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Expert Review ajog.


The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voice

and views of the patient and her family
Eleni Z. Tsigas, BA

raising awareness, improving healthcare

Preeclampsia is a disease exclusive to pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period, practices, and accelerating research for
occurring in 4.6% of pregnancies worldwide. Preeclampsia and other gestational hy- hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
pertensive disorders can affect any pregnant woman. The consequences of developing It was the 1990s, and there are not
this disease can lead to severe maternal and neonatal morbidities and mortalities, many diseases that strike healthy preg-
including fetal growth restriction, placental abruption, preterm birth, stillbirth, and nant women without warning and can
maternal death. When pregnant women recover, they are at higher risk of long-term take their lives and the lives of their
complications such as hypertension, stroke, heart failure, renal disease, and Alz- babies.
heimer disease. The consequences extend to the offspring because they are at higher Why then were expectant mothers
risk of cardiovascular diseases, and female offspring are at greater risk of developing told nothing about this one-in-20
preeclampsia when they become pregnant. For society, preeclampsia presents an pregnancy complication1 or its warning
economic burden related to the additional healthcare costs associated with low birth- signs despite routine antenatal testing for
weight, prematurity, and adverse outcomes to the mother and baby. This article shares hypertension and proteinuria? By com-
the unique perspective of affected women and their families, the effect preeclampsia has parison, the risks of their babies having
on us, and what we hope the healthcare system can deliver for our sisters and daughters Down syndrome—a one-in-1200
in the future. Patients and their families established the Preeclampsia Foundation 21 chance—were routinely tested for and
years ago. Devoted to education and patient advocacy to raise awareness, improve discussed as a standard practice.
healthcare practices, and catalyze research, we share some of the Foundation’s realized Eclampsia was described more than
strategies and achievements. We tell you our stories and struggles, and we issue a call to 2000 years ago. Why has so little
action for all stakeholders to help fulfill our vision for a world where hypertensive dis- progress been made on understanding
orders of pregnancy no longer threaten the lives of mothers and their babies. the pathophysiology of the disease and
ways to prevent or treat it?
Key words: Alzheimer disease, cardiovascular disease, chronic hypertension, These and other issues struck a nerve
eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, lived experience, for a three-time preeclampsia survivor,
maternal morbidity, maternal mortality, neonatal morbidity, neonatal mortality, patient Anne Garrett, and her then husband,
advocacy, patient driven, patient education, patient perspective, preeclampsia, preg- Anil Singh-Molares. In gratitude for the
nancy complications, renal failure, stillbirth, storytelling with a purpose care they received, they asked Anne’s
physician, Dr Thomas Easterling, how
they could financially support his pre-
Introduction experiences can be instructive, evocative, eclampsia research.
The most widely recognized six-word and catalytic. Together with Dr Easterling and
story was written many years ago by In fact, storytelling is the basis for the another preeclampsia survivor, Joan
Ernest Hemingway: “For sale: baby Preeclampsia Foundation’s effectiveness, Lambert, they mobilized to launch a
shoes, never worn.” a patient advocacy organization cele- nonprofit organization to help other
For those of us who have lived that brating 21 years since its incorporation expectant parents get the information
story, we need a lot more than six words on August 29, 2000. On the occasion of they deserved and to spur much-needed
to communicate the important details of our anniversary, we invite you to learn medical research.
our pregnancy and childbirth experi- from and be part of this journey—the The founders made three critical
ences. Conveyed properly and to the personal stories and the collective impact decisions that would establish the
right audience, the details of our lived we have had on patient education, organization’s credibility and lay a
foundation for long-term impact. First,
From the Chief Executive Officer, Preeclampsia Foundation, Melbourne, FL. Dr Easterling declined financial support
Received Oct. 5, 2020; revised Oct. 19, 2020; accepted Oct. 20, 2020. for his personal research—suggesting
The author reports no conflict of interest. instead that a national organization
This paper is part of a supplement. would be more far reaching and have the
Corresponding author: Eleni Z. Tsigas, BA.
means to advocate for and promote
0002-9378  ª 2020 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
more research in this field. Second, an
ND license ( all-star cast of preeclampsia researchers
and physicians, diverse in their thinking,

