The Prediction of Preeclampsia The Way Forward 20

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The prediction of preeclampsia: the way forward

Leslie Myatt, PhD, FRCOG

healthcare facilities and where morbidity

Despite intensive investigation, we still cannot adequately predict, treat, or prevent pre- and mortality are limited by prompt de-
eclampsia. We have gained awareness that preeclampsia is a syndrome not a disease and livery of women with preeclampsia,
is heterogeneous in its presentation and pathophysiology, which may indicate differing which is accompanied by iatrogenic de-
underlying phenotypes, and that the impact extends beyond pregnancy per se. Effects on livery of preterm neonates. In compari-
the fetus and mother extend many years after pregnancy, as evidenced by fetal pro- son, only 1% of the perinatal research
gramming of adult disease and increased risk of the development of maternal cardio- expenditure but 99% of the 600,000
vascular disease. The increased occurrence of preeclampsia in women with preexisting risk annual maternal deaths occur in low- and
factors suggests that the stress of pregnancy may expose subclinical vascular disease as middle-income countries,2 where women
opposed to preeclampsia damaging the vasculature. The heterogeneity of preeclampsia have limited access to healthcare.
has blighted efforts to predict preeclampsia early in gestation and has thwarted success in Although improved access to care is
attempts at therapy with treatments, such as low-dose aspirin or global antioxidants. There necessary for alleviating the burden of
is a critical need to identify the phenotypes to enable their specific prediction and treatment. preeclampsia in developing countries,
Such studies require considerably larger collections of patients than employed in past and there is still a role for predicting pre-
current studies. This does not necessarily imply much larger patient numbers in single eclampsia in that setting and in developed
studies but can be facilitated by the ability to easily combine many smaller studies. This can countries to alleviate the consequences.
be accomplished by agreeing on a priori standardized and harmonized clinical data and
biospecimen collection across new studies. Such standards are being established by in- Where are we now?
ternational groups of investigators. Leadership by international organizations, perhaps Over the past 30 years, there has been a
adopting a carrot and stick approach, to overcome investigator, institutional and funder general acceptance that preeclampsia is a
reticence toward data sharing is required to ensure adoption of such standards. Future syndrome and not a disease3 and that
studies should include women in both low- and high-resource settings and employ social preeclampsia presents with different
media and novel methods for data collection and analysis, including machine learning and phenotypes. These can be described
artificial intelligence. The goal is to identify the pathophysiology underlying differing pre- clinically as mild vs severe and early- vs
eclampsia phenotypes, their successful prediction with the design, and the implementation late-onset preeclampsia, although these
of phenotype-specific therapies. are not dichotomous variables but rather
Key words: angiogenic factor, antioxidant, aspirin, blood pressure, Combined Antioxi- continuous variables with arbitrary but
dant and Preeclampsia Prediction Studies, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low clinically relevant definitions. Further
platelet count syndrome, placental growth factor, prediction, preeclampsia, Screening clinical phenotypes include the presence
for Pregnancy Endpoints, syndrome or absence of growth restriction and
variants, such as the HELLP (hemolysis,
elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet
Introduction despite a substantial and ongoing amount count) syndrome and superimposition
The societal and economic costs, esti- of work attempting to describe the of preeclampsia on chronic hyperten-
mated at $2.18 billion within the first 12 mechanistic underpinnings of the disor- sion. The knowledge that there is varying
months of delivery in the United States,1 der, prediction of its occurrence, and involvement of different organ systems
of preeclampsia, which is the leading therapeutic approaches. Most of this in the clinical presentation of pre-
cause of maternal morbidity and work was performed in developed coun- eclampsia,4,5 together with the large
responsible for 75,000 maternal deaths tries where pregnant women have good number of cross-sectional studies
worldwide each year,2 remain unabated access to antenatal care and advanced measuring different analytes in women
with preeclampsia and the growing
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oregon Health and Science University, number of discovery-type “omics”
Portland, OR. studies,6e9 has supported the concept of
Received Oct. 10, 2020; revised Oct. 22, 2020; accepted Oct. 27, 2020. different biochemical phenotypes.4,5,10
The author reports no conflict of interest. This concept was instrumental in the
This paper is part of a supplement.
design of the Combined Antioxidant and
Preeclampsia Prediction Studies
Corresponding author: Leslie Myatt, PhD, FRCOG.
(CAPPS)11 and the Screening for Preg-
0002-9378/$36.00  ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
nancy Endpoints (SCOPE)12 studies,
Click Supplemental Materials under article title in Contents at
which both measured a range of bio-
markers longitudinally across gestations

