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Nama: Muhammad Ariq Muthi

Class : IF-43-07

Outline :
Why causes flexing so popular in the millennial generation
a. Show off their personality
b. Needed more attention from the public to show their status
The negative impact of flexing in social media
a. Need to maintain an image of perfection and success
b. These people are more prone to these thoughts, so their goal shifts from building
relationships to owning material things
The Contras about flexing
a. flex is only people who are not actually rich or it could be just a hoax as a result of
credit and edits

Topic: Flexing in Millennial Generations

Thesis Statement :
The phenomenon of the millennial generation using social media to show off their wealth to the
public, this condition brought us to point of view of how social media changed their habit.

Title :
How flexing changes the habit of the millennial generation
Essay :

The flexing habit has been very much discussed lately, Flexing is a phenomenon in which
the new rich often flaunt their wealth and lifestyle to the public through social media coverage of
the media. One of the things that sell well in the media is what the lifestyle of the rich is like,
what is their home like, where they go on vacation, and the luxury cars and expensive
motorcycles used to distribute the money are public exhibits.
Flexing habits so popular especially millennial generation because they need more
attention from the public, and they might be express their personality so the public can identify
their status. For example, late last year, December 2021 to be exact, Doni Salmanan auctioned
off his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The auction will start with a price of 1 billion, and the
auction proceeds will be donated to multiple disaster areas. A hand clapped, loudly. The
motorcycle is sold at the requested auction price. Dhoni's social media also includes screenshots
of the donation handover.
The negative impact of flexing in social media, Due to the importance of Flex cultural
content on social media, its psychological impact has permeated our daily lives. While they are
little more than strategic marketing for luxury brands, the followers of these influencers who
flaunt luxury lifestyles strive to match the lifestyles of these influencers. This toxic mindset of
equating wealth with happiness affects everyone but is especially powerful for teens and young
adults, who grow up surrounded by information and need to maintain an image of perfection and
success online to be validated. These people are more prone to these thoughts, so their goal shifts
from building relationships to owning material things. distribute the money are public exhibit.
There are cons in our society to this phenomenon. Many criticize that flexing is a form of
futility and only a phenomenon among us, there are also those who criticize that those who like
to flex are only people who are not actually rich or it could be just a hoax as a result of credit and
edits. The conclusion of this essay is the flexing culture. The conclusion of this essay is that we
must be wise in seeing and interpreting what flexing means and how we respond to this

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