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Evaluation of reused orthodontic mini-

implants on stability: An in-vivo study

Serkan Ozkan, a
Su€ leyman Kutalmış Bu
€ yu € k,b and Yasin Atakan Benklic
€ k,a Fırat Go
Ordu, Kocaeli, and Izmir, Turkey

Introduction: During treatment, some patients may need to change the location of mini-implants (MIs). This
study investigated the stability of MIs relocated to another position in the same patient using the periotest and
torque device. Methods: Twenty-nine MIs were applied randomly to 1 side of the maxillary region, and torque
and periotest values were recorded. The patients were followed-up at 4-week intervals, and periotest
measurements were performed at each session. After recording the torque and periotest values in the fourth
session, the MIs were removed. After applying the appropriate sterilization procedure, the same MIs were
relocated to the contralateral side of the patients’ jaw, and distalization was achieved using a similar
procedure for the group of as-received MIs. Results: Negative correlations were obtained between the torque
meter and periotest data for both MI groups. We observed no significant effect of the MI group on periotest mea-
surements (P .0.05). The effect of the MI group on torque values and the interaction effect of the MI group and
torque values were not statistically significant (P .0.05). Conclusions: It is possible to achieve similar stability
values with as-received and retrieved MIs when appropriate cleaning and sterilization protocols are performed.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2022;162:689-94)

nchorage control has always been an important and anatomic structural differences between their loca-
factor for successful orthodontic treatment. tions. Moreover, MIs can lose their stability because of
Among the variety of skeletal anchorage systems changes in their surface properties owing to the tissue
that have been introduced in orthodontic practice over fluids and forces applied during orthodontic treat-
the last 2 decades, mini-implants (MIs) have become ment.4,5 By contrast, stability is an objective and
popular because of their lower cost, simpler placement measurable value that can be obtained via a variety of
with less traumatic surgery, and less discomfort for pa- devices and methods, including periotest,6 resonance
tients compared with other skeletal anchorage systems.1 frequency analysis,7 insertion and removal torque
The success rate of MIs and factors affecting their stabil- values,8 and the pullout strengths of MIs.9
ity have been studied extensively. The use of MIs in or- This study investigated the stability of MIs relocated
thodontics for enhancing anchorage has advanced in to another position in the same patient using the periot-
recent years with several applications, including the est and torque device. The null hypothesis of the study
retraction of anterior teeth, correction of open bites, was as follows: the stability data obtained from the as-
and distalization and intrusion of teeth.2,3 received mini-implant (AMI) and retrieved mini-
The stability of MIs depends on many factors, implant (RMI) implanted on the same patient did not
including surface properties of the metal, thread design, show any statistically significant difference.

Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ordu University, Ordu, MATERIAL AND METHODS
Private practice, Kocaeli, Turkey. The study was performed at Ordu University and
Private practice, _Izmir, Turkey approved by the clinical research ethics committee of
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. Ordu University (No. 2015/6). The study included pa-
This work was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Commission of Ordu tients with Class II malocclusion in which orthodontic
University (AR-1528).