S1102 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

in what were thought at the time to be early-onset preeclampsia,21 that is, the pregestational diabetes,26 which may
relatively large numbers (2500 and 5623, placental disease. It is recommended that point to different underlying causes, for
respectively) of low-risk nulliparous low-dose aspirin be administered to these example, placental or endothelial
women. Disappointingly, neither of these women before 16 weeks’ gestation, dysfunction. These patient groups may
studies could identify early pregnancy reducing the incidence of early-onset present enriched populations for study,
predictors of preeclampsia; however, preeclampsia by more than 60%.22 but most preeclampsia cases in devel-
both studies made a point that the het- Although this is a significant step for- oped countries occur in clinical practice
erogeneity of preeclampsia contributed ward, early-onset preeclampsia only af- in low-risk nulliparous women, leading
to the failure to identify early predictors fects <1% of the pregnant population to this group being selected in many
with clinical utility. However, as these with up to 80% of preeclampsia being late studies, for example, CAPPS and
were studies of low-risk nulliparous onset where both mother and fetus are SCOPE. However, among nulliparous
women, most of those who developed still at risk of adverse outcomes with only women, up to 5% will have chronic hy-
preeclampsia developed late-onset pre- increased surveillance and delivery avail- pertension, multifetal gestation, or pre-
eclampsia, a condition alleviated by able to prevent adverse events. We are gestational diabetes, and the increased
prompt delivery of the patient with rela- now aware that exposure to an adverse incidence of preeclampsia associated
tively low fetal morbidity and mortality. intrauterine environment, such as that with these high-risk conditions means
There was also growing acceptance of the presented by growth restriction or pre- that up to 14% of preeclampsia in
concept that early-onset preeclampsia is eclampsia, results in fetal programming nulliparous women will be associated
primarily related to failure of trophoblast of adult diseases, including cardiovascu- with these conditions (Levine and Myatt
invasion and adaptation of uterine spiral lar, metabolic, and neurodevelopmental unpublished). Similarly, in multiparous
arteries13 leading to a relative placental disorders23,24; hence, instead of leaving women, a group also including those
ischemia and that late-onset preeclamp- the fetus exposed throughout gestation, with previous preeclampsia, up to 9%
sia, in which two-thirds of women do not early prediction of the potential devel- will have a high-risk condition, and close
display increased uterine artery vascular opment of preeclampsia and imple- to 100% of their preeclampsia will be
impedance,14 is related to increased mentation of a therapy could prevent associated with these preexisting high-
maternal susceptibility to the vascular these programming effects. Similarly, risk conditions. The association of pre-
and metabolic stress of pregnancy15 or to there is now increasing awareness of the eclampsia with high-risk conditions and