S1254 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

were invited to comprise an expert I’m leaving for the airport. I’ll see you be done to prevent these senseless trag-
medical advisory board. They responded shortly.” edies. My questions come with lessons
enthusiastically. Thus, no one expert My tears flowed on the five-hour flight for practical implementation.
would define the research agenda for this to Portland. This was one crisis that I, as I wondered:
“disease of theories” that has remained a mother, could not “fix” for my
for so long an enigma. Finally, a profes- daughter. I felt helpless and distraught. 1. What if my doctor had ever told me
sional website with evidence-based, well- Nothing could prepare me for what I why my blood pressure was being
written, and consumer-friendly patient saw when I walked into the hospital checked and why I was peeing in a
education was the first major financial room. I did not recognize my daughter cup at every prenatal visit?
investment at a time when the internet and questioned the nurse, thinking she 2. What if the nurse on the phone told
was starting to blossom as a source of had sent me to the wrong room. Her body me something other than “drink
consumer information. was completely swollen, intravenous lines more water” when I reported severe
Twenty years later, under the leader- and tubes attached everywhere. It was and persistent swelling and instead
ship of Eleni Z. Tsigas since 2009, the then that I learned we were close to losing asked me to come in to be checked or
Preeclampsia Foundation serves as one Eleni, too, after delivery. The thought of at least go have my blood pressure
of the world’s largest, most influential losing my own daughter made the pain of taken somewhere—as I had not been
nonprofit patient advocacy organiza- her loss even more acute. seen in three weeks?
tions dedicated to hypertensive disorders As I held Nikonia in my arms, dressed 3. What if I or others around me com-
of pregnancy. in the tiniest gown, I flashed back to my mented on my puffy red face during
daughter’s healthy birth. I was looking my birthday dinner three weeks
A grandmother’s story down at a déjà vu, but so much smaller. before that fateful day?
It was an unusually warm morning in Now, many years later, I am certain I 4. What if I knew that, for my notori-
Washington, DC, on March 23, 1998, know what my granddaughter would ously low blood pressure, a reading of
when I got a call from my son-in-law have looked like and the joy I would have 140/90 mm Hg was a reason to call
who lived 3000 miles away with my experienced. Despite going on to have my doctor urgently or go straight to
daughter, in Portland, Oregon. Surprised other grandchildren, Nikonia will never the hospital?
by hearing his voice, Demetri told me be replaced. 5. What if I had an immediate diagnosis
that they were in trouble. When he told Last week, I saw a grandmother when I finally arrived at the hospital
me it was the baby and Eleni, my heart standing in front of the preemie clothes at with a pounding headache, nausea,
lurched. She was only 29 weeks preg- a baby store, crying. As my own mem- and blurry vision on top of an
nant. “What’s wrong with them?” I ories quickly rose to the surface, I realized elevated blood pressure and protein-
asked. “Eleni is in labor and the baby’s I will never again not know that pain. uria, and then had a doctor who
heartbeat is dropping.” —JoAnn Zuras, Eleni’s mother acted with urgency?
I began to pack for an emergency trip. 6. What if I was not left in the radiology
Then, another call came telling me that Eleni’s story department several floors away for
Eleni and the baby were being moved to “What if,” I asked, repeatedly. I had been two hours after the technician
a hospital with a level 4 neonatal inten- invited to speak at the American College recorded a biophysical profile score
sive care unit (NICU). An hour later, I of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ of “2?” What if anybody answered
answered the phone to hear Demetri in (ACOG) annual clinical meeting as part our questions and listened to our
tears, “The baby died en route to the of the president’s address in 2012. I was cries for help as I slipped in and out of
second hospital.” I sat down and, star- to be one of three speakers: a scientist, a consciousness? What if there was ul-
ing off into space, kept wondering what clinician, and I, all talking about pre- trasound equipment in the labor and
went wrong. How could this be? We do eclampsia, the conference’s main theme. delivery unit instead of in a different
not live in the Dark Ages when moms What could I offer that 65,000 obstetri- part of the hospital?
and babies routinely died. I did not cians and gynecologists would listen to, 7. What if I did not have a strong faith
want to believe that my daughter’s baby care about, and respond to? I kept community to support me through
died. Before leaving for the airport the coming back to the questions that I asked the most difficult experience of my
next morning, the phone rang at 4:30 anybody who would listen after my baby life?
AM . I answered to hear Eleni say, girl died in 1998. Haunted by the
“Mom, I’m holding your grand- memory of well meaning, but misguided I proposed that every one of those
daughter, Nikonia, in my arms.” For a advice to stop questioning what questions had an answer, a practical so-
fleeting moment, I wanted to believe happened, I persisted. These doctors lution that could be addressed.
the nightmare of yesterday was just need to know not only what a mother’s Forty-five minutes later, after the line
that, a dream. Eleni’s voice was very sorrow feels like or what it looks like to of doctors asking follow-up questions
soft, and she was not speaking too watch your spouse lower your baby’s were finally shooed away to get on with
coherently. I told her, “Don’t talk now; casket into the ground but also what can the program, I walked backstage with my

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1255

Expert Review

languages), have been distributed across

49 states, at minimal costs (Figure 1).
Patient and clinic education materials We continue to monitor the commu-
nication channels women most often
frequent, and we only convey expert-
approved information, including a
website accessed by two million visitors a
year, a monthly newsletter, position
statements, news alerts, numerous social
media platforms, and regular features
such as Research Roundup and Ask an
Expert. Support is also provided through
a warm line, þ1 (800) 665-9341, and an