treatment required maxillary first premolar teeth extrac-
Address correspondence to: Serkan Ozkan, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty
of Dentistry, Ordu University, Ordu 52200, Turkey; e-mail, dtserkanozkan@ tion. The treatment progress was assessed at 4-time in- tervals (T0-T3). For the possibility that canine retraction
Submitted, January 2021; revised and accepted, June 2021. could not be completed within this period, the
Ó 2022 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. anchorage requirement was planned to be moderate anchorage close to the maximum anchorage. Other
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inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) permanent denti- anesthesia was applied to retain the sensitivity of the
tion, (2) Class I skeletal relationship, (3) good oral hy- nerve fibers in the periodontal ligament. MIs were in-
giene, (4) no anomaly in the transverse direction, (5) serted in the interdental region between the maxillary
adequate overjet and overbite relationship to provide first molar and second premolar region (Fig 1, A) with
space for anterior incisor retraction, (6) no maxillary an approximate angle of 60 -70 to the bone surface
canine with supraposition or excessive rotation, and (7) in the vertical plane, and the primary stability (T0) was
no systemic disorder that contraindicated orthodontic measured 3 times, both horizontally and vertically,
treatment. with the periotest at an angle of approximately 15 -
For the power analysis, we assumed that the stability 20 to the horizontal plane of the mini-implant (Fig 1,
values at different times (T0, T1, T2, and T3) do not B). All MIs were inserted by the same surgeon to avoid
change depending on whether retrieved or as-received inter-surgeon variations.
MI is used. Hence, a 2 3 4 mixed model analysis of vari- After the insertion of AMIs, the distalization process
ance (ANOVA) was performed. In this analysis, a priori of the canine tooth was initiated using the segmental
power analysis was performed to calculate the minimum RCL canine retractor. Before the RCL retractors were
sample size required to detect medium-sized effects with placed, 45 antitip and 15 -20 antirotation bends
85% power. Power analyses were performed using G*Po- were incorporated into the sectional arch. The retractor
wer (version 3.1.3; Franz Faul, Christian-Albrechts- was activated approximately 2 mm to achieve 120-150
Universitat, Kiel, Germany). The sample size required g of retraction force (Fig 2, A). At each appointment,
to detect a medium-sized effect in the population with retraction forces were measured with a Correx gauge (Is-
85% power was 26, and approximately 89% power pringen, Germany).
was calculated using 29 patients included in the study. Retractors were reactivated at 4-week intervals, and
Bilateral extractions were not performed simulta- retraction was continued until the canines achieved a
neously, and extractions on the opposite side were Class I relationship.
delayed until the treatment on the first side was Patients were followed-up at 4-week intervals, the
completed. Considering the possibility of space loss, all retractors were removed, and periotest measurements
extractions were performed 1 week before MI insertion. of MIs were recorded 3 times horizontally and vertically
One week after tooth extraction, AMIs were randomly at each interval. Then, the same retractors were replaced.
applied to the right or left maxilla of the patients who At the end of the distalization process, the last periotest
met the inclusion criteria until a sample size of 29 pa- measurements were made (T3), and MIs were removed
tients was reached (mean age, 15.95 6 1.76 years; 8 using the torque meter and cleaned and sterilized.
males and 21 females). Fifty-eight sectional arches Regarding the cleaning process, MIs were first soaked
with reverse closing loop (RCL) bent using 0.016 3 in distilled water for 30 minutes in an ultrasonic cleaner
0.022-in stainless steel wire were prepared for the 29 pa- and washed for 5 seconds under the air-water spray to
tients. remove debris. The screw was then placed in 37% phos-
One AMI and 2 RMIs failed during the distalization phoric acid for 10 minutes and in sodium hypochlorite
process because of the patients’ lack of dental hygiene. for 30 min, washed with distilled water, dried using
Therefore, these patients were excluded from the study, the air water spray, and placed in sterilization packages.
and 3 new patients were included considering the RMIs were then sterilized in an autoclave at 121 C and
abovementioned inclusion criteria. 18 pounds per square inch pressure for 20 minutes.
The periotest instrument uses a percussion rod Sterilized RMIs were inserted in the contralateral side
controlled by a microcomputer. This rod impacts an ob- of the maxilla with the same previously described
ject 4 times per second for 4 seconds, for 16 percussions. method (Fig 2, B). The distalization process was
The more stable the object, the quicker the percussion continued until the Class I canine relationship was
rod decelerates and returns to the handpiece. The micro- confirmed using the same method as for AMIs. The
computer measures the time the rod requires to come in removal torque value was recorded with a torque meter.
contact with the object, and the shortest time indicates a
more stable object.10
MIs (Aarhus Anchorage System, Medicon eG, Tuttlin- Statistical analysis
gen, Germany) with a total length of 11.2 mm, a diam- Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
eter of 1.5 mm, and an endosseous threaded body part (version 20.0; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). To measure the
length of 8 mm were used in this study. Before inserting reliability of the measurements, 2-tailed Pearson corre-
MIs, the patients were instructed to rinse with a chlor- lation coefficients for the 3 measurements in each period
hexidine solution. Then, a light local infiltrative for AMI and RMI groups were examined separately for

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Fig 1. Measurement of MI stability with (A) torque meter and (B) periotest.

Fig 2. Clinical photographs of (A) AMI and (B) RMI with a canine retraction device.