advancing placental senescence16 that association of adverse pregnancy out- the mendelian pattern of inheritance in
releases damaging vasoactive factors into comes, including preeclampsia, with the some families suggest that preeclampsia
the maternal circulation. development of long-term cardiovascular is a complex genetic disorder occurring
An important finding from both and metabolic diseases in women.25 as a result of numerous common vari-
CAPPS and SCOPE was that although Whether this is the result of preeclamp- ants at different loci that contribute to an
they could not identify the biomarkers sia damaging the maternal vasculature or individual’s susceptibility to the dis-
with clinical utility for first-trimester whether the stress of pregnancy exposes ease.27 Because no single cause or genetic
prediction of preeclampsia, measure- women with preexisting subclinical variant will account for all preeclampsia
ment of changes in biomarkers from first vascular disease is currently being inves- cases, large patient numbers across many
to early or late second trimester of preg- tigated. However, early prediction and different populations are required to
nancy17 increased the sensitivity for institution of a prophylactic therapy to unravel this complexity.28,29
detecting preeclampsia, that is, the later prevent the development of preeclampsia Beyond predicting which women are
in gestation, the better the ability to pre- may be beneficial in preventing long- likely to develop preeclampsia, prediction
dict. Subsequently, these findings have term consequences. studies would be useful for identifying
been capitalized on with second18 and women who might benefit from some
third trimesters19 measurement of Caveats for prediction studies and sort of therapy if it was available.
angiogenic factors being shown to have therapeutic trials Although the deviation in biomarker
high diagnostic accuracy for predicting If we accept that early prediction of late- levels or profiles from those seen in
subsequent development of preeclampsia onset (and early-onset) preeclampsia normotensive patients with good out-
and other adverse outcomes and assign- may be of benefit for both the mother comes is used to identify those developing
ment of women to appropriate clinical and offspring, how do we achieve it preeclampsia and indicate potential
care pathways, indeed being introduced against the background of heterogeneity pathophysiologic pathways, we have to be
into routine clinical practice in the United of the syndrome that has blighted pre- cautious as the placenta and maternal
Kingdom.20 First-trimester screening vious efforts? The overall incidence of systems may adapt to the pathophysio-
using a combination of ultrasound mea- preeclampsia and the incidence of severe logic insult and display this adaptive
surement of uterine artery pulsatility in- preeclampsia are increased in certain response rather than display the evidence
dex, maternal risk factors, mean arterial high-risk groups of patients, for of the causative pathway. A therapeutic
pressure, and placental growth factor has example, multifetal gestation, previous action targeted at these pathways may
now been recommended for predicting preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, and worsen the condition and threaten