Raising Awareness
Through the voices of thousands of our
women and families, the US Department
of Health and Human Services desig-
nated May as Preeclampsia Awareness
Month in 2012. Each year, hundreds of
communication partners rally to share
Patient and clinic education materials provide information about signs and symptoms of pre- educational messages on topics ranging
eclampsia, the role of aspirin in prevention of preeclampsia, and the importance of staying vigilant from the importance of self-measured
during the postpartum period. blood pressure (SMBP), to knowing
Tsigas. The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voices and views. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
signs and symptoms, and to partici-
pating in research through the Pre-
eclampsia Registry.
fellow presenters and started sobbing. I Experiences like this led the Pre- Worldwide awareness started with a
had left it all on the stage, and whatever it eclampsia Foundation to prioritize proclamation signed by the world’s
was and whatever it would do, it was patient education and raise awareness leading scientists and clinicians in 2010
done. My quest to give my daughter’s life among pregnant women and followed by the first World Preeclampsia
and death meaning and purpose was providers. Day on May 22, 2017.10
done, or so I thought. Straightforward and understandable Annual awareness-raising campaigns
—Eleni Tsigas, preeclampsia survivor awareness of signs and symptoms have helped bring preeclampsia to the
and Nikonia’s mother improves outcomes. When women attention of media,11,12 to Congress,13
recognize symptoms, they have an op- and, importantly, to the target audi-
Patient Education portunity to report them, advocate for ence of preeclampsia survivors. Much
Story after story from women who have appropriate investigations and follow- work remains as market awareness
experienced preeclampsia and related up, and comply with prescribed surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015
complications—such as eclampsia and management.2,3 The Preeclampsia found that many newly pregnant
HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated Foundation funded research to develop women are still not educated by their
liver enzymes, and low platelet count)— and test effective patient education ma- healthcare providers.14 The Founda-
converged around a few common themes: terials and to ensure they did not tion calls on stakeholders and all those
contribute to anxiety—a concern in positions of public health education
 Lack of our awareness about the sometimes raised by healthcare pro- to raise awareness of preeclampsia as a
condition and its threat to our and viders.4 Starting with the ACOG’s 2013 life-threatening disorder of pregnancy
our babies’ lives hypertension in pregnancy guidelines5,6 that affects any woman in any preg-
 Lack of our knowledge about the and in the subsequent bundles, toolkits, nancy and to advance education and
prodromal symptoms we should pay and peer-reviewed publications,7e9 pa- policies that will improve outcomes.
attention to tient education is now recognized as a We collaborated on public health ed-
 Frustration toward providers who did best practice and included in these ucation campaigns, such as the Centers
not listen or act more urgently when standard setting publications. for Disease Control and Prevention
we expressed concerns or exhibited To date, 2.5 million patient education recent Hear Her campaign15 and the
vital signs indicating something was materials, including tear pads, posters, associated list of urgent maternal
amiss brochures, and videos (in multiple warning signs developed by the

S1256 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Council on Patient Safety in Women’s thing. He had watched in frustration as adoption of hospital-based hypertension
Health Care.16 his wife Lauren complained about upper guidelines, boosting community-level
right quadrant pain 90 minutes after she readiness and response, and driving to-
A husband’s perspective had delivered their healthy baby girl. ward innovations in interpregnancy,
Joan shifted her baby from one shoulder Brushed off by her doctor as reflux, Larry prenatal, and postpartum care. The
to the other, trying to ease the tension in struggled to get doctors and nurses to baseline of our expectation is that all
her neck and shoulder and trying to get a pay attention to her concerns. Lauren providers implement what we know
full breath of air. The secretary at her Bloomstein’s tragic death from post- works, correctly and consistently, for
pediatrician’s office finally called her partum preeclampsia would go on to every woman, every time.
name. She gingerly hoisted herself off the headline ProPublica’s series, Lost For example, we brought important
chair—the cesarean delivery scar still Mothers: The Last Person You’d Expect patient perspectives to the development
pulled and made her wince—and started to Die in Childbirth,17 and grab the of the Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy
shuffling through the waiting room with country’s consciousness around our bundle, related publications and state-
baby Max. After five steps, she stopped unacceptable rate of maternal deaths, at level toolkits that help standardize care.
and filled her lungs, trying to get the ox- last. We serve as a partner for the Alliance for
ygen she needed to reach the door. She These stories lead us to a drastic shift Innovation in Maternal Health and a
shook her head, clearing her vision, and in language and initiatives to address voting member on the Council on Patient
slowly covered the remaining 10 feet. postpartum failures. Safety in Women’s Health Care and were
Every step felt like summiting Mt. Everest. In 2017, Shalon Irving, a highly honored to serve on the 16-member
Our baby would get a glowing report educated public health officer, met a ACOG task force, which created the Hy-
in his medical record. Although born similar fate three weeks after delivering pertension in Pregnancy Guidelines.4
four weeks early because of Joan’s rising her baby. Already with a host of high-risk The Foundation not only supports
blood pressure and a diagnosis of severe factors, Shalon repeatedly asked her improvement in implementation of
preeclampsia, he weighed in at a healthy healthcare providers to address her best practices but also supports and
9 pounds 10 ounces and was thriving. alarmingly high blood pressure, new advocates for research and healthcare
However, Joan was not. She had been edema, and pain. Her concerns were not practice innovations, such as molecular
released from the hospital barely 48 hours met with urgency, and today, Shalon’s biomarkers for screening and diag-
after delivery to return home to our two- daughter, Soleil, is being raised by her nosis19; aspirin prophylaxis; telehealth
year-old daughter, Sofie, my nine-year- grandmother.18 practices, such as remote blood pres-
old daughter, Camille, from a previous Why were mothers dying from pre- sure monitoring or “connected care”
marriage, and our newborn son, Max. eclampsia after delivery when all the models; group prenatal care; and other
Diagnosed at 36 weeks’ gestation with se- textbooks and labor room platitudes cost-effective innovations to improve
vere preeclampsia, after weeks of compli- insisted delivery was the cure? outcomes.20 We are also questioning
cations that included erratic potassium As the evidence began to emerge from whether hypertension needs to be more
and magnesium levels, gestational diabetes Maternal Mortality Review Committees closely managed before, during, and
that required insulin shots, and an esca- (MMRCs), it became clear that Joan, after pregnancy and long before emer-
lating blood pressure, we were repeatedly Lauren, and Shalon’s stories were not gent values (160/110) are reached.
reassured, “delivery is the cure for pre- unique occurrences. It also became clear Looking closely at postpartum
eclampsia.” It would all be over soon. from our work with our global health practices, such as self-measured or
A crowd packed the church on a hot partners that these were universal themes. remote-monitored blood pressure and
August day in Orlando for Joan’s funeral. follow-up within one week after delivery,
Joan’s final moments on the floor of our Improving Healthcare Practices the Foundation funded a multisite
kitchen with me frantically pleading with In 2011, we began to advocate for pro- research study to examine the efficacy of
her to breathe as I juggled the phone fessional societies to develop guidelines text-based remote blood pressure
trying to reach 9-1-1 would haunt me. I and train healthcare providers using the monitoring across three sites. In related
was racked with guilt. How could de- latest techniques in professional educa- studies, this approach was found to
livery be “the cure” when this beautiful, tion, such as practice-based learning (ie, eliminate racial disparities in post-
vivacious mother with an infectious obstetrical emergency drills), incorpo- partum follow-up care, reduce read-
laugh and penchant to see the world rating checklists, team training, and missions, and save unnecessary visits for
through rose-colored glasses did not accountability and using aggregate da- new mothers.21 These are the kinds of
make it? I was devastated. This hole in tabases, such as closed claims to identify patient-centered practices that our lived
our family could never be filled. trends and opportunities for improved experiences support.
—Todd Heiden, Joan Donnelly’s patient safety and quality for practice We are also testing our hypothesis that
husband bulletins. augmenting care with SMBP could
One year later, another dad, Larry Today, we work to strengthen health- improve outcomes, by means of the Cuff
Bloomstein, wondered about the same care practices by securing universal Kit Project.22 It puts high-quality blood