the horizontal and vertical periotest measurements. Cor-

Table I. Minimum correlation values of 3 consecutive
relation between the torque meter and periotest was also
measurements performed by periotest in horizontal
evaluated using Pearson’s correlation coefficients for
and vertical directions for as-received MIs and
both AMI and RMIs. Repeated measures (2 3 4) ANOVA
retrieved mini-implants at 4 different times (T0, T1,
was performed to evaluate the interaction between the 2
T2, and T3)
MI groups and time. Statistical significance was defined
at P \0.05. Time AMI-horizontal RMI-horizontal AMI-vertical RMI-vertical
T0 0.982* 0.978* 0.990* 0.990*
RESULTS T1 0.927* 0.998* 0.980* 0.991*
T2 0.992* 0.993* 0.995* 0.864*
Correlation analysis between the 3 measurements T3 0.994* 0.993* 0.987* 0.991*
taken vertically and horizontally for both AMI and
*P \0.001, 2-tailed.
RMIs showed a strong and significant correlation
between the 2 measurements performed at the same
period for each group (rmin 5 0.864) (Table I). Negative
Table II. Correlations between periotest and torque
correlations were observed between the torque meter
and periotest data for both AMI and RMI groups meter values
(rmin 5 0.126), excluding the measurements during AMI RMI
removal for the AMI group (rmin 5 0.036) (Table II).
Correlations Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
ANOVA analysis for both horizontal and vertical peri-
Ti-Pi 0.625** 0.137* 0.326* 0.282*
otest measurements revealed no significant effect of Tr-Pr 0.042* 0.036* 0.126* 0.227*
MI group on periotest measurements (horizontal:
Pi, periotest, MI insertion value; Pr, periotest, MI removal value; Ti,
F [1, 28] 5 1.73, P .0.05, hp2 5 0.058; vertical: torque meter, MI insertion value; Tr, torque meter, MI removal value.
F [1, 28] 5 2.75, P .0.05, hp2 5 0.089), whereas differ- *P .0.05, 2-tailed; **P \0.01, 2-tailed.
ence in the main effect of time was statistically signifi-
cant (horizontal: F [2.37, 66.43] 5 135.66, P \0.001,
hp2 5 0.829; vertical: F [2.09, 58.56] 5 56.18, (horizontal: F [3, 84] 5 1.43, P .0.05, hp2 5 0.048; ver-
P \0.001, hp2 5 0.667). The interaction effect of MI tical: F [2.15, 60.23] 5 1.61, P .0.05, hp2 5 0.054)
group and time variables was not statistically significant (Table III). Moreover, the effect of MI group on torque

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Table III. Effect of MI group (as-received MIs and retrieved MIs) and measurement time intervals on the periotest and
torque meter values
ANOVA Pairwise Comparisons

Variables df F hp2 P value T0-T1 T0-T2 T0-T3 T1-T2 T1-T3 T2-T3

Horizontal Periotest
MI 1 1.737 0.058 0.198 0.000* 0.000* 0.000* 1 0.813 1
Time 3 135.664 0.829 0.000*
MI 3 time 3 1.427 0.048 0.241
Vertical Periotest
MI 1 2.745 0.089 0.109 0.000* 0.000* 0.000* 0.96 0.54 1
Time 3 56.178 0.667 0.000*
MI 3 time 3 1.610 0.054 0.207
Torque meter
MI 1 0.014 0.000 0.908
Time 1 207.629 0.881 0.000*
MI 3 time 1 0.895 0.031 0.352
Df, degrees of freedom.
*P \0.001.

values and the interaction effect of MI group and torque sterilization. During the sterilization phase, microorgan-
values were not statistically significant (F [1, 28] 5 0.14, isms, including bacteria, spores, and fungi, are elimi-
P .0.05, hp2 \0.001; F [1, 28] 5 0.90, P .0.05, nated, their growth is prevented, and protein residues
hp2 5 0.054 respectively), whereas difference in are denatured to reduce allergenic risk.11 Methods that
the main effect of time was statistically significant can be used for sterilization include autoclaving, gamma
(F [1, 28] 5 207.63, P \0.001, hp2 5 0.881) (Table III). irradiation, oxygen plasma therapy, and ultraviolet radi-
ation. Autoclave sterilization is a method that is
routinely performed in orthodontic applications and
DISCUSSION provides acceptable histologic results for MI reimplanta-
The widespread use of MIs has effectively prevented tion.17 The second method was defined by Noorollahian
anchorage loss in patients in which anchorage is of crit- et al,11 and it involves placing MIs in 37% phosphoric
ical importance. As mentioned previously, it may be acid for 10 minutes and subsequently in a sodium hypo-
necessary to change the location of MI in some patients chlorite solution for 30 minutes. They stated that low pH
during treatment. The possibility of reusing MIs reduces phosphoric acid (2.25-3.05) could remove the mineral
treatment costs and increases the number of applica- component of residual bone debris,18 whereas sodium
tions of the miniscrews quantity per treatment.11 hypochlorite can dissolve organic components.19 Their
Mothobela et al12 showed that the failure rate and study also showed that this method does not cause
high cost of MIs are deterrent factors. any side effects that affect mechanical properties, such
Currently, the results of sterilizing and reusing some as insertion and removal torque, fracture resistance,
medical devices have been investigated in several and the residual residue amount. Therefore, our study
studies, particularly in the medical field.13-16 Schwartz used this protocol after mechanical ultrasonic cleaning
et al15 investigated the results of sterilizing and reusing was applied.
implant heads on a different patient and reported no One of the unfortunate reasons for MI failure is an MI
clinical difference, although there were changes in the fracture during insertion or removal. Mattos et al20
surface properties. Kirkpatrick et al13 and Selvaraj found a statistically significant decrease in the fracture
et al16 reported that reusing pacemakers and defibrilla- torque values of RMIs and did not recommend reusing
tors are safe and feasible, particularly in low-middle- MIs, although the fracture torque values were greater
income countries, when adhering to certain sterilization than the insertion torque values specified by Motoyoshi
procedures. et al.21 By contrast, Noorollahian et al11 and Estelita
A review of the literature records 2 successful et al22 found no difference between AMI and RMIs. In
methods to remove microorganisms, body fluids, and re- parallel, Hergel et al,23 who conducted their study on
sidual surface debris from possible partial osseointegra- artificial bones, stated that despite the wear and atrophy
tion after the original use of miniscrews and subsequent observed on RMIs, no significant change was found in
reinsertion of MIs. The first method is autoclave overall primary stability and fracture torque resistance