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1103

Expert Review

maternal and fetal well-being by amelio- into a database with a priori agreed data consequences of preeclampsia. This
rating the adaptive response rather than fields will allow easy combination of Herculean long-term undertaking is
inhibiting a causative pathway. large numbers of smaller studies to perhaps beyond the capacity of even
quickly achieve the patient numbers major philanthropic organizations but
What lessons have we learned? needed to encompass the different phe- can be aided by agreed upon types and
The rate of occurrence of preeclampsia notypes of preeclampsia each in adequate standards for data collection. Leadership
(5%e7%) means that even in large numbers.34 The patient numbers have to to encourage adoption of such standards
studies, such as CAPPS (n¼2500) and be large enough to achieve statistical po- should perhaps come from authoritative
SCOPE (n¼5623), only relatively small wer necessary to define the contribution international organizations; a top-down
numbers of patients actually develop of factors, such as ethnicity, geography approach linked to grant support may
preeclampsia with most cases being late- and environmental exposures, genetics, aid in the adoption of standards. This
onset mild preeclampsia and a propor- preexisting conditions, and confounders, does not mandate large multicenter in-
tion of these cases associated with pre- such as obesity and fetal gender. It is ternational studies; individual
existing conditions. Obviously, a larger realized that the collection of extensive investigator-initiated studies can still
number of patients have to be enrolled to and detailed clinical data is difficult in occur, but adoption of data collection
achieve meaningful numbers of women resource-poor areas; however, in this case, standards allows the facility to easily
with preeclampsia to allow the dissection all efforts should be made to collect at aggregate data if desired and overcome
of biomarker profiles, risk factors, etc., least a minimal agreed standardized data the previously mentioned issues of data
necessary to reveal different known, set33 (Supplemental Table 1) compatible combination.30 Where will such data
suspected, and unknown phenotypes of with data that are collected in resource- come from? Obviously, medical records
preeclampsia. This may be beyond the rich areas. are a major source but standards and
resources of single centers or even net- ease of access vary across the globe. Ef-
works. It is not surprising that many What data to collect to really forts must be made to again standardize
current studies still employ small patient understand preeclampsia and get ease of access. Furthermore, in
numbers and are cross-sectional in na- Traditionally, preeclampsia studies have the United States, the major driver of
ture, limiting the utility and knowledge collected data in cross-sectional studies electronic medical record design was for
gained. The differences in study design, from patients diagnosed with pre- accurate billing with little attention to
patient selection, and clinical data eclampsia, and these have been the basis accumulating data to understand dis-
collection make it extremely difficult to for our current understanding of the eases. There is also an abundance of data
combine these studies even in meta-an- pathophysiology and therapeutic ap- generated and gathered on social media,
alyses.30 A major failure is poor defini- proaches. Recently, a few longitudinal through patient advocacy sites and via
tion and clinical phenotyping of sample and data collections have been commercial tests, for example, genetic
patients, leading to the concept of the 1 made, with both their expense and the ancestry, that can be incorporated into
million dollar test but the 5 cent diag- incidence of preeclampsia (5%e7%) preeclampsia studies. Again, the quality
nosis.31 Although useful in clinical ultimately limiting the numbers of and disease identification from such data
practice, where the objective is not to women in such studies who will develop are of widely varying quality. A similar
miss patients at high risk of adverse preeclampsia. Our realization of the concern related to the variation in the
outcome, use of the recently more in- long-term consequences of adverse collection of clinical data applies to the
clusive clinical diagnosis32 for research pregnancy outcome on the mother and collection of biospecimens into bio-
studies may include many patients with offspring now indicates that we should banks. Various organizations have pre-
weak phenotypes. What strategy can collect pregnancy and postpregnancy sented standardized methods for the
then be employed? Regardless of their data in the same women. Deep pheno- collection and storage of materials, for
size, studies must collect sufficient clin- typing of women during pregnancy has example, the placenta;36 however, these
ical data (not just blood pressure and recently been suggested to offer an op- need to be widely adopted to ensure
proteinuria) to enable adequate pheno- portunity to not only improve preg- consistency across studies.
typing of patients. The data should be nancy outcomes but also define the Research studies will usually have high-
compatible with data collected from antecedents of lifelong health and well- quality clinical data and associated bio-
other studies, allowing them to be easily ness.35 The understanding that preex- materials that are carefully collected but
compared and combined if necessary. isting risk factors, exposed by pregnancy are limited by the number of subjects in
The need for data standardization and and leading to preeclampsia, may play a any study. This raises the issue of data
harmonization across studies has been major role in the pathophysiology sug- sharing, in which investigators can
clearly recognized and operative in, for gests that prepregnancy studies are also combine many such studies to achieve a
example, the cancer field for many years important. Hence, comprehensive large data set. However, data sharing is
and has been clearly mentioned as ad- studies of the reproductive life course currently associated with several chal-
vantageous in study of preeclampsia.33 may need to be undertaken to truly un- lenges. These include the mindset of in-
Collection of data across many studies derstand the antecedents, incidence, and vestigators, academic institutions, and