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pressure cuffs and patient education are dying and what it will take to reverse Emoree and I decided we would see
materials into the hands of the highest- this tragic trend. each other again. After 79 days in the
risk and most vulnerable women. It The Foundation’s leadership on that hospital, I came home. Emoree had
extends our “Check Know Share” bill brought an unmet need to light, the already settled in a month earlier. Because
campaign, which encourages women to inclusion of patient voices in legislative I was in a wheelchair and could not go to
take their blood pressure, recognize efforts. With leaders from other patient her if she started to cry in the middle of
what the numbers mean, and know advocacy organizations, we formed the night, she slept in her grandparents’
how to respond. Accelerated by the MoMMA’s Voices, which stands for room. Eventually, I grew strong enough
coronavirus disease pandemic’s tele- Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Ad- to push a walker, but the months of re-
health conditions that have compelled vocates.26 Made possible by a Merck for covery led to another complication—
pregnant and postpartum women to Mothers grant, MoMMA’s Voices is a avascular necrosis. Because of a loss of
take their blood pressure at home, the coalition of 19 patient organizations and blood supply to the bones in my ankles
Foundation intends to analyze the hundreds of individuals with “lived ex- and hips, the tissue had started to die, and
impact of this program on women’s periences,” amplifying their voices to my bones were collapsing.
self-efficacy and providers’ use of the reduce maternal complications, often by After multiple surgeries and five years
SMBP logs. serving as patient family partners on of recovery, I can walk again, but some
local or statewide safety and quality ini- days the pain is too obvious. Emoree
Advocacy tiatives, in media coverage, and with knows when I am hurting. If she sees me
Disease advocacy efforts often need a legislative initiatives. MoMMA’s Voices limping, she will ask, “Mommy, your leg
financial justification. Health economics offers training and resources advocates hurt today?” If I nod, she will run and get
studies encouraged by the Foundation need to actively and effectively partici- a bottle of lotion and start massaging my
have been published in recent years us- pate as patient family partners. legs. Sometimes, she will ask me to tell
ing a combination of population-based MoMMA’s Voices allows survivors her our story again. I show her my scars.
and administrative data sets for to transform their pain, healthily, into a We talk about how blessed we are that
mother-baby dyads. Preeclampsia is a meaningful action, telling their stories she has no scars.
$2.18 billion (USD) per year problem,23 and using their lived experiences to That little girl, born two months too
and those pregnancies are three times engage in quality improvement, soon, is every little girl. She loves cin-
more expensive than uncomplicated research, community building, and ed- namon sugar toast. She wants to have her
pregnancies, points we emphasized in an ucation and find personal healing. nails painted, but it is hard for her to wait
editorial and later studies for them to dry. At some point on almost
confirmed.24,25 Long-Term Effects every nature walk, she will bend down,
As data from the MMRCs were re- Kelsie’s story look closely, and ask, “Is this a weed or a
ported in mainstream media, the court Some days, I can only carry the groceries flower?”
of public opinion helped fuel federal halfway up the stairs to our apartment Emoree loves gymnastics, but that is
legislative efforts. The Foundation, before the leg pain prevents me from an area where we disagree. She wants to
working closely with partners (the taking another step. That is when I set do flips with no hands, and I am not
ACOG, March of Dimes, Association of the bags down, and that is when Emoree ready to let go of her hands yet. I never
Maternal and Child Health Programs, picks them up and carries them the rest was and maybe that is why we are both
and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medi- of the way. still here.
cine) and fueled by dozens of patient In a way, five-year-old Emoree has —Kelsie Thirtyacre, preeclampsia
organizations, successfully shepherded been carrying me since she was three survivor
the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act weeks old. That is the first time I saw her, Although Kelsie’s story is an example
through a multiyear, bipartisan effort when the nurses brought my premature of the long-term effects of acute com-
that President Trump signed into law in daughter to the critical care unit where I plications from severe preeclampsia and
December 2018. have been in a drug-induced coma since HELLP syndrome, numerous studies
The law is intended to help eradicate her birth, my body retreating and my demonstrate that pregnancy history can
preventable maternal death and improve kidneys and liver failing. I was being serve as a window into a woman’s long-
maternal and infant health by ensuring prepped for a flight to a medical center term health.
that every state has a high-functioning for a possible liver transplant, and my At a press conference with the Amer-
process for identifying the causes of prognosis was poor. As the nurse gently ican Society of Hypertension (ASH) in
maternal mortality and translating rec- laid her on my arm, I reached over and 2009, the Foundation participated in the
ommendations made by the MMRCs moved my fingertips to hers, but I could announcement of ASH’s first ever posi-
into meaningful action. This legislation not hold her—not even a three-pound tion paper on preeclampsia.27 This was
is also standardizing the collection and baby. The pain of knowing this was the followed by groundbreaking guidance by
analysis of state data to develop a na- first and possibly last time I would ever the American Heart Association in
tional understanding of why US mothers see my daughter was gripping. 201128 and later the American Stroke

