Summer Reading Assignment

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Summer Reading Assignment

Book: Love, Stargirl By: Mario Angulo Date: 8/19/23

Dear Stargirl,

It has been a long time since we last spoke, and I have been thinking
about you a lot lately. I hope this letter finds you well and happy.
I must confess that I have been struggling to move on from our relationship.
You were such a unique and wonderful person, and I miss you every day. I
know we had our differences, but I still believe that we had something
I was scared when I left Mica High. I was scared that without you there, I
would fall back into my old ways and lose the progress I had made. But I'm
happy to say that I haven't. I still wear my porcupine tie and carry my
sketchbook wherever I go. And most importantly, I still try to be kind and
true to myself.
I decided to attend a small liberal arts college in upstate New York. The
campus is beautiful, with old brick buildings and sprawling green lawns. My
professors are all incredibly passionate about their subjects, and I've
already learned so much.
One of the things I love most about college is the freedom to explore my
interests. I'm taking classes in philosophy, literature, and even a course on
environmental sustainability. I've also joined a couple of clubs, including the
ultimate frisbee team and a group that volunteers at a local animal shelter.
My roommate, Jake, is hilarious and always knows how to make me laugh.
We bond over our love of basketball and have spent countless hours
shooting hoops together.
Of course, college isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It can be tough
balancing classes, homework, and socializing. But overall, I'm happy with
my decision to attend this school.
I have been reading your letter and it sounds like you've been having some
exciting adventures with lots of new friends.
I have been trying to find ways to fill the void that you left in my life, but
nothing seems to compare to the time we spent together. I will try to
contact you again.
Until then, I will keep reading your “Longest letter in the world” and will be
thinking of you often. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
Take care,Leo

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