S1104 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

funders for whom sharing has not been dynamical modeling, machine learning, tremendous energy and resources being
of high priority. Furthermore, collecting and artificial intelligence that more expended in the second half of the 20th
necessary data and identifying and comprehensively studies the interaction century in attempting to define the un-
including relevant outcomes sufficient for of various factors offers some hope in derlying pathophysiology and limited
sharing and data formats and dictionaries studying the interaction of clinical and success in predicting and preventing the
that do not impede sharing present major biochemical factors and may also be less frequently occurring early-onset
problems.37 It is encouraging that fun- useful in being applied retrospectively to form we still, in the 21st century, lack
ders, academic institutions, and individ- previous data sets. the overall ability to predict, prevent
ual investigators are beginning to other than by delivery, or effectively treat
recognize the importance of sharing. For Therapeutic approaches preeclampsia. The impact of pre-
preeclampsia, the Global Pregnancy In retrospect, it is perhaps easy to deter- eclampsia extends beyond risks to the
Collaboration (CoLab) has presented mine why previous therapeutic trials with mother and fetus in pregnancy per se, as
data fields that are necessary to collect low-dose aspirin26,41 or antioxidants42 the adverse intrauterine environment
data for preeclampsia research, including aimed at reduction in overall preeclamp- programs the fetus for disease in adult
a minimal and an optimal set of vari- sia have failed in large-scale trials. Given life and women with preeclamptic
ables33 (Supplemental Table 1, the heterogeneity of preeclampsia, any pregnancy are at increased risk of car-
Supplemental Table 2), whereas the In- beneficial effect on 1 or more phenotypes diovascular disease in later life. The
ternational Collaboration to Harmonize of patients may have been obscured by the prepregnancy antecedents of pre-
Outcomes in Pre-eclampsia (iHOPE) is lack of effect on other phenotypes within eclampsia may also contribute to its
attempting to standardize outcomes the population. Furthermore, these treat- development, illustrating that the con-
collected in preeclampsia studies.38 The ments were chosen on the basis of dition is related to health across the
iHOPE initiative builds on the efforts of empirical observations in cross-sectional lifespan. We now accept that pre-
80 journals participating in the Core studies of women with established dis- eclampsia is a syndrome and not a dis-
Outcomes in Women’s and Newborn ease. So were deficiencies in antioxidant ease and that the considerable
Health (CROWN) initiative, which en- defenses seen as a cause or consequence of heterogeneity in its presentation and
courages researchers to develop core preeclampsia? We now have more knowl- associated pathology implies that the
outcome sets, that is, minimum collec- edge of the cell and subcellular specific condition has several phenotypes that
tions of outcomes with standardized sites of synthesis and action of different has yet to be clearly defined beyond their
measurement and prioritized reporting pro- and antioxidants43,44 that it is not associated temporal or clinical appear-
in clinical trials to facilitate synthesis and surprising that a global antioxidant did not ance. This heterogeneity has blighted our
dissemination of results in systematic re- work. The use of low-dose aspirin in attempts to predict who will develop
views. The CoLab has also prepared a women who are predicted to be at high preeclampsia at a time when interven-
harmonized preeclampsia database risk of early-onset preeclampsia21 where tion may be useful to prevent adverse
available to all investigators at nominal or large numbers of women need to be outcomes and has shown that global
no charge in which data can be securely treated to prevent 1 case of preeclamp- therapeutic approaches do not work and
stored with access only to the investigator sia22 is defended by the low-risk profile therapies tailored for individual pheno-
( of low-dose aspirin, although recently types may be necessary. Hence, there is a
However, if sharing is chosen, data are easily aspirin use in pregnancy has been asso- need to identify the different phenotypes
shared with others who are using this ciated with increased postpartum of preeclampsia, develop methods for
database. bleeding and hematoma.45 Novel thera- their prediction, and design and test
peutic approaches currently being phenotype-specific interventions. The
Data Analysis investigated include targeting the com- burden of overall maternal morbidity
A powerful illustration of the heteroge- plement system,46 proangiogenesis,47 and mortality and of preeclampsia in
neity of preeclampsia is the wide scatter and the use of pravastatin, metformin, low-resource settings mandates that
seen in data presented from studies of proton-pump inhibitors, and micro- increasing attention is paid to the study
biomarkers. Often, this is presented as nutrients.48 These trials may suffer the of preeclampsia in those countries where
mean and standard deviation and hides same consequences as previous ones currently only 1% of research occurs and
the considerable overlap between pa- related to the heterogeneity of pre- the antecedents, development, and con-
tients with and without preeclampsia; eclampsia. Obviously, the identification sequences may differ. To define the
furthermore, patients with preeclampsia of different phenotypes of preeclampsia phenotypes of preeclampsia, a much
often have analyte values similar to pa- and application of therapies specific to larger number of patients than have been
tients without preeclampsia.39,40 Beyond that phenotype are the way forward. employed in studies to date is needed.
this, data analyses have been routine and This does not necessarily imply that
depend on receiver operating character- Summary: How to Move Forward larger single studies, the use of agreed
istic curve analysis to identify the pre- Despite preeclampsia being described upon standardized and harmonized
dictors. The recent interest in the use of over 15 centuries ago and with clinical data, and biospecimen collection