S1258 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Association29 to include preeclampsia as

a measurable risk factor for cardiovas-
cular disease in women, position papers
Jaye Wilson with her daughters, Nadiyah and Ava
we heartily endorsed.
Preeclampsia, especially recurrent,
early onset, or resulting in growth-
restricted babies, is linked to cardiovas-
cular disease in the five to 15 years
following that pregnancy, often far
earlier than when women’s heart disease
most often presents. The Foundation’s
work to educate women about this risk
and the importance of addressing
modifiable risk factors is often the only
relevant information they receive.
Healthcare providers have been slow to
adopt pregnancy history into health
history records or to conduct more
deliberate cardiovascular assessments for
preeclampsia survivors. As such, our
work with Million Hearts, National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s the
Heart Truth, Healthy Hearts Network,
ACOG’s Pregnancy and Heart Disease
Task Force, and research collaborations
with Harvard investigators to create the
Heart Health 4 Moms (HH4M) pro-
gram30 has been aimed at addressing the
life course implications of hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy. HH4M,
designed to reduce cardiovascular risk
and improve self-efficacy in preeclamp-
sia survivors, was the product of a true
provider-patient research collaboration.
Furthermore, the Preeclampsia
Foundation’s work on the Brain Study31
found mental and cognitive implica-
tions, a finding now replicated in other

Jaye’s story
The table in the examination room was
cold. So was the doctor’s demeanor.
I was 19 years old, eight weeks preg- Jaye Wilson’s daughters, Nadiyah (translating to hope) and Ava (translating to life), gave her a new
nant, and being seen for my first prenatal perspective on how beautiful motherhood is, even when it seems impossible.
appointment. “Yes, you’re pregnant,” Tsigas. The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voices and views. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
said the doctor. “You’re spilling protein
in your urine, you have preeclampsia and
need to terminate this pregnancy.” As an disease and chronic hypertension, helpless, like I did not even have a say in
unmarried black woman, I already felt both likely the cause of my pro- the matter.
vulnerable. Now, I was scared. The doc- teinuria and the erroneous preeclampsia By 14 weeks’ gestation, the pressure to
tor was stern and matter of fact as he told diagnosis. abort was too great, and I relented,
me it was literally a life-and-death situ- “When do you want to come in for the regretting the decision to this day.
ation, and I had to decide between my termination?” That was the question that I needed support and information. A
life and my baby’s life. There was never a day on everybody’s lips as I struggled thorough analysis of my personal and
discussion about my underlying kidney with my emotions. I felt small and family history would have established

