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THE SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE ‘Something has happend chat since important! “The Quantum Sheth ave ben ling about as ‘evuced snd wil aves rare impact on you and healthcare tha wil be ovat icwill be Beyond your wildest imagination Fac allow me co step back o ary serapist or plyscan that has yet tke my Miya Reese ena or any patent that ‘nay be corierig MyofacalRelen can better underetand our Myofascial Relete propecia, Myofical Release is Therapeutic Arty: In shoo, Ia tld tat therapy ws combination oF scence andar Then ll cae wa led about wae he seine spect bt no ae NNeswonian physics, the paradign of tadtonal heap. claimed things have energy. Unforunatdy, radional thespy ignored the discoveries by Ensen tha ching at ney! The he paradigm that Myolscal Relea utline so succes “Teatinonal scence views people x object. The Fundamental premise af the “ol scence inaetvey A rudimentary under Sanding of Quansun Physic charly demonstrates chat thee NO OBJECTIVITY. Yer. researchers conta oo for objcive cae fran objective deat or dyfuneson. There Fore you and las cerapit were rained odo che impossible, The foundation of cence was buleon quicksand. This also why raiionalcherapy only produces limited and eemporaey ress My serious back injury and vesulane steuggle eg ry’stengih and health opened my ejes 1 che imitations of tradinal therapy, My Myofucal Relate piltopy, principles tnd techigues were developed year ago though my experience, tral andere, nitive gudancr and feedback fret my patients despite the fc tha eda jive with what renee said T should be thinking or ding, Traditional cen obsolete view of the human ar 2 bag ofchemicilshas eroded heatear int he My confusion inthe eal part of my developmen of my “Myofascial Release Approach wis compounded by al the retearch ‘on the fascial sytem dno match ay experience with ry flees and mel Tevenull ecalted hat all ofthe sient Fasarch onthe fusca syste wat done on eda (ead pop “This led radial sie oa very ernemns view ofthe Faria ytem and importence inte physologielFensioning allo the sytem ofr body in ie How could scence amie something so imporcane? This eon probably occurte de roth fic thar Myofucilrextiions fd no show up in any ofthe standard teste sucha ys MRIS, nylograns, CAT sean, eetompograpiy. xe. This ‘was comnpounded by the Rawed view of eh wadtonal paradigm Ivhich wa loge, bu erly incomplete “The medical peradigm Fagmented the human over 300 yeas ago and taught tha we are mindles machines. In other words, onsiosness dee not mater and was not important or tobe Included in ealehate However, chi refer our momeney- moment experience. My personal expeince was tht feonaciounes was the mot important aspect of Wie and ean. found hat ‘ny patent ial yee ss fll of i memories, motions and consousnes! My personal experience was that she mose important aspect of life and hecling. I found that my patient's fascial system was full of life, ‘memories, emotions and consciousness! Als icin in har mor seni ate ‘mere technics snc all they de is memoria ats writen by someone ele, He bined are scents vwasone that uve his or her restive genie coupled with che rasonl mind. He ‘id shat al of inedible ‘ea came in an nce insal fash, He"aw" the rotl pcre and then wed the oil! Tinea side of he bain o write down the concep ta desc his neice experince, Some ineresting hough fiom Arthur Koestler’ book “Te Glut ease” maybe wevane here He sates the cence is as on mo ms aa ages ha hell of ene arecracked and ween there as hl min, imagination and parse to be unaccrtc, treated 3s diety wards, and banned from the vocab Jay. Keesler get wo sae that tis he nen Son vaso exehde conciousness ets ft bc ier on his cose en ply hac exces Phenomenon dm exis ec paradox forconscious humans 0 dey consis Ye sgencations ofits illucned by behav claim eo staly Fruman nature wl withou conscious, atnon wih imal behav, sep, Language bean al hehe xpi ily evading the cation ane of 26 senor ote hantan thought, Naural they were unable deal with sun ve thet jo ae have asubeonseius thon nso Alber insti has speculated shar ain se ‘he external apperances af some desert. | lee that Myofiscal Ree Traonal heap mse 3 key compen fr elctivnes the tteatmen ofthe Nyofcl syste the conduit of consumes an inl matory process: Tau and inammatoy esponses ete myofascial restitons that can produce pressure of appr ‘arly 2000 passer nur ack on pan Senate erste "hat donor show yp in any of the standard tests Grays MR, mylograms, CAT scans. elctomypaphy ete resue acts like "sigh jacket” om