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1105

Expert Review

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vention of preeclampsia with low-dose aspirin in use during pregnancy and the risk of bleeding interim statement of the International Diabetes
healthy, nulliparous pregnant women. The Na- complications: a Swedish population-based Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and
tional Institute of Child Health and Human cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020 Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Development Network of Maternal-Fetal Medi- [Epub ahead of print]. Institute; American Heart Association; World
cine Units. N Engl J Med 1993;329:1213–8. 46. Regal JF, Burwick RM, Fleming SD. The Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis
42. Roberts JM, Myatt L, Spong CY, et al. Vi- complement system and preeclampsia. Curr Society; and International Association for the
tamins C and E to prevent complications of Hypertens Rep 2017;19:87. Study of Obesity. Circulation 2009;120:1640–5.

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1107

Expert Review

Supplemental Material

Minimal data set for studies on preeclampsia
Maternal data
Physical, anthropologic, and ethnographic data
Self-described ethnicity (white, black, Asian, Hispanic, unknown, or other [mixed])
Country of birth
Parents’ country of birth
Measured height, measured weight (prepregnancy or before 14 wk) and BMI
Years of schooling or other indicator of socioeconomic status
Smoking history
Cigarette or cigar smoker
Snuff user
Chews tobacco or takes nicotine
For each choice, check 1 of the following:
Never used
Irregularly used
Regularly used
Gave up before pregnancy
Gave up during pregnancy
Uses currently in this pregnancy
Medical history (reported)
Renal disease
Diabetes mellitus (type I or type II)
Collagen vascular disease (eg, Sjogren, antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus)
Previous preeclampsia
Previous gestational diabetes
Obstetrical history (indicate numbers and gestational age at occurrence)
Induced abortion
Gestational hypertension
Gestational diabetes mellitus requiring treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents
Preterm delivery (<37 wk)
Neonatal death
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. (continued)

S1107.e1 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Minimal data set for studies on preeclampsia (continued)
Present pregnancy
BP at first visit (booking)
Singleton or multifetal pregnancy
Hydatidiform mole
Hydropic placenta
Antihypertensive use in this pregnancy
For preeclampsia
For essential hypertension
Other medications
Magnesium sulfate
Corticosteroids for lung maturation
Low-dose aspirin
Thyroid supplements
Antithyroid treatment for thyrotoxicosis
Other (list)
Diagnosis of preeclampsia
Highest recorded systolic and diastolic BPs within 2 wk of delivery (do not use values during labor)
Choose available or not available
Highest intrapartum BP
Highest BP within 48 h after delivery
Proteinuria (dipstick/24 h urine/PC ratio)
Choose available or not available
Multisystem involvement (platelets, liver enzymes, serum creatinine, seizures, indicated preterm birth, IUGR, fetal, or neonatal death)
Choose yes, no, or unavailable
Maternal outcome
Length of stay in hospital predelivery (d)
Mode of delivery (vaginal and cesarean deliveries with or without labor or with or without induction)
MgSO4 use in this pregnancy (before, during, or after delivery)
Maternal outcome (healthy, PIH, preeclampsia, eclampsia, abruption, HELLP, GDM, death)
Infant data
Survival (yes or no)
Intrauterine fetal death (before admission or after admission)
Neonatal death
Gestational age at delivery in completed wk and d (if possible; calculated using LMP and ultrasound)
Newborn weight
BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; HELLP syndrome, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; LMP,
last menstrual period; PC, protein-creatinine; PIH, pregnancy-induced hypertension; SGA, small for gestational age.
Reproduced, with permission, from Myatt et al.33
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1107.e2