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after the second insertion. In this study, the insertion correlation between insertion torque and periotest
torque values (15.09 6 1.04 Ncm) were well below the values in their study. The negative correlation between
fracture torque values (36.82 6 7.41 Ncm) specified by the insertion torque and periotest values could be ex-
Mattos et al,20 and no MI was fractured during the inser- plained by the fact that low periotest values indicate
tion. high implant stability.26 Although the correlation be-
Primary stability is mainly affected by the MI design, tween the insertion torque and periotest values was
cortical bone thickness, and placement angle.24 Studies examined in these studies, the correlation of the vertical
have used periotest, resonance frequency analysis, inser- and horizontal measurements of both insertion and
tion and removal torque measurements, and tensile removal torque values was also investigated in the pre-
strength tests to evaluate primary stability.6-9 Insertion sent study. Considering the insertion torque values in
and removal torque and tensile strength tests are the our study, horizontal periotest measurements had a sig-
most common methods for evaluating primary nificant negative correlation with AMIs, supporting the
stability.24,25 Good quality and thickness of cortical previous studies, whereas they showed a marginally sig-
bone and torque values within the optimal range in- nificant (values between 0.05 and 0.1 can be considered
crease MI stability.8,21 In a study by Watanabe et al,26 marginally significant) negative correlation with RMIs
the periotest was proposed to assess the suitability of (r 5 0.33, P 5 0.085). Although there was a negative
the cortical bone thickness. This alternative would correlation in vertical measurements, no statistical sig-
reduce or eliminate the exposure to radiation associated nificance was found.
with cone-beam computed tomography. In addition, a
significant correlation was found between these 2 CONCLUSIONS
variables and the periotest in the same study. When
cone-beam computed tomography results were absent, 1. Because there was no statistically significant differ-
periotest values were an important index in predicting ence between the 2 MI groups, the null hypothesis
the prognosis of MI insertion. In addition to measuring was accepted.
the torque values, pullout testing25 could not be used 2. Similar stability values with AMIs and RMIs can be
in our current study as it can only be applied to labora- achieved when appropriate cleaning and steriliza-
tory studies. tion protocols are applied.
In this study, in addition to the differences between 3. It is clinically possible to achieve a similar perfor-
AMI and RMIs in terms of stability, the consistency of 2 mance between AMIs and MIs applied for the
different stability evaluation methods, torque meters second time on the same patient.
and periotest, was compared. In this context, the con-
sistency and measurement error of periotest was AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
examined with repeated periotest measurements taken €
Serkan Ozkan contributed to methodology and orig-
from AMI and RMIs in both horizontal and vertical di-
inal draft preparation, S€ uleyman Kutalmış B€ uy€uk
rections. Manz et al27 made 3 measurements from
contributed to data curation and conceptualization,
each sample in their in vitro study in which they inves-
tigated the reliability of the periotest device and eval- Fırat G€ok contributed to investigation and resources,
and Yasin Atakan Benkli contributed to formal analysis.
uated the consistency among the measured values.
They stated that the periotest system is highly repro-
ducible for both intra-researcher and inter-
researchers. Crum et al28 investigated the reliability This work was supported by the Scientific Research
of wired and wireless periotest devices in vitro; they Projects Commission of Ordu University (AR-1528). We
measured 3 times for each sample and stated that thank Bircan Bektaş for her valuable contributions in
both wired and wireless periotest devices gave reliable the sterilization stage of mini-implants.
and meaningful results while evaluating the bone-
implant surface. In our study, the correlation of the REFERENCES
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November 2022  Vol 162  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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