muses, nerves, blood vessels and excousstuctutes producing the symptoms of pai, headaches, nd recon of macon and disease Myofscil retro cer fiom tana sg This enon i 4 bi Ws Trauma and inflammatory esponses create restrictions char can produce pressures of approsimiately 2,000 pounds per square inch ‘on pain sensitive structres THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DISEASE! A masiveameant of scat is emerging tht valde the principles of my Mfc Relesse approach. am going te paraphrae sme impor {ant inforesacon fom 3 new hooky “Energy ‘nein Theryeutes and Human Performance ‘writen by Jes L. Otchmane PAB. A dramati dicovery eee chat hee is aetally nosh tings disease, Medicine’ disease ‘model has spy rm ite cour. Shoes a the Bt pai replaced Teadioal medicine looks ac syespoms ie it abel and cal rea syapoms Sym rascal toms are only he ip ofthe ihe fee drug pion hey. tempor cf pin Bei dacs Seaighaker of poe hat seating the pin Tadronal Pps, occupation and Issage hea pct chipractc and oh fons "ray only wet the yp sexed bythe aie f peste chat eats a psp the npome thie a why Scene has aw diconered wat | hasbeen eching fr or smpeoms agnostic ab ancient ate ‘Mockage of our bio-enegs casa bya prolonged inflammatory response Tsu athe Myofascial vesitons tha lina eee the sympa pals dlneine press, The ns ofnfamnatry reso thi hive our thie swells are cheonc pain headaches, rotition of oon bromlga, chron ig syndrome, heart dase wel and metus disorders, cance and be mand on Theteis mo such thing a disse! “Myofocal Resse allows ee cron inflammatory response to sole and eaten che enc presse ected om pin Seu srt by mek restrictions oleate ny toms al wallow ce bd’ sural healing capi to fntion Myof Iecberg” In other won ynpioms are cfs of much deper ‘cause. Tradlional phsctns a cheapss only tee ett The Myofascial cherie rents theca cause and fet Release views symptoms as ony che “tp ofthe ARE YOU READY TO MOVE OUT OF THE DARK AGES OF HEALTHCARE? Taadional scence considers he fis and she prosns of the body to he an nlite shai ncapabe of conditing en, ‘erormation and sonsiousess, When 3 ern Bisogst sere osu te, hey crush pulp and prs in cenifg, The tse isthe spun a high velo wo sepate the solid om the Hud. The solid mstral then throw aay fete fad fst. However, back in 194), Profesor Set {Gyo sd this was an eroncous way af doing research o> Tg te He proved hay dey eng he protein hit the removal of water comvered the protein Font conducts of ‘rg ine nel. Weer is ese frie Dr, Sen Gorgy hen sed chi Byraking ay th we, you ate studying nore! Keep preci heated and they are semiondcors of energy He ‘woweon co demonstrate hall ubstance are semiconducts He sass ou eommunistion sen ofthe body lies on we. [Aa change in water coatnt cam rigger lion Fld change Incharge eanspoestion along» potin. OF curs, he kas ofthe ime then ignored his gpotan diaconery hecae id ‘ot fhe dla ely tat hey hal memoria Tibia! Teipcomsidered ro be wmcienic ro be bie, [eles eee rod thi he wens community ha come eninge ino ‘stain inlet dshoney Ths fils ad obsolete information hat the sf tau of one fodyisan insulavoo. is sil eng tah i all mil: dens an therapeutic school in dhe county For more dt nfo Iman plese ead pages 72-74 in Dr James Oshinanrs new hook “Eno Meds a epee and Hanan Performan Remember that rains ad inllamimatoy paces dey ‘hed component ofthe cil ner. Thee Fil i tins th exert enor preston pain serie strat es af inhib ee leone tha Hos chrough the Tigao he cial tent ad every elf our body ht ultimately produces symone pain headaches restictin of rion and dice, Te flowing information s paraphrase fom Dr Evin Lasso’ nev book “Scene and the Aktshic Fl.” Dr. Lalo consd cal robe oe ofthe most profound thinker alive today In ‘Scence and ch Akashic Feld philosopher nd systems hort. Inn Las shows haw che discovery pie fee epg ‘eg field ae, which the Nyaa pepecise experiences being centered or channel 3, ala he dacovery ofthe universal nfnmation" eld ha the our fr al of pica ali The allowing some scatered oberon Fm hs bok. Dr Lilo consider he impoversbed dscoume of iene as had 3 eative par on sory and thatthe wordvew mon conider sctnacis an anegusted and obsolete view “Fer yen scents and phlosphers hve sated ha che phys lain the spur of concournes, yer there ino ede of shi 1s Las blieves tae che pray ely isthe quantum eld ‘or2e0 point ney fel or what he al the kasi ill. The kishic Bel, which andres pyle, vast ea of ‘ergy 2nd information that ows through us ad ee iver Seatolgram We were tight hat nothing raves fase than the sped of light however Ruan physics have