Expert Review

Optimal data set for studies on preeclampsia
Maternal data (data from minimal data set plus the following)
Clinical history
Gestational age at start of documented maternity care
Number of prenatal visits (doctor, midwife, or hospital in present pregnancy)
Blood transfusions
In life time
In present pregnancy
Fertility history
Assisted reproductive technology
Present pregnancy
Any previous attempted pregnancy
Artificial insemination
Partner or donor sperm
Egg recipient
Embryo recipient
Age at menarche
Birthweight of the pregnant woman
Duration of preconception sexual intercourse with biologic father of child (months [list as zero if donor semen])
Previous pregnancy outcomes (indicate numbers, and if with same partner or a previous partner and gestational age at occurrence)
Induced abortion
Recurrent spontaneous pregnancy loss
Gestational hypertension
Gestational diabetes mellitus requiring treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents
Preterm delivery (<37 wk)
Neonatal death
Relevant maternal family history
Mother, sister, or cousin with preeclampsia
Validated or self-reported
Family history (siblings, parents, and grandparents) of cardiovascular disease (none, hypertension, CHD, stroke, and actual age [y] at occurrence)
Family history (siblings, parents, and grandparents) of diabetes mellitus
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. (continued)

S1107.e3 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Optimal data set for studies on preeclampsia (continued)
Relevant paternal family history
Has he fathered a preeclamptic pregnancy? (This mother or other mother)
Mother, sister, or cousin with preeclampsia
Validated or self-reported
Family history (siblings, parents, and grandparents) of cardiovascular disease (none, hypertension, CHD, stroke, and actual age [y] at occurrence)
Nicotine history
Cigarette or cigar smoker
Snuff user
Chews tobacco or takes nicotine
None of above used ever
Used irregularly or regularly only before pregnancy
Continues (number of cigarettes/d: 1e10, 11e20, >20; number of cigars/d: 1, 2e5, >5)
In the third trimester of pregnancy (28e36 wk), stopped since early pregnancy, restarted since early or before pregnancy, continued to smoke
Alcohol use
At baseline (never or gave up before pregnancy or gave up during pregnancy or this pregnancy)
Number of units/wk
In the third trimester of pregnancy (stopped since early pregnancy, restarted since early or before pregnancy, continued to drink)
Number of units/wk
Recreational drugs or drug abuse (yes or no)
Cannabis (yes or no)
Cocaine (yes or no)
Opiates (heroin, morphine, codeine, or methadone; yes or no)
Ecstasy or other central stimulating drugs? (Specify)
At baseline (never, gave up before pregnancy, gave up during pregnancy, or this pregnancy)
In the third trimester of pregnancy (stopped since early pregnancy, restarted since early or before pregnancy, continued to use)
Clinical data
Blood pressures
First blood pressure (and gestational age)
Two highest systolic and diastolic blood pressures at each visit (can be at different times) or each wk if visit lasts >1 wk)
At diagnosis of preeclampsia
2 highest systolic blood pressures within 2 wk of delivery
2 highest diastolic blood pressures within 2 wk of delivery
Urine protein values (at each visit)
First urinalysis (and gestational age)
24 h or timed collections
Protein-to-creatinine ratio
Weight gain during pregnancy
Weight gain since last delivery
Growth by ultrasound
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. (continued)