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1259

Expert Review

is more than just the pain. I am grateful I

am able to tell my story because I know
The Promise Walk for Preeclampsia program there are moms who look like me who
never had the chance to do so.
—Jaye Wilson, preeclampsia survivor
Jaye brings her newfound voice and
critical point of view to her work on the
Foundation’s Patient Advisory Council,
a 12-member panel with diverse expe-
riences and perspectives that actively
inform the work of the Foundation and
the Preeclampsia Foundation’s Racial
Disparities Task Force (Figure 2).
With new data emerging about racial
disparities in maternal health outcomes—
in both mortality and morbidity—the
Foundation has taken a deep dive to un-
derstand how this issue manifests in hy-
pertensive disorders. The Racial
Disparities Task Force will soon be pub-
lishing clinical and community recom-
mendations based on what is known and
research recommendations to fill the gaps
for what is not known.32
The Promise Walk for Preeclampsia program brings communities together in cities across the United It is clear to us that special efforts must
States and Canada. Sharing information and healing are at the heart of the Foundation’s support. be made where the impact is the
Tsigas. The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voices and views. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. most acute. Globally, this means low-
and middle-income countries where
99% of maternal deaths occur, and
me as a high-risk pregnancy. Proper appointments, but as I looked around at domestically, this means in communities
medications and careful management, the mostly white women with their affected by racial, ethnic, or rural health
as I had with a later pregnancy, may spouses, I felt like I did not belong at this disparities.
have led to better outcomes and no private practice.
regret. Before, I did not know a person could Patient and Family Support
However, it took yet another preg- be a racist in healthcare. As a nurse, I The psychological, physical, mental, and
nancy two years later that resulted in a knew I did not treat my patients any spiritual effects of traumatic birth expe-
placental abruption and the horrific differently, so I assumed all my col- riences, either with or without loss of life
stillbirth of my daughter at 22 weeks’ leagues did the same. for mother and/or baby, can be sub-
gestation to send me into an emotional These experiences proved to be a stantial and long lasting. “Near-miss”
spiral. At that point, I was married, and I catalyst for change. I eventually founded events can provoke posttraumatic stress
desperately wanted this baby. I felt like Melinated Moms to build a community disorder.33 The stories shared in this
her death was punishment from God. It for me and women like me. The group’s article provide some insight into pre-
felt like I threw away a baby so God took most profound meeting was one that eclampsia’s emotional impact: the isola-
this baby away from me. explored childbirth in communities of tion, guilt, and anger it often provokes.
A series of unexpected events and in- color. Woman after woman shared The importance of the community
sights lead me back to God, to nursing stories filled with confusion, fear, and cannot be overstated as a strategy for
school, to a place of healing and strength, voicelessness. They all felt like they healing. Our objective is to improve the
and eventually, with proper care, two could not ask any more questions. lives of those affected by providing ed-
more preeclamptic pregnancies with When they did try to speak up, nobody ucation, support, meaningful engage-
much better outcomes. My “babies” are listened. For the first time, I and those in ment, and a lifetime home at the
now nine and 11 years old. that session did not feel alone. It was the Foundation. As the Foundation’s signa-
The journey was not without pain as I first time we could say those things out ture community event, the Promise
lived with stigmas I felt at every prenatal loud. Walk for Preeclampsia, held every year in
appointment. “Are you looking for the I still cry when I talk about my two dozens of cities (mostly virtual in 2020
Medicaid clinic?” asked one nurse. My babies who died, but I recognize that out and 2021), has become an important
husband did not attend my of that suffering emerged a purpose that way for survivors and families to connect

S1260 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

and heal. With guidance from the

Foundation staff, hundreds of volunteers
organize these events that draw thou-
Lauren, Clement, Peter and Pappas
sands of participants. Since 2010, 373
local events have been held (Figure 3).

Advancing the Science

A dad’s story
I stood at the door of the operating
room, watching helplessly as Lauren was
wheeled in for emergency surgery to
deliver our son, Peter Joseph, at 29
weeks’ gestation. Damn it! It is too soon.
I pounded my fist into my hand. This
impotent feeling was unnerving me. It
was not me. I was a doer, I ran a large
During their time together, Lauren and Clement were only able to place a finger into Peter’s tiny
business, and I was used to solving
Tsigas. The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voices and views. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
Peter—named after my father who
had died five years earlier—was taken
directly to the NICU. There was no
“baby’s first cry” or sweet picture of my daunting one, but one that must have a solve a problem that does not have any
beautiful wife glowing as she held our solution. good answer.
precious baby. Weighing just two pounds Although this pregnancy disorder However, preeclampsia research re-
at birth, Peter’s lungs and immune sys- was first described by Hippocrates in mains woefully underfunded, so with
tem were underdeveloped. He fought for BC 400, we still have not made sub- family and friends anxious to help, we
six days before a central line infection stantial progress. I learned that pre- would raise $1 million (USD) and put it
tore through his little body, and we had eclampsia and other related disorders, to work.
to say goodbye (Figure 4). such as HELLP syndrome, remain a However, what was the right
Lauren had suffered a very severe and leading cause of deaths worldwide, approach? How would we select the re-
potentially fatal form of preeclampsia estimated at 76,000 maternal and searchers? This was beyond our personal
known as HELLP syndrome. Looking 500,000 infant deaths each year. expertise. After doing due diligence, we
back, the warning signs were there, but Research is the only way we are going to decided to work with the Preeclampsia
they were disregarded. Several weeks
before Peter was born, Lauren started FIGURE 5
having severe stomach pain and called The Preeclampsia Foundation’s 3 pillars
her obstetrician’s office only to be told
she was probably experiencing heart-
burn, which was very common in
pregnancy. When the pain continued
over the next several weeks, we kept
calling the doctor but were reassured it
was “just heartburn.” The pain eventu-
ally became so severe that Lauren went
to a gastroenterologist who performed
some tests and then immediately sent
her to the hospital for admission to the
labor and delivery unit. An emergency
cesarean delivery saved her life, but had
it been delayed hours or even minutes
later, she might not have lived.
Here I am now, wondering what
could have been different, how could I The Preeclampsia Foundation’s 3 pillars work in concert to advance research and healthcare
prevent this from happening again to practices while supporting, educating, and engaging the community.
us, our future children, or anyone else? Tsigas. The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voices and views. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
Another problem to solve. No doubt a

