Relation between Increase Efficiency and user experience

Efficiency is a crucial aspect of user experience. Users expect products or services to be
efficient and streamlined, enabling them to complete tasks quickly and effortlessly. Designing
interfaces with efficient workflows, minimal steps, and clear navigation can enhance the user
experience by reducing frustration, saving time, and increasing productivity. (Smith J. ,
Efficient User Experience: Designing Interfaces for Optimal Performance) Efficiency and
effectiveness are essential factors in shaping user experience. Sarah argues that users expect
products or services to be efficient in helping them achieve their goals effectively and without
unnecessary delays or friction. She emphasizes the need to understand users' tasks, goals, and
preferences to design interfaces that optimize efficiency and effectiveness, leading to a
positive and productive user experience. (Chen S. )

Efficient interfaces, which allow users to accomplish tasks with minimal effort and time, can
lead to positive user experiences, such as increased satisfaction, improved task success rates,
and reduced errors. Mary Johnson further emphasizes the importance of usability testing and
iterative design to optimize efficiency and enhance the overall user experience. (Johnson M. )

H5: Increase efficiency has a significant influence on user experience

Relation between Innovation with AI and user experience
Innovative AI interfaces and interactions can create delightful and memorable experiences for
users, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and advocacy. Williams discusses how
leveraging emerging technologies, novel design approaches, and creative problem-solving can
result in unique and compelling user experiences that differentiate products or services in the
market. (Williams) innovative features, interactions, or interfaces can positively impact user
experience by providing novelty, excitement, and value. The importance of considering the
user's perspective in the innovation process to ensure that the resulting user experiences are
meaningful, usable, and satisfying. (Turner)

Innovation with AI plays a crucial role in addressing evolving user needs and expectations.
Innovative design solutions can solve users’ pain points, simplify complex tasks, and
introduce new functionalities that enhance the overall user experience. The importance of user
feedback, prototyping, and iterative design in the innovation process to ensure that user needs
are effectively addressed. (Adams M. )

H6: Innovation with AI has a significant influence on user experience

Relation between user experience and customer

User experience directly influences user satisfaction. Norman argues that a well-designed
product or service should be usable, efficient, and enjoyable to interact with, resulting in a
positive user experience that leads to user satisfaction. The importance of understanding
users’ needs, abilities, and expectations in designing products that provide a satisfying user
experience. (Norman) Good user experience is fundamental to user satisfaction. User
experience, which encompasses the entire journey and interaction of users with a product or
service, can greatly impact their satisfaction levels. The importance of designing for emotions,
understanding users’ stories, and creating meaningful interactions that contribute to a positive
user experience and ultimately result in user satisfaction. (Quesenbery)

User experience, directly impacts user satisfaction. Jakob Nielsen argues that products or
services that are easy to use, efficient, and effective in helping users achieve their goals can
significantly contribute to user satisfaction. The importance of conducting usability testing
and incorporating user feedback in the design process to optimize user experience and
satisfaction. (Nielsen)

H7: User experience has a significant influence on customer satisfaction


Chapter 4: Research methodology and analysis of data

  Research approach and design

Quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data. It is ideal for
identifying trends and averages, making predictions, testing relationships, and generalizing
results for large populations. (Fleetwood, s.d.). This research used the quantitative approach
because a large sample of online data from Moroccan marketers and advertising professionals
who have experience using AI in their digital content creation strategies for Google

The study used the descriptive cross-sectional survey design Creswell's view on the cross-
sectional survey design as suitable for descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory studies,
particularly when people are used as the unit of analysis. Creswell also highlights that this
design allows for collecting data from online consumers who may differ on key attributes at a
given point in time, which can facilitate generalizations. (Creswell)

The design being suitable for the study, it has some limitations. It can produce an unreliable
result because the design digs into people privacy and personal issues that the participant may
not want to disclose.


Questionnaire Development

The data for this study will be gathered through a range of research instruments, such as a
questionnaire, which will contain no more than 25 questions

❖ Section one

A question seeking demographic information about responders is included in this section.

Age, gender, the size of your company, education level, gender, and industry

❖ Second Section

Section 2 of the survey includes inquiries about the relationship between Increase efficiency,
Increase engagement, Innovation with AI and customer satisfaction intention while mediated
by user experience in Moroccan companies using AI with google advertising. A Likert scale
consisting of five points is used in this section, and respondents are asked to indicate their
response by marking (√) their answer among the five points ranging from strongly disagree
(1) to strongly agree (5).

Data Collection Procedures

The study will utilize primary data collected through online surveys. Online platforms such as
Google Forms can be used to distribute the online survey to the target audience. Google
Forms was appropriate for the research because it is a popular survey tool within the research
context.. These platforms also offer features such as skip logic, question branching, and data
validation to ensure high-quality data collection.

Data analysis tools such as SPSS can be used to analyse the data collected from the survey.
Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages can be used to describe the data and
provide an overview of the use of AI in digital content production  

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