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1107.e4

Expert Review

Optimal data set for studies on preeclampsia (continued)
Constant (above, below, or on curve)
Falling off with increasing gestation
Uteroplacental blood flow indices at midgestation (16e25 wk), performed or not performed
Notching (yes or no)
Unilateral (yes or no)
Bilateral (yes or no)
Pulsatility index (mean of bilateral measurements)
Umbilical blood flow indices if clinical suspicion of FGR or documented FGR (done or not done)
Gestational age at which performed
Pulsatility index (value) and resistance index (value)
Absent end diastolic flow (yes or no)
Reversed end diastolic flow (yes or no)
Fetal growth ultrasound
12 wk
18e20 wk
28 wk
36 wk
If clinical indication of FGR or documented FGR
Labor (active phase, yes or no; labor defined as uterine contractions, which result in cervical dilatation and effacement)
Spontaneous (yes or no)
Induced (yes or no)
Induction indicated for hypertensive disorder (yes or no)
Cesarean delivery (yes or no)
Cesarean delivery indicated for hypertensive disorder (yes or no)
Medical conditions before pregnancy (in addition to those in minimal data set)
Select either
In pregnancy alone
Before pregnancy
Before and continuing during pregnancy
Other endocrine disease
Thyroid disease
Adrenal disease
Liver disease
Hematologic disorder, including alloimmune or isoimmune
Epilepsy or seizure disorder
Heart disease
Metabolic syndrome (any 3 of the 5 criteria described in Alberti et al49 are present before pregnancy)
PCOS (2 of the following 3 features are present)
Oligo- and anovulation
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. (continued)

S1107.e5 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Optimal data set for studies on preeclampsia (continued)
Clinical and biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism
Polycystic ovaries and exclusion of other pathogeneses (congenital adrenal hyperplasia, androgen-secreting tumors, Cushing syndrome)
Infectious disease
Placental (yes or no), laboratory diagnosis (yes or no)
CD4 count
Active or inactive
Hepatitis B
Genital warts
Urinary tract infection
Antibiotics (yes or no)
Other infectious disease
Medications before and during pregnancy
Select either
In pregnancy alone (Which wk started?)
Before pregnancy
Before and continuing during pregnancy
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Fortified foods available in country of residence (yes or no)
List additives used for fortification
Platelet-active drugs
High dosages of vitamin C (>500 mg)
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. (continued)

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1107.e6

Expert Review

Optimal data set for studies on preeclampsia (continued)
High dosages of vitamin E (>400 IU)
Coenzyme Q10
Other (specify)
Fish oil
Calcium (specify amount)
Iron supplements (specify)
Diuretics (specify)
Antihypertensive agents (specify)
Antibiotics (specify)
Anticoagulants (specify)
Other (specify)
Antidepressants (SSRIs; specify)
Antiglycemic agents
Other (specify)
Long-term immunosuppressants
Thyroid supplements
Antithyroid treatment for thyrotoxicosis
Other (specify)
Postnatal maternal care
Length of stay in hospital (d)
Infant data (data from the minimal data set plus the following)
APGAR scores (1, 5, and 10 min if recorded)
Umbilical cord gases
Admitted to NICU (yes or no)
Length of stay in NICU (d)
Outcome at discharge from the NICU
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. (continued)

S1107.e7 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Optimal data set for studies on preeclampsia (continued)
Placenta data
Cord insertion
Number of vessels in cord
Pathology report (if sent for pathology)
Photograph against a scale bar
Appendix for other important information is presented.
BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; CD4, cluster of differentiation 4; CHD, coronary heart disease; FGR, fetal growth restriction; HELLP syndrome, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet
count; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; IVF, in vitro fertilization; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; NICU, neonatal intensive
care unit; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; SGA, small for gestational age; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; STD, sexually transmitted disease; TB,
Reproduced, with permission, from Myatt et al.33
Myatt. The prediction of preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1107.e8

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