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1261

Expert Review

A call to action
We invite healthcare partners to respond to our call to action in the following ways:
 Provide patient education materials through physician practices, hospitals, and healthcare systems (
 Encourage hospitals and healthcare systems to adopt the Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy Bundle
 Refer patients to the Preeclampsia Foundation website for information and support (
 Inform patients who have experienced preeclampsia about the Preeclampsia Registry so they directly affect research (www.preeclampsia.
 Apply for research funding (
 Sign our petition to demonstrate your support for and role in advancing biomarkers (
 Join or start a Promise Walk for Preeclampsia event in local communities (
To contact the Preeclampsia Foundation, call þ1 (321) 421-6957 or email
Tsigas. The Preeclampsia Foundation: the voices and views. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

Foundation. Their Scientific Advisory awarded seven two-year grants totaling The Preeclampsia Registry
Committee is highly respected, and their $635,000 (USD). Possibly more important than the ability
medical advisory board is considered the Established in 2007, Vision Grants of to fund research is the unique asset that
“who’s who” of the field. The Founda- $20,000 (USD) to $25,000 (CAD) are survivors bring to the research commu-
tion is also well regarded in the not-for- meant to catalyze pilot projects that will nity—themselves—as partners in
profit community with top ratings and lead to larger, more definitive studies. research studies and as subjects with rich
solid finances. Awarded by the Preeclampsia Founda- lived experiences.
Now, I have a response when well- tion and its Canadian affiliate Pre- More than 7000 participants strong,
meaning friends and family grasp my eclampsia Foundation Canada, these the Preeclampsia Registry unites the
hand and offer their help. There has to be a highly competitive monetary awards patient experience with clinical data,
better answer than delivering a baby too recognize the best young investigators natural history, qualitative insights, bio-
early. Together, we will solve this problem. with novel hypotheses. A 2017 analysis of specimens, and annual health updates,
—Clement Pappas, Lauren’s husband the program found a 20-fold return on creating a significant and unique
and Peter’s father this investment with more than $10 resource for researchers.
The Preeclampsia Foundation’s stra- million (USD) in research funding Launched in 2013, it is the first regis-
tegic plan has set the research bar high— secured by the pilot projects. Some of try to focus solely on hypertensive dis-
find a cure by creating a scientific road- these initial projects have gone on to orders of pregnancy and is overseen by
map, increasing external funding for inform current clinical care, such as the an institutional review board. Partici-
research, and engaging scientific in- role of sleep apnea in prediction and pants include women (and many of their
vestigators and the affected community. prevention.35 These grants are supported offspring) from every state and 67
Much of our strategy has been underway through individual donations, and countries. Over a dozen research studies
for years, evidenced by the growing in- fundraising efforts by affected families are underway or were completed utiliz-
vestment in preeclampsia research at the are not lost on the researchers. Every ing the registry.
National Institutes of Health.34 Some application includes a requirement to One major study utilizing the reg-
will require new partners. write a letter to a patient. istry, published in Circulation, dem-
Additional research funding pro- onstrates that gene variants related to
Research funding grams include Empowering Progress in some types of heart disease, such as
The Preeclampsia Foundation funds Obstetric and Women’s Health idiopathic and peripartum cardiomy-
several research programs. The Peter Research, which helps investigators in opathies, are also associated with
Joseph Pappas Research Fund awards low- and middle-income countries preeclampsia. These findings have the
up to $200,000 (USD) each year to drive conduct studies and build their local potential to better determine a
research that will eliminate the delivery research capacity, has expanded to woman’s risk for heart disease after
of preterm babies as an intervention for include cofunders of the Global Preg- preeclampsia and may also inform
severe preeclampsia and HELLP syn- nancy Collaborative and the Interna- future studies that seek to define and
drome. By 2020, the Peter Joseph Pap- tional Society for the Study of predict both preeclampsia and heart
pas Research Grant program has Hypertension in Pregnancy. disease.36