disewered “esion waver sha vel ax energy and information athe sped atthe ode f 10 ro the th power shat mans oe billy ces the sped of ight! Remember being ener is the icles spxcles dimension ered hough he ‘ett tha allows sto access che bao Fremory ofthe univer, ie the aah eld or iver wisdom, Inscusing how che kasi eld or ae pol energy Bel Peterman he ving Spinism, Dr Lasko sons chat the lrng ‘mechanical machine the eadivonal poraigm, Afving organism Asnamic and Ae ih lcomponcnts in instant Joho F, Barnes, PT is considered to be the therapisr’s therapist”, and a visionary and reacher of the highest caliber an continuous comm hiation.Thiskind af iseant.ssecm-wide communication ant he produce by the tains ve fey psc and temic eration snang molecules, genes cell ard organ. “Tespeal with which aetatng procenes spread throughout the toy makes rianee on biocemtyalone inuicie, “The conduction o signs through the nervous system coe prceed fer than soot 20 meer pr seconds ca ay ange numberof diverse sgn atthe same rime er hres ‘idence tha the entre organism act on"Thisnsanancos communication fos through che fd ofthe body in and arn the vcrotubulss ofthe fil system, “I hs buen found ‘hc thi ineaneancos commiation iat 20,00 Gimes the speed ofligh, elaivgy theory's supposedly ubreskable peed baie” To smarts, ce fd within and around the mo tubules ofthe ise stem he container of ur sind ares Aloe instantaneous energy and informacion sheoughon 90 ‘in function se coordinated, balanced whole The fascial system isthe primary communicaton sytem with he ruck ower neutal sem, a secondary syste of condction Ourinsaeineligence Hows shough the facial mati xt ying vascamount of infomation, isan cpa of oring far mare Information than the brn. Teadiconal science sil clings tothe eroneus view that he connective tissu is just an nelstor even chagh was proven wrong bck in 941: intend the facil eater fa stuctral ‘hrceimensionl eb day hulp dads gu erg tnd information. Wee connective tases iid crys acting 2 semiconductor thats capable of pote giving ou pent sed outs acest tothe wisdom othe un wee! ean a ge hate, ane alienation and hopestes ate nous felings, Nether ae love. serenity and opcimm. Al at phys logical sates tha peofundly aRec out heh, However, 0 experience has show us aura, inflamma, or unreaved érmrioal holding patron, dehydates and chien he fascial system. This os of idan the reulan sehieaton ofthe ground substance of he fusca system Hock his imporeane communication that eventually produce the ympoms ofp, headache, aie, renction of motion and disease woul ike to quote fom the book “The Fs” by Lyane eget, which tae hat "In the nea fut heen of xing drugs or suger o cure anybody wil cn bari I has ben iscovered that humans emi highly coherent photons (he inst Particles of igh). Our DNA uses ve resus of this ight ood. New idence shows the brains consration wih dhe bay are waves to diveal ofthe phyrilogial proceso he mind Ad frequencies ater chan with emia rslcricl impulses alone: Our brains are simpy the ees and rendu mechanism ofthe wimate storage medium, he force Fld that sucrounds us and infuses with evety cll of our body. ny healthy individuals, ehe qua ight ighly organized. In people shat aril, cancer pairs or instance, have lt the ganization ofthis ineernal energy so the subatomic communi tion between she various parte f the body has oes down, n fle, hee lighe i going ou, aye halls is kind of scrambling ofthe Fequency och energy soraseaL Myofascial Release structurally and encrstialy opens and hydrates the human fiscal syst fai ight fo he coherent flow of frequency, vibration, information and organization neces sary forthe healeh and quay of life. ade you agin ate you rendy co mote ou of che dak ger of helt? Myofascial Release i logcl expansion ofthe ver oot of he health peoesons. Ie incorporates quasar theory and syns theory im practice, ue dee not aceasta the dismantling of wadiiona heaeheare. Kater, Myotacia Rls presents 2 powesflly effective addon of sere of concept and eh niqesthac enhance and mesh wih our aditionl media enal and therapeutic ning Myofcal Relea now radi ‘onl therapy, no isi alermative therapy, Myofascial Releases authencc therapy de othe important subscnialand eangibe results ic provide mallee of umn existence This excing period of taston poses an imporanc opporuniey focus grow as human beings while providing the quality of cae our pints deserve, lowing ural go moe in authende ling and healing ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Apion Newey Nos eeene etd

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