S1262 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

A Call to Action 3. Wallis AB, Tsigas EZ, Saftlas AF, Sibai BM. 16. Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health
The Preeclampsia Foundation envisions Prenatal education is an opportunity for improved Care. Urgent maternal warning signs. 2020.
outcomes in hypertensive disorders of preg- Available at: https://safehealthcareforevery
a world where hypertensive disorders of nancy: results from an Internet-based survey.
pregnancy no longer threaten the lives J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2013;26:1565–7. maternal-signs/. Accessed October 18, 2020.
and well-being of mothers and their 4. You WB, Wolf MS, Bailey SC, Grobman WA. 17. Martin N, Montagne R. The last person
babies. Improving patient understanding of preeclamp- you’d expect to die in childbirth. 2017. Available
We are relentless and not complacent sia: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet at:
Gynecol 2012;206:431.e1–5. childbirth-maternal-death-rate-health-care-
to stand on yesterday’s solutions when 5. American College of Obstetricians and Gy- system-1. Accessed October 18, 2020.
change is needed, not only supported by necologists. Task Force on Hypertension in 18. Martin N, Montagne R. Black mothers keep
evidence and data but also colored by Pregnancy. Hypertension in pregnancy. Report of dying after giving birth. Shalon Irving’s story ex-
and informed by real-life experiences. the American College of Obstetricians and plains why. 2017. Available at: https://www.npr.
We walk beside women and families who Gynecologists’ Task Force on Hypertension org/2017/12/07/568948782/black-mothers-
in Pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2013;122: keep-dying-after-giving-birth-shalon-irvings-story-
are suffering and hurting. We believe 1122–31. explains-why. Accessed October 18, 2020.
that true advocacy happens at the table 6. American College of Obstetricians and Gy- 19. Preeclampsia Foundation. A call-to-action
with collaborators and stakeholders, necologists’ Presidential Task Force on Preg- to accelerate development and adoption of
even if—and especially when—we nancy and Heart Disease and Committee on biomarkers. 2020. Available at: https://www.
disagree. It is our job to hold govern- Practice Bulletins—Obstetrics. ACOG practice Accessed
bulletin no. 212: pregnancy and heart disease. October 18, 2020.
ments, providers, and other stakeholders Obstet Gynecol 2019;133:e320–56. 20. Preeclampsia Foundation. Innovation for
accountable and ensure that commit- 7. California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. hypertensive disorders of pregnancy starts with
ments are translated into concrete ac- Preeclampsia toolkit. 2014. Available at: https:// prenatal and postpartum care. 2020. Available
tion.8 Why we exist, our purpose, and at:
how we accomplish it are woven together preeclampsia-toolkit. Accessed October 18, Accessed October 18, 2020.
2020. 21. Triebwasser JE, Janssen MK, Hirshberg A,
by three symbiotic pillars of our mission 8. University of South Florida College of Public Srinivas SK. Successful implementation of text-
and driven by consistent values over our Health. Hypertension in pregnancy. 2016. based blood pressure monitoring for post-
two-decade history: courage, collabora- Available at: partum hypertension. Pregnancy Hypertens
tion, compassion, credibility, catalytic, chiles/fpqc/hip_toolbox. Accessed October 18, 2020;22:156–9.
and patient driven (Figure 5). 2020. 22. Preeclampsia Foundation. The cuff project.
9. Bernstein PS, Martin JN Jr, Barton JR, et al. 2020. Available at: https://www.preeclampsia.
This year we celebrate our 21st year of National Partnership for Maternal Safety: org/the-cuff-project. Accessed October 18,
commitment to this vision with renewed consensus bundle on severe hypertension dur- 2020.
enthusiasm and a call to action for ing pregnancy and the postpartum period. 23. Stevens W, Shih T, Incerti D, et al. Short-
partners to join us in the journey ahead Obstet Gynecol 2017;130:347–57. term costs of preeclampsia to the United States
(Table). - 10. Tsigas E. Advocacy is essential to support- health care system. Am J Obstet Gynecol
ing women with pre-eclampsia. Obstet Med 2017;217:237–48.e16.
2017;10:33–5. 24. Li R, Tsigas EZ, Callaghan WM. Health and
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We gratefully acknowledge Kate Arthur, Valerie maternal mortality in the U.S. 2017. Available at: complacency. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017;217:
Holloway, Debbie Helton, and Dr Tom Easterling 235–6.
for their valuable editing assistance; the Pre- mothers. Accessed October 18, 2020. 25. Hao J, Hassen D, Hao Q, et al. Maternal
eclampsia Foundation founders Anne Garrett, 12. USA Today. How hospitals are failing new and infant health care costs related to pre-
Anil Singh-Molares, and Joan Lambert for their moms, in graphics. 2020. Available at: https:// eclampsia. Obstet Gynecol 2019;134:
vision and investment; Todd Heiden, Clement 1227–33.
Pappas, Kelsie Thirtyacre, Jaye Wilson, and how-hospitals-are-failing-new-moms-in-graphics/. 26. MoMMA’s Voices. MoMMA’s Voices
JoAnn Zuras for permitting us to tell their deeply Accessed October 18, 2020. response to COVID-19 by our patient advocacy
personal stories; and the tens of thousands of 13. Representative Capps (CA). In recognition organizations. 2020. Available at: https://www.
women and families who have allowed us to of National Preeclampsia Awareness Month; Accessed October 18,
walk with them through trauma, grief, questions, Congressional Record https://www.congress. 2020.
and pain and from whom we learn every day gov/congressional-record/2013/6/4/extensions- 27. Lindheimer MD, Taler SJ, Cunningham FG.
what matters most and what must be done. of-remarks-section/article/e781-1?q¼%7B% Hypertension in pregnancy. J Am Soc Hyper-
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S1264 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology FEBRUARY 2022 Expert Review

Potential “call out” quotes  As an unmarried black woman, I

 We were repeatedly reassured, “de- already felt vulnerable. Now I was
livery is the cure for preeclampsia” scared (lines 592).
(line 370).  Looking back, the warning signs were
there, but they were disregarded (line

FEBRUARY 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1264.e1

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